1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Reedsport, Douglas, Oregon

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oregon > Douglas County > 1940 Census of West Reedsport

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlcockAda Aborn about 1890
AlcockVictor Aborn about 1885
AndrewsMabel born about 1913
AndrewsMargy born about 1923
AndrewsWilliam Lborn about 1908

B Surnames

BackersEmily Aborn about 1871
BackersJames Fborn about 1880
BartenGrace born about 1893
BatesBerniece Eborn about 1913
BatesFred Mborn about 1907
BatesMerle Rborn about 1932
BatesSharon Vborn about 1936
BeaudryEmil Aborn about 1883
BeaudryGene Eborn about 1934
BeaudryLillian born about 1896
BeaudryWilliam Rborn about 1935
BowmanDonna born about 1932
BowmanGeorge born about 1903
BowmanMargaret born about 1908
BowmanRoderick born about 1930
BowmanRoy Eborn about 1928
BoydAnna born about 1852
BoydVerna born about 1878
BrainardIsabelle Pborn about 1887
BrainardRoy born about 1886
ButlerHerbert born about 1884
ButlerMaxamilia born about 1891

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C Surnames

CadyHarry Mborn about 1901
CadyMyrtle Aborn about 1893
CooneyEva Mborn about 1883
CooneyLaura Oborn about 1863
CooperJohn Cborn about 1888
CooperMargaret Rborn about 1937
CooperNancy Lborn about 1939
CooperRuth Sborn about 1902
CramerCecil Wborn about 1927
CramerEverett Fborn about 1917
CramerFred Sborn about 1922
CramerGay Fborn about 1889
CramerLeland Tborn about 1919
CramerMary Cborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DeinersDonald born about 1936
DeinersDorothy born about 1916
DeinersGeorge born about 1915
DoyleHazel born about 1936
DoyleJoan born about 1938
DoyleLetty born about 1911
DoyleWoodson born about 1909

F Surnames

FairclothHarold born about 1912
FairclothMargaret Aborn about 1920
FallefsonArthur born about 1902
FeuerhelmAlbert Hborn about 1881
FeuerhelmLloyd born about
FeuerhelmMary Wborn about 1885

G Surnames

GorthyJack Davidborn about 1926
GreenFred born about 1879
GrivasCharles born about 1897
GrivasDorothy born about 1924

H Surnames

HagueArdena born about 1939
HaguePaul born about 1913
HagueRodney born about 1938
HagueZelma born about 1918
HaleyElisha Wellsborn about 1867
HouserDenny born about 1884
HowellAlfred born about 1934
HowellAlladen born about 1938
HowellBetty Maeborn about 1932
HowellCleo born about 1926
HowellJames born about 1907
HowellOlliver born about 1929
HowellPaul born about 1939
HowellRosemary born about 1935
HowellVerla born about 1908
HowellVerla born about 1937
HuclshoftCatherine born about 1922
HuclshoftRichard Lborn about 1928
HudsonElizabeth born about 1917
HudsonHarry born about 1910
HuelshoftJustine Cborn about 1895
HuelshoftLeo Rborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LewisBurley born about 1889
LewisSara born about 1908
LewisThelma Mayborn about 1934
LongBarbara Pborn about 1921
LongEverett Aborn about 1939
LongFred Wilseyborn about 1916

M Surnames

MaxwellGeorge Eborn about 1881
MaxwellLelia Cborn about 1883
McCaheyJames born about 1876
McKimmyRay born about 1908
MoonAlice Carolynborn about 1921
MoonAlta Bborn about 1932
MoonBertha Avisborn about 1923
MoonEdwin Lborn about 1892
MoonMinnie Gborn about 1893
MoonRussell Eborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewlandArdella M Gall Sborn about 1881
NewlandCarmel Coreneborn about 1911
NewlandJohn Wesleyborn about 1872
NewstedCecil Cborn about 1918
NewstedGloria Nborn about 1919

P Surnames

PajaariClarence born about 1924
PajaariIda born about 1922
PajaariWalter born about 1916
PerkinsDarrell Leeborn about 1931
PerkinsEvelyn born about 1913
PerkinsSharon Lborn about 1936
PerkinsTriece Vborn about 1903
PerryJohn born about 1939
PerryTheodore born about 1922
PerryWade born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RobinsonEmma born about 1881
RobinsonFred Jborn about 1876

S Surnames

ShinkleCharles Cborn about 1877
ShinkleJennie Mborn about 1878
StangeA Aborn about 1896
StangeAntoinette born about 1938
StangeCarol Nborn about 1936
StangeDuane Rborn about 1926
StangeEdmund Jborn about 1862
StangeJean Aborn about 1930
StangeMyrtle Lborn about 1905
StangeShirley Aborn about 1932
StephensonClaribel born about 1920
StromAndrew born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallefsonArthur born about 1933
TallefsonClara born about 1882
TallefsonIrene born about 1919
TallefsonJerald born about 1936
TallefsonMarylyn born about 1939

W Surnames

WalkerAllurd born about 1889
WalkerJanet born about 1931
WalkerKenneth born about 1926
WalkerMarion born about 1896
WalkerWalter born about 1891
WalterO Bborn about 1893
WalterRobert born about 1923
WalterSybil born about 1897
WiynesKenneth born about 1924

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