1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pilot Rock, Umatilla, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Umatilla County > 1940 Census of Pilot Rock

A SurnamesH SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbelAleen born about 1921
AbelDaisy born about 1904
AbelRead born about 1898
ArbogartDale born about 1938
ArbogartErnest Hborn about 1896
ArbogartGertrude born about 1904
ArbogartHermon born about 1935
ArbogartVernona born about 1931
ArbogartVivian born about 1930
ArnhartDarlene Fborn about 1938
ArnhartGordon Fborn about 1917
ArnhartGreta Bborn about 1919

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B Surnames

BanksHazel Eborn about 1918
BanksJacqueline Caveborn about 1937
BanksJeraldine Kayborn about 1939
BanksMelvin Wborn about 1910
BarberJames Hborn about 1920
BeckJuanita born about 1914
BeckRaymond born about 1913
BilslandPaul Rborn about 1902
BissingerDorothy born about 1915
BissingerTelford born about 1906
BortromKeith born about 1936
BortromKeith Lborn about 1911
BortromMichael born about 1939
BortromPhyllis born about 1906
BoumegouxCamille born about 1919
BoumegouxDaniel born about 1938
BoumegouxPersy Fborn about 1915
BoydCora Eborn about 1873
BoyerDonald born about 1914
BoylenMaggie Mborn about 1869
BrockerCarrie Bborn about 1876
BrockerCharles born about 1916
BrockerChas Gborn about 1875
BrockerChester born about 1914
BryantAnnie born about 1911
BryantDorothy born about 1930
BryantFloyd Eborn about 1899
BryantFloyd Everettborn about 1932
BukaltBert born about 1882
BurrowsE Oborn about 1898

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C Surnames

CamesMyrtle born about 1879
CamesOwen Tborn about 1875
CarnesCharlene born about 1935
CarnesCharles born about 1910
CarnesMary Opalborn about 1910
CarterGeraldine born about 1938
CarterHelen born about 1908
CarterHorace born about 1900
CarterRoy born about 1930
CasteelAgnes born about 1906
CasteelBettye born about 1924
CasteelMery born about 1855
CasteelW Scottborn about 1929
CasteelWalter Sborn about 1891
ChapmanEdward born about 1864
CooperChristian Eborn about 1873
CooperHattie Annborn about 1869
CornesGeorge Eborn about 1873
CornesJosephine Lborn about 1888
CraigDixie born about 1924
CravesGary born about 1938
CravesMax Jborn about 1914
CravesNina born about 1921
CrowleyByron Albertborn about 1904
CrowleyElna born about 1909
CrowleyLola Mayborn about 1931
CrowleyWarren Lyleborn about 1930

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D Surnames

DebokClifford Tborn about 1902
DebokEleanor Mborn about 1911
DebokGeo Earlborn about 1939
DebokMary born about 1934
DebokPatricia born about 1936
DohertyEmmett born about 1922
DohertyJack born about 1921
DohertyMary born about 1887
DohertyPatrica born about 1925
DohertyVincent born about 1923
DoneG Wborn about 1876
DoshenPeter born about 1892
Dove Fkborn about 1874
DoveCora born about 1885

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E Surnames

EasleyDaisy born about 1901
EasleyElaine born about 1939
EasleyJack born about 1938
EasleyWilliam Dborn about 1894
EdesElmer Gborn about 1894
EkinBetty Jborn about 1932
EkinHarry Lborn about 1907
EkinLeslie born about 1939
EkinVelma Rborn about 1912
ErvinDoris Tborn about 1910
ErvinJ Rborn about 1902

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F Surnames

FifeKeith born about 1905
FinleyBetty Leeborn about 1937
FinleyEsther Aborn about 1914
FinleyLee Aborn about 1912
FletchesCarrie Eborn about 1885
FletchesHoward born about 1919
FletchesP Eborn about 1877
FletchesStephen born about 1916
FolsomDavid Lborn about 1939
FolsomMary Jborn about 1914
FolsomMason Eborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GilbertJ Mborn about 1886
GilbertMaud born about 1892
GilchristEilleen born about 1919
GilchristGrillell born about 1913
GillBenjamin Fborn about 1882
GillVerlie born about 1888
GreenL Tborn about 1901
GreenRoal Kborn about 1932
GreenThelma Eborn about 1905
GreeneElizabeth Joeborn about 1929
GriffithsEsther Lborn about 1924
GriffithsJesse Kborn about 1892
GriffithsJosephine born about 1896
GriffithsMargaret born about 1927
GroveBetty Louborn about 1927
GroveClara Aborn about 1894
GroveFrederic Le born about 1924
GroveFredrick Fborn about 1886
GrovePaul Eborn about 1918
GroveRichard Russellborn about 1927

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H Surnames

HaleDelbert born about 1937
HaleDona born about 1940
HaleDonald born about 1940
HaleFrank born about 1935
HaleOlive born about 1905
HaleSamuel born about 1930
HaleSamuel Iborn about 1902
HaleThelma born about 1927
HaleWilma born about 1925
HatmanFred Lborn about 1887
HatmanRuth born about 1891
HeimullerJennie born about 1906
HeimullerR Hborn about 1906
HemphillRoy born about 1916
HendricD Eborn about 1859
HendricksBlanche born about 1901
HendricksElmer Eborn about 1888
HindermanAddie born about 1878
HindermanHarley Hborn about 1884
HinkleIda born about 1866
HinkleW Bborn about 1860
HoeftBeverly Dborn about 1928
HoeftThomas Wborn about 1936
HoeftVada born about 1909
HoeftWalter born about 1900
HoeftWilliam Bborn about 1930
HornEdward Gborn about 1884
HornEdwin Jborn about 1922
HornHarry Raymondborn about 1933
HornIrvin Lborn about 1914
HornJohn Jborn about 1928
HornJosephine Cborn about 1891
HornRaymond Gborn about 1916
HoweyArlene Marjorieborn about 1925
HoweyArthur Newtonborn about 1929
HoweyI Nborn about 1892
HoweyZerel Bborn about 1897
HowlandMary born about 1915
HumpkinsEri Aborn about 1901

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J Surnames

JacobsonBeatrice born about 1914
JacobsonClifford Wayneborn about 1939
JacobsonVictor born about 1913
JensenCarl born about 1869
JensenMay born about 1878
JohnstonEva Lborn about 1879

K Surnames

KeehnDonald Le Royborn about 1934
KeehnNadine Edraborn about 1932
KeehnRalph Warnerborn about 1933
KeehnVelma Lborn about 1911
KeehnWorms Lborn about 1900
KissingerH Lborn about 1892
KissingerSadie born about 1903
KnottsA Fborn about 1883
KnottsCora born about 1884

L Surnames

LeepenC Wborn about 1885
LeepenFloy Aborn about 1889

M Surnames

MacmartinNora Eborn about 1879
MainLuke born about 1908
MainSaima born about 1913
MallinMildred born about 1922
MapleHattie born about 1874
MathewsFlorence Aborn about 1890
MathewsPaul Fborn about 1924
MathewsWilliam Lborn about 1875
MayLewise born about 1923
MayPeggy born about 1929
McCannEdward born about 1927
McCannHazel born about 1902
McCannLester born about 1890
McMakonTom born about 1920
McReynoldsMatilda born about 1867
MorrieEber born about 1875
MuellerEllen Lborn about 1911
MuellerHenry Wborn about 1906

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O Surnames

OliverRichard Gborn about 1866
OliverRichard Kborn about 1914
OraugAdelaide Eborn about 1895
OraugCraig born about 1927
OraugJane born about 1930
OraugM Dborn about 1881
OraugPhillip born about 1924
OraugRodney born about 1920

P Surnames

PasoeIva born about 1905
PasoeWallace Wborn about 1903
PattyCurtis Rborn about 1903
PattyFay born about 1927
PattyHilda born about 1902
PattyJesse born about 1900
PattyKay Lborn about 1936
PattyMary Annborn about 1926
PattyPearl Aborn about 1907
PerigsCharlane born about 1918
PerigsEverett Eborn about 1909
PollockHarriett born about 1893
PollockJ Eborn about 1878
PorterDona Deeborn about 1935
PorterEdith Jborn about 1908
PorterGeorge Eborn about 1931
PorterGeorge Elbertborn about 1904
PorterSarah Eborn about 1883
PorterW Hborn about 1879

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Q Surnames

QuinlivanClaude Willardborn about 1915

R Surnames

RectorGeorge Ruyborn about 1891
ReevesLola Lborn about 1902
ReevesNoel Wborn about 1898
ReslerRobert born about 1882
ReslerRuth born about 1900
ReyerBetty born about 1933
ReyerElla born about 1903
ReyerTommy born about 1930
ReyerW Nborn about 1892
RiemerCarla Sueborn about 1936
RiemerCase Patrickborn about 1939
RiemerJ Sborn about 1893
RiemerMary born about 1906
RinkschinskeAlta born about 1890
RinkschinskeJohn born about 1893
RippeeDonald born about 1931
RippeeLetha born about 1911
RippeeLowell born about 1930
RippeeOscar born about 1906
RogresWm Rodneyborn about 1919
RoscoeWallace Jr born about 1928
RoyHattie Mayborn about 1874
RoyM Gborn about 1898
RoyerBernice born about 1939
RoyerCharles born about 1931
RoyerClarence Eborn about 1899
RoyerDavid born about 1933
RoyerEleanor born about 1870
RoyerGail born about 1915
RoyerRhea born about 1906
RoymgDonald Careborn about 1928
RoymgMildred born about 1907
RoymgRobert Leeborn about 1930
RubbertColleen born about 1930
RubbertElmer born about 1923
RubbertFaith Annborn about 1933
RubbertGeorge born about 1928
RubbertLeora born about 1891
RubbertWilliam Mborn about 1884
RuggBeverly born about 1930
RuggJack Wborn about 1906
RuggMary born about 1909
RussellPearl born about 1872

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S Surnames

S=evingDanny Cborn about 1929
S=evingR Cecilborn about 1894
S=evingSammy Kborn about 1925
SavingFloy Wborn about 1900
ScklarbaumA Fborn about 1888
ScklarbaumJulie Eborn about 1897
SeatonBeda born about 1888
SeatonRobert Hborn about 1887
ShaferJames Wborn about 1915
ShaferMarcella Jborn about 1932
ShaferMerle Jamesborn about 1938
ShaferMyrtle Lborn about 1915
ShieldsW Cborn about 1873
ShveyCharlie Rborn about 1888
ShveyR Lborn about 1910
ShveyReta born about 1915
SimmonJessie Jborn about 1891
SimmonL Royborn about 1881
SimmonMorris Rborn about 1919
SimpsonCharles Hborn about 1909
SimpsonDophna Mborn about 1910
SmithBertha born about 1909
SmithBurl born about 1905
SmithClaud born about 1907
SmithDeaw born about 1926
SmithDonald born about 1924
SmithEd Lborn about 1880
SmithEmma born about 1898
SmithFrancis Mborn about 1852
SmithGeorge born about 1894
SmithMary Pborn about 1912
SmithSandra born about 1938
SodenTed born about 1911
SpacekLeslie Sborn about 1916
StanhopeFrancis born about 1925
StanhopeGladys born about 1896
StanhopeKenneth born about 1927
StanhopeLeonard born about 1891
StanhopeRichard born about 1920
StanhopeRodney born about 1918
StantonJames Bborn about 1875
StantonLouise born about 1883
StoverKathryn born about 1877
SturdivantClark born about 1898
SuisteAlbert Lborn about 1907
SuisteDorotha Gborn about 1918
SuisteFrancis born about 1937
SuisteJune born about 1939
SylvesterJohn born about 1893
SylvesterMary born about 1924
SylvesterWilliam born about 1929

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T Surnames

TaklmanBryce born about 1924
TaklmanCoralee born about 1929
TaklmanMary Eborn about 1904
TaklmanWilford Eborn about 1901
ThrasherEd Lborn about 1874
ThrasherJessie born about 1894

V Surnames

VanceChester Fborn about 1916
VanceDoris born about 1918

W Surnames

WackterHorace Wborn about 1917
WagnerAnna born about 1881
WagnerRalph Oborn about 1876
WallaceCleo Lborn about 1919
WallaceGlen Bborn about 1916
WallaceRandolph Lborn about 1939
WalterHarold born about 1911
WardHelen Eborn about 1916
WardMarion Fborn about 1914
WebbF Mborn about 1861
WebbKate born about 1876
WegnerBessie born about 1889
WegnerClara Pborn about 1879
WegnerElmer born about 1886
WegnerWalter Wborn about 1878
WellsDavid Aborn about 1900
WellsHazel Lborn about 1901
WellsSharon Leeborn about 1940
WestgateAmanda Gborn about 1869
WhittakerJune born about 1916
WhittakerMargery born about 1913
WillardCalvin Cborn about 1939
WillardCecilia Fborn about 1937
WillardCormen Cborn about 1917
WillardJack Fborn about 1904
WilliamsDarrell born about 1920
WilsonGuy born about 1893
WilsonJohn born about 1873

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