1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smith River in Douglas County, Douglas, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Douglas County > 1940 Census of Smith River in Douglas County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAda born about 1896
AbbottArillo Bborn about 1873
AbbottClarence born about 1902
AbbottGene born about 1928
AbbottJesse born about 1935
AbbottJessey born about 1869
AbbottJoe born about 1918
AbbottMaxine born about 1921
AbbottWilma born about 1914
AndrewsBarbara Jeanborn about 1937
AndrewsBessie born about 1883
AndrewsEdna Mayborn about 1933
AndrewsHarold born about 1906
AndrewsJennie Eborn about 1907
AndrewsMary Ellenborn about 1933
AndrewsNancy born about 1938
AndrussAnnette born about 1920
AndrussAnnie born about 1886
AndrussJoe born about 1882
AndrussRogers born about 1922
ArnoldAlice born about 1918

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B Surnames

BaldridgeBetty Louborn about 1930
BaldridgeHarry born about 1902
BaldridgeNancy Rayborn about 1934
BaldridgeRachel born about 1908
BenjaminEdward born about 1881
BennettIda Mborn about 1904
BerryBill born about 1929
BerryChester born about 1932
BerryGrace born about 1904
BerryLeroy born about 1935
BerryPristjina born about 1927
BerryRachell born about 1936
BerryWilliam born about 1905
BlackMary Gborn about 1879
BlackNoah born about 1879
BlackShirley born about 1913
BlackZara Aborn about 1870
BoyeClarence born about 1922
BoyeElizabeth born about 1899
BoyeEverett born about 1929
BoyeHoward born about 1924
BoyeJ Lborn about 1894
BoyeMary born about 1925
BoyeWilson born about 1919
BunettMary Juneborn about 1927

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C Surnames

CarpenterIra born about 1865
ChawsonJoe born about 1867
CooksonDora Mayborn about 1930
CooksonMargaret born about 1933
CooksonOra born about 1897
CooksonWilliam Fborn about 1907
CooksonWillison Van born about 1929
CowanDiona born about 1930
CowanJohn born about 1901
CowanJohn born about 1928
CowanOliver born about 1897
CowanPat born about 1860
CowanPearl born about 1901
CowanPeter born about 1865
CowanPeter born about 1929
CowanSarrah born about 1876
CowanThomas Bborn about 1869
CrookAlfred born about 1919
CrookDorothy born about 1923
CrookEldon born about 1927
CrookHarriet born about 1897
CrookLarna born about 1925
CrookWilliam born about 1921
CummingsPearl born about 1885

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D Surnames

DaileyBetty Jeajnborn about 1923
DaileyD Allanborn about 1933
DaileyDouglas born about 1900
DaileyElizabeth born about 1922
DaileyGertrude Cborn about 1899
DaileyKatherine born about 1894
DaileyLaura Lborn about 1884
DaileyPaul Martinborn about 1928
DaileyRahy Mborn about 1889
DaileyWill Rborn about 1883
DewarMayie born about 1895
DewarWilliam born about 1888
DunganHenry born about 1905
DyerBetty Leeborn about 1936
DyerCarol Jeanborn about 1934
DyerGrace born about 1911
DyerLois Faithborn about 1937
DyerTheodore Eborn about 1907

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E Surnames

EdgertonArthur born about 1869
EdgertonRalph Mborn about 1870

G Surnames

GaubbeMamie born about 1883
GaubbeRobert born about 1873
GorrellGa born about 1868
GrubbeYale born about 1907

H Surnames

HansenAnna born about 1915
HansenCarl Aborn about 1894
HansenJoan born about 1934
HansmannJosephines born about 1906
HansmannVernon born about 1902
HaskellAlbert born about 1889
HaskellEarnest Lborn about 1875
HaskellEdward born about 1881
HaskellFred Gborn about 1887
HaskellHarriet born about 1880
HaskellMarven born about 1917
HendersonBenny born about 1928
HendersonCharles born about 1933
HendersonEdna born about 1895
HendersonHarry born about 1890
HolmesFloyd Eborn about 1929
HolmesFloyd Eborn about 1929
HolmesJune Cborn about 1927
HolmesMelvin Wborn about 1924
HolmesMinnie Mborn about 1889
HolmesNadine Eborn about 1919
HoltzmanElsie born about 1901
HoltzmanLewis Sborn about 1891

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K Surnames

KernanByrdene born about 1915
KernanRalph born about 1913
KernanRalph Johnborn about 1939
KilbornFaye born about 1929
KilbornLillian born about 1905
KilbornRoy Aborn about 1906
KnochelAndy born about 1890
KopheEarnest born about 1878
KopheRosa born about 1890

L Surnames

LaneCecil born about 1909
LaneEnal born about 1873
LaneGrace born about 1875
LaplantViola born about 1878
LeachJohn Sborn about 1871
LibbyByron born about 1926
LibbyClayton born about 1880
LibbyHerbert Cborn about 1905
LibbyJimmy Leeborn about 1932
LibbyLulu born about 1883
LibbyLulu Jrayeborn about 1930
LibbyMaxine born about 1929
LibbyOdessa born about 1906
LysterH Aborn about 1907
LysterJolorence born about 1908
LysterLeo born about 1920
LysterLyle born about 1900
LysterOila born about 1901

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M Surnames

MartonMax born about 1921
McArthurJohn born about 1891
MengatDonald born about 1927
MengatRegenald born about 1905
MengatSvea born about 1903
MorganDavid born about 1923
MorganEarnest born about 1928
MorganEmery born about 1891
MorganMarie born about 1902
MorrisDora born about 1877
MossBlueford born about 1915
MossGertrude born about 1916
MossHoward Aborn about 1913
MossStanley born about 1939

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N Surnames

NoelDonna born about 1934
NoelEtta born about 1884
NoelGerald born about 1898
NoelGeraldine born about 1923
NoelGlenn born about 1878
NoelLawrence born about 1907
NoelLloyd born about 1936
NoelLois born about 1910

O Surnames

OlsonOscar born about 1901
OlsonOtto Cborn about 1903

P Surnames

PageEd born about 1888
PeasleyDavid born about 1874
PeckAgnes born about 1937
PeckAlfred Aborn about 1888
PeckAllen born about 1916
PeckAnnabelle born about 1922
PeckDuane born about 1886
PeckJames Rborn about 1935
PeckLaura born about 1939
PeckRoy Jborn about 1890
PeckRuby born about 1896
PeckRuth born about 1912
PerkinsBlanch born about 1904
PerkinsHelen born about 1885
PerkinsHoward born about 1903
PerkinsJames born about 1928
PorterEdith born about 1905
PorterJelyde born about 1895
PorterMary born about 1936
PyritzAnna born about 1930
PyritzBetty Ameborn about 1933
PyritzCarl born about 1869
PyritzCarl Nelsborn about 1938
PyritzLauetta born about 1905
PyritzM Aliceborn about 1880
PyritzMabel born about 1935
PyritzMary Aliceborn about 1928
PyritzRalph born about 1878
PyritzWalter Aborn about 1900

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R Surnames

RaymondJoseph born about 1870
RaymondSadie born about 1873
RobertsBert born about 1905
RobertsHelen born about 1909
RobertsJames born about 1917
RobertsJanice Annborn about 1931
RobertsJian born about 1937
RobertsMae born about 1876
RobertsMary born about 1933
RossAlfred born about 1875

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S Surnames

SmithJ Eborn about 1875
SmithJames Pborn about 1926
SmithMargaret born about 1899
StavelandEdna born about 1931
StavelandGeorge born about 1926
StavelandLaura born about 1900
StavelandOlaf born about 1897
StavelandOscar born about 1923
StavelandSigmond born about 1922
SylvesterBelva born about 1928
SylvesterDaloris born about 1925
SylvesterDollis born about 1904
SylvesterJerry born about 1895
SylvesterOrba born about 1927
SylvesterPhyllis born about 1923
SylvesterWilliam born about 1894

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T Surnames

ThackerAlfred born about 1934
ThackerCharles born about 1918
ThackerFrank born about 1885
ThackerHarvey born about 1923
ThackerLilian born about 1924
ThackerMabel born about 1890
ThorhavenDaisy born about 1889
ThorhavenJohn born about 1891
ThorhavenJohn born about 1920
TollefsonElmo born about 1921
TownsendAlice born about 1888
TownsendConrad born about 1884
TownsendGarl born about 1920
TownsendLillian born about 1921
TownsendWallace born about 1917

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V Surnames

VanschoiachVivian born about 1934

W Surnames

WeissDorothy born about 1901
WeissIrene born about 1934
WeissJohn Jborn about 1903
WeissWillard born about 1937
WiessPete born about 1908
WistenhiserFlorence born about 1923
WistenhiserLoraine born about 1925
WistenhiserRalph born about 1885
WistenhiserVeva born about 1920
WroeAgnes born about 1928
WroeCharles born about 1879
WroeDwight born about 1937
WroeEva Gborn about 1902
WroeFreda born about 1894
WroeGoldie born about 1927
WroeHenry Bborn about 1882
WroeIrene born about 1927
WroeJohn Aborn about 1884
WroeJohn Abbertborn about 1921
WroeJune born about 1909
WroeLula born about 1921
WroeNaomi born about 1935
WroeOpal born about 1934
WroeOscar born about 1923
WroeVergil Mborn about 1915
WroeWilliam Roe Srborn about 1865
WroeWilliam Jr born about 1902

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