Dresden Genealogy (in Weakley County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Weakley County (494) > Dresden (67)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Dresden are also found through the Weakley County and Tennessee pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Death Records Map Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Dresden Cemetery Records

Beech Grove Gospel Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bondurant Graveyard Find a Grave online

Bondurant Graveyard #2 Find a Grave online

Bowers Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brasfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brasfield Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Butler Cemetery Find a Grave online

Columbus C. Gales Gravesite Find a Grave online

Concord Cemetery Find a Grave online

County Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Green Cemetery Find a Grave online

Grove Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Grove Hill Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Lebanon Cemetery Find a Grave online

Levister Cemetery Find a Grave online

Liberty Apostolic Cemetery Find a Grave online

Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Liberty Cemetery Find a Grave online

Macks Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Maloan Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Martin Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Martin Family Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Moran Cemetery Find a Grave online

Moran Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Nailing Cemetery Find a Grave online

Oak Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Hickory Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Parham Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pisgah Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rogers #2 Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sanders Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sandhill Cemetery (Old) Find a Grave online

Sandy Branch Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sandy Branch Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Sullivan Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sunset Cemetery Tennessee Gravestones online

Sunset Cemetery Find a Grave online

Swinging Limb Cemetery Find a Grave online

Terrell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Terrell Family Graveyard #2 Find a Grave online

Travis Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Unity Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vincent Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

West Union Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dresden Church Records

Church records (microform) 1910-1983, First Baptist Church (Dresden, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Records, 1910-1983, First Baptist Church (Dresden, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Dresden Death Records

Bowlin Funeral Home records, 1932-2001; indexes, 1939-2001, 1932-2000 FamilySearch Library

Dresden Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Dresden, Weakley County, Tennessee, 1905 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Dresden, Weakley County, Tennessee, 1910 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Dresden, Weakley County, Tennessee, June 1894 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Dresden, Weakley County, Tennessee, October 1899 Library of Congress online

Dresden Newspapers and Obituaries

Dresden Enterprise and Sharon Tribune 1914-1921 Newspapers.com online

Dresden enterprise (Tennessee) 1883-1907 FamilySearch Library

Dresden enterprise and Sharon tribune (Dresden, Tenn.) (from Jan. 2, 1914 to Dec. 16, 1921) MyHeritage online

Dresden enterprise and Sharon tribune (Tennessee) 1908 FamilySearch Library

Dresden enterprise and Sharon tribune 01/02/1914 to 12/16/1921 Genealogy Bank online

Dresden enterprise and Sharon tribune. (Dresden, Tenn.) (from Jan. 2, 1914 to Dec. 16, 1921) Chronicling America online

Flag (Huntingdon, Tennessee) FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Dresden

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Dresden Democrat. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1879-1880s

Dresden Enterprise and Sharon Tribune. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1907-1997

Dresden Enterprise. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1997-Current

Dresden Weekly Democrat. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1870s-1870s

Our Country. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1870s-1880s

Republican. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1880s-1890s

Tennessee Patriot. (Dresden, Tenn.) 1838-1840

Dresden School Records

Dresden High School - Lion Yearbook (Dresden, TN), 1952 E Yearbook online

Dresden High School yearbooks, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1962, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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