USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Albany County (2,129) > Knox (27)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Knox are also found through the Albany County and New York pages.
Barckley Family Burial Ground Find a Grave
Barent Lewis Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Brunk Farm? Burials Find a Grave
Christopher Keenholts Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Cornell Family Burying Ground Find a Grave
Finch Family Burying Ground Find a Grave
Frink Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Jacob Eldridge Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Knox Cemetery Billion Graves
Knox Cemetery New York Gravestones
Knox Cemetery Find a Grave
Lee Church Find a Grave
Old Knox Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Knox Cemetery New York Gravestones
Private burial grounds : Bozenkill Road, P.O. address, R.D. 1, Altamont, Town of Knox FamilySearch Library
Quackenbush Farm Graveyard Find a Grave
Records from cemetery near Knox Village, Albany County FamilySearch Library
Saddlemire Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Snyder Cemetery Find a Grave
Snyder Cemetery New York Gravestones
Wilber Farm Burying Ground Find a Grave
Williamson Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Wolford Family Burying Ground Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Knox, New York LDS Genealogy
Record of baptisms and marriages, St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Guilderland, New York, 1784-1873 FamilySearch Library
Knox, New York, 1822-1972 sesquicentennial [index] FamilySearch Library
Record of baptisms and marriages, St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Guilderland, New York, 1784-1873 FamilySearch Library
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