Jefferson County WA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Washington (15,416) > Jefferson County (243) > Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries (62)

USA (1,380,571) > Washington (15,416) > Washington Newspapers and Obituaries (2,802) > Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries (62)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Jefferson County are also on the Washington Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Port Townsend Quilcene

Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries

Newspaper Index for Jefferson County newspapers, 1860-2017 Jefferson County Genealogical Society online

Obituary Index for Jefferson County newspapers, 1871-2017 Jefferson County Genealogical Society online

Port Townsend Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Daily Argus 03/14/1889 to 03/29/1889 Genealogy Bank online

Morning Leader, 1889-1890 Google News Archive online

North-West, 1860-1862 Google News Archive online

Port Townsend Leader 1903-1910 Port Townsend Public Library online

Port Townsend Puget Sound Argusᅠ(1882-1883) Newspaper Archive online

Port Townsend Puget Sound Weekly Argusᅠ(1876-1889) Newspaper Archive online

Port Townsend WA Puget Sound Argus 1882 Fulton History online

Port Townsend Weekly Argusᅠ(1870-1889) Newspaper Archive online

Port Townsend Weekly Puget Sound Argusᅠ(1885-1888) Newspaper Archive online

Puget Sound Argus 1882-1883 online

Puget Sound Argus, 26 May 1882 - 24 May 1883 Washington Digital Newspapers online

Puget Sound Argus. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) (from May 26, 1882 to May 24, 1883) Chronicling America online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus 08/04/1870 to 04/26/1883 Genealogy Bank online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus 1876-1882 online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus 1883-1884 online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus 1888-1889 online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus, 1 January 1876 - 12 May 1882 Washington Digital Newspapers online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus, 26 January 1888 - 19 December 1889 Washington Digital Newspapers online

Puget Sound Weekly Argus, 31 May 1883 - 20 March 1884 Washington Digital Newspapers online

Puget Sound weekly Argus. (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) (from Jan. 26, 1888 to Dec. 19, 1889) Chronicling America online

Puget Sound weekly Argus. (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) (from May 31, 1883 to March 20, 1884) Chronicling America online

Puget Sound weekly Argus. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) (from Jan. 1, 1876 to May 12, 1882) Chronicling America online

The Weekly Argus, 29 December 1870 - 25 December 1875 Washington Digital Newspapers online

The weekly Argus. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) (from Dec. 29, 1870 to Dec. 25, 1875) Chronicling America online

Weekly Argus 1870-1875 online

Weekly Puget Sound Argus 1885-1888 online

Weekly Puget Sound Argus, 24 December 1885 - 19 January 1888 Washington Digital Newspapers online

Weekly Puget Sound Argus. (Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash. Terr. [Wash.]) (from Dec. 24, 1885 to Jan. 19, 1888) Chronicling America online

Offline Newspapers for Jefferson County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Port Townsend: Daily Argus. (Port Townsend, Wash. Terr.) 1882-1880s

Port Townsend: Daily Call. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1880s-1890s

Port Townsend: Democratic Press [Microform]. (Port Townsend, W.T.) 1877-1881

Port Townsend: Key City Graphic. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1890-1894

Port Townsend: Key City Monitor. (Port Towsend, Wash.) 1890-1890s

Port Townsend: Morning Leader [Microform]. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1889-1892

Port Townsend: Morning Leader [Microform]. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1895-1904

Port Townsend: Morning Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1889-1892

Port Townsend: Morning Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1895-1904

Port Townsend: North-West. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1860-1862

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Daily Call. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1902-1911

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Daily Democrat. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1890s-1890s

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Daily Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1904-1916

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Jefferson County Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1987-1993

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1927-1987

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Register. (Port Townsend, W.T.) 1859-1860

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Weekly Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1904-1927

Port Townsend: Port Townsend Weekly Message [Microform]. (Port Townsend, Washington Territory) 1870-1871

Port Townsend: Puget Sound Weekly Argus [Microform]. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1883-1880s

Port Townsend: Puget Sound Weekly Argus [Microform]. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1888-1890

Port Townsend: Puget Sound Weekly Argus. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1876-1882

Port Townsend: Register. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1860-1861

Port Townsend: Townsend Daily Leader [Microform]. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1892-1895

Port Townsend: Townsend Daily Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1892-1895

Port Townsend: Weekly Argus [Microform]. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1870-1875

Port Townsend: Weekly Call. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1885-1914

Port Townsend: Weekly Leader. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1895-1904

Port Townsend: Weekly Message [Microform]. (Port Townsend, Washington Territory) 1867-1870

Port Townsend: Weekly Message. (Port Townsend, W.T.) 1867-1870

Port Townsend: Weekly Puget Sound Argus [Microform]. (Port Townsend, W.T. [Wash.]) 1880s-1888

Port Townsend: Weekly Record. (Port Townsend, Wash.) 1906-1900s

Quilcene: Quilcene Queen. (Quilcene, Wash.) 1891-1894

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