Newtown Genealogy (in Queens County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Queens County (1,299) > Newtown (36)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Newtown are also found through the Queens County and New York pages.

Newtown Cemetery Records

Betts Burying Ground I Dream of Genealogy online

Betts Burying Ground Long Island Genealogy online

Burroughs Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Cumberson Burying Ground I Dream of Genealogy online

Cumberson Burying Ground Long Island Genealogy online

Folk/Henderson Cemetery I Dream of Genealogy online

Hoffman Blvd. Cemetery I Dream of Genealogy online

Leverich Family Burial Ground Long Island Genealogy online

Old Newtown Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Penny Bridge Road Cemetery US Gen Web online

Penny Bridge Road Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Newtown Church Records

Antiquities of the parish church, Jamaica (including Newtown and Flushing) : illustrated from letters of the missionaries Ancestry online

Baptismal record of the Reformed Dutch Church at Newtown, Long Island, New York, 1736 to 1846. Marriages by Rev. Garretson at Newtown from 1835 to 1846 LDS Genealogy online

Baptismal record of the Reformed Dutch Church at Newtown, Long Island, New York, 1736 to 1846. Marriages by Rev. Garretson at Newtown from 1835 to 1846 Internet Archive online

History of the First Presbyterian Church : Newtown, L.I., 1652-1902 Ancestry online

Newtown, Long Island, N.Y. : Presbyterian Church records Archive Grid

Records of the Presbyterian Church of Newtown 1709-1881 (includes baptisms, marriages, and deaths) Long Island Genealogy online

Newtown Court Records

Minutes of the town courts of Newtown : 1656-1690 Ancestry online

Newtown Death Records

Records of the Presbyterian Church of Newtown 1709-1881 (includes baptisms, marriages, and deaths) Long Island Genealogy online

Newtown Histories and Genealogies

The Annals of Newtown, In Queens County, New York, 1852 (included in U.S. County and Regional Histories and Atlases collection) Ancestry online

The annals of Newtown in Queens County, New-York : containing its history from its first settlement Ancestry online

The annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New York : containing its history from its first settlement, together with many interesting facts concerning the adjacent towns; also, a particular account of numerous Long Island families now spread ove Genealogy Gophers online

The annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New York; containing its history from its first settlement, together with many interesting facts concerning the adjacent towns; LDS Genealogy online

The annals of Newtown, in Queens County, New York; containing its history from its first settlement, together with many interesting facts concerning the adjacent towns; Internet Archive online

Newtown Map Records

Map of the town of Newtown, Queens Co., N.Y., 1896 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newtown, Queens County, New York, April 1893 Library of Congress online

Newtown Marriage Records

Baptismal record of the Reformed Dutch Church at Newtown, Long Island, New York, 1736 to 1846. Marriages by Rev. Garretson at Newtown from 1835 to 1846 LDS Genealogy online

Baptismal record of the Reformed Dutch Church at Newtown, Long Island, New York, 1736 to 1846. Marriages by Rev. Garretson at Newtown from 1835 to 1846 Internet Archive online

Records of the Presbyterian Church of Newtown 1709-1881 (includes baptisms, marriages, and deaths) Long Island Genealogy online

Newtown Miscellaneous Records

Poll list, 1879, Newtown (Queens County, N.Y.). Archive Grid

Town minutes of Newtown Ancestry online

Newtown Newspapers and Obituaries

Newtown NY Register 1873-1932 Fulton History online

Newtown Register (Newtown, N.Y.) Newtown, Queens County : 1873-1935 New York State Library

Offline Newspapers for Newtown

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Long Island Journal Und Volks-Blatt. (Newtown [I.E. Elmhurst], N.Y.) 1874-1914

Newtown Register. (Newtown, L.I. [N.Y.]) 1873-1935

Tioga Register. (Newtown, N.Y.) 1824-1828

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