USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Berks County (3,026) > Oley (50)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Oley are also found through the Berks County and Pennsylvania pages.
Birth Records | Cemetery Records | Census Records | Church Records | City Directories | Histories and Genealogies | Land Records | Marriage Records | School Records |
Reformed Church, Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania computer printout; births or christenings, 1763-1783 FamilySearch Library
Barto Burial Ground Find a Grave
Bertolet Cemetery Find a Grave
Bertolet Union Cemetery Find a Grave
Bieber/Lesher Burial Ground Find a Grave
DeTurk Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Deturk/Yoder/Shenkle/Hoch Cemetery Find a Grave
Evangelical Cemetery Find a Grave
Friedens Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Graveyards of historic Oley FamilySearch Library
Guldin Burial Ground #1 Find a Grave
Herbein Family Burial Ground Find a Grave
Hoch Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Hoch/Bertolet Cemetery Find a Grave
Hunter Burial Grounds Find a Grave
Kaufman Farm Private Cemetery Find a Grave
Levan Burial Ground Find a Grave
Nein Cemetery Find a Grave
Oley Cemetery US Gen Web
Oley Union (Bertolet's) Church, Oley WorldCat
Oley Valley graveyard ramblings FamilySearch Library
Peters Burial Ground Find a Grave
Spangsville Cemetery, consisting of Salem (Oley Reformed) & Christ Lutheran, Berks County, PA Archive Grid
Tombstone inscriptions of the Friedens Church; Main St., Oley, Berks Co., Pa. FamilySearch Library
Weidner Cemetery #2 Billion Graves
Weiser (David Jr.) Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Oley Township, Pennsylvania LDS Genealogy
Church record: Salem (Oley) Reformed, Oley Township, Berks County, PA Archive Grid
Church records, 1763-1860 [Oley Reformed] FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1818-1888 [Lutheran] FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1831-1928 [Friedens Reformed and Lutheran] FamilySearch Library
Genealogical data from the registers of the Moravian congregation in the Oley Valley, Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Historical booklet of Friedens Church : in connection ith re-dedication services, November 6-13, nineteen hundred twenty-seven FamilySearch Library
Moravian Church Congregation US Gen Web Archives
Oley Reformed Church, Oley, Berks County, Pa. FamilySearch Library
Oley Union (Bertolet's) Church, Oley WorldCat
Pastor's record, 1777-1810 : Reformed churches in Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Record of the Oley Reformed Church FamilySearch Library
Records of First Reformed Church in Reading and Oley Lutheran Church in Oley Township FamilySearch Library
Records of Oley Moravian Church, 1741-1768 Moravian Archives
Reformed Church, Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania computer printout; births or christenings, 1763-1783 FamilySearch Library
White and Yellow Pages, Reading June 1972 through June 1973 Library of Congress
Oley Valley heritage; the colonial years, 1700-1775 FamilySearch Library
Oley Township land grants, 1710-1740 FamilySearch Library
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