Pound Ridge Genealogy (in Westchester County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Westchester County (2,596) > Pound Ridge (42)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Pound Ridge are also found through the Westchester County and New York pages.

Pound Ridge Cemetery Records

Ambler Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brown-Cooper Cemetery Find a Grave online

Burials in and around Pound Ridge, N.Y., 1860 to 1871 : accounts of an undertaker, name unknown, probably of High Ridge, just outside of Stamford, Conn. FamilySearch Library

Cemetery inscriptions from Westchester County, New York FamilySearch Library

Col. Enoch Avery Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dantown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hobby-Peck on Amos Hobby farm cemetery US Gen Web online

Hoyt Cemetery Find a Grave online

Knapp Barhite Cemetery Billion Graves online

Knapp-Bouton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1850-1983 : extracted from the records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge, New York WorldCat

Pound Ridge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stone Hill Find a Grave online

Tombstone records of eighteen cemeteries in Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York : fully indexed FamilySearch Library

Tombstone records of eighteen cemeteries in Poundridge, Westchester County, N.Y. : fully indexed Ancestry online

Waterbury Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pound Ridge Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Poundridge, New York LDS Genealogy online

Pound Ridge Church Records

Errata in record books of the Methodist Episcopal Community Church of Pound Ridge, New York (Pound Ridge Methodist Church (Pound Ridge, New York)) FamilySearch Library

Genealogical information extracted from Pound Ridge, NY Presbyterian Church sessional records (1822-1899) FamilySearch Library

Index to records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge, New York 1833-1983 FamilySearch Library

Marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1850-1983 : extracted from the records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge, New York WorldCat

Pound Ridge Methodist Church, Westchester County, New York, record of marriages, June 1850-August 1876 FamilySearch Library

Poundridge Presbyterian Church, Westchester County, N.Y. (marriages 1837-1886) Ancestry online

Poundridge Presbyterian Church, marriages performed by Rev. William Patterson, 1837-1886. WorldCat

Record, 1794, Pound Ridge Church (Pound Ridge, N. Y.). Archive Grid

Records of Poundridge [sic] Presbyterian Church, Westchester County, N.Y., 1837-1886 : marriages performed by William Patterson FamilySearch Library

Records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge New York FamilySearch Library

Records of the Presbyterian Church of Pound Ridge, New York WorldCat

Pound Ridge Death Records

Marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1850-1983 : extracted from the records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge, New York WorldCat

Pound Ridge Undertaker's Ledger, 1860-1871 LDS Genealogy online

Pound Ridge Histories and Genealogies

Burials in and around Pound Ridge, N.Y. Ancestry online

God's country, a history of Pound Ridge, New York FamilySearch Library

Pound Ridge Marriage Records

Marriage records of Aaron Fancher, Justice of the Peace, Poundridge [sic], N.Y., 1838-1871 FamilySearch Library

Marriage records of Aaron Fancher, justice of peace, Poundridge, N.Y., 1838-1871 WorldCat

Marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1850-1983 : extracted from the records of the Methodist Episcopal/Community Church, Pound Ridge, New York WorldCat

Pound Ridge Methodist Church, Westchester County, New York, record of marriages, June 1850-August 1876 FamilySearch Library

Poundridge Presbyterian Church, Westchester County, N.Y. (marriages 1837-1886) Ancestry online

Poundridge Presbyterian Church, marriages performed by Rev. William Patterson, 1837-1886. WorldCat

Records of Poundridge [sic] Presbyterian Church, Westchester County, N.Y., 1837-1886 : marriages performed by William Patterson FamilySearch Library

Pound Ridge Newspapers and Obituaries

Pound Ridge Daily Voice 06/06/2011 to Current Genealogy Bank online

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