Minden Genealogy (in Montgomery County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Montgomery County (1,165) > Minden (38)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Minden are also found through the Montgomery County and New York pages.

Minden Birth Records

Birth Records, 1847 - 1848 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Church Records - Other, 1793-1971, Fly Creek Universalist Church, Oswego Congregational Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Maryland, Otsego County, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Minden, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Fonda, Second Congregational Church, Verona, Worcester Lutheran Church, Cooperstown Council of Churches Archive Grid

Lutheran Saint Pauls Church, Minden Township, Montgomery, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1793-1845 FamilySearch Library

Minden Cemetery Records

Cemeteries in Towns of Minden and Canajorie FamilySearch Library

Cox Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

D C Flint Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dillenback-Moyer Farm Find a Grave online

Eisenlord Family Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Fords Bush Cemetery Find a Grave online

Geisenberg Cemetery Find a Grave online

Henry Sitts Family Graveyard Find a Grave online

Kneeskern Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mindenville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rural cemeteries in the Town of Minden, Montgomery County FamilySearch Library

Sanders Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sanders Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Zoller Family Farm Find a Grave online

Minden Census Records

1825 census records of Minden Township, Montgomery County, New York FamilySearch Library

New York State Census Index and Images, 1825 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Minden Church Records

Baptism record of St Paul's Lutheran Church, Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y. : also known as The Geisenberg Church, 1793-1836 FamilySearch Library

Church Records - Other, 1793-1971, Fly Creek Universalist Church, Oswego Congregational Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Maryland, Otsego County, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Minden, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Fonda, Second Congregational Church, Verona, Worcester Lutheran Church, Cooperstown Council of Churches Archive Grid

Church records of Minden District : comprising the churches of Fordsbush, Danube, and Newville (Lutheran Churches FamilySearch Library

Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y. : known as the Freys Bush Church FamilySearch Library

Frey's Bush Methodist Church town of Minden and Nelliston Methodist Episcopal Church town of Palatine, both Montgomery County, New York : Frey's Bush records 1869-1906, Nelliston records 1895-1911 Archive Grid

Frey's Bush Methodist Church, Town of Minden, and Nelliston Methodist Episcopal Church, Town of Palatine : both Montgomery County, New York FamilySearch Library

Index of records, St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Minden : known as the Geisenburg Church, v. 1 Book 168A FamilySearch Library

Lutheran Saint Pauls Church, Minden Township, Montgomery, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1793-1845 FamilySearch Library

Records of the German Reformed Church in Fort Plain, 1788-1851 (Fort Plain Church (Minden, New York : German Reformed)) FamilySearch Library

Records of the Lutheran St. Paul's Church in the town of Minden : otherwise known as the Geisenberg Church formerly at Hallsville, in the town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y. WorldCat

Records of the Lutheran St. Paul's Church in the town of Minden, otherwise known as the Geisenberg Church ... 1793-1845 FamilySearch Library

Records of the Lutheran St. Paul's Church in the town of Minden, otherwise known as the Geisenberg Church formerly at Hallsville, in the town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y. WorldCat

Records of the Reformed Church of Fort Plain in the town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y. : 1835-1950 Archive Grid

Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Fort Plain in the town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y., formerly known as the Reformed Calvinist Church of Canajohary WorldCat

Transcriptions of Fort Plain German Reformed Church records, 1788-1851 FamilySearch Library

Minden Marriage Records

Church Records - Other, 1793-1971, Fly Creek Universalist Church, Oswego Congregational Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Maryland, Otsego County, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Minden, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Fonda, Second Congregational Church, Verona, Worcester Lutheran Church, Cooperstown Council of Churches Archive Grid

Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Fort Plain in the town of Minden, Montgomery County, N.Y., formerly known as the Reformed Calvinist Church of Canajohary WorldCat

Minden Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Minden

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Fort Plain Watch Tower. (Minden (Fort-Plain Village, Montgomery County, N.Y.)) 1827-1830

Minden Tax Records

Minden Tax List, 1799 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

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