Oglala Genealogy (in Oglala Lakota County, SD)

USA (1,380,571) > South Dakota (12,546) > Oglala Lakota County (158) > Oglala (18)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Oglala are also found through the Oglala Lakota County and South Dakota pages.

Oglala Birth Records

Oglala Sioux Indians Pine Ridge Reservation birth and death rolls, 1924-1932 WorldCat

Oglala Cemetery Records

Afraid of His Horses Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Black Elk Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brave-Good Lance Family Cemetery (Oglala) Find a Grave online

Cuny Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jumping Bull Cemetery Find a Grave online

Little Cemetery Find a Grave online

Little Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Makasan Presbyterian Cemetery Find a Grave online

Native American Cemetery Find a Grave online

Our Ladies of Good Council Catholic Cemetery, Oglala US Gen Web Archives online

Our Lady of the Siou Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Peters Episcopal Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ten Fingers Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wilson Family Plot Find a Grave online

Oglala Death Records

Oglala Sioux Indians Pine Ridge Reservation birth and death rolls, 1924-1932 WorldCat

Oglala School Records

Oglala Community High School yearbook, 1967 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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