1940 U.S. Federal Census of Richmond, Wheeler, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Wheeler County > 1940 Census of Richmond

B Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BiggerstaffWilliam born about 1876
ButlerBonnie born about 1898
ButlerBonnie Mborn about 1925
ButlerHarriet Sborn about 1921
ButlerHollis born about 1901
ButlerJessie born about 1868
ButlerJessie Mborn about 1928
ButlerKeyes Sborn about 1894
ButlerMartina Mborn about 1899
ButlerOlga Eborn about 1930
ButlerSamuel Kborn about 1922

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D Surnames

DonnellyEdgar Wborn about 1885
DonnellyGeorge Sborn about 1889
DunnAcy Fborn about 1930
DunnBobby Lborn about 1932
DunnElsie Fborn about 1909
DunnStacy Lborn about 1910

F Surnames

FarmwaltSamuel born about 1907
FawRobert Fawborn about 1900
FolstonDelbert Cborn about 1915
FolstonEula Mborn about 1940
FolstonJames Eborn about 1918

H Surnames

HelmsWilliam Aborn about 1870

K Surnames

KeyesBarbara Jborn about 1931
KeyesBetty Jborn about 1931
KeyesEmma born about 1867
KeyesMalcom Eborn about 1905
KeyesMargaret Iborn about 1901
KeyesMary Eborn about 1929
KeyesMary Gborn about 1898
KeyesRobert Bborn about 1933
KeyesRobert Rborn about 1858
KeyesRobert Wborn about 1900
KeyesSusan Mborn about 1927
KeyesWilliam Rborn about 1933

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M Surnames

MabeCecil Jborn about 1917
MabeEvalyn born about 1873
MabeGracie Mborn about 1879
MabeHarold Dborn about 1932
MabeHarold Rborn about 1905
MabeJoseph Cborn about 1903
MabeMargaret Sborn about 1937
MabeMarvin Cborn about 1935
MabeRoderic Rborn about 1869
MabeRuby Cborn about 1914
MabeThomas Cborn about 1872
MillerBeulah born about 1904
MillerCarl born about 1909
MillerFrances Dborn about 1868
MillerShubord Wborn about 1875
MooreJohnnie born about 1910

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P Surnames

ParrishAnn Bborn about 1862
PotterEarle Eborn about 1917
PotterGeorge Wborn about 1883
PotterJohn Rborn about 1918
PotterSusan Rborn about 1883
PotterVirgil born about 1920

R Surnames

ReedDean Mborn about 1917
ReedFrances Sborn about 1921
ReynoldsMeridy Iborn about 1917
ReynoldsPinkney born about 1870

S Surnames

SeeleySteve Mborn about 1890
SluderRoy born about 1888

T Surnames

ThomasBarney Mborn about 1912
ThomasGrace born about 1906
ThomasJoseph L Dborn about 1925
ThomasMargaret Jborn about 1924
ThomasMarjorie Sborn about 1925
ThomasMary Aborn about 1891
ThomasRuth born about 1934
ThomasViola Gborn about 1927
ThomasVolney Rborn about 1920
ThomasWilliam Oborn about 1891
ThomasWilliam Pborn about 1884
ThomasWilma Mborn about 1930
TrentHester Cborn about 1909
TrentJohn born about 1862
TrentMaxon Wborn about 1929
TrentOliver Dborn about 1931
TrentOliver Rborn about 1890
TrentRebecca Mborn about 1864

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W Surnames

WallaceJerd born about 1885
WellsBessie Mborn about 1899
WellsCarol Jborn about 1930
WellsRobert Bborn about 1884
WellsRussel Rborn about 1925
WilsonBernard Hborn about 1901
WilsonEverett Oborn about 1903
WilsonGlen born about 1917
WilsonSarah Cborn about 1877

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