Union City Genealogy (in Obion County, TN)

USA (1,380,571) > Tennessee (45,709) > Obion County (331) > Union City (72)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Union City are also found through the Obion County and Tennessee pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Church Records Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Map Records Marriage Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Union City Birth Records

Union City, Tennessee, deaths and births 1869-1883, 1869-1883 FamilySearch Library

Union City Cemetery Records

Antioch Cemetery Find a Grave online

Antioch Union Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Beulah Cemetery Find a Grave online

Calhoun Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Chambers-Holman Cemetery Find a Grave online

Daniel Oglesby Pursley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dyer Family Burying Ground Find a Grave online

East View Cemetery Find a Grave online

Eastview Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Fremont Cemetery Find a Grave online

Halem Pursley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harelson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harelson Cemetery Billion Graves online

Joyner Cemetery Find a Grave online

Killough-Evans Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Manuel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Zion Cemetery Find a Grave online

Obion County Memorial Gardens Find a Grave online

Obion County Memorial Gardens Billion Graves online

Phebus Cemetery Find a Grave online

Reuben Jackson Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Salem Cemetery Find a Grave online

Scott Cemetery Find a Grave online

Scott Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shady Grove and City East Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Stanley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stanley's Chapel Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Thompson-Naylor Cemetery Find a Grave online

Unnamed Confederate Soldiers Cemetery Find a Grave online

Weddington Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wise-Holloway Cemetery Find a Grave online

Union City Church Records

Church records (microform) 1901-1985, First Baptist Church (Union City, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Church records, 1901-1967 (First Baptist Church (Union City, Tennessee)) FamilySearch Library

Records, 1875-1975, Pleasant Valley Methodist Episcopal Church, South (Union City, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Union City Court Records

Obion County, Tennessee, civil cases 1869-1885 ; index, 1869-1885 FamilySearch Library

Union City, Tennessee, court records 1849-1969 ; indexes 1821-1950, 1821-1950 FamilySearch Library

Union City Death Records

2007 Obituaries Obion County, TN : reprinted from the Messenger, Union City, TN WorldCat

Records, 1875-1975, Pleasant Valley Methodist Episcopal Church, South (Union City, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Union City, Tennessee, deaths and births 1869-1883, 1869-1883 FamilySearch Library

Union City Histories and Genealogies

Now let's go back, Ed Dietzel remembers early Union City FamilySearch Library

Union City Immigration Records

Union City, Tennessee, naturalization 1830-1884 FamilySearch Library

Union City Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, 1902 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, 1907 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, 1912 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, August 1897 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, January 1892 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Union City, Obion County, Tennessee, March 1887 Library of Congress online

Union City Marriage Records

Records, 1875-1975, Pleasant Valley Methodist Episcopal Church, South (Union City, Tenn.). Archive Grid

Union City Miscellaneous Records

Union City, Tennessee voters registration 1843-1868 FamilySearch Library

Union City Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

2007 Obituaries Obion County, TN : reprinted from the Messenger, Union City, TN WorldCat

Commercial (Union City, Tennessee) 1902-1938 FamilySearch Library

Commercial (union city, tenn.) (from april 19, 1901 to dec. 22, 1922) MyHeritage online

Commercial 04/19/1901 to 12/22/1922 Genealogy Bank online

Commercial 1901-1922 Newspapers.com online

Commercial Courier 1899-1899 Newspapers.com online

Commercial-courier (Union City, Tennessee) 1897-1901 FamilySearch Library

Obion County commercial (Union City, Tennessee) 1938-1944 FamilySearch Library

Obion Democrat (Union City, Tennessee) 1886-1910 FamilySearch Library

The Union City messenger (Tennessee) 1929-1960 FamilySearch Library

The commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) (from April 19, 1901 to Dec. 22, 1922) Chronicling America online

Union City anchor (Tennessee) 1874-1887 FamilySearch Library

Union City critic (Tennessee) 1885 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Union City

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Commercial Courier. (Union City, Tenn.) 1897-1900s

Commercial. (Union City, Tenn.) 1900s-1930s

Messenger. (Union City, Tenn.) 1996-Current

Reveille. (Union City, Tenn.) 1874-1876

Union City Courier. (Union City, Tenn.) 1870-1870s

Union City Daily Messenger. (Union City, Tenn.) 1930-1996

Union City Messenger. (Union City, Tenn.) 1920s-1930

Union City School Records

Dixie High School - Rebel Yearbook (Union City, TN), 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956 E Yearbook online

Union City High School - Tornado Yearbook (Union City, TN), 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1952, 1955, 1958 E Yearbook online

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