1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cedar Lake, Barron, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Barron County > 1940 Census of Cedar Lake

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AmussenEldon Wborn about 1933
AmussenGeorge Jborn about 1930
AmussenGrace Cborn about 1936
AmussenJess Pborn about 1898
AmussenValorise Gborn about 1906
AndersonHarry Sborn about 1901
AndersonJean Eborn about 1931
AndersonJohn born about 1863
AndersonLillie Aborn about 1900
ArdenMargaret Bborn about 1915
AsmussenChristen Mborn about 1858
AsmussenHenry Pborn about 1884
AsmussenHerman born about 1891
AsmussenPeter Jborn about 1857

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B Surnames

BartonMary Dborn about 1878
BenoyHarriet Jborn about 1924
BenoyKathleen Lborn about 1933
BenoyKenneth Jr born about 1925
BenoyLa Verne Fborn about 1931
BenoyLena Mborn about 1898
BenoyMarilyn Yborn about 1935
BenoyMarvin born about 1901
BlackJean Jborn about 1930
BlackSteven Fborn about 1906
BlackSteven Tborn about 1934
BlackVivian Eborn about 1909
BothkeCecila Aborn about 1907
BothkeFritz Gborn about 1900
BothkeJoan Eborn about 1938
BothkeLeslie born about 1919
BothkeMelvin Fborn about 1932
BrathuhnHerman Rborn about 1906
BrunclikAnton born about 1891
BrunclikHelen Lborn about 1922
BrunclikRose born about 1895
BrunclikWilliam Jborn about 1928
BuckkinghamVerliria Mborn about 1932
BusickCharles Aborn about 1931
BusickDennis Dborn about 1939
BusickDonna Mayborn about 1936
BusickEugene Eborn about 1924
BusickGarald Aborn about 1929
BusickJohn Eborn about 1903
BusickRichard Lborn about 1933
BusickRonald Jborn about 1926
BusickViolet Fborn about 1904
ByrdDannie born about 1933
ByrdGeo Dborn about 1891
ByrdIva Cborn about 1897
ByrdRuth Mborn about 1923
ByrdWilford Gborn about 1916

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C Surnames

ChambersLowel born about 1921
ChurchDolores Lborn about 1923
ChurchHoward Aborn about 1914
ChurchLevi Aborn about 1870
ChurchLillian Mborn about 1882
CoatesGeoreana born about 1893
CoatesHarvey Jborn about 1900
CoatsLeander Aborn about 1862
ColemanHoward born about 1920
CronholmEvelyn Rborn about 1920
CronholmRobt Oborn about 1870
CronholmRuth Oborn about 1892
CronholmRuth Oborn about 1895
CronholmVictoria born about 1879

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D Surnames

DamicaCharlotte born about 1881
DillyWilma born about 1925
DotyCalvin Cborn about 1937
DotyCarrol Jborn about 1934
DotyErnest Lborn about 1936
DotyJames Wborn about 1907
DotyLevi Jborn about 1867
DotyLotie Vborn about 1884
DotyMarin Mborn about 1908
DotyNeil Lborn about 1932
DrostArnold Rborn about 1919

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E Surnames

ErbErnest born about 1918
ErbGottfred born about 1887
ErbHelen born about 1926
ErbMary born about 1888
EricksonCarl Mborn about 1877
EricksonTena born about 1880
ErtelAlice Lborn about 1930
ErtelHelen Gborn about 1923
ErtelHenry Jborn about 1890
ErtelJoseph Wborn about 1921
ErtelKenneth Aborn about 1929
ErtelMartha Eborn about 1899
ErtelVivian Iborn about 1927
EversonAnne Mborn about 1886
EversonArlene Cborn about 1930
EversonChester Fborn about 1927
EversonDe Wayne Cborn about 1929
EversonHelen Mborn about 1908
EversonJames Cborn about 1893
EversonJess Nborn about 1906
EversonMorris Eborn about 1908
EversonOrva Bborn about 1905
EversonShirley Aborn about 1936
EversonWm Eborn about 1884
EvertsenEd R Wborn about 1913
EwenBarton Eborn about 1932
EwenDavid Jborn about 1862
EwenDonald Rborn about 1929
EwenEdith Pborn about 1927
EwenEffie Mborn about 1908
EwenFlorence Dborn about 1903
EwenGeo Rborn about 1926
EwenJohn Aborn about 1926
EwenJohn Gborn about 1893
EwenJoyce Aborn about 1928
EwersDorothy Iborn about 1928
EwersEarl born about 1897
EwersHarold Lborn about 1923
EwersLarry Gborn about 1931
EwersMable Fborn about 1907
EwersMarcella Sborn about 1925
EwersRobert Eborn about 1933

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F Surnames

FaschingMark Aborn about 1907
FolstadEdward Jborn about 1924
FolstadJohn born about 1883
FreitagAllie Bborn about 1871
FreitagGustav Aborn about 1864
FrieleBarbara Fborn about 1935
FrieleDavid Wborn about 1936
FrieleGladys born about 1910
FrieleWm Fborn about 1902
FukaBarbara born about 1877
FukaFrank born about 1866
FukaGeo born about 1902
FukaHelen born about 1916
FukaJames born about 1909
FukaJoe born about 1900
FullerFred Wborn about 1888
FullerLucy Pborn about 1886
FunkBarbara A Sborn about 1909
FunkBernice Jborn about 1933
FunkBetty Mborn about 1926
FunkClarice Aborn about 1933
FunkHarm Mborn about 1901
FunkJames Lborn about 1898
FunkJames Rborn about 1922
FunkJoseph Lborn about 1890
FunkMartha Mborn about 1899
FunkMartin Oborn about 1923
FunkPhyllis Hborn about 1932
FunkWm born about 1895

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G Surnames

GabrielArke Gborn about 1932
GabrielCharlotte born about 1932
GabrielDonald Eborn about 1934
GabrielEdward born about 1904
GabrielEdward Jr born about 1939
GabrielElaine Mborn about 1936
GabrielGary Gborn about 1939
GabrielGeo born about 1902
GabrielHilda Lborn about 1909
GabrielJanet born about 1930
GabrielLudmila born about 1894
GabrielMaurice Aborn about 1929
GabrielViola born about 1910
GilbertsonEugene Dborn about 1939
GilbertsonJulia Aborn about 1912
GilbertsonKenneth Gborn about 1908
GislerArmin Tborn about 1929
GislerCarl Cborn about 1890
GislerFreda Aborn about 1936
GislerHelen Mborn about 1926
GislerLeslie Lborn about 1939
GislerMartha Mborn about 1903
GlakeDella Mborn about 1888
GlakeFrank born about 1881
GlakeThomas Fborn about 1930
GouldAugusta Hborn about 1879
GouldGeo Hborn about 1878

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H Surnames

HagenAdolph Oborn about 1897
HagenJustine Mborn about 1907
HagenLawrence Oborn about 1912
HalvarsonDorothy born about 1913
HalversonEvelyn Mborn about 1926
HalversonGeo born about 1915
HalversonHalvor born about 1887
HalversonHoward Jborn about 1916
HalversonLawrence Hborn about 1924
HalversonLloyd Eborn about 1921
HalversonMary Jborn about 1891
HalversonOrval born about 1919
HansenBetty Jean Lborn about 1932
HansenCarl Jborn about 1893
HansenHazel Dborn about 1900
HansenJannet Mborn about 1928
HansenNorma Aborn about 1923
HargraveAdeline Mborn about 1934
HargraveBetty Jborn about 1937
HargraveCaroline Mborn about 1934
HargraveDavid Dborn about 1908
HargraveDavid Jr born about 1930
HargraveEdward Rborn about 1912
HargraveJeanette Mborn about 1936
HargraveKathleen Aborn about 1932
HargraveMarion Lborn about 1939
HargraveNora Aborn about 1911
HargraveWilbert Cborn about 1914
HargraveWilliam Rborn about 1938
HarlowJohn Aborn about 1885
HarlowKathryn Pborn about 1890
HarlowWm Pborn about 1918
HarmsAnett born about 1935
HarmsFlorence born about 1932
HarmsJanee born about 1937
HarmsJohn Pborn about 1939
HarmsKathryn born about 1930
HarmsNyna born about 1912
HarmsRose Lborn about 1928
HarmsWm Jborn about 1903
HarmsWm Jborn about 1933
HartleyHarry Eborn about 1878
HartleyMarie Mborn about 1882
HaugenGertrude born about 1889
HaugenHans Iborn about 1875
HaugenIngwald Oborn about 1919
HayworthHarry Hborn about 1889
HayworthJames born about 1879
HayworthWm born about 1891
HeatonFlorence born about 1895
HeatonHollis Eborn about 1892
HeatonKeith Hborn about 1923
HeftyEllen Gborn about 1885
HeftyEvelyn Lborn about 1910
HeftyGerald Jborn about 1909
HeftyGerald Jborn about 1933
HeftyRoger Eborn about 1936
HeftyWm born about 1884
HeftyWm Cborn about 1923
HillClifford Wborn about 1895
HillIrene Sborn about 1908
HillJean Cborn about 1935
HillMarion Jborn about 1936
HillNora Mborn about 1906
HillRichard Aborn about 1897
HillSharon Lborn about 1938
HillSidney Jborn about 1900
HillWm Gborn about 1907
HoeggerJacob Mborn about 1911
HoeggerMarceline born about 1918
HoeggerShirley Joanneborn about 1937
HouserOlga born about 1919
HrdlickaAdolph born about 1934
HrdlickaElla Jborn about 1907
HrdlickaEmil born about 1925
HrdlickaGeo Lborn about 1897
HrdlikaRudy Fborn about 1919
HueblerEd born about 1914

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I Surnames

IvelandAnna Lborn about 1892
IvelandCaroline Lborn about 1916
IvelandClarence Mborn about 1893
IvelandGeo Aborn about 1924
IvelandHazel Jborn about 1919
IvelandLawrence Tborn about 1921
IvelandVictor Mborn about 1920

J Surnames

JensenAncel Vborn about 1921
JensenEdw Pborn about 1891
JensenTena Jborn about 1895
JilekFrank born about 1922
JilekJerry born about 1919
JohnsonAlbert Tborn about 1865
JohnsonNellie Cborn about 1877
JonesCarl Bborn about 1893
JonesDalma Eborn about 1930
JonesEmma Dborn about 1876
JonesEsther Lborn about 1903
JonesJay born about 1873
JonesLyla Lborn about 1928
JonesNellie Aborn about 1934

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K Surnames

KerberAugusta Sborn about 1861
KerberByrdine Bborn about 1930
KerberEdna Jeanborn about 1936
KerberEmil Fborn about 1898
KerberHerman born about 1912
KerberHoward Lborn about 1928
KerberLouse Aborn about 1860
KerberMargaret Mborn about 1937
KerberOlympia Gborn about 1909
KerberPhyllis Cborn about 1933
KerberWm Lborn about 1898
KincadeDallas Rborn about 1939
KincadeFrances Eborn about 1920
KincadeGeo Fborn about 1918
KincadeLawrence born about 1910
KingDe Wayne Aborn about 1927
KingIrene Iborn about 1913
KingJessie Mborn about 1881
KingLarry Dborn about 1933
KingMiles Aborn about 1878
KingMiles Jborn about 1929
KittlesonAlvina born about 1897
KittlesonGifford Mborn about 1892
KittlesonJames Gborn about 1920
KittlesonLeona Jborn about 1921
KlossnerArnold Wborn about 1925
KlossnerFlorence Mborn about 1923
KlossnerFred Eborn about 1930
KlossnerHelen Hborn about 1928
KlossnerHilda Iborn about 1935
KlossnerLaura Wborn about 1937
KlossnerLillie Hborn about 1900
KlossnerLouise Mborn about 1932
KlossnerRobert Cborn about 1926
KlossnerWm born about 1890
KohelEd Pborn about 1915
KohelElmaura Bborn about 1919
KringleBelle Mborn about 1889
KringleCharles Pborn about 1921
KringleEdward Hborn about 1911
KringleGenevieve Hborn about 1913
KringleGeo Eborn about 1936
KringleGeo Gborn about 1881
KringleGeo Wborn about 1925
KringleHoward Wborn about 1938
KringleMaren born about 1869
KringleMarilyn Jborn about 1933
KringlePhyllis Lborn about 1926
KringleRobert born about 1895
KringleVelma Iborn about 1900
KringleZada Bborn about 1939
KurtzhalsAnn Bborn about 1916
KurtzhalsBarbara Aborn about 1939
KurtzhalsKeith Cborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LandeBennie Mborn about 1865
LandeHenry born about 1879
LeeAnton Mborn about 1865
LeeThora Aborn about 1878
LewisAmy Lborn about 1924
LewisGerald Eborn about 1927
LewisLawrence Hborn about 1926
LoewAllen Rborn about 1932
LoewAustin Jborn about 1907
LoewClinton Aborn about 1931
LoewElla Aborn about 1879
LoewIrene Eborn about 1911
LoewRobert Jborn about 1871
LufkinAnna Oborn about 1908
LufkinJohn Fborn about 1931
LufkinRoger Wborn about 1933

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M Surnames

MabuseChas Fborn about 1896
MabuseLorrin Cborn about 1923
MabuseMarvin Aborn about 1933
MabuseMonnie Kborn about 1875
MabuseStella Pborn about 1901
MartinEugene Mborn about 1882
MartinFlymira born about 1885
MartinMilford Mborn about 1912
MatthewLyle born about 1919
McCannDorothy Mborn about 1886
McCannWalter Iborn about 1892
McGillFloyd Gborn about 1914
McLeodJean Mborn about 1939
McLeodLeo Jborn about 1901
McLeodRobert Eborn about 1919
McLeodWanda Mborn about 1854
MerrillGerald Fborn about 1928
MerrillGordon Wborn about 1922
MerrillJesse Pborn about 1873
MerrillJohn Eborn about 1925
MerrillReva Wborn about 1896
MerrillVerla Vborn about 1933
MikeskaElizabeth Aborn about 1888
MikeskaJohn Cborn about 1884
MorkinFrank Pborn about 1870
MorkinMay Lborn about 1869

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N Surnames

NeadAlice Zborn about 1903
NeadDoris Aborn about 1929
NeadEd Gborn about 1895
NeadEdna Mborn about 1926
NeadEdward Jr born about 1934
NeadEvelyn Eborn about 1923
NeadHarold Rborn about 1938
NeadLenore Oborn about 1932
NiemanAda Eborn about 1903
NiemanAlex Cborn about 1899
NiemanAllen Mborn about 1937
NygrenAlma Mborn about 1872
NylinJohn Eborn about 1902
NylinJohn E Jrborn about 1932
NylinRoger Eborn about 1937
NylinSelma Kborn about 1906

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O Surnames

OddenClifford Tborn about 1912
OddenKatherine Rborn about 1914
OlsonBeverly Jborn about 1931
OlsonDonna Mborn about 1939
OlsonJohn Hborn about 1936
OlsonJoyce Lborn about 1926
OlsonLewland Jborn about 1902
OlsonLewland Jr born about 1929
OlsonMarilyn Jborn about 1934
OlsonMildred Rborn about 1902
OlsonShirley Rborn about 1938
OverdahlAnton born about 1876
OverdahlMattie Cborn about 1875

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P Surnames

PedersonSam born about 1881
PetersonAlice Lborn about 1919
PetersonBetty Lborn about 1937
PetersonFloyd Wborn about 1917
PetersonFred Eborn about 1878
PetersonGrace Lborn about 1909
PetersonLouise Cborn about 1882
PlainAlbert born about 1879
PlainCarl Aborn about 1904
PlainCarl Jr born about 1929
PlainEleanor Rborn about 1923
PlainHenry born about 1898
PlainIva Hborn about 1904
PlainJohn Hborn about 1907
PlainPauline born about 1927
PlainVernon Cborn about 1926

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Q Surnames

QuillenChester Eborn about 1920
QuillenEarl born about 1886
QuillenEva Eborn about 1896

R Surnames

RinkArthur Wborn about 1922
RinkEugene Jborn about 1917
RinkIrene Mborn about 1926
RinkJoseph Pborn about 1895
RinkJosephene Rborn about 1897
RoenEleanor Mborn about 1917
RoenGeo born about 1876
RoenIda Mborn about 1890
RoeschAnna Bborn about 1888
RoeschWm Hborn about 1886
RoubalBernadette Gborn about 1939
RoubalDelores Mborn about 1935
RoubalDonald Bborn about 1931
RoubalEugene Jborn about 1929
RoubalGerald Gborn about 1937
RoubalIrene Sborn about 1905
RoubalJoseph Pborn about 1904
RouxCyrus Lborn about 1921
RouxLillian Lborn about 1898
RouxNeil Fborn about 1922
RouxVictor Eborn about 1895

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S Surnames

SchenckHans born about 1917
SchenekAgnes born about 1859
SchenekDella Eborn about 1902
SchifflerEsther Jborn about 1896
SchifflerFred born about 1877
SchifflerIrene Eborn about 1922
SchmidtJohn Iborn about 1884
SchmidtLouisa Tborn about 1885
SchmidtRoman Jborn about 1910
SirekAgnes Mborn about 1928
SirekAlbert born about 1936
SirekAnthony Aborn about 1933
SirekCecelia Rborn about 1933
SirekClara Aborn about 1936
SirekCyril born about 1929
SirekDennis Jborn about 1933
SirekDorothy Mborn about 1894
SirekEdward Jborn about 1918
SirekFrancis Jborn about 1916
SirekFrank Pborn about 1892
SirekGeo Jborn about 1935
SirekHelen born about 1934
SirekJacob Wborn about 1895
SirekJohn Jborn about 1926
SirekJohn Sborn about 1897
SirekLouis Aborn about 1929
SirekLouis Pborn about 1893
SirekLydia Mborn about 1907
SirekMary Jborn about 1938
SirekMary Lborn about 1904
SirekRalph Aborn about 1931
SirekRegina Lborn about 1928
SirekRichard Jborn about 1920
SirekRose Mborn about 1895
SirekTeresa Aborn about 1930
SirekVincent Jborn about 1924
SirekWm Mborn about 1919
SirekZita Mborn about 1932
SjoquistRose M Vborn about 1911
SkarKenneth born about 1906
SmithArthur Jr born about 1935
SmithCaroline Jborn about 1878
SmithCharlotte Dborn about 1938
SmithDennis born about 1939
SmithDuane Hborn about 1927
SmithEverett Fborn about 1902
SmithEverett Jr born about 1935
SmithMable born about 1910
SmithViolet Mborn about 1932
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1880
SnyderJack Cborn about 1893
SoldnerBertha Eborn about 1916
SoldnerDonald Rborn about 1939
SoldnerGeo Hborn about 1905
SoldnerRonald Gborn about 1934
StaceyBobie Dborn about 1926
StaceyLionel Jborn about 1890
StaceyLionel Jr born about 1929
StaceyLuddie Sborn about 1927
StaceyMarion born about 1929
StaceyMary Hborn about 1900
StockerHarold born about 1888
StockerHelga born about 1890
StockerOrvile born about 1921
StuckyArdyce Aborn about 1939
StuckyArmin born about 1897
StuckyDonald Dborn about 1929
StuckyElaine Sborn about 1927
StuckyJohn born about 1857
StuckyMae Sborn about 1905
SvacinaAloys Eborn about 1925
SvacinaClarence Jborn about 1918
SvacinaDonald Pborn about 1920
SvacinaElverta Eborn about 1931
SvacinaJoseph Fborn about 1887
SvacinaKatherine Tborn about 1895
SvacinaLester Aborn about 1923
SvacinaVivian Mborn about 1928

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T Surnames

ThalkeEthel Lborn about 1891
ThalkeHerman Aborn about 1863
ThalkeMinnie born about 1864
ThalkeViola Mborn about 1916
ThalkeWm Hborn about 1889
ThibedeauEdward Eborn about 1928
ThibedeauPatricik Eborn about 1924
ThibedeauRobert Oborn about 1926
TillungOlin Bborn about 1897
ToddFrances Hborn about 1901

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U Surnames

UrenAllen Mborn about 1918
UrenBarbara Mborn about 1926
UrenCarol Lborn about 1924
UrenEmma Mborn about 1894
UrenHoward Bborn about 1927
UrenLeona born about 1908
UrenMaurice Hborn about 1893
UrenWalter Lborn about 1898

W Surnames

WaalenIlene Rborn about 1938
WaalenJoel Bborn about 1912
WaalenNyla Jborn about 1936
WaalenViola Rborn about 1918
WalrackJohn Mborn about 1855
WalrackPeter Lborn about 1866
WalrackTheresa Lborn about 1875
WardRichard Lborn about 1927
WellstadChas born about 1869
WestphalAugust Aborn about 1887
WestphalCecelia Cborn about 1890
WestphalJohn Lborn about 1915
WidikerAlex born about 1884
WidikerAlex Jr born about 1908
WidikerEdward Aborn about 1936
WidikerErnest Eborn about 1917
WidikerMary born about 1912
WidikerRobert Rborn about 1925
WidikerSophia born about 1886
WidikerWalter Hborn about 1922

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Y Surnames

YndestadAlfred Jborn about 1917

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