Clinton Genealogy (in Anderson County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Anderson County (778) > Clinton (155)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Clinton are also found through the Anderson County and Tennessee pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Clinton Cemetery Records

Altum Cemetery Find a Grave online

Altum Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Anderson Memorial Gardens Billion Graves online

Andrew Braden Memorial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Baker & McDoo Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Baker-McDoo Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bethel Cemetery Billion Graves online

Bethel Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Black Cemetery Billion Graves online

Black Oak Billion Graves online

Blowing Springs Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Blowing Springs Baptist Church Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Braden Cemetery Find a Grave online

Braden Cemetery Billion Graves online

Braden Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Braden Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Bradley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bradley Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Church Cemetery Billion Graves online

Clinton (Old) Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Cox Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cox Cemetery Billion Graves online

Cox Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Cox Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Daniel Yarnell Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dew & Wade Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Dew-Wade Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dossett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dotson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Duncan Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Dutch Valley United Methodist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Farmer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Farmers Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Farmers Grove Cemetery Billion Graves online

Foust Cemetery # 3 Find a Grave online

Galbreath Cemetery Find a Grave online

Galbreath Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Goans Cemetery Find a Grave online

Goans Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Grandview Memorial Gardens Find a Grave online

Guy Cemetery Find a Grave online

Haven Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Haven Chapel Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Hendren Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hendren Cemetery Billion Graves online

Hendren Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Henson Cemetery Billion Graves online

Henson Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hill Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Hill-York Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hillvale Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hillvale Cemetery Billion Graves online

Hillvale Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Jarnigan Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jarnigan Chapel Cemetery Billion Graves online

Jarnigan Chapel Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Jarnigan Chapel Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Liberty Cemetery Find a Grave online

Liberty Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Liberty Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Mabry Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mabry Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Maples Cemetery Find a Grave online

Maples Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

McKamey Cemetery Billion Graves online

Moran Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Norris Memorial Gardens Billion Graves online

Norris Memorial Gardens US Gen Web Archives online

Overton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Overton Homestead Cemetery Find a Grave online

Overton-Foster Cemetery Find a Grave online

Peoples Cemetery Find a Grave online

Peoples Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Peoples Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Pine Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pleasant View Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pleasant View Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Riverview Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Riverview Baptist Church Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Roberts Cemetery Find a Grave online

Roberts Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Roberts Cemetery Billion Graves online

Sartin Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Sartin Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Sinking Springs Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sinking Springs Cemetery Billion Graves online

Sinking Springs Methodist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Sinking Springs Methodist Church Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Stair Cemetery Billion Graves online

Stair Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Steele Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stringfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stringfield Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Sunset Cemetery Billion Graves online

Sunset Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Sunset Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Sunset Cemetery Find a Grave online

Talley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Talley Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Taylor Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Taylor Chapel Cemetery Billion Graves online

Taylor Chapel Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Taylor Chapel Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Tunnell Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

VAlley View Cemetery Billion Graves online

Valley View Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Valley View Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Valley View Baptist Church Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Valley View Methodist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Vosmus Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wallace Cemetery #1 Find a Grave online

Wallace Cemetery #3 Find a Grave online

Wolf Valley Baptist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Worthington Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Yarnell Cemeteries, #1 and #2 US Gen Web Archives online

York Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

York-Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

York-Hill Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Young-Cummings Cemetery Find a Grave online

Young-Cummings Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Clinton Church Records

Church records (Valley View Methodist Church (Clinton, Tennessee)) FamilySearch Library

Clinton Death Records

Holly Gamble Funeral Home : Clinton, Tn. 1961 - thru - 2000 1934-1960 FamilySearch Library

Holly-Gamble Funeral home records : Clinton, Tennessee, 1934-1960 FamilySearch Library

Martin Funeral Home, Clinton, TN 1947-2000 FamilySearch Library

Obituary book 1 (Obituaries mainly from Clinton, Tennessee and Lake City, Tennessee) WorldCat

Records of Holley Gamble Funeral Home, Clinton, Tennessee, 1944-1960. WorldCat

Records of Holley-Gamble Funeral Home, Clinton, Tennessee, 1934-1943. WorldCat

Clinton Histories and Genealogies

Clinton--an identity rediscovered FamilySearch Library

Clinton Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee, 1910 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee, 1925 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee, 1940 Library of Congress online

Clinton Newspapers and Obituaries

Clinton courier 1933-1939 FamilySearch Library

Clinton courier and Anderson County news 1939-1940 FamilySearch Library

Clinton courier-news 1940-1960 FamilySearch Library

Obituary book 1 (Obituaries mainly from Clinton, Tennessee and Lake City, Tennessee) WorldCat

The Clinton tribune 1875 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Clinton

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Anderson County News. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1900s-1939

Anderson County Reporter. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1979-1980s

Appalachian Observer News. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1984-1989

Appalachian Observer. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1981-1984

Clinton Courier News. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1940-1990

Clinton Courier and Anderson County News. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1939-1940

Clinton Courier. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1933-1939

Clinton Daily Gazette. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1898-1890s

Clinton Tribune. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1870s-1870s

Clinton Weekly Gazette. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1887-1889

Courier-News. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1990-Current

Tennessee Reporter. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1957-1940s

Union Pilot. (Clinton, Tenn.) 1868-1869

Clinton School Records

Anderson County High School - Beartracks Yearbook, 1986, 1987 E Yearbook online

Clinton High School - Dragon Yearbook (Clinton, TN), 1947 E Yearbook online

Clinton High School yearbook, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1976, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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