Cumberland County PA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Cumberland County (1,303) > Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries (139)

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Pennsylvania Newspapers and Obituaries (7,474) > Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries (139)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Cumberland County are also on the Pennsylvania Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Carlisle Lemoyne Mechanicsburg Mifflin Mount Holly Springs New Cumberland Newville Oakville Plainfield Shippensburg

Cumberland County Newspapers and Obituaries

Excerpts of genealogical interest abstracted from Pennsylvania newspapers : in the collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

The Valley journal (Pennsylvania) 1983 FamilySearch Library

Carlisle Newspapers and Obituaries

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Abstracts of obituaries in the Carlisle (Cumberland County, Pa.) Evening Sentinel, 1906-1915 WorldCat

American volunteer. 1839-02-07 to 1873-06-05 Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive online

Carlisle Evening Herald 1891-1920 online

Carlisle Gazette 08/10/1785 to 10/23/1817 Genealogy Bank online

Carlisle Gazette, and Western Repository of Knowledge 1785-1794 online

Carlisle Republican 05/11/1819 to 10/31/1820 Genealogy Bank online

Carlisle Weekly Herald 1802-1894 online

Carlisle herald and expositor. 1837-09-19 to 1845-12-10 Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive online

Carlisle herald. 1845-12-24 to 1872-09-19 Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive online

Cumberland County, Pa., Marriages, 1761-1817 FamilySearch Library

Cumberland Register 09/20/1805 to 06/22/1814 Genealogy Bank online

Cumberland Valley Business Journal 07/05/2019 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Democratic Republican, and Agricultural Register 04/28/1824 to 08/12/1830 Genealogy Bank online

Evening Sentinel 1925, Obituary Index US Gen Web Archives online

Freyheits-Fahne 08/27/1814 to 03/25/1817 Genealogy Bank online

Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette 1794-1810 online

Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazette 1810-1817 online

Marriages and Deaths from the American Democrat (Carlisle, Pa) Newspaper, 1839-1848 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from the American Democrat (Carlisle, Pa) Newspaper, 1851-1858 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from the American Volunteer (Carlisle, Pa) Newspaper, 1839-1848 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from the Carlisle Herald (Pa) Newspaper 1866, 1868-1872 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from the Carlisle Herald and Expositor (Carlisle, Pa), 1837-1844 FamilySearch Library

Morning Star 1884-1885 online

Sentinel 06/01/1997 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Sentinel 1881-2023 online

Spirit of the Times and Carlisle Gazette 11/10/1817 to 04/27/1819 Genealogy Bank online

Valley Sentinel 1874-1882 online

Mount Holly Springs Newspapers and Obituaries

Newville Newspapers and Obituaries

Shippensburg Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Cumberland County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Carlisle: American Democrat. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1847-1860s

Carlisle: American Volunteer. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1903-1905

Carlisle: American Volunteer. Volume (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909

Carlisle: Arrow. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1904-1908

Carlisle: Carlisle American. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1855-1864

Carlisle: Carlisle Arrow. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1908-1917

Carlisle: Carlisle Daily Herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1886-1909

Carlisle: Carlisle Expositor and People's Advocate. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1832-1836

Carlisle: Carlisle Expositor. ([Carlisle, Pa.) 1830s-1840s

Carlisle: Carlisle Gazette, and the Western Repository of Knowledge. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1785-1794

Carlisle: Carlisle Gazette. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1823-1830

Carlisle: Carlisle Gazette. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1897-1900

Carlisle: Carlisle Gazette. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1899-1900

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald and Expositor, and General Advertiser. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1836-1837

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald and Expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald and General Advertiser. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1834-1836

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald, and Cumberland and Perry Advertiser. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1833-1834

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1882-1891

Carlisle: Carlisle Herald. Volume (Carlisle, Pa.) 1802-1833

Carlisle: Carlisle Republican, and Farmers' and Mechanics' Gazette. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1830-1831

Carlisle: Carlisle Republican. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1819-1820

Carlisle: Carlisle Republican. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1831-1835

Carlisle: Carlisle Republican. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1838

Carlisle: Carlisle Semi-Weekly Mirror. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1875-1881

Carlisle: Carlisle Volunteer-Herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1909-1915

Carlisle: Carlisle Volunteer. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1905-1919

Carlisle: Carlisle Weekly Herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1891-1909

Carlisle: Carlisle Whig. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1822-1823

Carlisle: Caucasian. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1866-1868

Carlisle: Cavalcade. (Carlisle Barracks, Pa.) 1946-1952

Carlisle: Daily Evening Sentinel. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1881-1889

Carlisle: Democratic Republican, and Agricultural Register. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1825-1830

Carlisle: Democratic Republican, and Farmer's Museum. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1824-1825

Carlisle: Evening Sentinel. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1889-1984

Carlisle: Evening Volunteer. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1901-1903

Carlisle: Expositor, and People's Advocate. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1830s-1832

Carlisle: Expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1830-1830s

Carlisle: Herald and Mirror. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1881-1882

Carlisle: Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1794-1810

Carlisle: Morning Star. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1882-1887

Carlisle: Pennsylvania Statesman. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1842-1846

Carlisle: Public Pointer. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1889-1913

Carlisle: Republican. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1835-1837

Carlisle: Sentinel. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1984-Current

Carlisle: Spirit of the Times & Carlisle Gazette. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1817-1819

Carlisle: Telegraphe. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1795-1790s

Lemoyne: West Shore Times. (Lemoyne, Pa.) 1950-1988

Mechanicsburg: Cumberland Valley Journal. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1858-1872

Mechanicsburg: Daily Journal. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1900-1923

Mechanicsburg: Daily Local News. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1923-1959

Mechanicsburg: Farmer's Friend. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1874-1870s

Mechanicsburg: Farmers' Friend and Grange Advocate. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1870s-1899

Mechanicsburg: Farmers' Friend and Grange Trade Bulletin. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1903-1918

Mechanicsburg: Farmers' Friend. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1900-1903

Mechanicsburg: Guide. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1933-Current

Mechanicsburg: Independent and Journal. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1872-1870s

Mechanicsburg: Iron Gray, and Cumberland and Dauphin Democratic Signal. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1838-1839

Mechanicsburg: Mechanicsburg Daily. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1896-1905

Mechanicsburg: Mechanicsburg Free Press. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1891-1905

Mechanicsburg: Mechanicsburg News. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1930s-1970

Mechanicsburg: Mechanicsburg Weekly Gazette. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1856-1857

Mechanicsburg: News. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1970-1973

Mechanicsburg: Saturday Journal. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1880s-1928

Mechanicsburg: Valley Democrat. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1868-1870

Mechanicsburg: Weekly Gazette. (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) 1857-1858

Mifflin: Juniata Sentinel. (Mifflin [I.E. Mifflintown], Pa.) 1955-Current

Mount Holly Springs: Mountain Echo. (Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.) 1871-1900

Mount Holly Springs: Mt. Holly Echo. (Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.) 1901-1904

New Cumberland: Freeman's Advocate, and Cumberland, York & Dauphin Advertiser. (New Cumberland, Pa.) 1839-1840

New Cumberland: Pw-Quelle. (New Cumberland, Pa.) 1945-1940s

Newville: Enterprise. (Newville, Pa.) 1874-1886

Newville: Newville Times. (Newville, Pa.) 1885-1880s

Newville: Star and Enterprise. (Newville, Pa.) 1886-1914

Newville: Star of the Valley. (Newville, Pa.) 1864-1886

Newville: Times. (Newville, Pa.) 1880s-1903

Newville: Valley Star. (Newville, Pa.) 1858-1864

Newville: Valley Times-Star. (Newville, Pa.) 1910s-Current

Newville: Valley Times. (Newville, Pa.) 1903-1910s

Oakville: Oakville Enterprise. (Oakville, Pa.) 1871-1874

Plainfield: Plainfield Times. (Plainfield, Pa.) 1882-1885

Shippensburg: Chronicle. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1914-1927

Shippensburg: Cumberland Valley. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1841-1843

Shippensburg: Democratic Chronicle. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1875-1882

Shippensburg: News-Chronicle. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1927-Current

Shippensburg: Shippensburg Chronicle. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1882-1913

Shippensburg: Shippensburg News. (Shippensburg, Penn'a.) 1852-1927

Shippensburg: Spooner's Vermont Journal. (Windsor) 1792-1818

Shippensburg: Tree of Liberty. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1815-1810s

Shippensburg: Valley Sentinel. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1861-1924

Shippensburg: Weekly News. (Shippensburg, Pa.) 1844-1852

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