Wurtsboro Genealogy (in Sullivan County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Sullivan County (727) > Wurtsboro (23)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wurtsboro are also found through the Sullivan County and New York pages.

Wurtsboro Birth Records

Dutch Church (formerly Rome), Wurtsboro, Sullivan, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1806-1870 FamilySearch Library

New York Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms (includes baptisms from St Joseph in Wurtsboro 1882-1920) FindMyPast online

Wurtsboro Cemetery Records

Chester A Stanton Memorial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clark Burial Grounds Billion Graves online

Forestburg Cemetery LDS Genealogy online

Fosterdale Cemetery LDS Genealogy online

Gravestone inscriptions of Gonsalus Farm, Sylvan, Wurtsboro, N.Y., Forestburg, and others (in Wurtsboro, Forestburg, Fosterdale, and Monticello) Ancestry online

Gravestone inscriptions, Stanton or Centennial Cemetery, of Wurtsboro of Sullivan County Ancestry online

Poplar Grove Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Joseph's Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stanton or Centennial Cemetery LDS Genealogy online

Sulvan Mamakating Cemetery Interment online

Sylvan Cemetery LDS Genealogy online

Sylvan Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wurtsboro Hebrew Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wurtsboro Church Records

Dutch Church (formerly Rome), Wurtsboro, Sullivan, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1806-1870 FamilySearch Library

Dutch church (formerly Rome), Wurtsboro, Sullivan, New York computer printout; marriages, 1831-1884 FamilySearch Library

New York Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms (includes baptisms from St Joseph in Wurtsboro 1882-1920) FindMyPast online

New York Roman Catholic Parish Marriages (includes marriages from St Joseph in Wurtsboro 1891-1920) FindMyPast online

Records of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Mamakating : later known as the Dutch Reformed Church of Wurtsboro (Rome), Sullivan County, New York FamilySearch Library

Records of the Dutch Reformed congregation of Mamakting, later known as the Dutch Reformed Church of Wurtsboro (Rome), Sullivan County, New York FamilySearch Library

Wurtsboro Marriage Records

Dutch church (formerly Rome), Wurtsboro, Sullivan, New York computer printout; marriages, 1831-1884 FamilySearch Library

New York Roman Catholic Parish Marriages (includes marriages from St Joseph in Wurtsboro 1891-1920) FindMyPast online

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