1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rockaway, Tillamook, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Tillamook County > 1940 Census of Rockaway

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonJennie Mborn about 1884
AndersonRobert Eborn about 1881
AndersonS Jborn about 1868

B Surnames

BatesMarlin Mborn about 1903
BatesRoy Mborn about 1874
BeardLennie Mborn about 1905
BeardVaughn Lborn about 1928
BetzNellie Dborn about 1882
BetzRobert Jborn about 1909
BishopCora Mborn about 1865
BishopJoseph Dborn about 1865
BlumenauerAdolph Hborn about 1866
BoyleLloyd Cborn about 1875
BralyAda Wborn about 1902
BralyF Dborn about 1881
BrownAdeline Mborn about 1886
BrownEva Eborn about 1896
BrownH Rborn about 1895
BurdickHelen Dborn about 1932
BurdickMargaret born about 1913
BurdickWilbur Lborn about 1910
BurdickWilson born about 1935
ButtsOrville Lborn about 1921

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C Surnames

CamellBetty Eborn about 1922
CamellHuber Fborn about 1925
CamellMillie Sborn about 1896
CameronBrita born about 1899
CameronJames born about 1888
CarricoJohn Wborn about 1882
CarricoMary Mborn about 1890
CassidyFlora Mborn about 1923
CassidyRaymond Fborn about 1918
ChewGeorge born about 1868
ChewLouise born about 1880
ChristiansonHelen Kborn about 1911
ClaytonIda Mborn about 1881
ClaytonLeo born about 1878
CorranBill Pborn about 1938
CorranEdward Lborn about 1937
CorranFlorence Mborn about 1914
CorranHarry Eborn about 1908
CoshowElizabeth Annborn about 1915
CoshowW Wallaceborn about 1913
CouchmanChester Lborn about 1906
CouchmanGladys Lborn about 1908
CowgillDorothy Hborn about 1924
CowgillJohn Lborn about 1884
CowgillJosephine Mborn about 1888
CowgillMarie Lborn about 1926
CraigJames Hborn about 1888
CraigLouise Eborn about 1892
CrosbyLucretia born about 1872
CrowEmma Louiseborn about 1907

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D Surnames

DalbyCharles Mborn about 1899
DalbyMary Lborn about 1910
DalbyMilton Eborn about 1930
DaviesEleanora born about 1859
DaviesW Aborn about 1859
DavisEdith Eborn about 1906
DavisFlora Mborn about 1875
DavisRoderick Eborn about 1895
DawsonMyrtle Mborn about 1886
DawsonVan Glenborn about 1871
DefordDavid Aborn about 1881
DefordDavid L A Jrborn about 1927
DefordRuth Wborn about 1901
DerrickAda Vborn about 1914
DerrickCharlie Eborn about 1888
DerrickDerrill Vborn about 1922
DerrickW Mborn about 1885
DriesbackElla Mborn about 1881
DunlopRobert born about 1877

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F Surnames

FieldsAlice Cborn about 1863
FieldsC Eborn about 1859
FinneyHelen born about 1899
FinneyJacquelyn Joborn about 1922
FinneyT Gilbertborn about 1895
FletcherFlora Bborn about 1860
FosterH Jborn about 1883
FosterSusan Bborn about 1850
FowlerGeorge Mborn about 1862
FragmeierElizabeth born about 1870
FrancisEliza Janeborn about 1868
FraterMinnie Aborn about 1873
FrederickIda Mborn about 1870
FullerMary Vborn about 1889
FultonEva Bborn about 1872
FultonNora Fborn about 1901
FultonS Aborn about 1871

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G Surnames

GerigleyAlice Dborn about 1872
GerigleyW Jborn about 1862
GrantB Wborn about 1875
GuentherDaniel born about 1884
GuentherOlive Gborn about 1881

H Surnames

HarrDorothy Mborn about 1901
HartEdith Lborn about 1875
HartEdward Lborn about 1905
HartleyAlbert Eborn about 1912
HartleyAlbert Eborn about 1939
HartleyMary Mborn about 1918
HendricksonFannie Bellborn about 1884
HendricksonWilliam born about 1878
HillmanEmily Cborn about 1882
HixsonCharles Tborn about 1876
HouckEugene Mborn about 1918
HouckLeda Aborn about 1893
HouckRobert Hborn about 1890
HoytEdwin born about 1868
HoytLela born about 1867
HubbardDavid Bborn about 1924
HubbardDickie born about 1920
HubbardNancy Joanborn about 1936
HubbardOthela Marieborn about
HudsonFrances Eborn about 1882
HudsonHarry Lborn about 1879
HurtGuy Dborn about 1898
HurtWinnie Eborn about 1911
HustedDarlene Hborn about 1933
HustedHenry Dborn about 1891
HustedLillie Hborn about 1893

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I Surnames

IrwinAda Mborn about 1879

J Surnames

JacobsonGrace Eborn about 1884
JacobsonN Hborn about 1881
JasmannAnncy F Vborn about 1895
JasmannJohn Tborn about 1888
JordanGilbert Wborn about 1923

K Surnames

KrebsAnna born about 1870

L Surnames

LieserCarrie Eborn about 1884
LieserJoseph Wborn about 1874
Lindsey born about 1919
LindseyEdgar Hborn about 1879
LindseyMarie Hborn about 1881
LytleE Eborn about 1861

M Surnames

MarckClara Mborn about 1871
MarckHerbert Fborn about 1865
MartinJohn Lborn about 1890
MartinVivian Lborn about 1904
MaynardJ Wborn about
MaynardJames Hborn about 1919
MaynardNorma Jeanborn about 1924
McCarthyEdna Aborn about 1880
McCarthyJohn Aborn about 1872
McDadeDaniel Mborn about 1871
McDadeLulu Bborn about 1868
McFadenFred Dborn about 1885
McFadenJennie Vborn about 1885
MillerHans Cborn about 1878
MillerMarea born about 1882
MillsHarold Pborn about 1893
MillsMarion Rborn about 1894
MillsRuth Eborn about 1920
MonkAdria Fborn about 1897
MonkMarilyn born about 1939
MonkWilliam Jborn about 1897
MoranEthel Eborn about 1898
MoranWalter Fborn about 1895
MoultonHetty Iborn about 1875
MoultonS Aborn about 1872
MunsonMarguerite Eborn about 1885
MunsonNonah born about 1876
MunsonScott born about 1870
MyersMary Eborn about 1862
MyersRichard Eborn about 1869

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N Surnames

NicholsJessie Sborn about 1897
NicholsWalter Fborn about 1878

O Surnames

OlsonCharles born about 1861
OlsonGustav born about 1866
OlsonLillian Mborn about 1919
OlsonMorris Dborn about 1915
OneillEdna Mborn about 1876
OneillHugh Jborn about 1867

P Surnames

PetersonRichard Lborn about 1926
PetersonRobert L Wborn about 1927
PickettDoris Mborn about 1899
PickettFred born about 1886
PickettGeorge E Gborn about 1923
PickettRobert Eborn about 1928
PioLela Cborn about 1902
PotterFred born about 1887

R Surnames

RamseyFlorence Iborn about 1863
RamseyHoward Aborn about 1884
RandallO Bborn about 1884
RandallRuby Pborn about 1886
RatcliffeMinnie Eborn about 1882
RatcliffeThomas Pborn about 1881
RenellaGus born about 1896
RocheHelen Rborn about 1901
RocheWalter Wborn about 1899
RoseWilliam Pborn about 1900
RounsonGail Sborn about 1937
RounsonHoward born about 1901
RounsonMarjorie Mborn about 1925
RounsonOlive Sborn about 1896
RounsonPaul Aborn about 1929
RounsonShirley Lborn about 1935
RounsonVirgil Hborn about 1927

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S Surnames

SampsonEdwin Bborn about 1882
SampsonFlorence born about 1885
SaveranceEgbert Dborn about 1877
SaveranceFlora Mborn about 1877
SchickmackerW Jborn about 1883
SchiffbauerMarie H Mborn about 1890
SchlothCarl Pborn about 1880
SchlothVera Hborn about 1893
SchwandtBessie Sborn about 1910
SchwandtBetty Lborn about 1935
SchwandtHazel Joanborn about 1936
SchwandtRobert born about 1883
SederbergMinta born about 1888
SederbergWilliam Eborn about 1886
SeidlerTena born about 1880
ShandLydia born about 1892
ShandPatricia Louborn about 1930
ShandWilliam Fborn about 1887
ShearerJames Eborn about 1926
ShearerMargariete Eborn about 1922
ShearerMarion Aborn about 1890
ShearerOtto born about 1886
ShraderJohn Wborn about 1916
SickenthalerJessie Iborn about 1873
SlaterMary Aborn about 1876
SmithAgnes Aborn about 1866
SteinerFred Aborn about 1914
SteinerJohn Wborn about 1913
StevensEva Mborn about 1881
StevensWilliam Eborn about 1872
SullivanLaurence Dborn about 1929
SullivanRichard Jborn about 1925
SutherlandClaudia Aborn about 1868
SutherlandCurtis born about 1868
SutherlandCurtis Gborn about 1868
SutherlandGeorge Aborn about 1890
SutherlandVera Mborn about 1893

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T Surnames

TateD Scottborn about 1934
TateHarold Jborn about 1930
TateJ Agnesborn about 1903
TateJohn Lborn about 1904
TateLynn Iborn about 1929
ThomasArvid Jborn about 1940
ThomasDonald Aborn about 1917
ThomasEmma Jborn about 1896
ThomasGlenda Lborn about 1939
ThomasGrace Wborn about 1926
ThomasJoanne Jborn about 1939
ThomasLenore born about 1915
ThomasLewis Jborn about 1929
ThomasMaxon Oborn about 1920
ThomasNorma Mborn about 1920
ThomasSamuel Aborn about 1895
ThomasSamuel Aborn about 1932
ThompsonHerbert Kborn about 1872
TuffordHarriette born about 1906
TullerAlbert Otisborn about 1936
TullerEdna Marlineborn about 1934
TullerElean Maeborn about 1933
TullerEvelyn Marieborn about 1932
TullerHelen Mborn about 1912
TurnerGeorge Eborn about 1872
TurnerGeorge E Jrborn about 1921
TurnerJames Hborn about 1921
TurnerRetta Hborn about 1889
TurnerRobert Bborn about 1922

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V Surnames

ViercekAlbert Eborn about 1901

W Surnames

WallingMary born about 1859
WalterCharles Eborn about 1881
WalterOlive Rborn about 1878
WalworthR Wborn about 1860
WattHelen Sborn about 1872
WestBetsy Gborn about 1921
WestEverett Rborn about 1917
WestLinda Aborn about 1940
WildfongE Floydborn about 1922
WildfongEdwin Dborn about 1888
WildfongEleanor Lborn about 1924
WildfongL Abigailborn about 1894
WindelerFred born about 1855
WindelerMary Kborn about 1863
WoodwardCaroline Wborn about 1863
WrightIda Eborn about 1858

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Y Surnames

YoungFloyd Rborn about 1929
YoungLeona Eborn about 1897
YoungOrval Rborn about 1901
YoungOrval Rborn about 1932
YoungPatricia Lborn about 1925
YoungShirley Jborn about 1920

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