Rensselaer County NY Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Rensselaer County (1,792) > Rensselaer County County Newspapers and Obituaries (219)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > New York Newspapers and Obituaries (11,727) > Rensselaer County Newspapers and Obituaries (219)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Rensselaer County are also on the New York Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Berlin Castleton-on-Hudson Eagle Bridge East Greenbush Grafton Greenbush Hoosick Hoosick Falls Lansingburgh Nassau Pittstown Poestenkill Rensselaer Schaghticoke Troy

Rensselaer County Newspapers and Obituaries

Collected obituaries of Rensselaer County and area, 1932-1972 : with a few earlier entries WorldCat Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Berlin Newspapers and Obituaries

Castleton-on-Hudson Newspapers and Obituaries

Eagle Bridge Newspapers and Obituaries

Grafton Newspapers and Obituaries

Hoosick Newspapers and Obituaries

Hoosick Falls Newspapers and Obituaries

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Democrat (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1893-1912 New York State Library

Hoosick Falls Gazette. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1864-1864 New York State Library

Hoosick Falls Independent. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1865-1866 New York State Library

Hoosick Falls Standard Press. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1933-1965 New York State Library

Press and Post 1988-1990 online

Reformer (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1885-1885 New York State Library

Rensselaer County Standard. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1873-1933 New York State Library

Standard Press 1983-1988 online

The Hoosick Falls Democrat. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1912-1920 New York State Library

The Hoosick Falls Press. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1923-1933 New York State Library

The Hoosick Valley Democrat. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1886-1893 New York State Library

The Press of Hoosick Falls. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1920-1921 New York State Library

The Standard Press. Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer County : 1965-1988 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

American Spy 06/17/1791 to 02/27/1798 Genealogy Bank online

American Spy 1791-1797 Troy New York online

Death Notices Appearing in Lansingburgh Newspapers, 1787 - 1895 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Democractic Press (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1839-1840 New York State Library

Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1838-1839 New York State Library

Farmer's Register 10/06/1792 to 09/14/1793 Genealogy Bank online

Farmers' Register (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1803-1807 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Courier. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1875-1909 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Democrat and Rensselaer County Gazette. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1828-1828 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Democrat and Rensselaer County gazette. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1844-02-07 to 1848-12-28 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Lansingburgh Democrat. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1849-01-04 to 1861-04-06 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Lansingburgh Democrat. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1844-1861 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Gazette (Lansingburgh, N.Y. : 1798) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1798-1826 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Gazette 1809-1809 online

Lansingburgh State Gazette. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1880-1883 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1865-1866 New York State Library

Lansingburgh gazette. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1798-12-04 to 1825-12-27 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Lansingburgh gazette. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1827-04-17 to 1883-01-06 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Lansingburgh state gazette. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1880-11-13 to 1883-05-12 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Lansingburgh weekly chronicle. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1865-01-03 to 1866-10-17 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Marriage Notices Appearing in Lansingburgh Newspapers, 1787 - 1895 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Marriage notices appearing in Lansingburg newspapers in the Troy Library, 1787-1895 FamilySearch Library

Northern Budget (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1797-1824 New York State Library

Northern Budget 1797-1798 Troy New York online

Obituary Index for Lansingburgh newspapers 1787-1850 US Gen Web online

Obituary Notices Appearing in Lansingburg Newspapers in the Troy Public Library, 1787-1895 FamilySearch Library

Semi-Weekly Chronicle (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1864-1864 New York State Library

Semi-weekly chronicle. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1864-04-06 to 1864-12-31 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Lansingburgh courier. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1875-12-24 to 1894-07-19 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Star Gazette (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County : 1880-1880 New York State Library

The northern budget. Lansingburgh, N.Y. 1798-06-19 to 1824-03-30 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Nassau Newspapers and Obituaries

Pittstown Newspapers and Obituaries

Poestenkill Newspapers and Obituaries

Rensselaer Newspapers and Obituaries

Schaghticoke Newspapers and Obituaries

Troy Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Aquarian (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1843-1844 New York State Library

Avenir National 12/19/1872 to 01/16/1873 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Troy Budget. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1840-1845 New York State Library

Daily Troy Press. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1833-1834 New York State Library

Death Notices Appearing in Troy Newspapers, 1797-1860 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Death Notices of Revolutionary War Soldiers Appearing in Troy Newspapers, 1797-1860 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Death and Marriage Records transcribed from various Troy newspapers, 1812-1885 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Democratic Analyzer. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1840-1842 New York State Library

Evening Standard (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1877-1911 New York State Library

Farmer's Oracle 02/28/1797 to 04/17/1798 Genealogy Bank online

Farmers' Register 01/25/1803 to 03/31/1829 Genealogy Bank online

Federal Herald 04/28/1788 to 06/07/1790 Genealogy Bank online

Freie Deutsche Presse (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1879-1900 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Gazette (Lansingburgh, N.Y. : 1826) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1826-1880 New York State Library

Lansingburgh Gazette 09/18/1798 to 10/23/1827 Genealogy Bank online

Lansingburgh Gazette 1798-1803 vital records included in 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834 Ancestry online

Lansingburgh Times. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1887-1904 New York State Library

Marriage Notices Appearing in Troy Newspapers, 1797-1860 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Marriage Notices Appearing in the Troy Newspapers, 1797-1860 FamilySearch Library

Marriage Records with Troy, NY connections extracted from records compiled by the Burden Iron Company from Troy newspapers Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

New York State Journal (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1835-1837 New York State Library

Northern Budget (Troy, N.Y. : 1843) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1845-1862 New York State Library

Northern Budget (Troy, N.Y. : 1845) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1845-1858 New York State Library

Northern Budget 05/29/1798 to 01/09/1816 Genealogy Bank online

Northern Budget, 1884-1916 Google News Archive online

Northern Centinel, and Lansingburgh Advertiser Troy, Rensselaer County : 1787-1788 New York State Library

Northern Centinel, and Lansinghborough Advertiser. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1787-1787 New York State Library

Obituary Notices Appearing in Troy Newspapers, 1797-1860 FamilySearch Library

Record (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1988-1988 New York State Library

Record 04/01/2005 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Record 2012-2019 Troy New York online

Record 2018-2018 Catskill Public Library online

The Clarion. Troy, N.Y. 1886-05-08 to 1887-04-23 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Ray. Troy, N.Y. 1887-04-30 to 1887-12-17 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Record 2011-2019 Troy New York online

The Troy Budget & City Register. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1826-1827 New York State Library

The Troy Daily Times. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1851-1903 New York State Library

The Troy Morning Whig. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1873-1880 New York State Library

The Troy Post. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1812-1823 New York State Library

The Troy Record. the Troy Times. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1935-1935 New York State Library

The Troy Sentinel. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1823-1832 New York State Library

The Troy Sunday Budget. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1916-1927 New York State Library

The Troy Weekly Times. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1856-1895 New York State Library

The Troy sentinel. Troy, N.Y. 1823-07-15 to 1830-07-02 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The Troy weekly times. Troy, N.Y. 1856-07-19 to 1878-12-26 NYS Historic Newspapers online

The West Troy Advocate, Marriages, Deaths and Miscellany, 1837 - 1860 Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Times 07/25/1863 to 03/31/1903 Genealogy Bank online

Times Record (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1935-1988 New York State Library

Times Record (Troy, New York) (selections from 1943, 1945-7, and 1949-1977) Ancestry online

Times Record 1943-1977 online

Trojan (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1834-1835 New York State Library

Troy Budget (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1828-1840 New York State Library

Troy Budget 1803-1828 vital records included in 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834 Ancestry online

Troy Daily Budget (Troy, N.Y. : 1834) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1834-1834 New York State Library

Troy Daily Budget (Troy, N.Y. : 1859) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1859-1861 New York State Library

Troy Daily Post. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1843-1854 New York State Library

Troy Daily Press (Troy, N.Y. : 1863) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1863-1879 New York State Library

Troy Daily Press (Troy, N.Y. : 1883) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1883-1911 New York State Library

Troy Daily Record. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1896-1898 New York State Library

Troy Daily Times 07/27/1863 to 12/31/1863 Genealogy Bank online

Troy Daily Whig. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1834-1873 New York State Library

Troy Freie Presse. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1900-1949 New York State Library

Troy Gazette 09/15/1802 to 03/17/1812 Genealogy Bank online

Troy Morning Telegram and Whig. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1880-1882 New York State Library

Troy NY Budget 1834-1854 Fulton History online

Troy NY Daily Post 1847-1851 Fulton History online

Troy NY Daily Times 1851-1920 Fulton History online

Troy NY Daily Whig 1834-1873 Fulton History online

Troy NY Times 1921-1934 Fulton History online

Troy NY Times Record 1935-1973 Fulton History online

Troy Post 09/01/1812 to 03/18/1823 Genealogy Bank online

Troy Post, Troy Sentinel, Troy Press Records, 1812-1834; Troy Post and Troy Budget Records, 1846-1885 FamilySearch Library

Troy Press (Troy, N.Y. : 1879) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1879-1883 New York State Library

Troy Record (Troy, N.Y. : Evening Ed.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1899-1935 New York State Library

Troy Record (Troy, N.Y. : Morning Ed.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1898-1973 New York State Library

Troy Record (Troy, New York) (selections from 1943-1977) Ancestry online

Troy Record 1943-1977 online

Troy Standard Press. Troy, Rensselaer County : 1912-1915 New York State Library

Troy Times (Troy, N.Y.) Troy, Rensselaer County : 1903-1935 New York State Library

Vital Records Appearing in the Troy Daily Times, 1861-1881 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Rensselaer County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Castleton-on-Hudson: Castletonian. (Castleton-On-The-Hudson, N.Y.) 1913-1916

East Greenbush: Courier. (East Greenbush, N.Y.) 1984-Current

East Greenbush: Greenbush Area News. ([East Greenbush, N.Y.]) 1970-Current

Grafton: Grafton Defender. ([Grafton, N.Y.) 1942-1957

Greenbush: Evening Star. (Greenbush, N.Y.) 1873-1892

Hoosick Falls: Hoosick Falls Independent. (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) 1865-1866

Hoosick Falls: Hoosick Falls Standard Press. (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) 1933-1965

Hoosick Falls: Hoosick Valley Democrat. (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) 1886-1893

Hoosick Falls: Rensselaer County Standard. (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) 1873-1933

Hoosick Falls: Standard Press. (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.) 1965-1988

Lansingburgh: American Spy. (Lansingburgh [N.Y.]) 1791-1798

Lansingburgh: Democratic Press, and Lansingburgh Advertiser. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1838-1839

Lansingburgh: Farmer's Oracle and Lansingburgh Weekly Gazette. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1796-1797

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh Courier. (Lansingburgh [I.E. Troy], N.Y.) 1875-1909

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh Gazette. (Lansingburgh [N.Y.]) 1798-1826

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh Gazette. (Lansingburgh [N.Y.]) 1826-1880

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh Recorder. (Lansingburgh [N.Y.]) 1794-1795

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh State Gazette. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1880-1883

Lansingburgh: Lansingburgh Times. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1887-1904

Lansingburgh: Northern Centinel, and Lansingburgh Advertiser. (Lansingburgh [N.Y.]) 1787-1788

Lansingburgh: Our Little Paper. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1872-1873

Lansingburgh: Tiffany's Recorder. (Lansingburgh, N.Y.) 1793-1794

Nassau: Nassau News. (Nassau, N.Y.) 1874-1875

Rensselaer: Rensselaer Beacon. (Rensselaer, Ny) 1996-Current

Rensselaer: Rensselaer Eagle. (Rensselaer, N.Y.) 1902-1923

Troy: Daily Troy Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1840-1845

Troy: Daily Troy Press. (Troy, N.Y.) 1833-1834

Troy: Daily Troy Sentinel. (Troy, N.Y.) 1830-1831

Troy: Democratic Analyzer. (Troy, N.Y.) 1840-1842

Troy: Evening Standard. (Troy, N.Y.) 1877-1911

Troy: Fisk's Family Journal. (Troy, N.Y.) 1858-1861

Troy: New-York State Republican. (Troy, N.Y.) 1849-1853

Troy: Northern Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1845-1858

Troy: Northern Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1867-1868

Troy: Northern Watchman. (Troy, N.Y.) 1830-1831

Troy: Record. (Troy, N.Y.) 1988-Current

Troy: Rensselaer County Post. (Troy, N.Y.) 1846-1849

Troy: Sunday Trojan. (Troy, N.Y.) 1875-1878

Troy: Times Record. (Troy, N.Y.) 1935-1988

Troy: Troy American. (Troy [N.Y.]) 1833-1834

Troy: Troy Budget & City Register. (Troy, [N.Y.]) 1826-1827

Troy: Troy Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1828-1840

Troy: Troy Commercial Advertiser. (Troy, N.Y.) 1848-1849

Troy: Troy Daily Arena. (Troy, N.Y.) 1859-1861

Troy: Troy Daily Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1859-1861

Troy: Troy Daily Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1861-1862

Troy: Troy Daily Morning Mail. (Troy, N.Y.) 1838-1840

Troy: Troy Daily Post. (Troy, N.Y.) 1843-1854

Troy: Troy Daily Press. (Troy, N.Y.) 1863-1879

Troy: Troy Daily Press. (Troy, N.Y.) 1883-1911

Troy: Troy Daily Record. (Troy, N.Y.) 1896-1898

Troy: Troy Daily Telegram. (Troy, N.Y.) 1882-1888

Troy: Troy Daily Times. (Troy [N.Y.]) 1851-1903

Troy: Troy Daily Whig. (Troy, N.Y.) 1834-1873

Troy: Troy Evening News. (Troy [N.Y.]) 1860-1861

Troy: Troy Gazette. (Troy [N.Y.]) 1802-1812

Troy: Troy Morning Mail. (Troy, N.Y.) 1837-1838

Troy: Troy Morning Telegram and Whig. (Troy, N.Y.) 1880-1882

Troy: Troy Morning Whig. (Troy, N.Y.) 1873-1880

Troy: Troy News. (Troy, N.Y.) 1864-1867

Troy: Troy Northern Budget. (Troy, N.Y.) 1868-1916

Troy: Troy Observer. (Troy, N.Y.) 1879-1927

Troy: Troy Post. (Troy, [N.Y.]) 1812-1823

Troy: Troy Press. (Troy, N.Y.) 1879-1883

Troy: Troy Record. (Troy, N.Y.) 1898-1973

Troy: Troy Record. (Troy, N.Y.) 1899-1935

Troy: Troy Republican. (Troy, N.Y.) 1828-1830

Troy: Troy Semi-Weekly Times. (Troy, N.Y.) 1895-1903

Troy: Troy Sentinel. (Troy, N.Y.) 1823-1832

Troy: Troy Sunday Budget. ([Troy, N.Y.]) 1916-1927

Troy: Troy Times. (Troy, N.Y.) 1903-1932

Troy: Troy Times. (Troy, N.Y.) 1903-1935

Troy: Troy Watchman. (Troy, N.Y.) 1831-1832

Troy: Troy Weekly Times. (Troy, N.Y.) 1856-1895

Troy: Troy Weekly Traveler. (Troy, N.Y.) 1854-1856

Troy: Troy Whig. (Troy, N.Y.) 1834-1855

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