USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > York County (2,079) > Manheim in York County (12)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Manheim in York County are also found through the York County and Pennsylvania pages.
Dubs Union Church Reformed Congregation, Manheim Township, York, Pennsylvania computer printout; births or christenings, 1855-1875 FamilySearch Library
Black Rock Church of the Brethren Cemetery Billion Graves
Manheim Union Burial Grounds Interment
Federal Census of 1940, Manheim Township in York County, Pennsylvania LDS Genealogy
Dubs Union Church Reformed Congregation, Manheim Township, York, Pennsylvania computer printout; births or christenings, 1855-1875 FamilySearch Library
Reformed Congregation at Dub's Union Church Baptisms, York County, Pennsylvania, 1855-1887 Ancestry
Registers of the Reformed Congregation worshipping at Dubs's Union Church, Manheim Township, York County, Pennsylvania, 1855-1887 FamilySearch Library
Sherman's (St. David's) Union Church, York County, Pennsylvania, 1751-1800 Ancestry
St. David's/Sherman's Reformed and Lutheran Church (Church Members 1763-1869) Ancestry
Old home week and Hope Hose Company No. 1, centennial, Manheim, Pennsylvania, June 30 to July 5, 1912 FamilySearch Library
Index and summary to connected draft maps, Manheim and Heidleberg Townships, York County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Friedrich Heinrich Gelwicks, shoemaker and distiller; accounts 1760-1783; Manheim Township, York County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
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