Lenox Genealogy (in Madison County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Madison County (1,192) > Lenox (33)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Lenox are also found through the Madison County and New York pages.

Lenox Birth Records

Record of births, marriages, and deaths in the town of Lenox, County of Madison, State of New York ... 1849 FamilySearch Library

Vital records of the town of Lenox, Madison County, N.Y., 1848-1849 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Cemetery Records

Allis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Allis Cemetery Billion Graves online

John Taft Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Klock Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lenox Rural Cemetery A Bit of the Past Madison County online

Lenox Rural Cemetery Billion Graves online

Lenox Rural Cemetery New York Gravestones online

Lenox Rural Cemetery Find a Grave online

Oneida Lake Cemetery Billion Graves online

Oneida Lake Cemetery Interment online

Oneida Lake Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Oneida Valley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Oneida Valley Cemetery Billion Graves online

Owen Cemetery Find a Grave online

Owen Cemetery Billion Graves online

Walker's Corners Cemetery Find a Grave online

Walker's Corners Cemetery Billion Graves online

Walnut Grove Cemetery A Bit of the Past Madison County online

Whitelaw Cemetery Find a Grave online

Whitelaw Cemetery Billion Graves online

Lenox Church Records

Records, 1829-1852, Baptist Society of Lenox (N.Y.). Archive Grid

Union Congregational Church (Lenox and Sullivan, N.Y.) Records 1814-1837 Archive Grid

Lenox City Directories

Canastota, NY, Directory (in Lenox) 1917 A Bit of the Past Madison County online

Lenox Death Records

Record of births, marriages, and deaths in the town of Lenox, County of Madison, State of New York ... 1849 FamilySearch Library

Vital records of the town of Lenox, Madison County, N.Y., 1848-1849 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Histories and Genealogies

Brief History of Lenox A Bit of the Past Madison County online

List of Early Settlers of Lenox A Bit of the Past Madison County online

Lenox Marriage Records

Record of births, marriages, and deaths in the town of Lenox, County of Madison, State of New York ... 1849 FamilySearch Library

Vital records of the town of Lenox, Madison County, N.Y., 1848-1849 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Miscellaneous Records

List of members of Lenox (New York) Lodge no. 281, 1917-1925 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Tax Records

Tax Assessment Roll for Lenox 1835-7 A Bit of the Past Madison County online

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