1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eastumpqua, Douglas, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Douglas County > 1940 Census of Eastumpqua

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AgeeAsher born about 1878
AgeeClifton Cborn about 1909
AgeeClinton Aborn about 1931
AgeeFrances Mborn about 1883
AlexanderAnna born about 1869
AlexanderJohn born about 1853
AmermanEmily born about 1896
AmermanLewis Vborn about 1887
AndersonAlfhied born about 1914
AndersonAmanda born about 1896
AndersonGeorge born about 1884
AnscabeDennan born about 1907

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B Surnames

BanningEcho born about 1891
BanningRoy born about 1891
BarkerCurtis Pborn about 1913
BarkerDoris Vborn about 1912
BarkerFranklin born about 1865
BarkerHarold Fborn about 1909
BarkerLucile born about 1917
BarkerMary Vborn about 1919
BarkerSophronia Vborn about 1881
BarrettGaylord born about 1876
BarrettMae born about 1882
BentleyCharline born about 1939
BentleyEsther born about 1914
BentleyMary born about 1937
BentleyThomas born about 1935
BentleyVernon born about 1909
BlairBenjamin Fborn about 1877
BlairGertrude Wborn about 1879
BlakelyArthur born about 1867
BlakelyBessie born about 1886
BlakelyElizabeth born about 1868
BlakelyLaura born about 1888
BlakelyLester born about 1871
BlakelyLester born about 1919
BlakelyLyle born about 1927
BlakelyRobert born about 1876
BlakelyRobert Jr born about 1915
BlakelyRoy born about 1924
BlockfordJoseph born about 1892
BoiseEugene Bborn about 1897
BoiseLouise Mborn about 1926
BoiseMargaret Mborn about 1905
BoiseMarion born about 1933
BondGrace born about 1896
BondRoy born about 1887
BrownJoe born about 1885
BuechleyFred Bborn about 1875
BurgessSam born about 1885

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C Surnames

CareburJohn born about 1862
CareburLorella born about 1867
CasebeerGeo Bborn about 1904
CasebeerRuth born about 1909
CaseberFrances born about 1912
CaseberRobert born about 1931
CaseberRobert Lborn about 1910
ChapmanMary born about 1865
ChapmanMary born about 1874
ChapmanStephen born about 1860
CherryholmesDorothy Mborn about 1903
CherryholmesEarl born about 1888
CherryholmesLeroy born about 1930
CherryholmesLulia Mabelborn about 1926
ChristriansonChas born about 1876
ChristriansonMina Eborn about 1887
ConleyAlberta born about 1916
ConleyAnna Aldineborn about 1933
ConleyArt born about 1899
ConleyDonald Leeborn about 1936
ConleyGladys Marieborn about 1938
ConleyReva Maeborn about 1932
CorbettGayle born about 1915
CorbettHugh born about 1912
CoxFloyd Sborn about 1898
CoxJesse Wborn about 1879
CoxViola Eborn about 1907
CresarGrace born about 1878
CrewsRobert Aborn about 1879

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D Surnames

DavisJohn Fborn about 1902
DeanWilliam Aborn about 1898
DebernardiGolea born about 1871
DebernardiHilda born about 1874
DebernardiJoan born about 1930
DebernardiJoseph born about 1904
DebernardiOlive born about 1898
DebernardiRoxlene born about 1933
DelezenneAbbert Eborn about 1876
DibernardiAlbert born about 1901
DibernardiClarice born about 1908
DompersIsaac Lborn about 1885
DonnellCaroline born about 1876
DossBeryamter Fborn about 1900
DossDarrel born about 1924
DossMabel born about 1898
DoyleFred Cborn about 1889
DoyleMamie born about 1899
DoyleThomas born about 1901
DumontAustin Vborn about 1916
DumontEston Aborn about 1925
DumontPauline born about 1894
DuncanEarl Dborn about 1893
DunganAmelia Mborn about 1891
DunganJoseph born about 1886
DunhamAda born about 1878
DunhamGhylvan born about 1901
DunhamMark born about 1892
DunhamRoyal born about 1876

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E Surnames

EastmanC Lassborn about 1879
EdmondsArt Jborn about 1898
EdmondsHelen born about 1931
EdmondsJessie born about 1912
EdmondsShirley Maeborn about 1934
EsbabrookJames Royborn about 1933
EvertsJoyce born about 1929
EvertsLillie born about 1897

F Surnames

FarnhamEdna born about 1908
FarnhamJoyce born about 1927
FarnhamSonja Leeborn about 1940
FarnhamW Cborn about 1898
FarnhamWilliam born about 1931
FinnieAddie Mborn about 1900
FinnieFrances Eborn about 1923
FinnieJohn Hborn about 1932
FitzsimmonsEillene born about 1918
FitzsimmonsLowell Fborn about 1911
FlemingAnna born about 1898
FlemingDavid born about 1888
FogusJames born about 1912
FosterChas Lborn about 1876
FosterRoy Mborn about 1882
FranklinAnna born about 1873
FuestonConstance born about 1903
FuestonDorothy born about 1930
FuestonGeorge born about 1928
FuestonGeorge born about 1934
FuestonJames born about 1881
FuestonPauline born about 1926

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G Surnames

GardnerAda Mborn about 1902
GardnerClyde born about 1902
GardnerJames born about 1930
GardnerMarvin born about 1932
GarfieldJay Jborn about 1886
GarfieldMay born about 1893
GiffordHarry born about 1901
GiffordNelda born about 1895
GoodreauxJoe born about 1893
GoodreauxLucinda born about 1897
GrantJames born about 1895
GrantJimmy Daleborn about 1933
GrantMyrtle born about 1901
GreenDeloss born about 1892
GrinoCarmen born about 1885
GuineyThomas Vborn about 1894

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H Surnames

HarrisMyrton Rborn about 1895
HarrisWillard Hborn about 1897
HartLottie born about 1887
HartRobert born about 1886
HeckmanRobert born about 1918
HefnerHenry Jborn about 1878
HefnerIrene Kborn about 1887
HefnerJohn Eborn about 1912
HefnerJoseph born about 1904
HefnerPhyllis born about 1917
HelmsAmanda born about 1909
HelmsCarl born about 1908
HelmsChrystal born about 1931
HelmsDonnabelle born about 1936
HelmsMyrna born about 1934
HelmsRaymond born about 1933
HelmsWayne born about 1930
HelveyArdene born about 1929
HelveyGrace born about 1907
HelveyRobert born about 1896
HesterElaias Arllenborn about 1879
HesterMary Gborn about 1882
HiermanDouglas born about 1936
HiermanFloyd born about 1891
HiermanHazel born about 1901
HiermanMildred born about 1932
HiermanRalph born about 1928
HodgesClarence born about 1894
HodgesEarl born about 1933
HodgesEmma Jeanborn about 1935
HodgesHazel born about 1894
HodgesVirgil born about 1929
HolcombChas Mborn about 1867
HollandCarl Bborn about 1889
HollandCarl Royborn about 1938
HollandCarl Jr born about 1916
HollandCleta born about 1919
HollandDale born about 1939
HollandJohn Kborn about 1919
HollandRuth born about 1888
HookAnna Juneborn about 1912
HookRichard born about 1898
HookSally Jeanborn about 1939
HowleyNorma born about 1916
HowleyRobert born about 1912
HudsonSamuel born about 1881

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I Surnames

IndaIsadora born about 1901
IndaJames born about 1940
IndaMary born about 1905

J Surnames

JonesScott born about 1880

K Surnames

KemptEditha born about 1908
KemptElwin born about 1925
KemptMartha born about 1875
KemptRonald born about 1936
KennyEdward born about 1927
KennyEllen born about 1891
KennyGordon Wborn about 1915
KennyWm Hborn about 1885
KernsG Earlborn about 1918
KingEmma born about 1883
KingOtto born about 1876
KingRonald born about 1918
KohlGeorge Pborn about 1869

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L Surnames

LabonteBetty born about 1931
LabonteEli born about 1926
LabonteEsther born about 1900
LabonteEsther born about 1929
LabonteFloyd born about 1937
LabonteJohn born about 1889
LabonteJosephine born about 1921
LabonteLuther born about 1933
LabonteMarie born about 1926
LabontePauline born about 1924
LabonteRosetta born about 1927
LilleyRose born about 1922
LillotsonClarence born about 1885
LillotsonSusan born about 1893
LivingstonDarlene born about 1932
LivingstonDelmer born about 1874
LivingstonJohn born about 1908
LulotsonBetty Louiseborn about 1912
LulotsonGeraldine born about 1916
LulotsonJack born about 1914
LulotsonJack born about 1939
LulotsonJoan born about 1934
LulotsonRobert born about 1934

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M Surnames

MatthewsElouise born about 1914
MatthewsMary Fborn about 1892
MatthewsMaurice born about 1899
MawtlockIrma Hborn about 1894
MawtlockJacob Rborn about 1889
MawtlockMae born about 1930
McCarnLee born about 1889
McCarnMary Belleborn about 1897
McCarneyChas Wborn about 1887
McCordMabel born about 1878
McCordMelvin born about 1880
McCordMelvin Jr born about 1908
McHugillGeorge born about 1869
McHugillLottie born about 1870
McMillenEileen born about 1933
McMillenFrances born about 1891
McMillenWalter born about 1877
MeloyFrank Wborn about 1879
MeloyIva Mborn about 1881
MeloyRobert Tborn about 1882
MessingCarl born about 1895
MessingJane born about 1933
MessingJean born about 1933
MessingOdille born about 1904
MetzArtha born about 1915
MetzJames born about 1911
MilesChas born about 1875
MilesDiane born about 1939
MilesHarold born about 1919
MilesHope born about 1922
MilesJames born about 1910
MilesJames born about 1933
MilesJuanita born about 1914
MilesZadie born about 1883
MillerHarold born about 1934
MillerJanette born about 1933
MillerJimmie Mayborn about 1892
MillerMarie born about 1915
MillerRalph born about 1908
MilvecClayton born about 1909
MimmelMartin Lborn about 1883
MooreAgnes born about 1913
MooreChas born about 1906
MooreEleanor born about 1932
MooreHazel born about 1899
MooreLinda Fayeborn about 1940
MooreVern born about 1939
MooreWanda born about 1923
MortonDavid born about 1900
MortonGrace born about 1900
MortonMargie born about 1923

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N Surnames

NeavollWm born about 1908
NelsonEthel born about 1889
NelsonFrederick born about 1882
NelsonJohn Joborn about 1890
NelsonJohn Sr born about 1854
NelsonOtto born about 1888
NewportArchie Vborn about 1863

O Surnames

ObyrneVictor Kborn about 1891
OdenEarl born about 1895
OdenEarl Paulborn about 1931
OdenOpal Eborn about 1912
OliverRoland born about 1880
OliverRoland Jr born about 1926
OliverWynn born about 1928
OsborneJuanita born about 1919
OsborneWayne born about 1918
OwmbyHenry Eborn about 1896
OwmbyNettie born about 1901

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P Surnames

PaluseJasper Jborn about 1895
PariseauArthur Lborn about 1924
PariseauLaura Janeborn about 1926
PariseauZella Iborn about 1904
ParksDonnie born about 1938
ParsonsTed born about 1914
PellettLeon born about 1929
PetersonFrank born about 1878
PetteyLeslie Aborn about 1938
PetteyPatricia Lborn about 1933
PetteyPearl Annaborn about 1912
PetteyR Allenborn about 1931
PetteyRoy Aborn about 1910
PriceMargory Leeborn about 1920
PricePearl Mborn about 1875
PriceWm Fborn about 1876
PuckettChas Eborn about 1897
PuckettDorothy born about 1922
PuckettJewel born about 1925
PuckettWillard born about 1906

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R Surnames

ReamAdam born about 1869
ReamBertha born about 1877
ReamWave born about 1903
ReidBertha born about 1883
ReidGeorge Hborn about 1871
ReidMaurice born about 1907
RiceLarkin Mborn about 1876
RiceLillian born about 1884
RobinsonHelen born about 1901
RobinsonJohn born about 1890
RobinsonJohn born about 1930
RoostHenry born about 1878
RutherfordMoore born about 1877

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S Surnames

SchloemanAlvin born about 1895
SchloemanJames Sborn about 1931
SchloemanNaomi born about 1928
SchmidtFred born about 1881
SersfinFrank born about 1880
ShepardDennis Mborn about 1872
ShepardFred born about 1911
ShepardLaura born about 1874
ShepardMary born about 1919
ShroyElmer born about 1898
ShroyMaud born about 1881
ShrumCarrie Fborn about 1907
ShrumDuane born about 1933
ShrumEffie Aborn about 1867
ShrumNorma Jeanborn about 1928
ShrumVern born about 1901
SimpsonLulamae born about 1900
SimpsonPaul born about 1898
SingletonChas born about 1928
SingletonDelbert born about 1888
SingletonElvinar born about 1862
SingletonLena born about 1893
SingletonLorris born about 1893
SingletonWm born about 1920
SloanRoy Bborn about 1901
SmithAnna born about 1867
SmithE born about 1917
SmithFannie born about 1865
SmithJohn Bborn about 1914
SmithSam Rborn about 1908
SmithWm Aborn about 1862
SmithWm Eborn about 1877
SowersAmy born about 1888
SowersJohn Wborn about 1893
StearnsRoy born about 1880
SteeleRichard born about 1926
StewartTheodore Hborn about 1859
StoneGeorge born about 1908
StoneNaomi born about 1908
StraderBilly born about 1935
StraderDyrma born about 1902
StraderGeo Lborn about 1905
StraderHarriet born about 1904
StraderJanet born about 1933
StraderPhil Fborn about 1895
StroheckerFisher born about 1878
StroheckerLena born about 1880
SuiterGlen born about 1936
SuiterJames born about 1930
SuiterJoseph born about 1897
SuiterJoseph born about 1928
SuiterLewis born about 1923
SuiterLulu born about 1901
SuiterMargaret born about 1922
SuiterMerle born about 1938
SuiterOpal Mayborn about 1925
SuiterSamuel born about 1932
SutherlandClifford Lborn about 1939
SutherlandGeneva born about 1920

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T Surnames

TalcottClaud Dborn about 1886
TalcottNeil Cborn about 1926
TalcottWaitha born about 1892
TalcottWatson Cborn about 1921
TaylorAllen Bborn about 1889
TaylorKenneth born about 1916
TharpHelen Bborn about 1909
TharpT Haroldborn about 1905
TollesFlossie Mborn about 1886
TollesWalter born about 1882

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V Surnames

VaughnFannie born about 1910
VaughnGeorge born about 1875
VaughnIvan born about 1935
VaughnJames born about 1906
VleckCharles born about 1895
VleckMarie born about 1927
VleckMyron born about 1920
VleckNelle born about 1889
VosburghJessie born about 1873

W Surnames

WallAnna born about 1915
WatsonAlma born about 1901
WatsonC Fborn about 1858
WatsonEllis born about 1885
WatsonJames Fborn about 1929
WatsonRobert Lborn about 1932
WaymanWm Lborn about 1882
WeaverBernice born about 1923
WeaverFrancis born about 1900
WeaverJohn Lborn about 1879
WeaverJoyce born about 1930
WeaverJunior born about 1930
WeaverLaura Jborn about 1861
WeaverNewton Hborn about 1881
WeaverVerda born about 1927
WeberOscar born about 1905
WilliamsDollie born about 1869
WilliamsGeorge Pborn about 1864
WilliamsSol born about 1876
WoodAda Lborn about 1882
WoodClara Mborn about 1888
WoodElizabeth born about 1929
WoodFrances Wborn about 1889
WoodMarshall born about 1918
WoodNadine born about 1931
WoodThais born about 1926
WoodsBetty Louborn about 1936
WoodsCharles born about 1926
WoodsHerbert born about 1933
WoodsMay born about 1901
WoodsRichard born about 1882
WrightDonald Pborn about 1918
WrightJessie Lborn about 1899
WrightPerry Jborn about 1884

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