1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tangent, Linn, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Linn County > 1940 Census of Tangent

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AllenEarnest Rborn about 1868
AllenEola born about 1895
AllenKeeth born about 1926
AllenKenneth Earnestborn about 1932
AllenLinna Maeborn about 1925
AllenMarjorie born about 1868
AllenRoland born about 1896
AltermattBertha born about 1854
AltermattGrace Aborn about 1915
AltermattNangy born about 1889
AltermattNelson born about 1885
AmmondJohn born about 1875
AmmondJosie born about 1882
ArcherLouis Bethborn about 1928
ArcherLouis Mborn about 1909
ArcherMynra Mayborn about 1930
ArcherWalter born about 1904
AshtonCharles born about 1857
AshtonEmma born about 1863
AshtonHazel born about 1888

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B Surnames

BantaDonald born about 1919
BantaDoyle born about 1919
BantaEarl born about 1886
BantaEdna born about 1891
BantaMaxine born about 1914
BarberAnne Mableborn about 1875
BarberNathen Hborn about 1913
BarryCharles born about 1864
BarryCharles born about 1864
BaultEleoura born about 1879
BaultElmay Iborn about 1872
BeattyJohn born about 1867
BemMerl born about 1916
BendenCathony born about 1873
BendenEmna born about 1897
BordenEdith born about 1939
BordenHerbert born about 1864
BordenHerbert Eborn about 1936
BordenJesse born about 1898
BordenMargaret born about 1907
BordenMeeda born about 1867
BrimsonAmanda born about 1894
BrimsonBetty born about 1925
BrimsonDicy born about 1870
BrimsonEarl born about 1930
BrimsonHarold born about 1894
BrinsonClara Bell Evaborn about 1932
BrinsonErana born about 1895
BrinsonFebie Eborn about 1865
BrinsonFloyd Thomasborn about 1934
BrinsonHenry born about 1868
BrinsonThomas born about 1889
BruceEdith born about 1920
BruceFranklin born about 1932
BruceGlyn born about 1939
BruceJohn born about 1924
BruceMatty born about 1900
BruceNovadian born about 1934
BruceOverton born about 1919
BrucePaul born about 1926
BruceWill born about 1897
BrushEldon born about 1885
BrushIda Paulineborn about 1887
BrushLeonard born about 1917

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C Surnames

CallowayElna born about 1876
CampbellAllen Fborn about 1929
CampbellLoren Aborn about 1894
CampbellMildred born about 1896
CaseCharles Bborn about 1869
CaseFred born about 1882
CaseJulia born about 1892
CaseLida born about 1880
CaseRuth born about 1924
ChapmanDorice born about 1892
ChapmanMacyle born about 1903
ChoateHarry born about 1921
ClelandCharles born about 1925
ClelandGrace Mborn about 1881
ClelandWinn born about 1878
CodyCilvia Cborn about 1892
CodyEarnest Eborn about 1891
CodyLenora born about 1926
ConnRona Eborn about 1883
ConradAmos born about 1926
ConradClarence born about 1922
ConradEda born about 1902
ConradJames born about 1936
ConradLouis born about 1937
ConradLucile born about 1928
ConradMarsh born about 1935
ConradMary born about 1930
ConradOrie born about 1897
ConradVerna born about 1924
CrainMary born about 1870

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D Surnames

DemanetteDarlene born about 1935
DemanetteHenry born about 1907
DemanetteHildred born about 1913
DewlinEugene born about 1927
DewlinGilbert born about 1925
DewlinGladys born about 1901
DewlinMable born about 1939
DewlinMargie born about 1932
DewlinRolo born about 1930
DewlinRose born about 1935
DewlinRoy born about 1892
DowdalCythia born about 1873
DowdalMichel born about 1881
DowdleJim born about 1912

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E Surnames

EartmanAlbilda born about 1901
EartmanGlenn born about 1893
EdhalmEdith born about 1902
EdhalmRoy Eborn about 1893
EgarClarence born about 1900
EgarClarence Edwardborn about 1924
EgarJames Francisborn about 1929
EgarMerlin Austinborn about 1927
EgarRichard Nobleborn about 1936
EgarRobert Rolandborn about 1938
EgarVenice born about 1900
EhrlichHagan born about 1903
EhrlichHerman born about 1857
EhrlichHugo Jborn about 1932
EhrlichMilawa born about 1937
EhrlichOliva born about 1905
EhrlickAldine born about 1931
EhrlickAlma born about 1896
EhrlickGeorge born about 1897
EhrlickRuth born about 1923
EllingsonEdwin born about 1898
EllingsonEillen born about 1932
EllingsonMillecent born about 1926
EllingsonSelmer born about 1893
EllingsonTillie born about 1898
EngelArnold born about 1903
EngelArnold Garthborn about 1929
EngelDonald born about 1927
EngelMarcia born about 1903
EngelMary born about 1928
EsmondHoyt Mborn about 1929
EsmondJean Eborn about 1926
EsmondMable Eborn about 1893
EsmondVernon Rborn about 1934
EsmondWalter born about 1892
EvansOra born about 1891

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F Surnames

FelzerCharles born about 1879
FelzerJohn born about 1877
FelzerMary born about 1873
FletcherDoris born about 1915
FletcherJudie born about 1932
FletcherRay born about 1912
FomeryCora born about 1873
FomeryWade born about 1871
ForsterAda born about 1896
ForsterAlbert Rborn about 1896
ForsterIrine born about 1919
ForsterLenard born about 1927
ForsterLloyd born about 1924

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G Surnames

GaleIda Ciliaborn about 1904
GaleJess born about 1896
GaleVerda Roseborn about 1926
GarciaConsuelo born about 1924
GarciaDolores born about 1906
GarciaElvira born about 1929
GarciaFredie born about 1931
GarciaJesus born about 1930
GarciaMosesto born about 1904
GiebischJames born about 1874
GiebischPearl born about 1891
GingrichMahlon born about 1909
GingrichSophia born about 1909
GlasierJohn born about 1898
GlasierLetha born about 1903
GoodEdwin born about 1915
GoodJerry born about 1939
GoodNelda born about 1921
GormleyInes born about 1871
GormleyJohn Mborn about 1865
Grell born about 1927
GrellAlva Lborn about 1920
GrellBlanch born about 1891
GrellCarl born about 1924
GrellDelman born about 1922
GrellEdd born about 1899
GrellEthel born about 1926
GrellEvah born about 1898
GrellFred born about 1918
GrellGenevie born about 1920
GrellHarvey born about 1870
GrellJohn born about 1885
GrellLaverna born about 1902
GrellLelah born about 1892
GrellLouis born about 1892
GrellMable born about 1924
GrellMerle born about 1916
GrellRuby Nborn about 1923
GriffethCharles Eborn about 1893
GriffethCharlotte born about 1916
GriffethEdith born about 1896
GriffethIda Jborn about 1939
GriffethJames born about 1938
GriffethJoan Eborn about 1937
GriffethJoan Jborn about 1910
GriffethOrin Kborn about 1923
GriffethPetrona Aborn about 1919
GriffithCharles Hborn about 1870
GriffithIda born about 1876
GrillAlbert Lborn about 1927
GrillCharles born about 1881
GrillCharles Dborn about 1925
GrillMary Aborn about 1894

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H Surnames

HaimaJennie born about 1921
HaleIra Mborn about 1877
HaleLoren Dborn about 1875
HaleMariam Mborn about 1919
HardenJoan born about 1938
HardenKenneth born about 1939
HardenLa Dora born about 1935
HardenViola born about 1913
HardenWilliam born about 1907
HarganClyde born about 1929
HarganKatherine born about 1926
HarganLarry born about 1934
HarganLloyd born about 1933
HarganNovella born about 1906
HarganWillard born about 1903
HarganWillard born about 1928
HarlenJoseph born about 1881
HarlenNancy born about 1886
HatcherBilly born about 1929
HatcherGimean born about 1898
HatcherOliva born about 1899
HaysBetty born about 1934
HaysHilda born about 1907
HaysJimmie born about 1932
HaysMergy born about 1936
HaysMiles born about 1905
HaysNacabay Gborn about 1889
HenshawBilly born about 1925
HenshawChristy born about 1898
HenshawClay born about 1900
HenshawClinton born about 1921
HenshawGeorge born about 1869
HenshawGladys born about 1904
HenshawGlen born about 1897
HenshawGlen Lborn about 1931
HenshawKeith born about 1927
HenshawLoyal Lelandborn about 1920
HenshawNellie born about 1877
HenshawRaleiegh Bborn about 1920
HenshawRodney born about 1923
HenshawStuart Eborn about 1926
HensleyIcie born about 1874
HensleyJones born about 1872
HershbergerIna born about 1910
HershbergerJonas Mborn about 1902
HershbergerVerna Maeborn about 1937
HessGayle born about 1935
HessMarylyn born about 1932
HessOlive born about 1913
HessSidney born about 1910
HinchAugusta born about 1864
HinchCinch born about 1861
HinchGeorge Aborn about 1895
HinchGeorge Fborn about 1938
HinchLeroy Aborn about 1939
HinchLorna Gborn about 1910
HolstBetty born about 1916
HolstGlenn born about 1913
HolstMarlene born about 1936
HolstWayne born about 1919
HolzlmanWayne born about 1919
HudsonAlbert Dborn about 1875
HudsonGolda born about 1885
HutschBetty born about 1927
HutschBeverley born about 1929
HutschCharles born about 1895
HutschNine born about 1901

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J Surnames

JacksonAddie born about 1862
JenksArdys born about 1922
JenksBessie born about 1889
JenksCaroline born about 1928
JenksEdna born about 1920
JenksEdward Mborn about 1919
JenksElenor born about 1912
JenksElida born about 1895
JenksEnoch Mborn about 1881
JenksFloyd born about 1899
JenksFloyd Duncanborn about 1939
JenksFrances born about 1906
JenksHelena born about 1930
JenksJames Eborn about 1863
JenksKatie Annborn about 1869
JenksMarjorie born about 1923
JenksMarlowe born about 1917
JenksMary Bborn about 1862
JenksMary Leeborn about 1925
JenksMaud born about 1876
JenksMaud born about 1902
JenksMelvin born about 1920
JenksNina Ruthborn about 1876
JenksOliver born about 1871
JenksPierce born about 1895
JenksRichard born about 1930
JenksWilliam born about 1861
JentzenJohn born about 1871
JentzenMarie born about 1879
JoaksonBeverly born about 1932
JoaksonHarold Kborn about 1906
JoaksonLavon born about 1933
JoaksonMarie born about 1907
JoaksonSherley Annborn about 1930
JohnsonAna born about 1901
JohnsonBell born about 1874
JohnsonJoseph born about 1853
JohnsonLe Roy born about 1920
JohnsonLewis born about 1929
JohnsonMarvin born about 1924
JohnsonO Alenaborn about 1904
JohnsonRobert born about 1894
JohnsonRobert born about 1926

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K Surnames

KarmalikeLeo born about 1908
KarmalikeNora born about 1883
KarmalikeWilliam born about 1880
KarmalikeWilliam born about 1907
KenstemHenry born about 1879

L Surnames

LadlemireMargaret born about 1869
LakinNorman born about 1917
LaperLoren Rborn about 1869
LaperMary Eborn about 1874
LarhHenry Cborn about 1922
LindskogBernice born about 1922
LindskogCharolet born about 1927
LindskogHenry born about 1889
LindskogJohn born about 1920
LindskogMine born about 1925
LindskogSelma born about 1895
LloydAlice Lborn about 1919
LloydDwain Lborn about 1939
LloydWillard born about 1913
LocknerLovie born about 1866
LocknerWilliam born about 1862
LonsethAnton born about 1886
LooneyGrace Helenborn about 1917
LooneyHazle Tborn about 1894
LooneyJohn born about 1917
LooneyMyrule born about 1893
LooneyRuth born about 1921
LooneySusie Lborn about 1886
LooneyVergil Eborn about 1883

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M Surnames

MalgamattDavid born about 1880
MalgamattDoris born about 1916
MalgamattFrances born about 1890
MallowFay born about 1896
MallowPaula born about 1896
MayStella Eborn about 1875
McCraeArchie born about 1918
McCraeCharles Jr born about 1940
McCraeEarnest born about 1893
McCraeEthel Jborn about 1922
McCraeIva Mborn about 1899
McDanielEdwin born about 1911
McDanielMildred born about 1915
McDanielRoy born about 1933
McFarlandJohn Lborn about 1885
McGregorAlexander born about 1880
McRenoldsEverett born about 1922
McRenoldsFloyd born about 1923
McRenoldsLoellen born about 1893
McRenoldsMildred born about 1930
McRenoldsRoscoe born about 1894
MercatLily born about 1878
MervinCal born about 1874
MervinMaud born about 1886
MetcallAva Lorraineborn about 1927
MetcallCharles Meltonborn about 1928
MetcallDonald Gilbertborn about 1930
MetcallElvin born about 1901
MetcallPheta Cborn about 1905
MichieEmma born about 1938
MichieKeeth Lborn about 1935
MichieLaura born about 1939
MichieLouie born about 1905
MichieWilliam born about 1870
MichieWilliam Kborn about 1904
MillerCarl born about 1909
MillerEarl Mborn about 1920
MillerElmer born about 1891
MillerGuy Eborn about 1906
MillerHelen Gborn about 1918
MillerKenneth Eborn about 1930
MillerLeroy born about 1931
MillerLula Mborn about 1908
MillerMable born about 1896
MillerMae born about 1910
MillerRichard born about 1939
MillerRobert Wborn about 1937
MillerRussell born about 1937
MillerVirginia born about 1933
MillerWilliam Lborn about 1924
MimeyStiver* born about 1933
MisnerBarbara born about 1934
MisnerDona Marieborn about 1939
MisnerDonald born about 1910
MisnerDonald Eborn about 1937
MisnerJoanet born about 1936
MisnerSelma born about 1915
MivansBessie born about 1885
MivansWilliam born about 1883
MontgomeryBell born about 1868
MontgomeryJoseph born about 1851
MooddyBetty born about 1928
MooddyGerldine born about 1930
MooddyJacifine born about 1930
MooddyJames Aborn about 1920
MooddyJohn Fborn about 1923
MooddyLauren Tborn about 1892
MooddyMaeb born about 1900
MoosDavid born about 1932
MoosJerry born about 1895
MoosMartha born about 1896
MoosRobert born about 1923
MorelandClark born about 1904
MorelandVivian born about 1912
MuellerAdolph born about 1865
MuellerBertha born about 1867
MullerDoris born about 1932
MullerGene born about 1929
MullerKent born about 1936
MullerMary born about 1906
MullerPaul born about 1902
MullerPlete born about 1905
MullerRuth born about 1908
MullerStanley born about 1939
MullerWilliam Bruceborn about 1931

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N Surnames

NashMary Leeborn about 1919
NeedhamFred born about 1875
NeedhamJarvis born about 1881
NeedhamJohn born about 1877
NewportCarl born about 1916
NewportCarl Fborn about 1886
NewportCorelene born about 1937
NewportEarl Mborn about 1919
NewportIrene born about 1916
NewportLeroy born about 1939
NewportRosa born about 1892
NoahBilly born about 1936
NoahEnos born about 1907
NoahGerald born about 1931
NoahLyle born about 1934
NoahMildred born about 1911
NordeenBernice Mborn about 1912
NordeenHenry Rborn about 1908
NordeenMerline born about 1932

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O Surnames

ObermeyerHenry born about 1886
ObermeyerOrvil born about 1889
ObermeyerWilliam born about 1922
OlsonArther born about 1913
OlsonChristine born about 1862
OlsonEmma born about 1888
OlsonLeona born about 1920
OlsonMelvin born about 1921
OlsonOscar Mborn about 1886

P Surnames

PerryDean born about 1915
PerryMarion born about 1921
PerryRonald born about 1938
PhilipsJames born about 1917
PlaceCharles Mborn about 1896
PlaceJack born about 1919
PlaceMargaret born about 1896

R Surnames

RalstonDonald born about 1911
RalstonEdna born about 1870
RalstonWilliam born about 1868
RandalBeatrice born about 1912
RandalEverett born about 1913
RappFlorence born about 1920
RappHarvey born about 1915
RappRichard born about 1939
RappWarrell born about 1937
RasmussenArald born about 1913
RasmussenClayton born about 1939
RasmussenMinerva born about 1915
ReeserCharles born about 1932
ReeserClarence born about 1928
ReeserEmma born about 1898
ReeserEsther born about 1926
ReeserHarvey born about 1917
ReeserMarybell born about 1919
ReeserMaynard born about 1924
ReeserNorman born about 1931
ReeserRobert born about 1932
ReeserRonald born about 1934
ReeserWilliam born about 1893
RichardsonHugh Jborn about 1925
RichardsonHugh Mborn about 1897
RichardsonMarion Bborn about 1922
RichardsonMartha Eborn about 1904
RichardsonNiel Aborn about 1928
RossRay born about 1892
RossViolet born about 1909
RothAmelia born about 1895
RothAmos born about 1904
RothAnna born about 1906
RothBen born about 1922
RothBen Bborn about 1894
RothCarol born about 1934
RothDonald born about 1930
RothEdward born about 1902
RothElis born about 1927
RothErma born about 1932
RothEste born about 1925
RothFrank Eborn about 1887
RothGlen born about 1935
RothIda born about 1905
RothKenneth born about 1932
RothLarry born about 1939
RothMary Eborn about 1862
RothMerlyn born about 1926
RothPauline born about 1926
RothSterling born about 1927
RothTracy born about 1920

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S Surnames

SandersAlbert born about 1898
SandersMae born about 1891
SchamerJohn born about 1862
SchamerJosepine born about 1869
SchamerRaymond born about 1889
SchrockBera born about 1901
SchrockDale born about 1930
SchrockDave born about 1896
SchrockEarl born about 1928
SchrockIren born about 1922
SchrockOpal born about 1926
SchrockPearl born about 1924
SchrockVernon born about 1921
SettlemierClarence born about 1876
SettlemierElimbith born about 1872
SettlemierTom born about 1909
SherleyDelbert Mborn about 1876
SherleyManie born about 1885
SlateEsther born about 1890
SlateHelen born about 1921
SlateJim born about 1916
SloanBell born about 1902
SloanEdna born about 1931
SloanLouise born about 1926
SloanRalph born about 1874
SloanRuth born about 1924
SloanSherley born about 1938
SmithEmma born about 1870
SmithPerry born about 1889
SmithUlysses born about 1864
SpikerCharles Mborn about 1929
SpikerGladys born about 1906
SpikerLloyd born about 1907
SteckleyDavid born about 1890
SteckleySelvia born about 1895
StellmacherMatty born about 1897
StellmacherTressie born about 1899
StidelHilda born about 1872
StidelPaul born about 1874
StuartArthur Aborn about 1879
SwartoutGeorge born about 1935
SwartoutHerbert born about 1869
SwartoutLeigh born about 1907
SwartoutRudy born about 1918
SwartoutVernon born about 1937
SwatzkaGreta Merlborn about 1888
SwatzkaJohn born about 1884
SwatzkaJohn Galeborn about 1926

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T Surnames

TellerAll born about 1895
TerhuneAnn born about 1939
TerhuneLoren born about 1907
TerhuneMarine born about 1911
ThompsonCharles born about 1915
ThompsonLorraine born about 1914
ThompsonRodney born about 1939
ThorpBen Franklinborn about 1872
ThorpJay born about 1916
ThorpMendia born about 1876
ThorpPearne born about 1910

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U Surnames

UnderwoodJohn born about 1872
UnderwoodMatty Aborn about 1876

V Surnames

VaultCharles Aborn about 1877
VaultLetha born about 1920
VaultOlie born about 1890
VessDoris born about 1930
VessEula born about 1906
VessFrank born about 1899
VessHarold born about 1926
VessHelen born about 1928
VessImogene born about 1924
VessMary born about 1927
VianAlbert born about 1899
VillanuevaAlbeto born about 1894
VillanuevaNatialia born about 1904

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W Surnames

WellsGenevie born about 1906
WellsJohn Eborn about 1893
WhiteEcho Ethelborn about 1940
WhiteFrank born about 1912
WhiteGrace born about 1922
WhiteKelly Menieborn about 1938
WoodCecal Maeborn about 1896
WoodHerbert Eborn about 1882
WrightVina Mborn about 1876

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