1940 U.S. Federal Census of Howell, Marion, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Marion County > 1940 Census of Howell

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AmesBen Hborn about 1888
AmesLillian Rborn about 1896
AndersonJohn Wborn about 1903
AndersonLyda born about 1906
AskAdolph Lborn about 1885
AskAlma born about 1882
AskHilda born about 1891
AskJerry Aborn about 1940
AskMay Bborn about 1912
AskOlga born about 1888
AskOtilia Lborn about 1859
AspinwellAlice Lborn about 1891
AspinwellHerbert Dborn about 1923
AubreyMina Lborn about 1904
AubreyRoy Rborn about 1899
AubreyVada Lborn about 1925

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B Surnames

BensonElsie born about 1892
BentlerGretchen Iborn about 1919
BentlerHenry Jborn about 1921
BentlerHulda Aborn about 1889
BentlerLillian Mborn about 1924
BentlerOtto Tborn about 1882
BentsonHarry born about 1896
BentsonOla Mborn about 1896
BeutlerIda Eborn about 1892
BeutlerWalter Gborn about 1884
BigginsAugusta Jborn about 1877
BigginsCharlie Eborn about 1869
BigginsMable Rborn about 1901
BinegarAlice Mborn about 1865
BinegarAmanda Mborn about 1898
BinegarWalter Hborn about 1900
BrandCarl born about 1868
BrandEdna Eborn about 1875
BrueningHenry born about 1881
BrueningJosephine Lborn about 1890
ByeDarlen Mborn about 1937
ByeEvelyn Gborn about 1918
ByeLetta Eborn about 1878
ByePerl Sborn about 1914
ByeRena Dborn about 1908
ByeRichard Lborn about 1934
ByeRobert Hborn about 1884
ByeRobert Oborn about 1907
ByeStewart Lborn about 1939

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C Surnames

ClarkAndrew Pborn about 1901
ClarkClara Aborn about 1874
ClarkJohn Mborn about 1870
ClarkJohn Wborn about 1935
ClarkLena Eborn about 1894
ClemensBenjiman Fborn about 1872
ClemensCatherine Aborn about 1882
CowdenAlfonso Bborn about 1884
CowdenChristina Gborn about 1890
CowdenErma Mborn about 1928

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D Surnames

DeCocy born about 1897
DeSart born about 1869
DeSart born about 1876
DeSart born about 1892
DeSart born about 1892
DeSart born about 1900
DeSart born about 1904
DeSart born about 1924
DeSart born about 1925
DettwylerAlfred born about 1921
DettwylerEmma Aborn about 1885
DettwylerHelen Mborn about 1923
DettwylerPaul born about 1890
DettwylerPaul Jr born about 1916
DickAlma born about 1907
DickJim born about 1896
DudaAlsia Pborn about 1896
DudaArlene Mborn about 1933
DudaBernice Wborn about 1928
DudaLeroy Aborn about 1922
DudaLorraine Mborn about 1939
DudaMarie Bborn about 1900
DudaRaymonmd Jborn about 1924
DuniganBertha born about 1892
DuniganDonald Lborn about 1921
DuniganDorothy Mborn about 1920
DuniganEdna Lborn about 1918
DuniganEdward Aborn about 1888
DuniganHarriet Iborn about 1922
DuniganIdyle Iborn about 1900
DuniganMargaret born about 1917
DuniganMaurice Rborn about 1894
DuniganMinnie Eborn about 1867
DunigenHenry Wborn about 1890
DunigenOrville Lborn about 1921
DunigenPearl Sborn about 1890

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E Surnames

EarhartGeorge Wborn about 1921
EdwardsDorthy Aborn about 1936
EdwardsHelen Mborn about 1932
EdwardsHoward Sborn about 1934
EdwardsMartha born about 1898
EggemanAlbert born about 1884
EggemanOlive born about 1893
EggemanReuben born about 1879

F Surnames

FaveMadeline Vborn about 1911
FaveRichard Bborn about 1896
FoxMary Aborn about 1884
FranzArthur Jborn about 1919
FranzEwald Dborn about 1915
FranzJohn Mborn about 1886
FranzLandy Jborn about 1926
FranzRegina Jborn about 1888
FrinkDora Bborn about 1885
FrinkEarl Mborn about 1882
FrinkLois Lborn about 1925

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G Surnames

GerigAlbert Rborn about 1908
GerigAmelia Mborn about 1880
GerigCharlotte Mborn about 1940
GerigHenry Wborn about 1916
GerigHulda born about 1908
GerigLaura Lborn about 1913
GerigMary born about 1874
GerigPhyllis Mborn about 1934
GerigRobert Rborn about 1938
GerigSylvia Gborn about 1913
GouldRuby Rborn about 1904
GowerAlbert Eborn about 1879
GowerElma Bborn about 1915
GowerFronie Eborn about 1880
GowerLarry Dborn about 1937
GowerLoren Lborn about 1913
GowerMichael Eborn about 1940

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H Surnames

HansenAlvin P Aborn about 1922
HansenChristina Sborn about 1884
HansenFlorence Cborn about 1920
HansenHans Peterborn about 1878
HansenHazel Aborn about 1916
HarpBurton Lborn about 1933
HarpEugene Fborn about 1928
HarpHallie Fborn about 1911
HarpHarold Dborn about 1930
HarpJames Hborn about 1909
HarpNorma Lborn about 1927
HarpPatricia Aborn about 1934
HarpRena Lborn about 1931
HarpShirley Lborn about 1935
HattebergDonald Eborn about 1925
HattebergIrvin Wborn about 1918
HattebergMartin Dborn about 1891
HattebergNettie born about 1904
HattebergOlive Pborn about 1893
HattebergWilliam Tborn about 1897
HauryAdeline Gborn about 1931
HauryCaroline born about 1904
HauryDaniel Rborn about 1938
HauryElmer Gborn about 1936
HauryGilbert Eborn about 1893
HauryJosephine Rborn about 1929
HaversonBette Joborn about 1933
HaversonDixie Wborn about 1911
HaversonRosa Jborn about 1867
HaversonWalter Rborn about 1909
HaversonWayne Wborn about 1937
HayCecilia Eborn about 1914
HayJoe Dborn about 1937
HayJohn Aborn about 1911
HayValdeta born about 1939
HaynesBenjiman Hborn about 1897
HaynesBessie Aborn about 1906
HerrClarence Dborn about 1926
HerrClifford Eborn about 1933
HerrEdith Eborn about 1910
HerrElvin Wborn about 1888
HerrIda Rborn about 1891
HerrLoren Eborn about 1936
HerrRalph Lborn about 1911
HerrRoy Wborn about 1924
HiebertElizabeth born about 1865
HilderbrandtCalvin Aborn about 1926
HilderbrandtHoward Aborn about 1885
HilderbrandtLewis Hborn about 1923
HilderbrandtRuth Cborn about 1924
HippeClarence Hborn about 1922
HippeErnest Jr born about 1918
HofstetterPeter born about 1877
HofstetterSarah born about 1881
HollinLloyd Nborn about 1919
HynesCaroline Mborn about 1930
HynesEdward Jborn about 1889
HynesLillian born about 1904
HynesPatricia Aborn about 1932
HynesThomas Eborn about 1935

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J Surnames

JaniArthur Eborn about 1880
JaniEthel Sborn about 1885
JauryAugusta Lborn about 1909
JauryJacob Aborn about 1867
JauryRuth born about 1867
JensonAugust Mborn about 1934
JensonBertha Mborn about 1891
JensonClifford Lborn about 1918
JensonJames Hborn about 1932
JensonJulia Rborn about 1930
JensonOle Eborn about 1878
JensonPearl Mborn about 1926
JohnsonClarence Aborn about 1890
JohnsonRuth Mborn about 1891

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K Surnames

KaufmanCarolyn Mborn about 1925
KaufmanClara Eborn about 1900
KaufmanDolores Jborn about 1937
KaufmanJacob Sborn about 1894
KaufmanJanice Eborn about 1939
KaufmanJohn Wborn about 1927
KaufmanShirley Aborn about 1929
KichtHulda Cborn about 1901
KichtJohnie Eborn about 1924
KingCarol Aborn about 1924
KingDaisie Vborn about 1900
KingDelbert Eborn about 1926
KingFrancis Vborn about 1922
KingMelvin Eborn about 1928
KingWilliam Jborn about 1898
KleerGeorge Wborn about 1885
KleerLena Eborn about 1888
KrehbielAdolph Dborn about 1904
KrehbielChristine born about 1865
KuenziAdolph Eborn about 1870
KuenziAnna Eborn about 1888
KuenziClara born about 1873
KuenziClyde Aborn about 1939
KuenziDonald Dborn about 1919
KuenziErma Eborn about 1926
KuenziLoretta Hborn about 1922

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L Surnames

LambertFred Hborn about 1934
LambertJoyce Eborn about 1926
LambertLena Rborn about 1903
LambertMarlin Uborn about 1912
LambertRoger Lborn about 1894
LandonLewis Pborn about 1858
LauderbackJean Aborn about 1919
LauderbackJohn Hborn about 1888
LauderbackKate born about 1859
LauderbackLouise born about 1887
LeeJenevive born about 1914
LeeMarvin Mborn about 1902
LeeMuriel born about 1939
LeeRichard Gborn about 1938
LeightyGlenn Dborn about 1937
LeightyGrace Mborn about 1926
LeightyLester Jborn about 1895
LeightyVernie Lborn about 1895
LichtyAlex Hborn about 1884
LichtyBertha born about 1884
LichtyBeulah Eborn about 1919
LichtyClara Eborn about 1899
LichtyLeonard Cborn about 1921
LichtyWilliam Fborn about 1879
LidtkeAlbert Wborn about 1890
LidtkeAugusta born about 1893
LidtkeLena born about 1885
LidtkeLois Rborn about 1934
LidtkeRuth Eborn about 1923
LidtkeVernon Lborn about 1931
LidtkeWilliam Aborn about 1925
LiechtyAlbert Hborn about 1887
LiechtyChristian born about 1877
LiechtyFaye Eborn about 1891
LiechtyMary Eborn about 1886
LiechtyMuriel Vborn about 1911
LienAldoph Mborn about 1896
LincolnJack Hborn about 1923
LincolnJohn Hborn about 1888
LincolnLarry Lborn about 1933
LincolnMyrtle Mborn about 1894
LincolnPatricia Lborn about 1926
LincolnPyllis Dborn about 1928
LovteDelbert Rborn about 1918
LovteEthel Mborn about 1891
LovteThomas born about 1881

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M Surnames

MacksHerman Bborn about 1882
MacksMable Cborn about 1882
MaurerJohn born about 1854
McKibberBarbara Wborn about 1939
McKibberIone Lborn about 1906
McKibberRay born about 1910
MeyerDonald Rborn about 1923
MeyerMarie Aborn about 1897
MeyerOscar born about 1888
MidneEverett Iborn about 1892
MidneMaria Sborn about 1852
MidneNellie Mborn about 1888
MillerAllen Lborn about 1918
MoenGertrude Lborn about 1857
MontandonAnna Mborn about 1885
MontandonEmil H Aborn about 1883
MontandonEvelyn Cborn about 1927
MontandonKatherine Mborn about 1922
MontandonMarie Lborn about 1923
MoserFannie born about 1878
MoserJacob Aborn about 1862
MoserJane born about 1875
MoserLeonard Sborn about 1912
MoserMyles Eborn about 1877

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N Surnames

NafzigerAlphons Aborn about 1883
NafzigerDonald Cborn about 1922
NafzigerEdgar Wborn about 1918
NafzigerEmmaline Lborn about 1920
NafzigerEvaline Lborn about 1920
NafzigerHertha Hborn about 1879
NafzigerIrene Eborn about 1919
NafzigerMartha born about 1881
NafzigerMary Eborn about 1892
NafzigerRalph Lborn about 1924
NafzigerWilliam Eborn about 1881
NofstetterJohn Wborn about 1865
NofstetterSherman Rborn about 1911

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O Surnames

OttawayClara Oborn about 1856
OttawayMiles Vborn about 1883
OttawayOlive Oborn about 1895
OttawayVera Fborn about 1891
OttawayWynola Fborn about 1892
OverlandCaroline Lborn about 1938
OverlandDavid Kborn about 1937
OverlandGladys Eborn about 1911
OverlandJohn born about 1907
OverlandOle born about 1871
OverlandPhilip Jborn about 1935
OwingsElver Jborn about 1914

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P Surnames

ParkerRoy Aborn about 1880
PaulsonCharlotte Sborn about 1881
PaulsonGust born about 1888
PaulsonNorman Lborn about 1918
PedEdward born about 1912
PedEmil Tborn about 1918
PedMaltilda born about 1887
PedOlga born about 1913
PlaneGeorge Wborn about 1882
PlaneVienna Rborn about 1877

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R Surnames

RamsdenAlice Mborn about 1926
RamsdenClaude Hborn about 1888
RamsdenLucille Vborn about 1919
RamsdenMary Eborn about 1892
RennerEmil born about 1878
RennerIda Aborn about 1880
RostvoldEllen Mborn about 1908
RostvoldJuliana born about 1938
RostvoldTheodore born about 1909
RothAlton Mborn about 1928
RothCecil Eborn about 1938
RothDoris Aborn about 1933
RothElma Rborn about 1906
RothErnest Eborn about 1900
RothGerald Eborn about 1934
RothHarold Eborn about 1925
RothHenry Eborn about 1898
RothIrvin Jborn about 1931
RothJoannme Mborn about 1936
RothLeonard Wborn about 1922
RothLucile Hborn about 1920
RothMary Aborn about 1896
RothRaymond Cborn about 1927
RothRobert Eborn about 1924
RothShirley Aborn about 1930
RothVerna Hborn about 1905
RothWilliam Aborn about 1891
RudishauserEmma born about 1874
RudishauserFrieda Eborn about 1922
RudishauserHenry Wborn about 1917
RutherfordArchie Wborn about 1923
RutherfordDaisy Mborn about 1920
RutherfordEarl Mborn about 1914
RutherfordLottie Mborn about 1887
RutherfordRalph Eborn about 1926
RutherfordWalter Wborn about 1881
RutschmanMartha born about 1886
RutschmanRoy Eborn about 1915
RutschmanSusanna Lborn about 1917
RutschmanWilliam Cborn about 1881

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S Surnames

SavageDouglas Jborn about 1876
SchaapFrank Eborn about 1902
SchaapMary Mborn about 1900
SchaferHarmon Gborn about 1884
SchaferMary Lborn about 1892
ScharAlphus born about 1883
ScharCornelius born about 1879
ScharEarl Eborn about 1917
ScharJosephine born about 1869
ScharJulius born about 1885
ScharMary Aborn about 1884
ScharerAlbert born about 1917
ScharerAnna born about 1885
ScharerCharleen Jborn about 1939
ScharerDaniel born about 1928
ScharerDavid born about 1913
ScharerDorothy Mborn about 1919
ScharerEmil born about 1881
ScharnMyrtle Fborn about 1892
ScharnSumner Hborn about 1893
SchniderBarbara Cborn about 1896
SchniderJames Pborn about 1922
SchniderJoseph Cborn about 1892
SchubertCharles Eborn about 1865
SchubertEmma Fborn about 1868
ShellMargaret Aborn about 1925
ShepherdArlene Rborn about 1879
ShepherdBenjamin Fborn about 1869
ShortBell born about 1867
ShortRoy Wborn about 1876
SimmonsClarance Lborn about 1896
SimmonsClarence L Jrborn about 1922
SimmonsKathryn Lborn about 1896
SimmonsPhilip Rborn about 1929
SimmonsRobert Lborn about 1923
SimmonsRonald Mborn about 1919
SmithRose Mborn about 1868
StayHattie born about 1862
SteelhammerAda Pborn about 1877
SteelhammerJohn Fborn about 1873
SteffenDaniel Aborn about 1898
SteffenDonald Eborn about 1922
SteffenEllen Fborn about 1903
SteffenJoyce Aborn about 1926
SteffenLinda Eborn about 1898
SteffenPeter born about 1862
SteffenPhyllis Jborn about 1928
SteffenRalph Wborn about 1928
SteffenRita Jborn about 1924
SteffenRosina born about 1872
SteffenWayne Aborn about 1934
SteinerAnna born about 1904
SteinerDaniel Jborn about 1865
SteinerJohn Dborn about 1904
SteinerPauline Gborn about 1873
StevensDarrell born about 1908
StevensGeorge Eborn about 1868
StevensMinnie born about 1878
StevensRalph Sborn about 1889

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T Surnames

TaylorBethel Bborn about 1892
TaylorGuy Wborn about 1878
TweedJohn born about 1884
TweedMaude Mborn about 1887

V Surnames

VogtCarl Dborn about 1901
VogtDavid Aborn about 1871
VogtKatie Aborn about 1871

W Surnames

WachterOscar born about 1878
WamplerLouis C Jrborn about 1922
WamplerLouis Eborn about 1894
WamplerMarion Lborn about 1926
WamplerMary Eborn about 1893
WannerAbby Eborn about 1903
WannerAlbert born about 1896
WannerJacob born about 1870
WannerRita Aborn about 1936
WayCharles Rborn about 1923
WayDean Eborn about 1935
WayFrank Eborn about 1891
WayHester Eborn about 1895
WeikamElmer born about 1930
WeikamElsie born about 1931
WeikamEmelia born about 1927
WeikamEva born about 1894
WeikamGeorge born about 1901
WeikamGeorge Jr born about 1937
WeikamHerman born about 1924
WeikamMary Annborn about 1935
WeltyClara born about 1887
WeltyEnoch Jborn about 1884
WeltyGrover Lborn about 1922
WengerClayton Hborn about 1931
WengerJohn Rborn about 1934
WengerLawrence Eborn about 1928
WengerOscar born about 1901
WernerAlly Maxineborn about 1930
WernerClara born about 1918
WernerErnest born about 1871
WernerErnest Kborn about 1902
WernerHenry born about 1885
WernerMartha Sborn about 1902
WernerMary Fborn about 1927
WernerNellie Bborn about 1890
WernerRaymond Hborn about 1914
WilcoxJessie Mborn about 1880
WilcoxMilo Gborn about 1875
WilsonJames Lborn about 1902
WilsonWinna Jborn about 1902
WilsonWinona Rborn about 1927
WolfClement Eborn about 1890
WolfGeraldine Eborn about 1927
WolfMaxine Zborn about 1921
WolfRebecca Eborn about 1896

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