Armstrong County PA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Armstrong County (892) > Armstrong County Newspapers and Obituaries (76)

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Pennsylvania Newspapers and Obituaries (7,474) > Armstrong County Newspapers and Obituaries (76)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Armstrong County are also on the Pennsylvania Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Apollo Freeport Kittanning Leechburg Milton in Armstrong County Parker Rural Valley South Bethlehem

Armstrong County Newspapers and Obituaries

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Early deaths and marriages in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania from Kitanning area newspapers WorldCat

Freeport Journal, 1901-1906 : Annual Record of Newsworthy Items, Freeport, Armstrong County, Pa : Annual Record of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Happenings of Note As Gleaned from the Files of the Journal FamilySearch Library

Freeport journal, Freeport, Armstrong Co., Pa.; ... history of a decade, 1876-1886 : a brief synopsis of the haps and mishaps in Freeport and vicinity as recorded in the journal FamilySearch Library

Marriages & Anniversaries : Taken from the Leader Times Newspapers, 1922-1962-1997-1998-1999-2001 & the Vandergrift News, 1997-1998-1999-2001 FamilySearch Library Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Obituaries of South Bend and surrounding areas : 1960 - 1970 - 1980 : Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; Armstrong County, Pennsylvania; Indiana County, Pennsylvania : probably copied from Simpson's Daily Leader Times newspaper FamilySearch Library

Obituary extractions from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania newspapers, 1992-1996 WorldCat

Obituary extractions from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, newspapers : 1992-2001 FamilySearch Library

The Civil War Newspaper : A Syntopic Summary of Newspaper History in Armstrong County, Pa., 1810-1992, With Especial Emphasis On the Civil War Newspaper, 1861-1865 FamilySearch Library

Freeport Newspapers and Obituaries

Freeport Journal, 1901-1906 : Annual Record of Newsworthy Items, Freeport, Armstrong County, Pa : Annual Record of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Happenings of Note As Gleaned from the Files of the Journal FamilySearch Library

Freeport Journal, Freeport, Armstrong Co., Pa.; ... History of A Decade, 1876-1886 : A Brief Synopsis of the Haps and Mishaps in Freeport and Vicinity As Recorded in the Journal FamilySearch Library

Freeport journal 1901-1906 : annual record of newsworthy items, Freeport, Armstrong County, PA : annual record of births, deaths, marriages, and happenings of note, as gleaned from the files of the journal WorldCat

Freeport journal 1901-1906 : annual record of newsworthy items, Freeport, Armstrong County, PA : annual record of births, deaths, marriages, and happenings of note, as gleaned from the files of the journal WorldCat

Kittanning Newspapers and Obituaries

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Abstracts from the Kittanning Gazette, August 1825 To July 1828, Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library

Birth Records Taken from the Leader Times, Kittanning, Pa. & the Vandergrift News, 1991-2001 FamilySearch Library

Birth records taken from the Leader times, Kittanning, PA & the Vandergrift news, 1991-2001 WorldCat

Daily Leader Timesᅠ(1950-1964) Newspaper Archive online

Early deaths and marriages in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania Aug. 1825-July 1864 FamilySearch Library

Genealogical and Historical Extractions from the Valley Times, Kittanning, Pa., 1876-1878 FamilySearch Library

Kittanning Daily Leader Timesᅠ(1962-1964) Newspaper Archive online

Kittanning Leader Timesᅠ(1964-1995) Newspaper Archive online

Kittanning Simpson Leader Timesᅠ(1915-1977) Newspaper Archive online

Kittanning Simpsons Daily Leader Timesᅠ(1920-1961) Newspaper Archive online

Kittanning Simpsons Daily Leaderᅠ(1909-1919) Newspaper Archive online

Leader Times 10/12/2001 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Leader times obituaries WorldCat

Marriage Extractions from the Leader Times, Obituaries of 1970-2003 FamilySearch Library

Marriages & anniversaries taken from the Leader times newspapers, 1922-1962-1997-1998-1999-2000 & the Vandergrift news, 1997-1998-1999-2000 WorldCat

Marriages of Westmoreland and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania, 1992-1996 FamilySearch Library

Memorials : Handwritten Entries from Simpson's Dailey Leader Times Newspaper, Kittaning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania 1954-1962 FamilySearch Library

Simpson's Leader-Times 1926-1977 online

Simpson's Leader-Times 1929-77 (Newspaper in Kittanning, Pennsylvania) Ancestry online

The Antebellum Newspaper, 1786-1856 : A Historical Summary of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Newspapers, 1810-1856 and A Reconstructive History of Three Historic Newspapers At Pittsburgh, Greensburg and Kittanning, 1786-1810 FamilySearch Library

The Armstrong Democrat & Sentinel published in Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Penna.; genealogical abstracts July 1889-December 1894 FamilySearch Library

Milton in Armstrong County Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Armstrong County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Apollo: Apollo Lacon and Kiskiminitas Valley Review. (Apollo, Pa.) 1875-1878

Freeport: Columbian and Freeport-Leechburgh and Warren Advertiser. (Freeport, Pa.) 1841-1845

Freeport: Freeport Journal. (Freeport, Armstrong Co., Pa.) 1876-1959

Freeport: Herald. (Freeport, Armstrong Co. [P]a.) 1899-1913

Freeport: New Era. (Freeport, Pa.) 1872-1870s

Freeport: Valley Times. (Freeport, Pa.) 1870s-1880

Kittanning: Armstrong Advertiser, and Anti-Masonic Free Press. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1830-1833

Kittanning: Armstrong Democrat and Sentinel. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1880-1921

Kittanning: Armstrong Republican. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1865-1902

Kittanning: Armstrong True American. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1812-1813

Kittanning: Columbian, and Farmers and Mechanics Advertiser. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1819-1831

Kittanning: Columbian. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1819-1831

Kittanning: County Standard. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1886-1896

Kittanning: Daily Leader-Times. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1961-1964

Kittanning: Daily Times. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1898-1921

Kittanning: Democratic Sentinel. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1864-1880

Kittanning: Kittanning Free Press. (Kittanning, Armstrong Co., Pa.) 1840s-1930

Kittanning: Kittanning Gazette and Columbian. (Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pa.) 1831-1833

Kittanning: Kittanning Gazette. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1833-1841

Kittanning: Kittanning Gazette. (Kittanning, Penn.) 1825-1831

Kittanning: Kittanning Times. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1880-1921

Kittanning: Leader-Times. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1964-Current

Kittanning: Mentor. (Kittanning [Pa.]) 1862-1864

Kittanning: Simpsons' Daily Leader-Times. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1921-1961

Kittanning: Simpsons' Daily Leader. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1909-1921

Kittanning: Union Free Press. (Kittanning, Pa.) 1864-1895

Leechburg: Leechburg Enterprise. (Leechburg, Pa.) 1873-1885

Leechburg: Leechburgh Advance. (Leechburgh, Pa.) 1886-Current

Parker: Oilman's Journal. (Parker, Pa.) 1869-1878

Parker: Parker City Daily. (Parker City, Armstrong County, Pa.) 1874-1879

Parker: Parker Phoenix. (Parker, Armstrong Co., Pa.) 1896-1956

Parker: Weekly Phoenix. (Parker, Armstrong County, Pa.) 1879-1895

Rural Valley: Rural Valley Advance. (Rural Valley, Pa.) 1901-1943

South Bethlehem: Daily Globe. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1894-1897

South Bethlehem: Globe. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1897-1920

South Bethlehem: Morning Progress. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1871-1874

South Bethlehem: Northampton Conservative. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1868-1875

South Bethlehem: South Bethlehem Star. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1875-1870s

South Bethlehem: South Bethlehem Star. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1879-1898

South Bethlehem: Weekly Progress. (South Bethlehem, Pa.) 1869-1871

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