1940 U.S. Federal Census of Terrebonne, Deschutes, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Deschutes County > 1940 Census of Terrebonne

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN Surnames

A Surnames

AldrichAdeline Wborn about 1855
AllenChristine Wborn about 1876
AllenHenry Aborn about 1881

B Surnames

BallardAllen Fborn about 1898
BallardLon Aborn about 1933
BallardMarjorie born about 1929
BallardSara born about 1897
BantaFulton Gborn about 1883
BantaGeorge Eborn about 1853
BantaIra Dborn about 1910
BeckleyFrancis Eborn about 1910
BeckleyHubert Jborn about 1910
BeckleyRalph Hborn about 1939
BlacksheareCharles Hborn about 1935
BlacksheareClara Vborn about 1915
BlacksheareErnest Aborn about 1912
BodtkerAndrew Eborn about 1901
BodtkerDavid Nborn about 1937
BodtkerDonald Fborn about 1928
BodtkerMargaret Lborn about 1904
BodtkerPeter Lborn about 1930
BodtkerWillard Iborn about 1926
BookEleanor Gborn about 1889
BookEleanor Gborn about 1889
BookJacob Pborn about 1887
BookJakob Pborn about 1887
BoothBarbara Gborn about 1939
BoothBarbara Lborn about 1929
BoothDoris Lborn about 1910
BoothJaqueline Mborn about 1936
BoothJohn Eborn about 1901
BoothJoseph Rborn about 1910
BoothJoseph Jr born about 1935
BoothLila Nborn about 1930
BoothLuella Fborn about 1909
BowenDessie born about 1870
BowenGeorge Eborn about 1869
BransonJohn born about 1867
BrotieJohn born about 1886
BrownAlbert Bborn about 1921
BrownSara Anborn about 1864
BurhoopAlbert born about 1938
BurhoopEdward Gborn about 1914
BurhoopLidia Mborn about 1919

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C Surnames

CarltonJames Lborn about 1924
ClareMildred Dborn about 1905
ClarkDavid Bborn about 1929
ClarkFranklin Oborn about 1939
ClarkHelen Cborn about 1920
ClarkHulda Lborn about 1925
ClarkJakob Gborn about 1927
ClarkLawrence Mborn about 1935
ClarkMay Jborn about 1922
ClarkRuth Mborn about 1921
ClarkTherese Sborn about 1923
ClarkVirgil Gborn about 1917
CouglinViolet born about 1916

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D Surnames

DalyVirginia Mborn about 1920
DanielskiSadie Bborn about 1889
DanielskiWalter born about 1885
DavisFrank Mborn about 1864
DavisMary Eborn about 1877
DicksonArt born about 1876
DicksonMay born about 1884
DrewBert Wborn about 1919
DrewClaud Bborn about 1890
DrewClyde Bborn about 1928
DrewFrancis Mborn about 1924
DrewIda Iborn about 1897
DrewLester Cborn about 1936
DrewMarian Iborn about 1930
DrewMaudie Mborn about 1926
DrewWilbur Dborn about 1921
DrowAlvay Gborn about 1921
DrowHarvey Jborn about 1883
DrowJean born about 1933
DrowLeo Aborn about 1925
DrowMargaret Bborn about 1923
DrowPearl Aborn about 1893
DurfeeEloise Lborn about 1913
DurfeeRay born about 1900

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E Surnames

EbyBarbara Pborn about 1935
EbyBerry Mborn about 1902
EbyClarida Vborn about 1909
EbyCraig Hborn about 1935
EbyDorothy Bborn about 1926
EbyDuane Cborn about 1930
EbyFaye Mborn about 1927
EbyGene Lborn about 1938
EbyGerold Pborn about 1929
EbyHarold Wborn about 1905
EbyHerbert Pborn about 1904
EbyLola Lborn about 1936
ElrodBetty Lborn about 1937
ElrodErnest Dborn about 1888
ElrodJack Wborn about 1924
ElrodMay Eborn about 1904
ErvingPhyllis Mborn about 1932
EugleJanet Lborn about 1937
EugleOsie Rborn about 1925
EugleWaldo Cborn about 1912

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F Surnames

FaussettAlfonzo Hborn about 1908
FaussettAlfonzo Hborn about 1908
FaussettAnita Cborn about 1938
FaussettAnita Cborn about 1939
FaussettAudrey Fborn about 1912
FaussettAudrey Fborn about 1912
FaussettCaryl Aborn about 1932
FaussettCaryl Aborn about 1932
FaussettMarian Fborn about 1935
FaussettMarion Fborn about 1935
FergusonAlicia Mborn about 1899
FergusonElmer Sborn about 1888
FergusonWeldon Wborn about 1924
FisgerAnna born about 1871
FisgerHerbert Hborn about 1903
FosterRosa Wborn about 1849

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G Surnames

GarrardMargaret Mborn about 1874
GatherLeo born about 1918
GatherMabel born about 1920
GilesJae Eborn about 1900
GoodrickHarriett born about 1884
GoodrickNewton Wborn about 1877
GrayElizabeth Oborn about 1867
GrayJoseph Wborn about 1886

H Surnames

HalleyDavid Dborn about 1938
HalleyEstel Cborn about 1930
HalleyEva Lborn about 1926
HalleyLacie Bborn about 1936
HalleyLe Roy born about 1894
HalleyLe Roy born about 1925
HalleyLucille Wborn about 1936
HalleyTwyla Bborn about 1927
HalleyWinifred Bborn about 1905
HalmesEdith born about 1910
HalmesEugene Sborn about 1931
HalmesWilliam born about 1905
HamiltonCarl Wborn about 1898
HamiltonRuth Oborn about 1901
HappJohn Gborn about 1867
HendricksonOpal born about 1904
HickakWalter Eborn about 1892
HillRobert Hborn about 1884
HirschGeorge Gborn about 1938
HirschMabel Wborn about 1919
HirschWalter Gborn about 1907
HobbsHarriette Aborn about 1877
HobbsLumelot born about 1873
HunnelJonathan Fborn about 1913
HunnelMaxine born about 1914
HutchinsonFrancis Aborn about 1917
HutchinsonGlenn Aborn about 1914
HutchinsonGlenn Aborn about 1937
HutchinsonPeter Wborn about 1940

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I Surnames

ImranBertha Mborn about 1872
InksEugene Rborn about 1938
InksHerbert Rborn about 1908
InksLillian Rborn about 1918

J Surnames

JenkinsReurce Yborn about 1910
JenningsElmer Mborn about 1911
JunkerFlorence Mborn about 1872
JunkerGeorge born about 1870

K Surnames

KeaneIda Mborn about 1873
KeaneIda Mborn about 1873
KeifferThomas Mborn about 1907
KingsburgBetty Gborn about 1923
KingsburgElliott Cborn about 1925
KingsburgLarry Yborn about 1930
KingsburgLlaween Rborn about 1891
KingsburgNira Eborn about 1901
KinheadJames Wborn about 1916
KnorrLester Cborn about 1917
KnorrPearl Mborn about 1915
KnorrWilliam Lborn about 1938
KressDaniel Dborn about 1919

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L Surnames

LafolletteAlvin Wborn about 1931
LafolletteDelaine Aborn about 1934
LafolletteDewey born about 1899
LafolletteDonald born about 1921
LafolletteGeraldine born about 1927
LafolletteLyle Wborn about 1925
LafolletteStella Bborn about 1902
LancyloisJohn Bborn about 1870
LarsonHarry Tborn about 1932
LarsonLuis Gborn about 1931
LarsonRuby Eborn about 1895
LewisElna Cborn about 1937
LewisMary Aborn about 1914
LewisTed Hborn about 1914
LynanEverett L Zborn about 1908

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M Surnames

MacgregorGeorge Hborn about 1875
MacgregorGeorge Hborn about 1875
MacgregorKettie Fborn about 1871
MacgregorKettie Fborn about 1871
MacgregorRonald born about 1911
MacgregorV Ireneborn about 1913
MallenMary Eborn about 1863
MayfieldHoward born about 1894
MayfieldJosephine Mborn about 1898
MayfieldMichael Sborn about 1866
MayfieldWayne Hborn about 1927
MayfieldWilliam Rborn about 1924
McCallumWalter Eborn about 1867
McWillisFred born about 1885
McWillisMary Eborn about 1890
MearyMarguerite Lborn about 1920
MeekerAletha Iborn about 1896
MeekerBille Dborn about 1924
MeekerElise Dborn about 1928
MeekerHarold Wborn about 1892
MeekerJohn Hborn about 1932
MeekerMary Eborn about 1934
MeekerRobert Wborn about 1922
MeekerWilliam Hborn about 1930
MillerDorothy Aborn about 1918
MillerEugen Mborn about 1926
MillerEugene Mborn about 1904
MillerEverett Mborn about 1871
MillerJoan Mborn about 1939
MillerLesa born about 1889
MillerMyrtle Mborn about 1877
MillerPatricia Aborn about 1938
MillerRalph Eborn about 1927
MillerRalph Wborn about 1896
MitchellCarl Aborn about 1905
MitchellCarl Aborn about 1905
MitchellCarol Lborn about 1933
MitchellCarol Lborn about 1933
MitchellDale Aborn about 1935
MitchellDale Aborn about 1935
MitchellEdith Dborn about 1908
MitchellEdith Dborn about 1908
MitchellLois Rborn about 1937
MitchellLois Rborn about 1937
MochringDavid Bborn about 1929
MochringFranklin Oborn about 1939
MochringHelen Cborn about 1920
MochringHulda Lborn about 1925
MochringJacob Gborn about 1927
MochringLawrence Mborn about 1935
MochringRuth Mborn about 1921
MochringTherese Sborn about 1923
MochringVirgil Gborn about 1917
MontgomeryFrank Cborn about 1884
MortonEuarl Lborn about 1918
MortonHelen born about 1925
MortonJae Eborn about 1932
MortonLee born about 1886
MortonLilly Mborn about 1891
MortonNorman Lborn about 1927
MortonVictor Lborn about 1921
MustardHarvey Tborn about 1896
MustardPearl Eborn about 1902

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N Surnames

NicholsEllen Cborn about 1917
NicholsLawrence Lborn about 1911
NicholsLawrence Rborn about 1936
NicholsMargaret Lborn about 1938

P Surnames

ParkAlice Oborn about 1922
ParkCharles Bborn about 1891
ParkCharlotte Hborn about 1920
ParkElizabeth born about 1926
ParkOlga Aborn about 1898
ParkVirginia Oborn about 1923
ParkeyPearl Vborn about 1881
ParkeySamuel Mborn about 1891
ParkeySamuel Wborn about 1921
ParrErnest Mborn about 1884
ParrH Warrenborn about 1923
ParrMathilda Gborn about 1883
ParrotJulie Mborn about 1868
ParrotJulie Mborn about 1868
PedenAlma Leeborn about 1906
PedenHarry Lborn about 1937
PedenMary Aborn about 1914
PoppeJohn Dborn about 1918

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R Surnames

RammelHubert Gborn about 1896
RueAllen Wborn about 1900

S Surnames

SaxtonAnna Mborn about 1922
SaxtonJohn Wborn about 1874
SaxtonMary Aborn about 1924
SaxtonMaude born about 1897
ShoemakerRay born about 1919
ShryerDavid Wborn about 1918
ShryerGeri Cborn about 1939
ShryerMargaret Vborn about 1919
SmalleyAlbert Lborn about 1920
SmalleyAlbert Lborn about 1920
SmalleyDorothy Lborn about 1935
SmalleyDorothy Lborn about 1935
SmalleyJimmy Eborn about 1930
SmalleyJimmy Eborn about 1930
SmalleySadie Eborn about 1910
SmalleySadie Eborn about 1910
SmalleyViola born about 1882
SmalleyViola born about 1882
SmalleyVirginia Vborn about 1932
SmalleyVirginia Vborn about 1932
SmalleyWalter Dborn about 1915
SmalleyWalter Dborn about 1915
SmalleyWilliam Lborn about 1909
SmalleyWilliam Lborn about 1909
SmithAlfred born about 1895
SmithBillie Mborn about 1934
SmithBobby Lborn about 1931
SmithDonna Gborn about 1940
SmithEdith Lborn about 1901
SmithEdith Mborn about 1910
SmithEdith Mborn about 1910
SmithEva Gborn about 1916
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1931
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1931
SmithGeorgia Jborn about 1937
SmithGladys Gborn about 1928
SmithHarvey Eborn about 1909
SmithHelen Eborn about 1926
SmithHerschel Lborn about 1933
SmithIsabelle Mborn about 1932
SmithIsabelle Mborn about 1932
SmithJacky Sborn about 1933
SmithJames Aborn about 1933
SmithKasem Gborn about 1936
SmithMabel Rborn about 1915
SmithMarvel Wborn about 1936
SmithNina Eborn about 1928
SmithNina Eborn about 1928
SmithNorman Lborn about 1901
SmithRichard Dborn about 1924
SmithRuth Nborn about 1939
SmithSonny Bborn about 1937
SmithSteve Hborn about 1939
SmithVirginia Mborn about 1934
SmithVirginia Mborn about 1934
SmithWarney Eborn about 1909
SmithWayne Rborn about 1901
SpagelandRobert Fborn about 1882
SparksWilliam Hborn about 1875
StappJohn Gborn about 1867

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T Surnames

TelfordMary Eborn about 1917
TelfordSharon Eborn about 1940
TelfordSherman Mborn about 1916
TelfordVirgil Fborn about 1937
TrontMarry Eborn about 1879
TrontOtis born about 1879

U Surnames

UmbargerClarence Gborn about 1919

W Surnames

WallenburgEmily born about 1881
WallenburgO Frankborn about 1879
WallenburgWilford Sborn about 1913
WarningElizabeth Kborn about 1922
WarningJohn born about 1885
WarningJohn Gborn about 1916
WarningMargaret born about 1889
WarningTherese Bborn about 1929
WilliamsClyde born about 1884
WilliamsEdward born about 1884
WilliamsLuella Mborn about 1875
WilsonMargaret Aborn about 1933
WilsonMargaret Cborn about 1906
WilsonRobert Hborn about 1902
WilsonRobert Hborn about 1935
WingsEdith born about 1889
WingsJames Aborn about 1913
WingsJames Dborn about 1879
WrightFlora Lborn about 1887
WrightFrancis Fborn about 1883
WrightJack Oborn about 1916

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