Ontario County NY Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Ontario County (1,123) > Ontario County County Newspapers and Obituaries (194)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > New York Newspapers and Obituaries (11,727) > Ontario County Newspapers and Obituaries (194)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Ontario County are also on the New York Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Canandaigua Clifton Springs East Bloomfield Geneva Honeoye Naples Phelps Shortsville Victor

Ontario County Newspapers and Obituaries

Newspapers.com Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online

Newspapers.com Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Canandaigua Newspapers and Obituaries

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Canandaigua NY Ontario Repository 1817-1826 Fulton History online

Canandaigua NY Ontario Repository and Messenger 1840-1907 Fulton History online

Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, N.Y.) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1922-1922 New York State Library

Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, New York) (selections from 1922-41, 1944, and 1946-1977) Ancestry online

Daily Messenger 08/26/2000 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Daily Messenger 1922-1977 Newspapers.com online

Daily Messenger: Web Edition Articles 04/06/2017 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Ontario County Journal. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1874-1930 New York State Library

Ontario County Times (Canandaigua, N.Y. : 1852) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1852-1855 New York State Library

Ontario County Times (Canandaigua, N.Y. : 1863) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1863-1930 New York State Library

Ontario Independent. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1882-1884 New York State Library

Ontario Messenger 11/25/1806 to 10/20/1818 Genealogy Bank online

Ontario Messenger and Repository. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1906-1907 New York State Library

Ontario Messenger. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1810-1856 New York State Library

Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, N.Y. : 1809) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1809-1811 New York State Library

Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, N.Y. : 1813) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1813-1836 New York State Library

Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, N.Y. : 1840) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1840-1862 New York State Library

Ontario Repository 10/31/1809 to 08/27/1827 Genealogy Bank online

Ontario Repository and Freeman. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1836-1839 New York State Library

Ontario Repository, and Western Advertiser. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1811-1813 New York State Library

Ontario Republican Times. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1856-1863 New York State Library

Ontario repository and freeman. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1836-12-14 to 1837-06-14 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Ontario repository. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1809-04-25 to 1826-03-29 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Ontario repository. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1824-07-21 to 1829-12-09 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Ontario County Times-Journal. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1930-1976 New York State Library

The Ontario Repository and Messenger. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1862-1906 New York State Library

The Ontario Weekly Messenger. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1857-1862 New York State Library

Western Repository & Genesee Advertiser. Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1803-1803 New York State Library

Western Repository (Canandaigua, N.Y.) Canandaigua, Ontario County : 1803-1809 New York State Library

Western Repository 11/01/1803 to 12/08/1807 Genealogy Bank online

Western repository. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1803-05-03 to 1805-04-16 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Clifton Springs Newspapers and Obituaries

Geneva Newspapers and Obituaries

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Expositor (Geneva, N.Y.) Geneva, Ontario County : 1806-1809 New York State Library

Finger Lakes Times. Geneva, Ontario County : 1977-1977 New York State Library

Geneva Advertiser (Geneva, N.Y. : 1841) Geneva, Ontario County : 1841-1842 New York State Library

Geneva Advertiser (Geneva, N.Y. : 1880) Geneva, Ontario County : 1880-1902 New York State Library

Geneva Advertiser-Gazette. Geneva, Ontario County : 1902-1917 New York State Library

Geneva Courier (Geneva, N.Y. : 1831) Geneva, Ontario County : 1831-1904 New York State Library

Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, N.Y. : 1895) Geneva, Ontario County : 1895-1904 New York State Library

Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, N.Y. : 1911) Geneva, Ontario County : 1911-1955 New York State Library

Geneva Daily Times and Courier. Geneva, Ontario County : 1904-1910 New York State Library

Geneva Daily Times and Geneva News. Geneva, Ontario County : 1910-1911 New York State Library

Geneva Gazette (Geneva, N.Y. : 1809) Geneva, Ontario County : 1809-1825 New York State Library

Geneva Gazette (Geneva, N.Y. : 1833) Geneva, Ontario County : 1833-1839 New York State Library

Geneva Gazette (Geneva, N.Y. : 1845) Geneva, Ontario County : 1845-1901 New York State Library

Geneva Gazette 06/27/1810 to 10/11/1820 Genealogy Bank online

Geneva Gazette 1809-1827 vital records (included in 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850) Ancestry online

Geneva Gazette 1830-1849 vital records ( included in 10,000 Vital Records of Central New York, 1813-1850) Ancestry online

Geneva Gazette, 1809-1839, 1846-1849, 1866-1869, 1874-1881, 1886-1897 Google News Archive online

Geneva NY Advertiser 1841-1904 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Courier 1831-1883 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Daily Times 1895-1978 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Expositer 1806-1809 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Finger Lake Times 1977-1988 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Gazette 1824-1914 Fulton History online

Geneva NY Palladium 1825-1828 Fulton History online

Geneva Palladium 01/10/1816 to 04/30/1828 Genealogy Bank online

Geneva Palladium. Geneva, Ontario County : 1816-1828 New York State Library

Geneva Times (Geneva, N.Y. : 1955) Geneva, Ontario County : 1955-1977 New York State Library

Geneva advertiser-gazette. Geneva, N.Y. 1902-03-18 to 1914-12-31 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva advertiser. Geneva, N.Y. 1841-12-22 to 1842-12-16 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva advertiser. Geneva, N.Y. 1880-12-21 to 1902-03-11 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva courier. Geneva, N.Y. 1831-01-12 to 1903-10-17 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva daily gazette. Geneva, N.Y. 1846-01-23 to 1901-07-26 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva daily times. Geneva, N.Y. 1895-05-28 to 1904-05-05 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva daily times. Geneva, N.Y. 1920-02-06 to 1928-05-09 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Geneva palladium. Geneva, N.Y. 1821-01-03 to 1828-05-14 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Hobart herald. Geneva, N.Y. 1879-03-01 to 1942-04-16 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Index To the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York 1806-1829 FamilySearch Library

The Geneva Gazette, and General Advertiser. Geneva, Ontario County : 1825-1829 New York State Library

The Geneva Gazette, and Mercantile Advertiser. Geneva, Ontario County : 1829-1833 New York State Library

The Geneva gazette, and general advertiser. Geneva, N.Y. 1825-09-14 to 1829-07-01 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Geneva gazette, and mercantile advertiser. Geneva, N.Y. 1829-07-08 to 1833-06-12 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Geneva gazette. Geneva, N.Y. 1809-06-21 to 1825-05-11 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Geneva gazette. Geneva, N.Y. 1833-06-19 to 1839-09-13 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The expositor. Geneva, N.Y. 1806-11-19 to 1809-06-14 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The herald. Geneva, N.Y. 1942-04-23 to 2015-04-17 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Naples Newspapers and Obituaries

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Family Visitor 1842-1842 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Church Union 1891-1891 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Daily Record 1875-1875 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Free Press 1833-1833 Pioneer Library System online

Naples NY Neopolitan 1840-1887 Fulton History online

Naples NY News 1898-1943 Fulton History online

Naples NY Record 1870-1960 Fulton History online

Naples News 1898-1943 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Record 1870-1960 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Weekly Express 1860-1860 Pioneer Library System online

Naples Weekly Journal 1853-1853 Pioneer Library System online

Naples record. Naples, N.Y. 1923-01-03 to 1960-07-06 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Neapolitan 1840-1884 Pioneer Library System online

Neapolitan Record 1885-1887 Pioneer Library System online

Neapolitan record. Naples, N.Y. 1885-01-07 to 1887-09-28 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Naples news. Naples, N.Y. 1898-12-15 to 1943-04-28 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Neapolitan. Naples, N.Y. 1840-05-27 to 1884-02-06 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Union School Journal 1883-1883 Pioneer Library System online

Phelps Newspapers and Obituaries

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Ontario Free Press. Phelps, Ontario County : 1855-1858 New York State Library

Phelps Citizen 1877-1955 Pioneer Library System online

Phelps Citizen Echo 1943-1949 Pioneer Library System online

Phelps Citizen Echo and Clifton Springs Review 1949-1951 Pioneer Library System online

Phelps Country Editor 1963-1966 Pioneer Library System online

Phelps NY Citizen 1877-1955 Fulton History online

Phelps NY Country Editor 1963-1966 Fulton History online

Phelps citizen-echo and Clifton Springs review. Phelps, N.Y. 1949-10-20 to 1951-12-27 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Phelps citizen. Phelps, N.Y. 1953-03-06 to 1955-10-28 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Phelps country editor. Phelps, N.Y. 1963-11-07 to 1966-12-30 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Phelps New Democratic Star. Phelps, Ontario County : 1858-1862 New York State Library

The Phelps citizen-echo. Phelps, N.Y. 1945-10-18 to 1949-10-13 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Phelps citizen. Phelps, N.Y. 1877-08-03 to 1934-12-27 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Shortsville Newspapers and Obituaries

Victor Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Ontario County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Canandaigua: Genesee Messenger. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1806-1810

Canandaigua: Ontario County Chronicle. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1900-1905

Canandaigua: Ontario County Journal. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1874-1930

Canandaigua: Ontario County Times-Journal. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1930-1976

Canandaigua: Ontario County Times. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1852-1855

Canandaigua: Ontario County Times. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1863-1930

Canandaigua: Ontario Freeman. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1803-1806

Canandaigua: Ontario Freeman. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1823-1828

Canandaigua: Ontario Freeman. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1832-1836

Canandaigua: Ontario Gazette & Genesee Advertiser. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1800-1803

Canandaigua: Ontario Messenger. (Canandaigua [N.Y.]) 1810-1856

Canandaigua: Ontario Phoenix. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1828-1832

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository and Freeman. (Canandaigua [N.Y.]) 1836-1839

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository and Messenger. (Canandaigua, N.Y) 1862-1906

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository, and Western Advertiser. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1811-1813

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1809-1811

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1813-1836

Canandaigua: Ontario Repository. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1840-1862

Canandaigua: Ontario Republican Times. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1856-1863

Canandaigua: Ontario Times. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1855-1856

Canandaigua: Ontario Weekly Messenger. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1857-1862

Canandaigua: Western Repository. (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 1803-1809

Clifton Springs: Clifton Springs Press. (Clifton Springs, N.Y.) 1877-1947

Clifton Springs: Clifton Springs Review. (Clifton Springs, N.Y.) 1948-1949

East Bloomfield: East Bloomfield Review. (East Bloomfield, N.Y.) 1942-1945

Geneva: Expositor. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1806-1809

Geneva: Finger Lakes Times. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1977-Current

Geneva: Geneva Advertiser-Gazette. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1902-1917

Geneva: Geneva Advertiser. (Geneva [N.Y.]) 1841-1842

Geneva: Geneva Advertiser. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1880-1902

Geneva: Geneva Courier. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1831-1904

Geneva: Geneva Daily News. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1895-1904

Geneva: Geneva Daily News. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1917-1918

Geneva: Geneva Daily Times and Courier. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1904-1910

Geneva: Geneva Daily Times. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1895-1904

Geneva: Geneva Daily Times. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1911-1955

Geneva: Geneva Gazette, and General Advertiser. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1825-1829

Geneva: Geneva Gazette, and Mercantile Advertiser. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1829-1833

Geneva: Geneva Gazette. (Geneva [N.Y.]) 1845-1901

Geneva: Geneva Gazette. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1809-1825

Geneva: Geneva Gazette. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1833-1839

Geneva: Geneva Miscellany. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1881-1890

Geneva: Geneva News. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1909-1910

Geneva: Geneva Palladium. Volume (Geneva, N.Y.) 1816-1828

Geneva: Geneva Times. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1955-1977

Geneva: Impartial American Or, Seneca Museum. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1800-1801

Geneva: Miscellaneous Register. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1822-1823

Geneva: Ontario Chronicle. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1827-1829

Geneva: Ontario Gazette, and Western Chronicle. (Geneva [N.Y.]) 1796-1797

Geneva: Ontario Gazette. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1797-1800

Geneva: Saturday Budget. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1852-1853

Geneva: Tri-Weekly Gazette. (Geneva, N.Y.) 1901-1902

Honeoye: Honeoye Lake Courier. (Honeoye, N.Y.) 1964-1989

Naples: Naples News. (Naples, N.Y.) 1898-1943

Naples: Naples Record. (Naples, N.Y.) 1870-1884

Naples: Naples Record. (Naples, N.Y.) 1887-1960

Naples: Naples Record. (Naples, N.Y.) 1975-Current

Naples: Neapolitan Record. (Naples, N.Y.) 1884-1887

Naples: Neapolitan. (Naples, N.Y.) 1879-1884

Naples: Neapolitan. (Naples, Ontario Co., N.Y.) 1840-1842

Phelps: Phelps Country Editor. (Phelps, N.Y.) 1963-1973

Phelps: Western Atlas. (Phelps, N.Y.) 1845-1855

Shortsville: Enterprise, Shortsville and Manchester. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1962-1963

Shortsville: Enterprise, Shortsville, Manchester & Clifton Springs. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1963-1973

Shortsville: Manchester Enterprise. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1917-1943

Shortsville: Shortsville Enterprise and ... the Manchester Enterprise. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1943-1952

Shortsville: Shortsville Enterprise. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1883-1943

Shortsville: Shortsville and Manchester Enterprise. (Shortsville, N.Y.) 1952-1962

Victor: New Victor Herald. (Victor, N.Y.) 1959-1962

Victor: Victor Herald, With the Ontario County Times-Journal. (Victor, N.Y.) 1976-1986

Victor: Victor Herald. (Victor, N.Y.) 1881-1959

Victor: Victor Herald. (Victor, N.Y.) 1962-1976

Victor: Victor Herald. (Victor, N.Y.) 1986-1988

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