1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clarno, Wheeler, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Wheeler County > 1940 Census of Clarno

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AldrichJohn Dborn about 1885
AldrichLeslie Lborn about 1928
AldrichMae Cborn about 1900
AldrichMyrtle Jborn about 1925

B Surnames

BarnardHarry Lborn about 1891
BeebeRay Dborn about 1915
BengeEarl born about 1921
BongeOskly born about 1911
BowlinFrank Tborn about 1882
BrownOrr Cborn about 1879
BunkerOscar Pborn about 1868
BurgenCharles Eborn about 1873
BurgenChester Hborn about 1908
BurgenEthel born about 1910
BurgenGuy born about 1904
BurgenMary Rborn about 1939
BuronCliff born about 1896
BuronJanett born about 1937
BuronMabel born about 1897
BuronNorma born about 1921

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C Surnames

ChapmanCharles Rborn about 1883
ChapmanCharles Rborn about 1924
ChapmanEdna Mborn about 1894
CoulerAlfred Sborn about 1882
CoulerCharles Aborn about 1908
CoulerMary Eborn about 1909
CoulerWilliam Sborn about 1939
CoyFrancis born about 1878
CruganJohn born about 1889
Cupp??? born about 1917

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D Surnames

DavisFrank born about 1886
DavisNancy Aborn about 1893
DeckerJohn born about 1886
DurrickCalvin Wborn about 1894
DyceJames Mborn about 1884

E Surnames

EasterFrancis Fborn about 1867

F Surnames

FarnwaltCharles Jr born about 1898

H Surnames

HendricksonRoy Lborn about 1914
HenreyDennis born about 1898
HermanJohn Cborn about 1880
HermanKathryn Rborn about 1886
HicksArthur Lborn about 1908
HicksFannie born about 1879
HuntleyCarl Lborn about 1939
HuntleyCharlie Lborn about 1909
HuntleyGeorge Gborn about 1911
HuntleyHelen Mborn about 1912
HuntleyRobert Cborn about 1935
HuntleyTillie Janeborn about 1930

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K Surnames

KittoMarie born about 1912
KittoPete born about 1895
KnoxFlorence Mborn about 1922
KnoxFrank Nborn about 1881
KnoxMira Eborn about 1902
KnoxThomas Wborn about 1879

L Surnames

LeeEdward Rborn about 1915
LeeFrank Wborn about 1881
LeeFrank W Jrborn about 1919
LeeHelen Aborn about 1882
LeeHelen Aborn about 1926
LeeMary Lborn about 1930
LeePeter Rborn about 1923
LinnWilliam Fborn about 1893
LookabillWillard Dborn about 1910
LyerElmer Jborn about 1913

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M Surnames

ManserCatherine born about 1899
ManserDonald born about 1924
ManserEmil Aborn about 1893
McDonaldArthur Jborn about 1898
McDonaldCharles Eborn about 1891
McDonaldJames born about 1889
McDonaldLaura Jborn about 1866
McNealWilliam born about 1866
MooreHenry Wborn about 1885
MorresArthur Mborn about 1890
MutturFred Eborn about 1884
MutturFredine Dborn about 1922
MutturThomas Rborn about 1918
MutturVera Nborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NorrisBradley Cborn about 1891

O Surnames

OsborneDewight born about 1912

P Surnames

PentecostAddie Dborn about 1888
PentecostAlbert Cborn about 1925
PentecostEarnest Wborn about 1928
PentecostHazel Eborn about 1920
PentecostJesse Wborn about 1877
PentecostPearl Iborn about 1923

R Surnames

RobertsonSherman Lborn about 1913
RobinsonPate born about 1894

S Surnames

ScogginWoodson Cborn about 1895
SeymerLoyd born about 1909
SkinnerArch born about 1884
StewartLogan Eborn about 1904
StewartMay Mborn about 1910
StewartViolet Mborn about 1929

V Surnames

VickersEm born about 1930
VickersEssie Mborn about 1902
VickersJohn Wborn about 1922
VreidtBill born about 1876

W Surnames

WallaceJames Aborn about 1872
WaltonJesse born about 1881
WesterfieldHarold Lborn about 1911
WesterfieldMae born about 1911
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1890
WilsonJohn Tborn about 1903
WilsonSusan Jborn about 1907
WoolhiserEmanuel born about 1895

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