1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cloverland in Walworth County, Walworth, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Walworth County > 1940 Census of Cloverland in Walworth County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertsMichael born about 1884
AllenCharles Aborn about 1875
AndersonBernhart born about 1871
AndersonCarl L Jrborn about 1932
AndersonCarl L Srborn about 1882
AndersonChristian born about 1881
AndersonDelina Lborn about 1875
AndersonLittie born about 1879
AndersonMarna Cborn about 1898
AndersonMarna Cborn about 1928
AndersonRichard Cborn about 1924
AndersonRobert Aborn about 1882

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B Surnames

BeeckmanFlorence born about 1910
BendoritisJohn Bborn about 1920
BendoritisRose born about 1883
BenhamCharles Gborn about 1900
BenhamGrace Aborn about 1898
BlanquartBonnie Mborn about 1931
BlanquartCharles born about 1881
BlanquartGretchen Iborn about 1910
BlanquartLouis Cborn about 1906
BorkertEdward Jborn about 1898
BorkertLaura Bborn about 1899
BorkertNancy Hborn about 1925

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C Surnames

CarlGust born about 1865
ClureDuane Lborn about 1931
ClureHelen Sborn about 1908
ClureLee Eborn about 1906
ClureLeroy Uborn about 1933
ClureRichard Aborn about 1937
CongdonJohn Hborn about 1869
CorriveanArthur Wborn about 1921
CorriveanBarbara Aborn about 1939
CorriveanBlanie born about 1923
CorriveanJune Cborn about 1926
CorriveanLeonard Eborn about 1890
CorriveanMildred Tborn about 1933
CorriveanRichard Cborn about 1936
CorriveanRobert Bborn about 1928
CorriveanRose Jborn about 1898
CorriveanRoselyn born about 1930

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D Surnames

DesbyKernan Rborn about 1906
DesbyRueben Wborn about 1920
DesbyRuth Mborn about 1909
DomanekAnna Mborn about 1879
DomanekJohn Fborn about 1878
DyerDonald Lborn about 1916
DyerFlorence Iborn about 1910
DyerKatherine Lborn about 1939

E Surnames

EchosavageGeorge born about 1872
EckardtErnest Gborn about 1875

F Surnames

FredricksonGeorge born about 1892
FredricksonMinnie Gborn about 1897

G Surnames

GillenBernice Mborn about 1902
GillenJames Sborn about 1902
GoughEleanor Mborn about 1911
GoughEva Cborn about 1882
GoughFrancine Eborn about 1936
GoughFrank Cborn about 1902
GoughPatricia Mborn about 1937
GoughWayne Cborn about 1939

H Surnames

HalvorsenDorothy born about 1919
HalvorsenHarry born about 1876
HalvorsenMathilda Cborn about 1880
HalvorsenRobert Mborn about 1921
HansonAndrea Mborn about 1932
HansonHerman Iborn about 1895
HansonMargaret born about 1895
HansonRobert Hborn about 1922
HansonRuth Eborn about 1924
HempsteadBarbara C Iborn about 1933
HempsteadLillian Bborn about 1905
HempsteadWilliam Jborn about 1935
HosselAndrew born about 1873
HowardAddie Sborn about 1938
HowardBeatrice Rborn about 1897

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I Surnames

IvaskaAnton Wborn about 1930
IvaskaChester Jborn about 1933
IvaskaEmil Jborn about 1907
IvaskaHelen Pborn about 1936
IvaskaJune Eborn about 1931
IvaskaMary Eborn about 1910

J Surnames

JanczewskiAndrew born about 1878
JanczewskiAngeline Kborn about 1886
JurinecHelen Jborn about 1885
JurinecIsadore born about 1891

K Surnames

KaczalskeAllyn Aborn about 1934
KaczalskeBernice Gborn about 1924
KaczalskeDonald Cborn about 1939
KaczalskeJoseph Jborn about 1919
KaczalskeKazanierz born about 1882
KaczalskeLaura Vborn about 1915
KaczalskeLena Mborn about 1892
KaczalskeLeo Jborn about 1927
KaczalskeRobert Sborn about 1936
KaczalskeRose Mborn about 1930
KaczalskeSteven Fborn about 1921
KolbekCharles born about 1903
KolehouseEleanore born about 1916
KolehouseHenry Eborn about 1916
KruichekBernice born about 1908
KruichekGrace Cborn about 1940
KruichekRobert Zborn about 1907
KruichikEmil born about 1914
KruichikEva Iborn about 1918
KruichikJacob born about 1875
KruichikJacob Jr born about 1913
KruichikMary born about 1877
KruichikWilliam Jborn about 1939
KubineckElizabeth Sborn about 1929
KubineckFrank born about 1887
KubineckLouise Lborn about 1891
KubineckStanley Gborn about 1933
KubineckThomas Iborn about 1927

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L Surnames

LukacVeronika born about 1871

M Surnames

MartinsonJames Eborn about 1915
MartinsonPaul born about 1917
MartinsonRobert Bborn about 1913
MetzgerMichael Hborn about 1902
MetzgerPearl Mborn about 1898
MetzgerVirginia Mborn about 1925
MyjakWincenty born about 1875

N Surnames

NorlanderImogene born about 1914
NorlanderWarner Jborn about 1916
NorregaardAlfred Nborn about 1892
NorregaardArlon born about 1923
NorregaardFred born about 1918
NorregaardIda Kborn about 1891
NoyJames born about 1871

P Surnames

PekarekJoseph Cborn about 1909
PekarekJoseph C Jrborn about 1936
PekarekKatherine born about 1913

R Surnames

RemusAlexsender Fborn about 1903
RumzisBessie born about 1903
RumzisCelia Mborn about 1926
RumzisEdward Bborn about 1903
RumzisEdward Cborn about 1936
RumzisRose Mborn about 1932
RumzisRuth Mborn about 1927

S Surnames

SchultzAnna Mborn about 1902
SchultzAnthony Lborn about 1900
SchultzDolores Aborn about 1928
SchultzMary Lborn about 1867
SchultzRaymond Lborn about 1939
ShankowskiAnna Mborn about 1928
ShankowskiAnthony born about 1918
ShankowskiFrank Pborn about 1921
ShankowskiJohn born about 1887
ShankowskiKazimera Sborn about 1890
SheddellEmil born about 1893
SheddellGladys Mborn about 1905
SheddellJean Eborn about 1929
SimontonHelen Iborn about 1904
SimontonJoseph Cborn about 1901
SlickerAnna born about 1890
SluzenskiAnna Lborn about 1929
SluzenskiLouis Fborn about 1925
SluzenskiLouise born about 1888
SmutzCharles born about 1888
StalinskiPauline born about 1893
StalinskiTheodore Pborn about 1934

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T Surnames

TraederAgnes Eborn about 1910
TraederEdward Hborn about 1908
TraederMary Mborn about 1939
TraederThomas Eborn about 1938
TrukaJoseph Sr born about 1872

V Surnames

VlachFrank Jborn about 1886
VlachGeorge Tborn about 1902
VlachMary Aborn about 1863

W Surnames

WelickyHenry Pborn about 1920
WestAmbrose Cborn about 1930
WestCecelia Jborn about 1896
WestDonald Tborn about 1938
WestFrancis Pborn about 1926
WestJames Pborn about 1920
WestJohn Pborn about 1897
WestJohn Wborn about 1918
WestMargaret Fborn about 1924
WestMartin Wborn about 1922
WestRobert Hborn about 1928
WestRussell Rborn about 1934
WestdFlorence born about 1861
WestdFranklin Rborn about 1933
WestdFremont Jborn about 1927
WestdHenrietta born about 1902
WestdMarie Pborn about 1926
WestdMonte Dborn about 1890
WhalenCharles Bborn about 1872
WonsBertha born about 1888
WonsGeorge born about 1926
WonsJohn born about 1928
WonsJohn Pborn about 1886
WonsJoseph born about 1912

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Z Surnames

ZdelarAmelia Mborn about 1900
ZdelarFrank Jborn about 1927
ZdelarGeorge Sborn about 1936
ZdelarJoseph Sborn about 1924
ZdelarMary Tborn about 1930
ZdelarSamuel Jborn about 1892
ZeislerCharles born about 1878
ZeislerClara Hborn about 1897
ZemanJoseph born about 1874
ZemanJosephine Rborn about 1884
ZyhowskiEdward born about 1929
ZyhowskiFilchia Aborn about 1901
ZyhowskiFrancis born about 1917
ZyhowskiGeorge born about 1888
ZyhowskiRose born about 1928
ZyhowskiTheodore born about 1924
ZyhowskiWalter born about 1919

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