USA (1,379,301) > Ohio (59,116) > Perry County (530) > Perry County Newspapers and Obituaries (61)
USA (1,379,301) > Ohio (59,116) > Ohio Newspapers and Obituaries (7,700) > Perry County Newspapers and Obituaries (61)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Perry County are also on the Ohio Newspapers and Obituaries page.
Countywide | Corning | Crooksville | New Lexington | New Straitsville | Pleasant in Perry County | Shawnee | Somerset | Thornville | Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry
Obituaries and related articles from the New Lexington Herald, 1920-1924 FamilySearch Library
Obituaries and related articles from the New Lexington Herald, 1920-1924 WorldCat
Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center Obituary Index, 1810s-2013 Ancestry
Perry County, Ohio obituary card file index FamilySearch Library
Perry County, Ohio obituary card file index WorldCat
Pre-1900 obituaries and death notices of Perry County, Ohio FamilySearch Library
Pre-1900 obituaries and death notices of Perry County, Ohio. WorldCat
New Lexington Newspapers and ObituariesPerry County Tribune 07/30/2008 to Current Genealogy Bank
Pleasant in Perry County Newspapers and ObituariesCemetery inscriptions of Pleasant Township, Perry County, Ohio : including some obituaries and vital statistics FamilySearch Library
Somerset Newspapers and ObituariesSomerset Press 10/10/1873 to 06/22/1882 Genealogy Bank
Somerset Press 1873-1882
Somerset Press, 1873-1882 Ohio Memory
Somerset press (Somerset, Ohio) (from Oct. 10, 1873 to June 22, 1882) MyHeritage
The Somerset press. (Somerset, Ohio) (from Oct. 10, 1873 to June 22, 1882) Chronicling America
Offline Newspapers for Perry CountyAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Corning: Corning Times Monitor. (Corning, Ohio) 1888-1891 Corning: Corning Weekly Times. (Corning, Ohio) 1880-1887 Corning: Sunday Creek Hawk-Eye. (Corning, Ohio) 1892-1894 Crooksville: Crooksville-Roseville Messenger. (Crooksville, Ohio) 1951-1977 Crooksville: National Commonwealth. (Crooksville, Ohio) 1933-1938 New Lexington: Daily Sentinel. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1928-1931 New Lexington: Democratic Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1869-1870 New Lexington: Democratic Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1871-1876 New Lexington: Democratic Organ. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1853-1854 New Lexington: Mineral Region News. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1870-1872 New Lexington: New Lexington Daily News. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1935-1941 New Lexington: New Lexington Herald and Perry County Index. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1900-1901 New Lexington: New Lexington Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1870-1871 New Lexington: New Lexington Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1888-1900 New Lexington: New Lexington Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1901-1929 New Lexington: New Lexington Herald. (New Lexington, Perry Co., Ohio) 1876-1885 New Lexington: New Lexington Tribune. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1873-1926 New Lexington: Perry County Democrat. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1879-1881 New Lexington: Perry County News. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1933-1935 New Lexington: Perry County Republican. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1872-1873 New Lexington: Perry County Tribune. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1941-Current New Lexington: Perry County Weekly. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1859-1870 New Lexington: Weekly Ambrotype. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1855-1859 New Lexington: Weekly Democratic Herald. (New Lexington, Ohio) 1867-1869 New Straitsville: New Straitsville Record. (New Straitsville, Ohio) 1897-1905 New Straitsville: Record. (New Straitsville, Ohio) 1905-1908 Shawnee: People's Advocate. (Shawnee, Ohio) 1891-1937 Shawnee: Shawnee Journal and Straitsville News. (Shawnee, Ohio) 1878-1879 Somerset: Democratic Union. (Somerset, Ohio) 1857-1867 Somerset: Flag of '76. (Somerset, Ohio) 1842-1845 Somerset: Ohio Courier and Perry Democrat. (Somerset, Perry County, Ohio) 1830s-1830s Somerset: Perry County Democrat. (Somerset, Ohio) 1849-1853 Somerset: Perry Record and Ohio Whig. (Somerset, Ohio) 1827-1828 Somerset: Perry Record and Somerset Journal. (Somerset, O. [Ohio]) 1826-1827 Somerset: Perry Record. (Somerset, Ohio) 1824-1826 Somerset: Somerset Advocate. (Somerset, Ohio) 1866-1869 Somerset: Somerset Post. (Somerset, Ohio) 1845-1855 Somerset: Somerset Press. (Somerset, Ohio) 1873-1977 Somerset: Somerset Review. (Somerset, Ohio) 1857-1858 Somerset: Somerset Tribune. (Somerset, Ohio) 1871-1873 Somerset: Western Post and Perry Advertiser. (Somerset, Ohio) 1831-1834 Somerset: Western Post and Perry Democratic Advertiser. (Somerset, Ohio) 1835-1845 Somerset: Western Post. (Somerset, Ohio) 1834-1835 Somerset: Western World and Political Tickler. (Somerset, Ohio) 1821-1822 Thornville: Thornville News. (Thornville, Perry Co., Ohio) 1882-1939 |