USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Saratoga County (1,607) > Ballston Spa (109)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Ballston Spa are also found through the Saratoga County and New York pages.
Cemetery Records | Church Records | City Directories | Death Records | Histories and Genealogies | Map Records | Marriage Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | School Records |
Ballston Spa Village Cemetery Find a Grave
Ballston Spa Village Cemetery Interment
Ballston Spa Village Cemetery New York Gravestones
Ballston Spa Village Cemetery Billion Graves
Briggs Cemetery Billion Graves
Briggs Cemetery Find a Grave
Crapo Cemetery Find a Grave
Dunning Street Cemetery Billion Graves
Hubbell Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Mary Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint Marys Cemetery Find a Grave
South Milton Cemetery Find a Grave
South Milton Cemetery New York Gravestones
Christ Church (Episcopal) of Ballston Spa Records 1793-1853, Baptisms US Gen Web
Christ Church (Episcopal) of Ballston Spa Records 1793-1853, Communicants US Gen Web
Church records, 1793-1915 (Christ Church (Ballston Spa, New York : Protestant Episcopal)) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1863-1996 (United Methodist Church (Ballston Spa, New York)) FamilySearch Library
Minutes of the board of trustees (United Methodist Church (Ballston Spa, New York)) FamilySearch Library
Records of Christ Church (Episcopal) at Ballston Spa, New York, 1793- 1915 FamilySearch Library
Records of the quarterly conference, 1841-1871 (United Methodist Church (Ballston Spa, New York)) FamilySearch Library
Records of the quarterly conference, 1841-1871 (United Methodist Church (Ballston Spa, New York)) FamilySearch Library
Ballston Spa City Directory 1954 MyHeritage
Ballston Spa, NY 1915-1930 City Directories Allen County Public Library
Ballston Spa, NY, City Directory, 1893/94, 1896/97, 1889/90, 1901/02, 1903, 1907, 1911, 1913-1916, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1930, 1934, 1936, 1938 New York State Library
Ballston Spa, NY, Telephone Books, 1940/41 New York State Library
Ballston Spa, New York Directory, 1924 Ancestry
Ballston Spa, New York Directory, 1924 Ancestry
Ballston Spa, New York, City Directory, 1916 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Ballston Spa, New York, City Directory, 1918 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Mechanicville and Ballston Spa (New York) city directories FamilySearch Library
Saratoga Springs (New York) city directories FamilySearch Library
A geography of Saratoga County : state of New York FamilySearch Library
Centennial history of the village of Ballston Spa : including the towns of Ballston and Milton Ancestry
Centennial history of the village of Ballston Spa : including the towns of Ballston and Milton FamilySearch Library
Centennial history of the village of Ballston Spa including the towns of Ballston and Milton by Edward F. Grose : index of names & places FamilySearch Library
Records of Ballston Spa, Saratoga County FamilySearch Library
Ballston Spa 189x Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works
Ballston Spa 189x Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage
Map of Ballston Spa, N.Y., 1890 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York, 1904 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York, 1911 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York, May 1887 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York, May 1897 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York, September 1892 Library of Congress
Ballston Daily Journal (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1871) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1871-1871 New York State Library
Ballston Daily Journal (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1894) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1894-1911 New York State Library
Ballston Democrat (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1845) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1845-1853 New York State Library
Ballston Democrat (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1865) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1865-1889 New York State Library
Ballston Democratic Whig Journal. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1847-1856 New York State Library
Ballston Journal (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1856) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1856-1913 New York State Library
Ballston Journal (Ballston Spa, N.Y. : 1952) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1952-1990 New York State Library
Ballston Register Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1866-1867 New York State Library
Ballston Spa Daily Journal. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1910-1939 New York State Library
Ballston Spa Gazette 10/17/1821 to 10/04/1825 Genealogy Bank
Ballston Spa Gazette and Saratoga Farmer. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1821-1822 New York State Library
Ballston Spa Gazette. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1822-1847 New York State Library
Ballston Spa Journal. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1939-1952 New York State Library
Ballston Spa NY Daily Journal 1913-1987 Fulton History
Independent American (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1808-1818 New York State Library
Independent American 09/27/1808 to 05/06/1818 Genealogy Bank
Latham-Colonie Journal. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1975-1975 New York State Library
People's Watch-Tower 05/13/1818 to 04/05/1820 Genealogy Bank
Rural Visiter, and Saratoga Advertiser 05/05/1812 to 06/23/1812 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Advertiser 11/12/1804 to 03/10/1812 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Courier 12/06/1815 to 10/15/1817 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Courier. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1815-1817 New York State Library
Saratoga Farmer 01/17/1821 to 02/07/1821 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Journal 02/01/1814 to 06/11/1817 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Patriot 08/19/1812 to 12/28/1813 Genealogy Bank
Saratoga Patriot. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1812-1814 New York State Library
Saratoga Register, or, Farmer's Journal 09/05/1798 to 11/21/1798 Genealogy Bank
Temperance Helper. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1855-1855 New York State Library
The People's Watch-Tower. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1818-1820 New York State Library
The Rural Visiter [Sic] and Saratoga Advertiser. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1812-1812 New York State Library
The Saratoga Farmer. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1820-1821 New York State Library
The Saratoga Register, Or, Farmer's Journal. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1798-1800 New York State Library
The Saratoga Register. Ballston Spa, Saratoga County : 1800-1800 New York State Library
Offline Newspapers for Ballston SpaAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Advertiser. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1810-1811 Aurora Borealis ; And, Saratoga Advertiser. (Ballston-Spa [N.Y.]) 1809-1810 Ballston Democrat. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1845-1853 Ballston Democrat. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1865-1889 Ballston Democratic Whig Journal. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1847-1856 Ballston Journal. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1856-1913 Ballston Spa Gazette [Microform]. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1822-1847 Ballston Spa Gazette and Saratoga Farmer [Microform]. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1821-1822 Ballston Spa Gazette and Saratoga Farmer. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1821-1822 Ballston Spa Gazette. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1822-1847 Independent American. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1808-1818 People's Watch-Tower. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1818-1820 Saratoga Advertiser. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1804-1809 Saratoga Advertiser. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1811-1812 Saratoga Farmer. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1820-1821 Saratoga Journal. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1814-1818 Saratoga Patriot. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1812-1814 Saratoga Register, Or, Farmer's Journal. (Ballston Spa [N.Y.]) 1798-1800 Saratoga Republican. (Ballston-Spa [N.Y.]) 1818-1823 Saratoga and Schenectady Standard. (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) 1831-1833 |
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