Brush Creek Genealogy (in Smith County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Smith County (742) > Brush Creek (38)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Brush Creek are also found through the Smith County and Tennessee pages.

Brush Creek Cemetery Records

Allen Cemetery - Prichett Lane Find a Grave online

Atwood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ballinger Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ballinger Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barnett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barry-Boone Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bradley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brush Creek Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brush Creek Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Brush Creek Cemetery Billion Graves online

Brush Creek Memorial Gardens Find a Grave online

Brush Creek Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brush Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Courtney Cemetery Find a Grave online

Creaghead Cemetery Find a Grave online

Davis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Davis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Davis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fry Cemetery Find a Grave online

Frye Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fuller Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fuller Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hall Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hunt Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lawrence Cemetery Find a Grave online

Litchford Cemetery Find a Grave online

Litchford Cemetery Find a Grave online

Paris Cemetery Find a Grave online

Patrick Moore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Phillips Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rodgers Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saulmon Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smartt Cemetery Find a Grave online

Thomason Cemetery Find a Grave online

Turner Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wills Cemetery Find a Grave online

Woodson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brush Creek Church Records

Brush Creek Baptist Church : 1802-1971, Tennessee, Smith County FamilySearch Library

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