Wellsburg Genealogy (in Chemung County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Chemung County (924) > Wellsburg (18)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wellsburg are also found through the Chemung County and New York pages.

Wellsburg Cemetery Records

Ashland Cemetery Find a Grave online

Baptist Church Cemetery, Wellsburg (1973) Joyce Tice online

Bird Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dutchtown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Miller Cemetery Find a Grave online

Scudder Cemetery Chemung Find a Grave online

Wellsburg Baptist Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wellsburg Church Records

Baptist Church Records for Wellsburg NY in Chemung County 1789 to 1833 Joyce Tice online

Brief Histories of Churches in Wellsburg Joyce Tice online

Centennial of Methodist Church of Wellsburg 1849-1949 Joyce Tice online

Christ Church records (included in New York Episcopal Diocese of Central New York Church Records) Ancestry online

History of Church of Christ Wellsburg NY in Chemung County 1869-1994 Joyce Tice online

History of the First Baptist Church of Wellsburg Joyce Tice online

Records of Church of Christ Wellsburg NY in Chemung County 1872-1895 Joyce Tice online

Records of the Chemung Baptist Church (at Wellsburg, N.Y.), v. 1, from Sept. 2nd, 1789 to 1833 [i.e. 1837] FamilySearch Library

Transcription of the records of the Chemung Baptist Church, Wellsburg, New York, 1789-1833 FamilySearch Library

Wellsburg Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Wellsburg, Chemung County, New York, 1910 Library of Congress online

Wellsburg School Records

Wellsburg School #1 (photos and names of students for several years) Joyce Tice online

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