1940 U.S. Federal Census of Darlington, Lafayette, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Lafayette County > 1940 Census of Darlington

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamMarion Lborn about 1924
AbrahamSilas born about 1922
AbrahamsMarvis born about 1920
AdamsSlyvia born about 1911
AlbertsonEtta born about 1870
AlbertsonJohn born about 1872
AlcornDavid born about 1902
AldersonGeorge Eborn about 1896
AmendaFlorence Cborn about 1907
AmendaHenry Fborn about 1871
AmendaHenry Jborn about 1913
AmendaJoseph Mborn about 1925
AmendaMerle Mborn about 1901
AmendaRobert Eborn about 1918
AmendaRobert Francisborn about 1938
AmendaSylvan born about 1916
AmendaSylvia Mborn about 1939
AmendaViola Nborn about 1921
AmendaVirginia born about 1923
AndersonAlolph Gborn about 1924
AndersonEdna born about 1902
AndersonFlorence Eborn about 1919
AndersonLester born about 1901
AndersonMildred Aborn about 1909
AndersonMinnie Aborn about 1886
AndersonOrville Eborn about 1926
AndersonPhyllis born about 1920
AndersonRobert born about 1935
AndersonVictor Cborn about 1884
AndersonVictor Mborn about 1923
AndersonWillard born about 1913
AndrewsCaroline born about 1935
AndrewsClifford born about 1881
AndrewsElizabeth born about 1886
AndrewsJames born about 1855
AndrewsMary Jborn about 1859
AnschutzAdam born about 1857
AnschutzMary Mborn about 1893
AppellCharles Jborn about 1936
ArmstrongAnna Lborn about 1935
ArmstrongAnnie Graceborn about 1905
ArmstrongCatherine born about 1873
ArmstrongHarry born about 1895
ArmstrongLaurence born about 1928
ArmstrongMary Eborn about 1915
ArmstrongRobert Cborn about 1912
ArmstrongThomas born about 1931
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1866
ArmstrongWilliam Jborn about 1916
ArnesmeierHenry born about 1860
ArnoldAvada born about 1901
ArnoldDorthy born about 1929
ArnoldJane born about 1925
ArnoldMartha born about 1863
ArnoldTheo born about 1902
ArnotCora Bborn about 1872
ArnsmeierEdith Cborn about 1888
ArnsmeierH Tborn about 1888
ArnsmierAldace Oborn about 1895
ArnsmierDale Aborn about 1926
ArnsmierDonald Wborn about 1936
ArnsmierDwaine Oborn about 1933
ArnsmierIvan Hborn about 1939
ArnsmierJaunita born about 1921
ArnsmierMyrtle born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BacherDora born about 1917
BacherOtto Kborn about 1915
BadertscherAlma born about 1912
BadertscherJohn born about 1939
BadertscherLewis born about 1937
BadertscherOtto born about 1912
BadertscherPaul born about 1936
BagemihlBarbara Mborn about 1933
BagemihlEdith Jborn about 1900
BagemihlHerbert Fborn about 1895
BagemihlHerbert Fborn about 1928
BakerJames born about 1869
BaldwinDonald Fborn about 1933
BaldwinFrancis born about 1912
BaldwinRose born about 1887
BarlowCharles Hborn about 1880
BarlowMelissa Sborn about 1878
BarnesEthel born about 1881
BarryLeo born about 1915
BarthAlfred born about 1892
BarthFredrick born about 1902
BarthHarold Fborn about 1927
BarthJohn born about 1865
BarthJohn born about 1891
BarthLydia born about 1897
BarthMartha born about 1898
BarthMatilda Eborn about 1925
BarthOlga born about 1904
BarthOswalt Aborn about 1919
BarthRichard Jborn about 1923
BarthRosie born about 1926
BatesCarl born about 1873
BatesHarry born about 1894
BatesKenneth born about 1913
BatesPhoebe Mborn about 1864
BatesSamuel born about 1876
BauerForest born about 1929
BauerHelen Dborn about 1919
BauerLillian born about 1895
BauerMarion Jborn about 1922
BeardsleyFrances born about 1915
BeardsleyHarold Jborn about 1909
BeardsleyJoseph Rborn about 1937
BellAnna Eborn about 1871
BellBertha born about 1914
BellDallas Eborn about 1908
BellEdward born about 1879
BellEmma born about 1877
BellEstella Aborn about 1909
BellEverett Pborn about 1931
BellHarriet Rborn about 1923
BellHerbert born about 1906
BellJohn Wborn about 1875
BellJoseph born about 1896
BellMina born about 1874
BellMyrtle Fborn about 1886
BellSarah Eborn about 1849
BellWalter born about 1897
BellWoodward Fborn about 1883
BenedictDoris Lborn about 1932
BenedictEdna Eborn about 1875
BenedictHazel Mborn about 1905
BenedictIrene Eborn about 1928
BenedictIsabel Aborn about 1930
BenedictJanet Mborn about 1933
BenedictLucile born about 1905
BenedictNathan Sborn about 1901
BenedictOrmond born about 1904
BenedictOrville Nborn about 1869
BenedictSpencer Hborn about 1935
BennettBernice Lborn about 1902
BennettClara Aborn about 1892
BennettClarence Eborn about 1896
BennettDonald Hborn about 1935
BennettFreemont Eborn about 1903
BennettHenry Rborn about 1898
BennettMaria born about 1914
BennettMary Aborn about 1933
BennettWilliam born about 1924
BennettWilliam Jborn about 1893
BensonEmma Jborn about 1938
BensonFern born about 1934
BensonFlorence born about 1932
BensonHelen born about 1929
BensonMary born about 1928
BensonMelvin born about 1921
BensonMinnie born about 1897
BensonRobert born about 1939
BensonRoland born about 1897
BensonRoland born about 1924
BergenerEthel born about 1892
BergenerFred born about 1886
BergetFredericka born about 1855
BishellMildred born about 1906
BlahooCyril born about 1870
BlakelyCharles born about 1863
BlakelyLois Eborn about 1913
BlakelyLouisa born about 1870
BluntLeonard Eborn about 1923
BollIna Lborn about 1903
BollLewis Eborn about 1869
BordeleauBarbara Jborn about 1935
BordeleauWilliam Fborn about 1933
BordnerFrancis born about 1898
BottomleyCaroline Eborn about 1858
BottomleyCharles Wborn about 1859
BottomleyFrederick born about 1860
BottomleyRachel born about 1873
BowersAlice Eborn about 1865
BowersGertrude Mborn about 1877
BowersWalter Nborn about 1875
BoyleArthur Fborn about 1927
BoyleBernard born about 1938
BoyleCatherine born about 1870
BoyleDonald Fborn about 1919
BoyleDorothy born about 1916
BoyleEdward Fborn about 1901
BoyleFlora born about 1878
BoyleFlorence Aborn about 1910
BoyleFrank Tborn about 1890
BoyleIrma born about 1904
BoyleJohn Mborn about 1917
BoyleJoseph Mborn about 1924
BoyleJosephine Lborn about 1924
BoyleLewis Lborn about 1868
BoyleLuella born about 1894
BoyleMarian Bborn about 1927
BoyleMarie Bborn about 1927
BoyleMary born about 1886
BoyleMary born about 1897
BoyleMary Cborn about 1904
BoyleMildred Eborn about 1892
BoylePeter born about 1868
BoyleRose Maryborn about 1921
BoyleShirley Aborn about 1936
BoyleSylvia Lborn about 1919
BoyleThomas Cborn about 1892
BoyleWilfred Jborn about 1895
BoyleWilliam born about 1935
BoyleWilliam Cborn about 1907
BoyleWilliam Fborn about 1922
BredesonArchie Eborn about 1920
BredesonClara born about 1877
BredesonGlenn Wborn about 1905
BredesonLewis born about 1872
BredesonMaria born about 1908
BredesonSharon Lborn about 1939
BredesonSherman Rborn about 1916
BresinghamMary born about 1859
BrodbeckDorothy born about 1914
BrooksCharles Hborn about 1893
BrooksJames Hborn about 1931
BrooksMary Eborn about 1898
BrownAnna Mborn about 1883
BrownCherie Mborn about 1938
BrownEstella Aborn about 1928
BrownEvelyn Aborn about 1922
BrownLuther Jr born about 1917
BrownNellie Mborn about 1887
BruceAda born about 1893
BruceFredrick born about 1896
BrunkowAdam Cborn about 1886
BrunkowCecelia Jborn about 1891
BrunkowMary born about 1858
BrunkowMary born about 1922
BrunkowRobert born about 1921
BrunkowRuth born about 1925
BrunkowWilliam born about 1927
BrydsonEster born about 1928
BrydsonHattie Eborn about 1910
BrydsonLloyd born about 1903
BrydsonMerle born about 1906
BrydsonMyrtle born about 1898
BrysonArlene Aborn about 1917
BrysonBarbara Bborn about 1933
BrysonBernice born about 1904
BrysonJames Lborn about 1902
BrysonJames Lborn about 1927
BrysonJanet Jborn about 1939
BrysonLincoln Jborn about 1867
BrysonMary Eborn about 1869
BrysonRuth Aborn about 1880
BrysonSylvester born about 1911
BrysonTilda born about 1874
BukoskiMary Aborn about 1919
BurgersAlbert born about 1879
BurgersAmra Mborn about 1927
BurgersBernard born about 1904
BurgersClifford Pborn about 1935
BurgersDelores Lborn about 1924
BurgersFlorence born about 1913
BurgersHazel Bborn about 1894
BurgersRobert Wborn about 1931
BurgessDora Eborn about 1872
BurgessElizabeth born about 1871
BurgessHenry Aborn about 1868
BurkeAbraham born about 1900
BurkeElizebeth Tborn about 1916
BurkeKaren Eborn about 1940
BurkeLewis Jborn about 1913
BurkeRoy born about 1909
BussAnna Eborn about 1892
BussPrince born about 1871
BussSilas born about 1862
BussmanFrank born about 1908
ButterySarah born about 1875
ButteryThomas Hborn about 1874
ButzJane born about 1927
ButzJoseph born about 1921
ButzMae Fborn about 1888
ButzRobert born about 1914
ButzWilliam born about 1917
BuxtonLucille born about 1898
ByrneMary born about 1872
ByrnePeter born about 1873
ByrnesCatherine Hborn about 1910
ByrnesWellington born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CanonGeorge Pborn about 1934
CanonMary Ellenborn about 1863
CanonMichael Eborn about 1933
CareyMyrtle Eborn about 1884
CareyOscar born about 1911
CareyPhilip born about 1860
CareyRoy Sborn about 1880
CarlsonAugust born about 1885
CarlsonMollie born about 1886
CarpenterAlma born about 1896
CarpenterAnn Lborn about 1917
CarpenterArlene born about 1919
CarpenterBert Eborn about 1861
CarpenterBeverly born about 1938
CarpenterCharles Aborn about 1891
CarpenterCora born about 1881
CarpenterElsie born about 1892
CarpenterErma Mborn about 1908
CarpenterHarold Sborn about 1920
CarpenterHattie Lborn about 1891
CarpenterHelen Rborn about 1920
CarpenterInez Vborn about 1922
CarpenterJohn born about 1882
CarpenterLaverne Aborn about 1916
CarpenterLloyd Jborn about 1908
CarpenterLucile Hborn about 1919
CarpenterLynn Arvineborn about 1933
CarpenterNellie Lborn about 1924
CarpenterRoy born about 1912
CarpenterShirley Mborn about 1929
CaryClara born about 1884
CaryHoward Wborn about 1913
CaryJulia Fborn about 1886
CassidyMargaret born about 1867
CassidyRose Sr born about 1856
CastelieneLorraine born about 1924
CavanaughHugh Hborn about 1877
CavanaughMary born about 1869
CavanaughMary Eborn about 1876
CavanaughMichael born about 1867
CawthorneHannah born about 1865
ChamberlinFrank born about 1869
ChambersJulia Aborn about 1898
ChambersRobert born about 1888
ChampionJulia born about 1861
ChapmanBert born about 1891
ChapmanFinetta born about 1858
ChapmanWalter Vborn about 1931
ChistopherElizabeth born about 1933
ChistopherJames Wborn about 1930
ChistopherLeo Jborn about 1899
ChistopherMargaret Jborn about 1928
ChistopherMary Tborn about 1932
ChristensenAiler Mborn about 1900
ChristensenElizabeth born about 1902
ChristensenLinda born about 1925
ChristiansonMartin born about 1875
ChristiansonTilda born about 1879
ClaryMonty born about 1880
ClaytonAlice born about 1857
ClaytonAlice Mborn about 1863
ClaytonEmma born about 1858
ClaytonHattie Mborn about 1879
ClaytonJohn born about 1863
ClaytonSaloa Hborn about 1882
ClineEvelyn born about 1914
ClothierPatricia born about 1932
ColbeckA Leta Mborn about 1928
ColbeckDorthy Lborn about 1922
ColbeckEdna Eborn about 1891
ColbeckErnest born about 1938
ColbeckEverett Hborn about 1891
ColbeckFredrick Jborn about 1896
ColbeckGeorge Hborn about 1864
ColbeckGertrude born about 1877
ColbeckGrace Hborn about 1901
ColbeckJane born about 1866
ColbeckJoseph born about 1921
ColbeckMary Jborn about 1869
ColentineEdward Mborn about 1904
ColentineEliz born about 1864
ColentineLeo Jborn about 1898
ColentineMacia Mborn about 1928
CollinsHelen Mborn about 1900
CollinsJoseph born about 1902
ConleyFrank Eborn about 1870
ConleyKate born about 1871
ConnellAnna Janeborn about 1911
ConnellJean born about 1917
ConnellMary Bborn about 1875
ConnellWilliam Fborn about 1883
ConnellyAlice Lborn about 1914
ConnellyAnn Tborn about 1884
ConnellyBridget born about 1866
ConnellyFlorence Jborn about 1895
ConnellyFrank Pborn about 1879
ConnellyJames Jborn about 1920
ConnellyJohn Jborn about 1892
ConnollyEileen born about 1925
ConnollyJames born about 1916
ConnollyKathleen born about 1922
ConnollyMargurite born about 1910
ConnollyThomas Mborn about 1874
ConnollyThomas Jr born about 1920
ConroyRegina Mborn about 1920
ConsidonineLott born about 1880
CookeJean Mborn about 1872
CorneliusFrank born about 1887
CorneliusMargaret Aborn about 1882
CoryCelia Mborn about 1877
CoryEugene Eborn about 1872
CraigFloyd Aborn about 1893
CraigVelma born about 1910
CrippenGolda Lborn about 1885
CrippenJay Bborn about 1883
CristFrancis Pborn about 1889
CristHarold Fborn about 1928
CristMargaret Lborn about 1891
CristPhillis Mborn about 1923
CrottyAgnes born about 1876
CrowleyJohn Fborn about 1871
CrowleyMargaret Jborn about 1883
CullenArlene Hborn about 1925
CullenBobby Leeborn about 1936
CullenCatherine Aborn about 1888
CullenDelbert Cborn about 1930
CullenDorothy Mborn about 1927
CullenEleanor Jborn about 1933
CullenHarold Eborn about 1922
CullenIrma Fborn about 1939
CullenJames Cborn about 1889
CullenJames C Jrborn about 1926
CullenJanette Hborn about 1932
CullenJean born about 1890
CullenJohn Fborn about 1929
CullenMargaret Cborn about 1925
CullenMary born about 1901
CullenMary Bborn about 1865
CullenMary Lborn about 1925
CullenMary Sueborn about 1922
CullenMaurice born about 1899
CullenMildred Gborn about 1897
CullenRita Kborn about 1929
CullenRose born about 1867
CullenRose Rborn about 1893
CullenStanley Eborn about 1935
CullenWilliam Tborn about 1895
CullenWilliam Jr born about 1934
CummingsBridget born about 1864
CurryCarrie Eborn about 1858
CurryCarrie E Jrborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlerAmelia born about 1884
DahlerJohn born about 1875
DannenEvelena born about 1903
DannenPalmer born about 1907
DanzerLaura born about 1911
Darrow born about 1915
DarrowJimmie born about 1911
DarrowJohn born about 1885
DavenportFred Jborn about 1894
DavenportJosie Lborn about 1891
DavisGilbert Lborn about 1904
DavisMargaret Aborn about 1903
DavisSusan Jborn about 1875
DayHarry Gborn about 1893
DayHazel born about 1894
DeanAdel born about 1914
DearyLester Jborn about 1893
DecentElmer born about 1872
DeeryAnna Rborn about 1904
DeeryBarney Lborn about 1878
DeeryDorthey Mborn about 1925
DeeryEdith born about 1936
DeeryGeorge Jborn about 1930
DeeryGertrude born about 1927
DeeryHughie Gborn about 1921
DeeryJennie born about 1883
DeeryJohn born about 1886
DeeryJohn Hborn about 1888
DeeryJohn Lborn about 1893
DeeryMary born about 1872
DeeryMinna Cborn about 1889
DeerySamuel born about 1876
DeerySussan Aborn about 1923
DeeryWilliam Jborn about 1874
DemuthArthur born about 1902
DemuthAugust Jborn about 1875
DemuthBarbara Mborn about 1907
DemuthBennie born about 1920
DemuthClara Mborn about 1878
DemuthElizabeth born about 1889
DemuthFrank born about 1882
DemuthNaomi born about 1904
DemuthNorbert Hborn about 1904
DemuthNorman Mborn about 1904
DemuthPaul born about 1913
DenioAaron born about 1853
DenioElizabeth Mborn about 1858
DevalMary born about 1859
DiamondAnna born about 1883
DiamondEmma born about 1897
DiamondPat Dborn about 1887
DickensonEdward Eborn about 1911
DickinsonMary Aborn about 1866
DoanGeorge born about 1862
DobsonAlfred born about 1858
DoeringCaroline born about 1872
DoeringCecil Gborn about 1897
DoeringGeorge Aborn about 1867
DoeringHenry born about 1860
DoeringLillian born about 1863
DoeringMaria born about 1888
DoeringMatilda Aborn about 1869
DonohueClara Vborn about 1897
DonohueLeo Fborn about 1915
DonohueLorraine Mborn about 1923
DonohueLucile Hborn about 1919
DonohueNettie born about 1885
DormanAnnie born about 1887
DormanFrank Jborn about 1912
DormanJosephine born about 1917
DormanOscar Wborn about 1921
DoughertyWilliam born about 1862
DouglasAlvin born about 1904
DouglasBenjamin born about 1933
DouglasCharles Vborn about 1925
DouglasDwaine Hborn about 1921
DouglasEleen Eborn about 1926
DouglasGlenn Bborn about 1920
DouglasHannah Janeborn about 1871
DouglasHarvey Gborn about 1939
DouglasInez born about 1928
DouglasJennie born about 1905
DouglasKathleen born about 1932
DouglasKenneth born about 1935
DouglasLester Lborn about 1910
DouglasLulu Mborn about 1908
DouglasLulu Mborn about 1933
DouglasMarjorie Kborn about 1915
DouglasMaxine born about 1930
DouglasRobert born about 1878
DouglasVirginia born about 1924
DowneyJosephine Bborn about 1901
DowneyPhyllis Lborn about 1922
DoyleAnn Mborn about 1860
DoyleBernard Rev born about 1890
DreffElla Rborn about 1892
DreffFlorence Lborn about 1926
DreffWilliam Lborn about 1887
DriscollCharles Cborn about 1881
DriscollJames Jborn about 1920
DriscollJohanna born about 1881
DriscollJoseph born about 1922
DriscollMargaret Eborn about 1923
DriscollMary born about 1919
DriscollPhillis born about 1927
DriverJosephine born about 1879
DudeyDavid Wborn about 1923
DudeyGwendolyn born about 1894
DudeyPaul Oborn about 1925
DudeyRudolph Rborn about 1891
DudlowFredrick Wborn about 1890
DuffMartha born about 1855
DunbarMeredith born about 1932
DunnCelestine Aborn about 1919
DunnClifford born about 1904
DunnEffie Eborn about 1909
DunnGeorge Aborn about 1876
DunnJames Wborn about 1917
DunnMary Eborn about 1883
DunningtonM Charlesborn about 1888
DunningtonMary Eborn about 1937
DunningtonMary Iborn about 1907
DunningtonNeal Cborn about 1939
DurrsteinMillie Rborn about 1912
DurrsteinWilliam Gborn about 1913

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E Surnames

EckmanJoseph Jborn about 1933
EdgarJames born about 1878
EdgarJerry born about 1930
EdgarMarion born about 1905
EllwangerMary Eborn about 1914
EllwangerMary Jborn about 1939
EllwangerRalph born about 1914
ElmerElma Aborn about 1892
ElmerHenry born about 1879
ElmerWilliam Jborn about 1921
EngebretsonAnn Mborn about 1939
EngebretsonHenry Mborn about 1892
EngebretsonMargaret Sborn about 1913
EngeloDonald Hborn about 1922
EngeloHenry Mborn about 1890
EngeloLawrence Oborn about 1934
EngeloNell Eborn about 1892
EngeloPaul Eborn about 1923
EngeloRobert Jborn about 1926
EricksonElaine born about 1927
EricksonHarry born about 1899
EricksonIna born about 1901
EricksonJohn Cborn about 1934
EricksonMartin born about 1896
EricksonMary Sborn about 1904
EricksonPatricia born about 1939
EricksonShirley born about 1923
EthridgeEmily Hborn about 1861
EthridgeWilliam born about 1867
EusticeDonald born about 1912
EvensteadElizabeth born about 1871
EvensteadFlorence Mborn about 1906
EvensteadGene Pborn about 1929
EvensteadHomer born about 1928
EvensteadPalmer Gborn about 1898
EwingArnold born about 1918
EwingJanette born about 1922
EwingPaul born about 1924
EwingRenna born about 1894
EwingRichard born about 1927
EylerMarie Tborn about 1897
EylerRex Hborn about 1898
EylerRex Nborn about 1925

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F Surnames

FaithDonovan born about 1920
FarmerHannah born about 1862
FecroninJohn born about 1886
FerrellGeorge Hborn about 1863
FerrellLucinda born about 1867
FiedlerFrank born about 1874
FiedlerMae born about 1879
FiehCharles Cborn about 1907
FiehEthel Bborn about 1905
FiehJoyce Annborn about 1936
FinkCharles born about 1891
FinkFannie born about 1872
FinkMae born about 1888
FinleyEdward Rborn about 1927
FinleyEunice born about 1922
FinleyMary born about 1901
FinleyPatrick Jborn about 1901
FisherAmos Cborn about 1927
FisherEdward Fborn about 1927
FisherFrances Mborn about 1886
FisherJulia Jborn about 1866
FitzgeraldAnna Dborn about 1903
FitzgeraldJerry Tborn about 1931
FitzgeraldLloyd Eborn about 1896
FitzgeraldSheila Aborn about 1936
FitzpatrickDorothy Eborn about 1906
FitzpatrickFrancis Hborn about 1906
FitzpatrickJerold born about 1935
FitzpatrickWilliam Infantborn about 1940
FloodAgnes Aborn about 1899
FloodAnna Lborn about 1869
FloodCatherine Aborn about 1920
FloodClara Iborn about 1885
FloodEmmett Jborn about 1902
FloodHarold Tborn about 1924
FloodJohn Dborn about 1870
FloodJohn Eborn about 1897
FloodMackey born about 1934
FloodPaul Lborn about 1922
FloodPeter Hborn about 1873
FloodRuth born about 1912
FloodWilliam born about 1898
FloydEugene Sborn about 1904
FlynnMary Eborn about 1866
FlynnRose born about 1869
FowlerEmma born about 1869
FowlerWilliam Wborn about 1866
FoxJoseph born about 1885
FoxJosephine Mborn about 1915
FrancesJames born about 1883
FrancisBarbara Jeanborn about 1920
FrancisBelle Fborn about 1889
FrancisOtis Wborn about 1873
FrancisOtis W Jrborn about 1915
FranzCharles Jborn about 1877
FranzEderye Sborn about 1909
FranzJanice Rborn about 1938
FranzJohn Gborn about 1872
FranzRobert Cborn about 1910
FrenchAnna Gborn about 1890
FrenchBetty Rborn about 1927
FrenchEverett Jborn about 1884
FrenchMareta Gborn about 1921
FrenchMary Margaretborn about 1924
FrenchRobert Jborn about 1918
FreyClara Aborn about 1934
FreyElsie Lborn about 1933
FreyHenry born about 1901
FreyLaura Wborn about 1912
FreyRose Mborn about 1926
FryBertha Jborn about 1891
FryDavid Eborn about 1929
FryEverett Wborn about 1891

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G Surnames

GableClara born about 1881
GableLewis Bborn about 1880
GallagherBess Aborn about 1880
GallagherHugh Jborn about 1883
GallagherNell Lborn about 1876
GallagherPaul Rborn about 1905
GansbergHenry Jborn about 1898
GarveyCarolena Eborn about 1887
GarveyDorothy Jborn about 1924
GarveyHarold Wborn about 1921
GarveyHazel Lborn about 1911
GarveyLuella born about 1901
GarveyMyrtle born about 1899
GarveyRobert Pborn about 1926
GarveyRoss Wborn about 1919
GarveyVernice Lborn about 1922
GarveyWilliam Hborn about 1886
GaulkeElaine Nborn about 1938
GaulkeIslona Dborn about 1910
GaulkeRobert Jborn about 1903
GavaganDavid born about 1899
GaviganMary Jborn about 1938
GaviganRalph born about 1914
GehrtBarbar Jborn about 1931
GehrtDean Wborn about 1939
GehrtHenry Pborn about 1904
GehrtMargaret Jborn about 1907
GehrtMary Cborn about 1935
GehrtPatrick Hborn about 1930
GehrtPaul Fborn about 1938
GerberSigimund born about 1878
GerlachHenry Bborn about 1906
GerlachMarie born about 1921
GerlachMarion born about 1921
GerlachWilliam born about 1898
GerlachWilliam born about 1925
GerlachZeta Aborn about 1902
GertschAlbert born about 1920
GertschAlfred born about 1889
GertschMargerate born about 1888
GerwulfClark Gborn about 1934
GerwulfDawn Bborn about 1938
GerwulfFird Jborn about 1910
GerwulfFird Wborn about 1930
GerwulfJohannah Bborn about 1932
GerwulfLarry Lborn about 1940
GerwulfVivian Lborn about 1911
GetzAlbert born about 1874
GetzGilbert born about 1934
GetzJulia born about 1894
GetzLillo born about 1931
GeyerMettie Mborn about 1883
GiatzErnest born about 1896
GiatzGervin Eborn about 1925
GiatzGlen Hborn about 1924
GiatzHarold Eborn about 1921
GiatzMay born about 1895
GiatzRobert Cborn about 1928
GilbertoBird Cborn about 1881
GilbertoLeone Eborn about 1912
GilbertsonAlice born about 1926
GilbertsonBessie born about 1883
GilbertsonHelen Mborn about 1920
GilbertsonJohn born about 1869
GilbertsonLeo Pborn about 1931
GilbertsonRandall born about 1880
GilleAnna born about 1894
GilleLloyd Rborn about 1918
GilleLucille Mborn about 1918
GilleMary Margaretborn about 1921
GillePaul Pborn about 1927
GilleSonia born about 1939
GilleWilliam born about 1894
GillieBelle born about 1880
GillieEdward born about 1916
GillieFaye Eborn about 1916
GillieLa Vern born about 1935
GillieRuth Gborn about 1920
GlendenningGerald born about 1937
GlendenningHomer born about 1916
GlendenningLawrence born about 1939
GlendenningNaomi born about 1916
GlindiningDonald Dborn about 1937
GlindiningElaine Mborn about 1918
GlindiningHoward Jborn about 1919
GlindiningJohn Jborn about 1886
GlindiningPearl Eborn about 1890
GlindiningRaymond Cborn about 1914
GodfreyAnna Sborn about 1874
GodfreyMary Lborn about 1872
GoebelJames Rborn about 1937
GoebelJoseph born about 1894
GoebelMargaret Jborn about 1881
GoebelMargaret Kborn about 1919
GoodmanEthel Fborn about 1903
GoodmanIrving Fborn about 1900
GoodmanJoyce Lborn about 1926
GoodrichFrank Dborn about 1876
GoodrichHoward Lborn about 1915
GoodrichJulia born about 1890
GordonAgnes born about 1915
GordonGilman Tborn about 1901
GordonLester Gborn about 1923
GordonNorman born about 1937
GordonSusie Mborn about 1902
GordonWayne Lborn about 1935
GossnerAgnes Bborn about 1904
GossnerEdith Iborn about 1934
GossnerErnest Eborn about 1902
GossnerLillian Pborn about 1929
GossnerRita Eborn about 1932
GoughAustin Bborn about 1916
GoughBernard born about 1910
GoughGladys Bborn about 1914
GoughIrene born about 1903
GoughIrvin born about 1904
GoughJames born about 1908
GoughKathryn born about 1910
GoughMary Jborn about 1875
GrahamBetty Lynborn about 1939
GrahamCatherine Aborn about 1912
GrahamCharles Aborn about 1880
GrahamHazel born about 1915
GrahamJoseph born about 1879
GrahamLouis Jborn about 1905
GrahamMary Annborn about 1870
GrahamWilliam born about 1911
GrahamWilliam Pborn about 1936
GrattHelen Mborn about 1912
GrattHenry born about 1907
GrattMary born about 1931
GratzArnold Eborn about 1906
GratzDora born about 1873
GratzMary born about 1921
GreenbergSamuel born about 1878
GrigsbyJack born about 1888
GrimmGrace born about 1876
GroosEvelyn Mborn about 1938
GroosFlorence Lborn about 1905
GroosLincoln born about 1865
GroosThomas Hborn about 1909
GrossAlbert Jborn about 1911
GrossAnna Maeborn about 1924
GrossCaroline born about 1887
GrossEdna Jborn about 1938
GrossEugene Wborn about 1936
GrossFrancis born about 1921
GrossFrank Aborn about 1903
GrossFred Eborn about 1897
GrossGertrude Aborn about 1915
GrossGladys Mborn about 1901
GrossHarry Fborn about 1931
GrossHelen Mborn about 1934
GrossLititia Lborn about 1905
GrossMilton born about 1937
GrossRalph Eborn about 1894
GrossRuth Lborn about 1918
GrossShirley Aborn about 1936
GrossWanda Gborn about 1938
GrossWilliam Eborn about 1895
GrundeyCharles born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasHans born about 1901
HaffeleAustin Lborn about 1928
HaffeleCharley born about 1878
HaffeleDaisy born about 1912
HaffeleEvertt born about 1922
HaffeleJeanne Lborn about 1924
HaffeleKatherine born about 1882
HaffeleLeo Cborn about 1900
HallAndrew Hborn about 1859
HallCatherine Mborn about 1863
HallHannah Eborn about 1864
HallKathryn Mborn about 1898
HallRobert born about 1865
HalversonArline Aborn about 1924
HalversonAvis born about 1912
HalversonClinton Lborn about 1936
HalversonEdward Hborn about 1930
HalversonEldin Rborn about 1931
HalversonHerman born about 1900
HalversonIdellis Pborn about 1928
HalversonMilva Jborn about 1937
HalversonMyrtle Eborn about 1904
HalversonSylvester Lborn about 1926
HancockEdward Jborn about 1877
HancockMable Eborn about 1906
HancockMary Eborn about 1917
HancockMyron Eborn about 1907
HancockSusan Jborn about 1877
HanselmanElsie born about 1886
HanselmanEster born about 1930
HanselmanOscar born about 1890
HansonAgnes born about 1906
HansonBeatta born about 1887
HansonHazel Eborn about 1923
HansonJohn Fborn about 1886
HarkerAlice Aborn about 1873
HarkerIsaac born about 1870
HarringtonNellie born about 1869
HarrisCollene Jborn about 1934
HarrisConnie Cborn about 1939
HarrisLeslie born about 1909
HarrisPhillis Fborn about 1917
HarrisonAlta Dborn about 1935
HarrisonCharley Wborn about 1901
HarrisonDonald Rborn about 1926
HarrisonFlorence Aborn about 1930
HarrisonInez Aborn about 1906
HarrisonLeonard Cborn about 1928
HarrisonSarah born about 1872
HarrisonShirley Rborn about 1931
HarrisonSue born about 1870
HarveyJames Eborn about 1921
HarveyRay Lborn about 1883
HarveyRegina Mborn about 1887
HastertAnna Cborn about 1907
HastertFrancis Jborn about 1939
HastertHelen Aborn about 1899
HastertJames Jborn about 1937
HastertJoseph Rborn about 1933
HastertLynda Jborn about 1913
HastertMary Fborn about 1929
HastertPaul Rborn about 1929
HastertPeter Gborn about 1935
HastertRichard Jborn about 1912
HastertRobert Wborn about 1902
HastertRoberta Fborn about 1928
HastertRosalie Cborn about 1928
HastertRoy Lborn about 1906
HastertWilliam Oborn about 1938
HavensJoan Lborn about 1932
HavensKent Hborn about 1930
HavensMeredith Lborn about 1903
HavensOra Dborn about 1900
HaveyHarry Sborn about 1863
HaveyLeda Catherineborn about 1866
HayesGladys born about 1916
HeianTheodore born about 1904
HeimuellerElla Mborn about 1909
HeimuellerGeorge Oborn about 1888
HeimuellerGloria born about 1926
HeimuellerMary born about 1887
HelmBurton born about 1876
HelmClarance Lborn about 1902
HelmFannie born about 1871
HelmMarion born about 1907
HelmMonica Sborn about 1912
HelmOvedia Cborn about 1911
HelmRobert Wborn about 1938
HelmThomas born about 1868
HelmVincent Fborn about 1916
HendricksonAnna Maeborn about 1927
HendricksonClara born about 1903
HendricksonElaine Eborn about 1929
HendricksonElmer born about 1874
HendricksonEunice Pborn about 1925
HendricksonFrank born about 1899
HendricksonJoseph Cborn about 1902
HendricksonJoseph Hborn about 1928
HendricksonJulia Cborn about 1897
HendricksonLillian born about 1884
HendricksonMargaret Rborn about 1935
HendricksonMary Mborn about 1900
HendricksonMaryana born about 1933
HendricksonRaymond Lborn about 1898
HendricksonRobert Jborn about 1930
HendricksonWilliam Fborn about 1928
HenryAnnie born about 1886
HenryFrank Wborn about 1889
HerrellJames born about 1859
HesslingEdna born about 1890
HesslingWalter born about 1887
HexomBessie Nborn about 1898
HexomChris Eborn about 1892
HexomClifford Jborn about 1916
HexomL Roy Kborn about 1920
HexomMavis Tborn about 1919
HexomRonald Eborn about 1933
HicksBernard Hborn about 1926
HicksFlorence Mborn about 1906
HicksHoyt Wborn about 1907
HicksLaurence born about 1940
HicksNorman Fborn about 1928
HicksRonald Hborn about 1930
HicksWilliam Pborn about 1932
HillAlice Lborn about 1921
HillAnna born about 1909
HillDonald Gborn about 1912
HillEvelyn Mborn about 1919
HillGladys Iborn about 1913
HillIda Mborn about 1887
HillJoan Eborn about 1936
HillKenneth born about 1909
HilleryOscar Aborn about 1888
HilleryVera Bborn about 1889
HinkinsArdith Aborn about 1929
HinkinsDwaine born about 1931
HinkinsLucille born about 1906
HirschbrunerEdward born about 1894
HirschbrunerGeorge Eborn about 1934
HirschbrunerJohn Eborn about 1923
HirschbrunerJosephine Mborn about 1925
HirschbrunerLouise born about 1891
HirschbrunerRuth Aborn about 1929
HirschbrunerViola born about 1916
HirshbrunerChrist born about 1861
HirshbrunerChrist born about 1905
HittesdorfDelores born about 1920
HittesdorfGerald Pborn about 1939
HittesdorfPaul born about 1916
HoagPaul born about 1896
HockingAlice Mborn about 1928
HockingBeth Jborn about 1933
HockingEileene Eborn about 1935
HockingIva Cborn about 1909
HockingWilliam Aborn about 1902
HockingWilliam Jborn about 1930
HoffmanGeorge born about 1908
HoganAdeleine born about 1867
HoganElizabeth born about 1869
HoganEmery born about 1902
HoganIrvin Jborn about 1937
HoganJoseph Hborn about 1931
HoganLouise Hborn about 1861
HoganMary Tborn about 1939
HoganMattie born about 1873
HoganPhilip born about 1858
HoganRosella born about 1905
HoganVernon Tborn about 1935
HoldenWilliam born about 1863
HolftLavone Hborn about 1935
HolftLeo Fborn about 1910
HolftMarion Cborn about 1913
HollandBernard born about 1917
HollandJohn Cborn about 1895
HollandJohn Pborn about 1869
HollandSarah Janeborn about 1878
HollandWilliam born about 1887
HolloranEdward Cborn about 1873
HolloranHannah born about 1869
HolloranMaude Kborn about 1877
HolloranWard Gborn about 1914
HolmesElma Mborn about 1893
HolmesHarry Lborn about 1891
HorstmeierHenry Wborn about 1859
HoskinJohn Aborn about 1882
HoskinWinifred born about 1882
HowardAlice born about 1900
HowardAnnie Mborn about 1891
HowardBetty born about 1920
HowardBetty Rborn about 1925
HowardCharles Aborn about 1883
HowardCharles Vborn about 1920
HowardCharles Jr born about 1908
HowardChester Hborn about 1893
HowardClifford Eborn about 1926
HowardDaisy born about 1890
HowardEarl born about 1884
HowardEarl born about 1918
HowardEdward born about 1861
HowardEdwin Jborn about 1863
HowardElizabeth Aborn about 1871
HowardElva Mborn about 1884
HowardFrank born about 1915
HowardFrieda born about 1914
HowardGrace born about 1932
HowardHazel Eborn about 1935
HowardHelen Mborn about 1921
HowardHelene born about 1932
HowardHenry Cborn about 1884
HowardHomer Lborn about 1929
HowardJennie Pborn about 1892
HowardJuanita Jborn about 1928
HowardLeo Jborn about 1895
HowardLucille Aborn about 1930
HowardMary Aborn about 1923
HowardMyrtle Aborn about 1890
HowardNancy born about 1937
HowardPauline born about 1864
HowardPauline Jborn about 1930
HowardRichard born about 1866
HowardRobert born about 1939
HowardRuth Mborn about 1924
HowardShirley Annborn about 1938
HowardVirginia born about 1926
HowardWillard Eborn about 1900
HoweAnna Jborn about 1929
HoweAnna Mborn about 1892
HoweAudrey Hborn about 1929
HoweBernard Lborn about 1925
HoweCathleen Mborn about 1921
HoweDelbert born about 1924
HoweDietta born about 1928
HoweDonald born about 1919
HoweDonald Jborn about 1920
HoweElizebeth born about 1925
HoweGerald Rborn about 1927
HoweGladys Hborn about 1893
HoweHarlow born about 1925
HoweHelen born about 1931
HoweJames born about 1893
HoweJames Eborn about 1918
HoweJames Jr born about 1930
HoweJennie born about 1888
HoweJerome Tborn about 1938
HoweJoseph Eborn about 1923
HoweJoyce Kborn about 1934
HoweJulia Eborn about 1892
HoweKelly Rborn about 1926
HoweLaurance Aborn about 1933
HoweLauretta born about 1926
HoweLaverne Wborn about 1922
HoweLorrine born about 1926
HoweMargaret born about 1861
HoweMargaret Rborn about 1929
HoweMarion born about 1919
HoweMarion Eborn about 1922
HoweMary Aborn about 1865
HoweMary Jborn about 1893
HoweMary Kborn about 1922
HoweRaymond Mborn about 1892
HoweRichard born about 1862
HoweRichard born about 1885
HoweRosemary Jborn about 1924
HoweThomas Hborn about 1890
HoweWilliam Fborn about 1893
HoweWilliam Rborn about 1916
HoweryArthur born about 1919
HoweryBernice Aborn about 1887
HoweryBetha Jborn about 1924
HoweryGale born about 1920
HoweryGeorge Oborn about 1885
HoweryMarian Vborn about 1919
HoweryPatricia Eborn about 1937
HoweryPrudence Lborn about 1889
HoweryRobert Gborn about 1919
HoweryVictor born about 1889
HoweryVictoria Mborn about 1863
HoweryWalter Wborn about 1939
HoweryWilliam born about 1882
HowlJohn born about 1877
HuckChrist born about 1909
HuckLouise born about 1913
HuckMarilyn Lborn about 1939
HuckRoger Cborn about 1937
HudsonEvelyn Bborn about 1908
HudsonFloyd Bborn about 1907
HudsonFloyd Cborn about 1931
HudsonJoseph Hborn about 1935
HuenkneAlice Fborn about 1913
HuenkneJohn Wborn about 1939
HuenkneLaurance Aborn about 1937
HuenkneRichard Hborn about 1915
HughesAnna Dborn about 1925
HughesEarl Wborn about 1901
HughesElizebeth born about 1918
HughesElvin Tborn about 1919
HughesFred Hborn about 1870
HughesHelene born about 1908
HughesLenico born about 1922
HughesMary born about 1869
HughesRobert born about 1891
HughesStella Vborn about 1897
HugillClara born about 1874
HundertDonald Mborn about 1928
HundertHelen Lborn about 1905
HundertMeltguir Jborn about 1902
HundertMerlyn Rborn about 1924
HuntSarah born about 1861
HuntingtonAlice born about 1861
HuntingtonCaroline born about 1867
HuntingtonEmma Lborn about 1877
HuntingtonFlorence Vborn about 1908
HuntingtonFrank Tborn about 1871
HuntingtonGeorge Hborn about 1895
HuntingtonGladys Jborn about 1908
HuntingtonGlenn Aborn about 1902
HuntingtonHomer Hborn about 1915
HuntingtonJoseph born about 1867
HuntingtonKenneth born about 1903
HuntingtonLloyd Jborn about 1906
HuntingtonTillie born about 1880
HussNora born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IschiAlice Aborn about 1928
IschiBertha born about 1918
IschiEmma born about 1900
IschiEmma Rborn about 1924
IschiGertrude Hborn about 1922
IschiIda born about 1914
IschiJacob born about 1888
IschiJohn born about 1916
IschiLouisa born about 1882
IschiMargaret Iborn about 1927
IselyDoris born about 1928
IselyPearl born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonMary Eborn about 1864
JamesGeneive born about 1910
JamesNancy born about 1933
JamesReuben Wborn about 1908
JamesRoger born about 1934
JamesZuba Eborn about 1875
JeffreyErnest Jborn about 1883
JeffreyJane born about 1887
JenksAnna Mborn about 1888
JenksCharles born about 1878
JenksClark born about 1881
JenksEmila Cborn about 1880
JenningsGeorge Tborn about 1874
JenningsIrene Mborn about 1885
JockumLemer born about 1919
JohnsonAdel born about 1878
JohnsonAnna born about 1892
JohnsonCharles Oborn about 1907
JohnsonClarence born about 1902
JohnsonDelbert Eborn about 1923
JohnsonEugene Eborn about 1936
JohnsonFlorence born about 1904
JohnsonFlorence Gborn about 1939
JohnsonFlorence Lborn about 1915
JohnsonGaylord born about 1939
JohnsonGerald Eborn about 1935
JohnsonGladys born about 1917
JohnsonGladys Mborn about 1911
JohnsonGlenn Iborn about 1898
JohnsonHarlond Lborn about 1924
JohnsonHilda Marieborn about 1876
JohnsonJohn born about 1933
JohnsonJoseph born about 1870
JohnsonJoyce born about 1928
JohnsonKenneth Aborn about 1935
JohnsonKenneth Eborn about 1910
JohnsonLars Pborn about 1854
JohnsonLe Roy born about 1935
JohnsonLeland born about 1919
JohnsonManda Lborn about 1904
JohnsonMargaret born about 1912
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1931
JohnsonMildred born about 1931
JohnsonMildred Lborn about 1926
JohnsonNellie Mborn about 1891
JohnsonPatricia Jborn about 1938
JohnsonRonald born about 1929
JohnsonRonald Bborn about 1923
JohnstonElise born about 1906
JohnstonPaul born about 1907
JohnstonRonald Eborn about 1938
JonesJennie born about 1857
JudkinsElla born about 1896
JudkinsLaura born about 1902
JudkinsMary Jborn about 1868
JudkinsWilliam born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KadingRaymond born about 1904
KaempferJohn born about 1898
KaempferMuriel born about 1898
KasterElizabeth born about 1864
KearnesArthur born about 1933
KearnesSadie born about 1893
KearnesThomas Jborn about 1896
KeeferJohn born about 1910
KellyDavid Eborn about 1936
KellyDonald born about 1929
KellyEdna Cborn about 1908
KellyHarold Jborn about 1911
KellyRichard Hborn about 1939
KempferEmil born about 1871
KempferGottlieb born about 1868
KempferMary born about 1894
KendallBetty born about 1929
KendallEdna born about 1910
KendallEmiline Eborn about 1873
KendallFrancis born about 1934
KendallJames Eborn about 1891
KendallJoeann born about 1939
KendallJohn born about 1897
KendallLa Verne Kborn about 1918
KendallMargaret Sborn about 1911
KendallRose Mborn about 1937
KendallViolet Lborn about 1913
KiefferCaroline born about 1888
KiefferClara Gborn about 1928
KiefferEdward Aborn about 1914
KiefferErnest Mborn about 1920
KiefferMary Aborn about 1924
KiefferPeter born about 1865
KiefferWilliam Jborn about 1929
KilcoyneDarline Rborn about 1930
KilcoyneGerald Iborn about 1926
KilcoyneLouis Gborn about 1907
KilcoyneRuth Eborn about 1909
KilcoyneWilliam Hborn about 1929
KilkellyCelcus born about 1920
KilkellyEilleen born about 1922
KilkellyFlorence born about 1904
KilkellyFrancis born about 1908
KilkellyHattie born about 1876
KilkellyHomer Tborn about 1901
KilkellyJames born about 1865
KilkellyJohn Bborn about 1863
KilkellyLois Mborn about 1925
KilkellyMay born about 1876
KilkellyWilliam Bborn about 1933
KimmichBernard born about 1866
KindleJohn Aborn about 1861
KindleJosephine Aborn about 1866
KingEdward born about 1887
KingJoseph Mborn about 1866
KingPeter Vborn about 1875
KingThomas Gborn about 1916
KirwinEdmund born about 1930
KirwinRose born about 1904
KirwinSarah Jborn about 1873
KirwinThomas born about 1937
KittoeDelos Tborn about 1934
KittoeHubert Dborn about 1907
KittoeMelissa Uborn about 1916
KittoeRoyce Eborn about 1939
KleinMyrtle born about 1886
KlineEleanor born about 1912
KlineJohn Fborn about 1935
KlineRobert Eborn about 1939
KlineTheo born about 1909
KnauseAgnes Jborn about 1890
KnauseWilliam born about 1871
KnautzBarbara Mborn about 1912
KnautzElmer Jborn about 1872
KnautzJames Wborn about 1923
KnautzJosephine Bborn about 1885
KnellwolfAddie Mborn about 1894
KnellwolfDonald Pborn about 1916
KnellwolfLouis born about 1893
KnightCharles Sborn about 1871
KnightMargaret born about 1882
KnightMary born about 1886
KnutesonDonald born about 1926
KnutesonEthel born about 1889
KnutesonLuella born about 1898
KomproodCurtiss born about 1920
KomproodDella born about 1916
KomproodMary Eborn about 1882
KreutzAmelia Aborn about 1874
KreutzLydia Eborn about 1881
KruckerCharles Fborn about 1892
KruckerPaulla born about 1897
KrugerEva Nborn about 1874
KrugerGeorge Bborn about 1878
KruseThomas Sborn about 1930
KruseWinifred born about 1898
KummerEdward born about 1869
KummerEmma born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacuskaFrank born about 1880
LadowAnnice born about 1909
LadowJack born about 1937
LadowLois born about 1927
LadowOrlando born about 1902
LadowRetha born about 1934
LadowRoy born about 1932
LadowTenice born about 1939
LaeschCharles Bborn about 1934
LaeschViolet Gborn about 1909
LaeschWilliam Fborn about 1909
LanahamElla born about 1866
LancasterBertha Mborn about 1887
LancasterCharles Wborn about 1889
LancasterEvelyn born about 1929
LancasterFrancis Hborn about 1936
LancasterGrace Aborn about 1934
LancasterHarlon born about 1926
LancasterHarlow Tborn about 1912
LancasterHermit Dborn about 1937
LancasterHomer born about 1917
LancasterJohn Eborn about 1933
LancasterLorraine born about 1935
LancasterMartha Eborn about 1915
LancasterMary born about 1904
LancasterMildred born about 1924
LancasterNorman Lborn about 1939
LancasterRolland born about 1903
LancasterRussel born about 1932
LancasterShelby Jeanborn about 1939
LancasterThomas born about 1936
LaneAlexander born about 1866
LaneHenry Hborn about 1874
LaneNina born about 1877
LappinJennie born about 1883
LarkinWilliam born about 1877
LarsonAlbert Gborn about 1923
LarsonCharley born about 1861
LarsonDavid Lborn about 1934
LarsonGerald Wborn about 1936
LarsonHarold born about 1927
LarsonHelen Mborn about 1926
LarsonIda born about 1880
LarsonJohn born about 1916
LarsonLena born about 1872
LarsonLetha Mborn about 1909
LarsonLewis born about 1901
LarsonLloyd Mborn about 1909
LarsonMabel born about 1914
LarsonMable Fborn about 1908
LarsonMildred Mborn about 1911
LarsonNorbert born about 1940
LarsonNorman born about 1940
LarsonOscar born about 1879
LarsonRobert born about 1929
LarsonWilliam born about 1906
LathropJoseph Pborn about 1898
LathropThelma Mborn about 1906
LawSarah Jborn about 1864
LawsonEllworth born about 1865
LawsonLucretia Bborn about 1871
LeadyMary born about 1877
LeaheyElmer Jborn about 1891
LeaheyMary Jborn about 1895
LeahyEllen born about 1862
LeahyRaymond born about 1918
LeahyRose born about 1885
LearyCarrie Eborn about 1878
LearyCharles Nborn about 1901
LearyJoseph born about 1884
LearyJulia born about 1882
LeeAlice born about 1863
LeffingwellClayton born about 1916
LeffingwellDora Eborn about 1893
LeffingwellEben Cborn about 1885
LeffingwellGeorge Rborn about 1917
LeffingwellHoward Jborn about 1922
LehmanArmella born about 1917
LehmanDolores born about 1926
LehmanFrances born about 1887
LehmanLenard Wborn about 1915
LehmanPaul Oborn about 1882
LeuAnnie Mborn about 1923
LeuDelbert Fborn about 1930
LeuDonald Jborn about 1939
LeuFrieda born about 1908
LeuGertrude Lborn about 1929
LeuJohn Fborn about 1937
LeuLina born about 1879
LeuLousia born about 1915
LeuOtto born about 1905
LeuPaul Wborn about 1928
LeuSamuel born about 1871
LeuWalter Rborn about 1903
LeuWilliam born about 1916
LeuWinifred Eborn about 1916
LewisAngeline Cborn about 1891
LewisMarie born about 1914
LewisRobert born about 1911
LewisStanley Hborn about 1892
LiechtiGertrude born about 1932
LiechtiJohannah Sborn about 1908
LiechtiWalter born about 1890
LiechtiWerner born about 1931
LillieGeorge born about 1887
LillieOlive born about 1883
LindsayLouisa born about 1864
LindsayMartha born about 1863
LinquistNettie born about 1878
LocherOtto born about 1908
LoguePeter born about 1856
LogueSusan born about 1858
LowerHoward Hborn about 1891
LowerHoward Jr born about 1917
LowerJames Rborn about 1927
LowerMartha Eborn about 1895
LucianiPaul born about 1931
LucianiPauline born about 1931
LukeTodias Cborn about 1870
LynchJosephine Cborn about 1896
LyneElizebth Aborn about 1917
LyneEthel Lborn about 1915
LyneHarry born about 1874
LyneHarry Wborn about 1913
LyneMary Aborn about 1876

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M Surnames

MackeyJohn born about 1869
MageeCharlotte Aborn about 1917
MageeHarold born about 1912
MalleryCaroline born about 1893
MalleryEarl born about 1893
MallerySamuel born about 1866
MaloneyIlene Cborn about 1925
MaloneyMattie born about 1886
MaloneyMichael Hborn about 1889
MalottCatherine born about 1904
MalottClarence born about 1900
MalottGearldine born about 1921
MalottRomana born about 1924
MarriottTheodore born about 1910
MartensDon Wborn about 1934
MartensDonna Jeanborn about 1933
MartensGeraldine born about 1909
MartensTed Williamborn about 1938
MartensWalter Wborn about 1905
MartinBernice Hborn about 1912
MartinClara Bborn about 1885
MartinCurtis Lborn about 1933
MartinDorthy born about 1923
MartinEleanor Mborn about 1923
MartinEmma born about 1870
MartinGeorge Wborn about 1888
MartinGeorge Sr born about 1856
MartinGlenn Wborn about 1891
MartinLuella born about 1896
MartinLyman Gborn about 1909
MartinMary born about 1863
MartinMary Elenorborn about 1893
MartinNancy Jborn about 1939
MartinNeva born about 1895
MartinOrville Jborn about 1906
MartinRobert Dborn about 1927
MartinRuth born about 1918
MartinShirley Aborn about 1936
MartinTillie born about 1866
MartinWilliam born about 1852
MartinWilliam Jborn about 1877
MastenGeorge born about 1866
MatleyDavid Cborn about 1939
MatleyElizabeth Mborn about 1920
MatleyEmery born about 1889
MatleyLeda Eborn about 1894
MatleyLeda Mayborn about 1892
MatleyRonald born about 1918
MatleyVerne Lborn about 1895
MayCatherine born about 1919
MayneAleine Iborn about 1928
MayneBernadeine Cborn about 1927
MayneNickolas Tborn about 1907
McAloonDanial Jborn about 1933
McAloonEllen Eborn about 1936
McAloonGladys born about 1914
McAloonJohn Oborn about 1897
McAloonNora Aborn about 1938
McArdleAgnes born about 1891
McCartenCecilia Aborn about 1905
McCartenDominic born about 1877
McCartenJames Rborn about 1935
McCartenJoseph Aborn about 1907
McCartenPatrica born about 1929
McCarthyClara born about 1916
McCarthyPeter born about 1873
McCarthyRobert born about 1913
McCauleyAddie born about 1880
McCauleyArleen Mborn about 1922
McCauleyBessie Mborn about 1900
McCauleyClifford Dborn about 1914
McCauleyDelia Mborn about 1894
McCauleyEllen Jborn about 1928
McCauleyNancy born about 1860
McCauleyRichard Eborn about 1874
McCauleyThomas Hborn about 1894
McCauleyTurner Iborn about 1891
McCauleyWilliam Gborn about 1889
McConnellEarl born about 1896
McConnellEarl Dborn about 1900
McConnellErnest Hborn about 1887
McConnellFred Fborn about 1878
McConnellHarry born about 1886
McConnellHazel Mborn about 1892
McConnellLasetta born about 1878
McConnellLaura born about 1898
McConnellLaura Jborn about 1919
McConnellLe Roy Dborn about 1939
McConnellMary Eborn about 1908
McConnellOrville Lborn about 1913
McConnellShirley Aborn about 1930
McConnellWilliam Hborn about 1935
McCoyMartha born about 1870
McCueBertha Eborn about 1901
McCueFrancis Lborn about 1911
McCueGertrude Bborn about 1888
McCueHazel Mborn about 1909
McCueJohn Fborn about 1882
McCueLorraine Mborn about 1898
McCueMarge Aborn about 1897
McCuePatrick Mborn about 1900
McCueRobert born about 1895
McCueSally Mborn about 1938
McCueWilliam born about 1889
McDanielCharles born about 1878
McDanielMary born about 1879
McDanielSally Jborn about 1939
McDanielWilliam Kborn about 1910
McDanielWinifred Rborn about 1915
McDermottBernard Eborn about 1868
McDermottBernard Eborn about 1933
McDermottDolly born about 1911
McDermottIrving born about 1910
McDermottIsabelle born about 1877
McDermottJohn born about 1904
McDermottKathryn Hborn about 1870
McDermottLeo Mborn about 1901
McDermottMary born about 1878
McDermottVera born about 1916
McDermottViolet Cborn about 1910
McDonaldAgnes Jborn about 1913
McDonaldDonna Dborn about 1933
McDonaldFrancis born about 1912
McDonaldGeardene born about 1939
McDonaldGerald Wborn about 1939
McDonaldHannah born about 1878
McDonaldHazel Vborn about 1912
McDonaldHelen Jborn about 1912
McDonaldIrene born about 1937
McDonaldJames born about 1934
McDonaldJames Wborn about 1871
McDonaldJoe Annborn about 1936
McDonaldJohn born about 1918
McDonaldJoseph Jborn about 1909
McDonaldJoseph Lborn about 1938
McDonaldKathryn Bborn about 1910
McDonaldMarcia Kborn about 1938
McDonaldMargaret born about 1867
McDonaldMichael Fborn about 1939
McDonaldWilliam Eborn about 1909
McFarlandBernice Bborn about 1897
McFarlandJean Nborn about 1936
McFarlandRonald Nborn about 1900
McFarlandRuth Ellenborn about 1934
McFarlandShirley Eborn about 1927
McFarlandWilliam Aborn about 1938
McGettigan born about 1898
McGettiganAudrey Mborn about 1927
McGettiganBeryl Jborn about 1905
McGettiganBrian Jborn about 1936
McGettiganDennis Kborn about 1939
McGettiganFrancis Lborn about 1930
McGettiganGeraldine Bborn about 1928
McGettiganHomer Dborn about 1914
McGettiganJohn born about 1870
McGettiganJohn born about 1902
McGettiganJohn Jborn about 1920
McGettiganJohn Wborn about 1939
McGettiganMarian Aborn about 1924
McGettiganMaxine born about 1913
McGettiganMichael born about 1894
McGettiganPaddy Annborn about 1935
McGettiganPaul born about 1907
McGettiganRaymond Fborn about 1933
McGettiganRobert Cborn about 1919
McGettiganWilliam born about 1902
McGinityEmma born about 1884
McGinityNella born about 1896
McGinityTimiothy born about 1891
McGinleyAnna Lborn about 1883
McGinleyCharles Hborn about 1878
McGinleyEdward born about 1868
McGinleyEsther born about 1897
McGinleyEunice born about 1927
McGinleyHarry Hborn about 1899
McGinleyLeda Fborn about 1909
McGinleyMuriel Dborn about 1913
McGinleyMuriel Fborn about 1881
McGinleySarah born about 1868
McGinnRenna born about 1874
McGowanEva born about 1893
McGowanIrene Mborn about 1914
McGowanWilliam Vborn about 1891
McGranahanCharles born about 1870
McGranahanHattie born about 1869
McGrathJohn born about 1875
McGreaneBenjamin Bborn about 1870
McGreaneDelores born about 1921
McGreaneNorbert Aborn about 1911
McGreaneRose born about 1877
McGuireAlice Mborn about 1907
McGuireBertha born about 1907
McGuireCarol Jeanborn about 1936
McGuireCharles born about 1937
McGuireClarance born about 1897
McGuireDonald Mborn about 1927
McGuireElsie born about 1913
McGuireFrank born about 1906
McGuireHelen Mborn about 1938
McGuireHugh born about 1860
McGuireLeo Tborn about 1897
McGuireLloyd Jborn about 1908
McGuireMarion Rborn about 1919
McGuireMary Annborn about 1865
McGuirePeter born about 1870
McGuireRose born about 1887
McGuireRose Mborn about 1922
McGuireThomas born about 1908
McIllwainClarence born about 1897
McIllwainHelen born about 1905
McIllwainJoseph born about 1932
McIlwainIsabel born about 1902
McKellipGenevieve born about 1902
McKellipLorraine born about 1914
McKennaAda born about 1895
McKennaDorthey born about 1919
McKennaDwain Eborn about 1939
McKennaElizebeth born about 1927
McKennaEmmet Pborn about 1918
McKennaFredrick born about 1923
McKennaGerald Pborn about 1902
McKennaHelen born about 1906
McKennaIda Mborn about 1884
McKennaJames Nborn about 1892
McKennaJohn Bborn about 1938
McKennaJohn Jborn about 1873
McKennaJoyce Mborn about 1931
McKennaLeo Bborn about 1899
McKennaRobert Eborn about 1930
McKernanDanial Jborn about 1923
McKernanEva Mborn about 1910
McKernanJames Fborn about 1878
McKernanJoan Mborn about 1939
McKernanKatherine born about 1885
McKernanKathryn born about 1926
McKernanMary Eborn about 1918
McKernanMerlin born about 1912
McKernanWilliam Jborn about 1940
McKitrichBlake Aborn about 1892
McKitrichBoyd Jborn about 1916
McKitrichClarence Bborn about 1925
McKitrichRuth Eborn about 1895
McLeanJose Lborn about 1937
McLeanMadeline born about 1914
McLeanRaymond Fborn about 1935
McMahonJohn Pborn about 1874
McMahonMargaret born about 1884
McPhillipElizabeth born about 1900
McPhillipMargaret born about 1923
McPhillipWilliam born about 1898
McPhillipsJames Jborn about 1866
McQuaidCecelia Mborn about 1878
McQuaidElizabeth Oborn about 1882
McQuaidFrances Aborn about 1923
McQuaidFrank born about 1873
McQuaidJohn Jborn about 1912
McQuaidMary Mborn about 1863
McQuiettyJoseph born about 1861
McWilliamsAlice born about 1883
McWilliamsFlorence Rborn about 1923
McWilliamsFrancis born about 1921
McWilliamsHelen Cborn about 1915
McWilliamsJessie born about 1875
McWilliamsMargaret born about 1886
McWilliamsPaul Nborn about 1928
McWilliamsWilfred Aborn about 1926
McWilliamsWilliam born about 1883
MedleyHoward born about 1896
MedleyMartha born about 1899
MeehanArthur born about 1873
MeehanCharles born about 1891
MeehanCharles F Jrborn about 1922
MeehanLeo born about 1923
MeehanLouisa born about 1894
MeehanNellie born about 1877
MeehanThomas born about 1873
MeerianGeorge born about 1855
MenkeCharles born about 1870
MerriamBarbara Jborn about 1932
MerriamDale Cborn about 1902
MerriamPaul Oborn about 1929
MerriamRuth Eborn about 1926
MerriamWanda Eborn about 1904
MerriamWilfred Aborn about 1936
MerriganMichael born about 1887
MetcalfAnnie Bborn about 1880
MetcalfClyde Cborn about 1874
MetcalfJames Wborn about 1876
MetcalfSusan Aborn about 1876
MeyerElizabeth born about 1907
MeyerWilliam Aborn about 1907
MeylorAnnie born about 1877
MeylorBarbara born about 1930
MeylorBernard born about 1927
MeylorLoretta Rborn about 1906
MeylorLorraine born about 1925
MeylorMargaret Cborn about 1867
MeylorMary Virginiaborn about 1937
MeylorNicholas Fborn about 1862
MeylorPatricia born about 1935
MeylorPrudence born about 1904
MeylorRose Mborn about 1926
MeylorWilliam born about 1902
MichaelsonEdith Jborn about 1869
MickaEdward Wborn about 1902
MickaFlorence born about 1904
MickaJoseph Eborn about 1933
MickaJulia Aborn about 1875
MickaLeora born about 1897
MickaNancy Rborn about 1937
MickaNorma Aborn about 1927
MillClarance Hborn about 1901
MillJames Hborn about 1873
MillRamona Jborn about 1930
MillSelina born about 1876
MillStella Iborn about 1906
MillerAnna Jborn about 1889
MillerCharles born about 1863
MillerClara Oborn about 1891
MillerEva Maeborn about 1924
MillerHarlowe born about 1922
MillerKenneth born about 1920
MillerKenneth Wborn about 1920
MillerNellie born about 1901
MillerUrilla born about 1867
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1880
MischoelsonIrene Cborn about 1902
MischoelsonRobert born about 1899
MoffattEmma born about 1862
MolotteJohn born about 1924
MonsonMarion born about 1898
MonsonOllie Cborn about 1897
MonsonRobert Eborn about 1931
MonsonRuth Lborn about 1920
MoodyClyde born about 1907
MoodyLula Bborn about 1918
MooreAlbert Lborn about 1888
MooreAna Vborn about 1893
MooreClara Eborn about 1892
MooreDonald Wborn about 1915
MooreKathryn born about 1890
MooreKenneth born about 1928
MooreMarian born about 1929
MooreMary born about 1862
MooreVera Vborn about 1914
MooreVernon Jborn about 1916
MooreWilliam Aborn about 1890
MoranDennis Eborn about 1905
MoranLeo Pborn about 1903
MoranMarie Hborn about 1914
MoranMarjorie born about 1916
MoranMary Eborn about 1931
MoranMercedes born about 1905
MoranPeter Lborn about 1930
MoranRose Mborn about 1929
MoranThomas born about 1869
MoranThomas born about 1933
MoranTraersa born about 1938
MorganAnna born about 1895
MorganClarence born about 1873
MorganHayes Cborn about 1891
MorganHenny Mborn about 1938
MorganJacqueline born about 1933
MorganLewis Cborn about 1909
MorganMary Cborn about 1859
MorganMichael born about 1855
MorganPatrick born about 1854
MorganVeronica Lborn about 1910
MorganVirgina Lborn about 1940
MorrisEliza born about 1855
MorrisIna born about 1893
MorrisJohn born about 1883
MorrisLester Rborn about 1892
MorrisRobert Lborn about 1929
MorrittDale Wborn about 1901
MorrittDorothy Pborn about 1900
MorrittEleanor Rborn about 1928
MorrittRose born about 1865
MorrittStanley Wborn about 1926
MorrowHenry born about 1860
MoseleyCarol Jeanborn about 1938
MoseleyGrace Wborn about 1907
MoseleyLee Rborn about 1900
MoseleyRichard Lborn about 1936
MoselyHattie born about 1868
MoselyJames Hborn about 1870
MosleyEdna Lborn about 1902
MosleyEdward Fborn about 1861
MosleyMarine born about 1936
MosleyRobert Aborn about 1925
MosleyRuth Sborn about 1927
MossingerJohn Nborn about 1936
MossingerMuriel Eborn about 1915
MossingerReinhold Cborn about 1904
MotleyCurtis born about 1898
MotleyDorothy Kborn about 1930
MotleyEunice Gborn about 1922
MotleyFrancis Hborn about 1927
MotleyMargaret born about 1897
MotleyRobert Gborn about 1925
MuellerAdelaide born about 1928
MuellerAlfred born about 1930
MuellerAnna Mborn about 1890
MuellerDonald Eborn about 1912
MuellerElise born about 1871
MuellerEmma born about 1903
MuellerFlorence Vborn about 1916
MuellerJacob Wborn about 1903
MuellerJohn born about 1897
MuellerJohn born about 1932
MuellerMary Ireneborn about 1926
MuellerPriscilla Dborn about 1924
MuellerVitalis Aborn about 1922
MuellerWilliam Fborn about 1886
MuellerWilliam Jborn about 1935
MuldoonFrank born about 1905
MuldoonHarry born about 1898
MuldoonHenry born about 1869
MuldoonJoie Hborn about 1909
MuldoonMattie born about 1875
MuldoonSlyvan born about 1903
MullenEleanor Jborn about 1923
MullenFrank Lborn about 1882
MullenHarold born about 1915
MullenJoseph born about 1880
MullenLannetta born about 1919
MullenMarion Aborn about 1917
MullenMary Jborn about 1881
MullerChris born about 1904
MullerLuelle born about 1906
MulliganTerrance born about 1868
MurphyBetty Jborn about 1939
MurphyCatherine born about 1870
MurphyJohn Eborn about 1914
MurphyLillie born about 1895
MurphyMargaret born about 1904
MurphyMary born about 1864
MurphyMary born about 1875
MurphyMary born about 1876
MurphyMercedes born about 1918
MurphyPatrick born about 1868
MurphyThomas Hborn about 1863
MurrayFrances born about 1878
MurrayGene Annborn about 1933
MurrayGordon Rborn about 1884
MurrayHelene Eborn about 1914
MurrayJoanna Mborn about 1890
MurrayNell born about 1866
MurrayWalter Tborn about 1909
MurrayWilliam born about 1870
MurryAllene Mborn about 1931
MurryCathelene born about 1932
MurryDanial born about 1905
MurryDonald Lborn about 1938
MurryFrancis Jborn about 1934
MurryHelen Nborn about 1901
MurryIrvin Jborn about 1896
MurryJoseph born about 1863
MurryJosephine Mborn about 1896
MurryMargaret Bborn about 1865
MurryMary Jborn about 1930
MurryPatrick Wborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NallEdward Gborn about 1864
NallLillian born about 1922
NallMargaret Fborn about 1869
NelsonAndrew born about 1866
NelsonChris Eborn about 1882
NelsonDarrell born about 1934
NelsonElton Dborn about 1921
NelsonFidelis Jborn about 1911
NelsonHoward born about 1904
NelsonJoyce born about 1904
NelsonKay Eborn about 1938
NelsonLouise born about 1887
NelsonMable Mborn about 1885
NelsonMame born about 1872
NelsonMarion born about 1867
NelsonMary Louborn about 1927
NelsonPerry Rborn about 1888
NelsonPhyllis born about 1933
NelsonThomas Mborn about 1904
NelsonViola born about 1899
NeswocilAnthony born about 1872
NetheryMable Fborn about 1887
NetheryMary Cborn about 1868
NetheryRaymond Jborn about 1890
NevelsEliza born about 1868
NevelsGeorge Hborn about 1864
NevelsIrving Lborn about 1908
NevelsJulia Jborn about 1907
NevelsLulu Mborn about 1932
NevelsOrville born about 1916
NevelsPatricia Aborn about 1937
NewtonClara born about 1889
NewtonGenevieve born about 1923
NewtonGeraldine Jborn about 1919
NewtonGlenn born about 1889
NewtonIsac Sborn about 1892
NewtonPearl Iborn about 1893
NewtonWinifred Iborn about 1920
NicollierEdward born about 1882
NicollierMargaret born about 1888
NorlochIrene Hborn about 1911
NortonFlorence Bborn about 1869
NyffeneggerFrederick born about 1935
NyffeneggerMaria born about 1891
NyffeneggerRuth born about 1916
NyffeneggerWarner born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OatesGeorge Fborn about 1872
ObrienAida Mborn about 1922
ObrienBernard Dborn about 1921
ObrienBernard Mborn about 1930
ObrienCelia born about 1899
ObrienEllen born about 1871
ObrienGeorge Eborn about 1939
ObrienGerald born about 1920
ObrienHenry Eborn about 1919
ObrienJames Fborn about 1923
ObrienJohn born about 1899
ObrienJohn Pborn about 1888
ObrienJoseph Iborn about 1928
ObrienKathryn born about 1889
ObrienMary Cborn about 1908
ObrienMary Eborn about 1932
ObrienRobert Wborn about 1928
ObrienRobert Wborn about 1935
ObrienRose Aborn about 1931
ObrienThomas Aborn about 1934
ObrienWanita Mborn about 1926
ObrienWilliam Lborn about 1898
OconnellDaniel born about 1912
OconnorBridget born about 1862
OconnorPatrick Lborn about 1894
OconnorsVirginia born about 1918
OechslinHerbert born about 1917
OechslinJohn born about 1876
OechslinMary born about 1883
OhnstadEdna born about 1918
OhnstadJoseph born about 1909
OhnstadRobert Jborn about 1939
OhnstadSherley Mborn about 1938
OlsonAlacoque born about 1906
OlsonDolores born about 1925
OlsonEmma born about 1903
OlsonFloyd Eborn about 1896
OlsonGerald born about 1934
OlsonGilman born about 1902
OlsonHannah born about 1883
OlsonHarriet born about 1918
OlsonLouisa Jborn about 1887
OlsonOliver Cborn about 1883
OlsonOtis Sborn about 1879
OlsonRichard born about 1928
OlsonRoger born about 1932
OneilEsther Lborn about 1894
OneilFrancis Mborn about 1902
OneilHerbert Oborn about 1899
OneilInez Gborn about 1915
OneilJames Aborn about 1937
OneilJohn Tborn about 1935
OneilLinus Bborn about 1900
OneilMary born about 1861
OneilWinifred Jborn about 1905
OrmondRebbecca Aborn about 1852
OrourkeClifford born about 1911
OrourkeLorraine born about 1926
OrourkeMargaret Cborn about 1891
OrourkeWilliam born about 1890
OrourkeWilliam Jr born about 1914
OrsendorffCora born about 1880
OrtonSusanne born about 1872
OschslinJohn Jr born about 1904
OschslinJule born about 1904
OschslinRose Maryborn about 1934
OschslinVictor born about 1928
OstbyHomer born about 1922
OsterdayKermit born about 1908
OsterdayRuth born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerHelen born about 1864
PalmerInez Lborn about 1916
PalmerNathan born about 1911
PalmerWilliam Dborn about 1938
PappyAlice Eborn about 1939
PappyAnn Eborn about 1912
PappyFrancis Wborn about 1909
PappyFrancis Wborn about 1936
PappyMary Aborn about 1938
ParishElizabeth born about 1881
ParkinsonCarroll born about 1908
ParkinsonEvelyn born about 1922
ParkinsonFrances born about 1926
ParkinsonHampton born about 1896
ParkinsonIrma born about 1928
ParkinsonKathryn born about 1893
ParkinsonLucile born about 1925
ParkinsonMargaret born about 1924
ParkinsonRobert born about 1934
ParkinsonThelma Fborn about 1910
ParkinsonWilliam Wborn about 1933
ParsonArthur born about 1875
ParsonFrank born about 1869
ParsonGeorge born about 1872
ParsonJane born about 1879
ParsonOrpha born about 1876
PartridgeMina Janeborn about 1863
PartridgePlatt born about 1859
PartridgeRobert born about 1918
PascalCaroline born about 1932
PascalVina Lborn about 1891
PascoFrank born about 1870
PattenClara born about 1905
PattinsonEllen Mborn about 1877
PattinsonElta Aborn about 1912
PattinsonMillie Fborn about 1885
PattinsonThomas born about 1875
PattinsonWesley Cborn about 1881
PaulsonIda born about 1866
PaulsonRola born about 1913
PaynterAnna Hborn about 1866
PaynterCharles Wborn about 1864
PeacockGeorge born about 1876
PearsonEmma born about 1856
PeavyMary Jborn about 1882
PeavyMelba born about 1904
PeavyMerton Pborn about 1875
PennistonBetty born about 1925
PennistonBeulah Bborn about 1891
PennistonClyde Wborn about 1917
PennistonEmma Nborn about 1887
PennistonErma Yborn about 1917
PennistonLilla Lborn about 1866
PennistonMarilynn born about 1923
PennistonWallace Tborn about 1880
PennistonWebb Cborn about 1886
PennistonWilliam Hborn about 1866
PetersBernadine born about 1916
PetersClarence born about 1920
PetersFrancis born about 1921
PetersGeneive born about 1917
PetersPeter Jborn about 1878
PetersRose born about 1883
PetersonAlberta Eborn about 1935
PetersonArthur born about 1890
PetersonAugust Hborn about 1890
PetersonBernard born about 1918
PetersonCharles Wborn about 1877
PetersonClarence Aborn about 1898
PetersonDorthey born about 1920
PetersonEmily Cborn about 1881
PetersonFabian Vborn about 1930
PetersonJustine Mborn about 1932
PetersonMyrtle born about 1909
PetersonNettie born about 1885
PetersonPaul Hborn about 1915
PetersonRaymond Jborn about 1923
PetersonStella born about 1896
PetersonVera Mborn about 1904
PhillipsDavid Wborn about 1874
PhillipsHarold Wborn about 1922
PhillipsMinona born about 1910
PhillipsNellie born about 1884
PickettBetty Jborn about 1937
PickettCharles Eborn about 1894
PickettEileen Rborn about 1929
PickettEleanor Mborn about 1935
PickettElenaor Lborn about 1903
PickettFloyd Cborn about 1904
PickettIva Mborn about 1922
PickettMarion Lborn about 1923
PickettMerle Lborn about 1929
PickettRaymond Eborn about 1925
PickettRobert Lborn about 1927
PickettRoger Dborn about 1933
PickettThelma Hborn about 1911
PillingHarris Eborn about 1904
PillingHenry Eborn about 1871
PillingIda Mborn about 1906
PillingLaura Eborn about 1872
PillingMalvina Aborn about 1860
PillingWinifred Bborn about 1912
PinkHerbert Jborn about 1912
PinkRosellen born about 1916
PitzenElizabeth Mborn about 1887
PitzenHerman Hborn about 1881
PooleAmbrose Cborn about 1878
PooleArthur Gborn about 1881
PooleBeulah Bborn about 1885
PooleCharlotte Hborn about 1888
PooleDorothy born about 1878
PooleGenevieve Aborn about 1907
PooleGeorge born about 1861
PooleMarian born about 1906
PoppyEdna Sborn about 1904
PoppyGeorge born about 1893
PoppyMaxine Aborn about 1925
PouglasAlbert Eborn about 1930
PouglasAlpha Eborn about 1895
PouglasDonald Gborn about 1939
PouglasDonna Jborn about 1939
PouglasDoris Jborn about 1937
PouglasHarold Lborn about 1934
PouglasHattie Jborn about 1908
PouglasRichard Jborn about 1928
PouglasRobert Lborn about 1932
PouglasShirley Jborn about 1936
PowerCleo Lborn about 1895
PowerClifford Eborn about 1895
PowerHazel Mborn about 1931
PowerMadge Eborn about 1923
PowersJean born about 1929
PowersMary born about 1897
PowersPrudence born about 1901
PowersRichard born about 1930
PriestleyFannie born about 1878
PriestleyGeorge born about 1872
PriestlyElna Mborn about 1915
PriestlyHoward Gborn about 1916
PrimeMerlin born about 1921
PrineClara Bborn about 1888
PrineGeorge Eborn about 1891
PrineHelen Tborn about 1917
PrineHerman Gborn about 1866
PrineLanoy Gborn about 1919
PrineVirgil Hborn about 1915
ProctorBell born about 1905
ProctorIrma Iborn about 1912
ProctorJoseph Tborn about 1911
ProctorMary Jborn about 1936
ProctorSarah born about 1868
ProctorWillis born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuabiusEvelyn Cborn about 1912
QuassoEldoro born about 1870
QuinnArlene born about 1925
QuinnBernard Rborn about 1892
QuinnBirdie Jborn about 1875
QuinnLillian born about 1896
QuinnRichard Jborn about 1870
QuinnRichard Jr born about 1934
QuinnRose Marieborn about 1922

R Surnames

RaabGeorge born about 1897
RadkeA Lborn about 1886
RahbergerJohn born about 1900
RaisbeckMary born about 1869
RamsierErnest born about 1890
RamsierOlga born about 1892
RasmussenJune born about 1917
RaymondEmma Sborn about 1915
RaymondGeorge Hborn about 1910
ReedCecelia born about 1915
ReedMarvin born about 1927
ReedRobert born about 1929
ReedWesely Jborn about 1888
ReeseLeroy Aborn about 1911
ReeseMarion Eborn about 1910
ReichlingAlice born about 1911
ReichlingBernard Lborn about 1924
ReichlingCatherine born about 1899
ReichlingClara Lborn about 1906
ReichlingDelbert born about 1903
ReichlingEarl born about 1899
ReichlingEvelyn Eborn about 1905
ReichlingFrancis Eborn about 1929
ReichlingFrank Mborn about 1900
ReichlingGaylord Lborn about 1931
ReichlingHarold born about 1909
ReichlingJohn Sr born about 1870
ReichlingJoyce Mborn about 1931
ReichlingLois Annborn about 1933
ReichlingLorraine Jborn about 1928
ReichlingLulu Mayborn about 1928
ReichlingMary Fborn about 1923
ReichlingMillie born about 1895
ReichlingNicholas born about 1905
ReichlingNicklos born about 1921
ReichlingRilla Mborn about 1904
ReichlingWilliam born about 1927
ReillyCatherine born about 1868
ReillyEdward born about 1904
ReillyGale born about 1907
ReillyJack Kborn about 1924
ReillyJennie born about 1865
ReillyJohn Mborn about 1864
ReillyJoseph Bborn about 1869
ReillyNell born about 1876
ReillyNell Aborn about 1887
ReillyWilliam Jborn about 1886
RheinholdDonald born about 1901
RheinholdRuth born about 1904
RichardsJennie born about 1854
RichterArthur Jborn about 1895
RichterDonna Jeanborn about 1937
RichterEdward Aborn about 1930
RichterHazel Fborn about 1910
RichterJohn Oborn about 1908
RichterMarion Tborn about 1923
RichterMary A Infantborn about 1940
RichterMayme Cborn about 1898
RichterVirginia Rborn about 1925
RileyBertha Mborn about 1911
RileyEarl Bborn about 1939
RileyEdna born about 1879
RileyLaurance Rborn about 1932
RileyLoren Jborn about 1935
RileyReuben Rborn about 1900
RiterCelia Bborn about 1904
RiterEverett Gborn about 1902
RiterLa Vane Vborn about 1924
RitterDora Mborn about 1908
RobinsonNellie born about 1878
RobinsonSiddle Eborn about 1873
RodgersClyde born about 1916
RogersAnna born about 1890
RogersBertram Kborn about 1925
RogersClara Mborn about 1890
RogersClyde Aborn about 1916
RogersDale Bborn about 1915
RogersDonald Eborn about 1923
RogersEmmett Fborn about 1909
RogersErnest Wborn about 1877
RogersEugene Jborn about 1893
RogersFern Mborn about 1920
RogersFrank Hborn about 1894
RogersGerald Tborn about 1938
RogersJames born about 1913
RogersJoseph born about 1873
RogersJune Vborn about 1936
RogersLeo Tborn about 1880
RogersLoren Eborn about 1931
RogersMargaret Mborn about 1929
RogersPearl Eborn about 1922
RogersRobert Pborn about 1935
RogersWilliam born about 1898
RolliEdith Iborn about 1905
RoodOscar born about 1880
RooneyVera born about 1902
RooneyWilliam born about 1935
RoseEber born about 1862
RoseHelen Eborn about 1870
RoseWilliam Hborn about 1863
RoseleipBeverly Jborn about 1934
RoseleipDennis born about 1939
RoseleipGordon Wborn about 1913
RoseleipRuth Eborn about 1915
RosoLucile Rborn about 1912
RosoRaymond born about 1902
RossDorothy born about 1920
RossElla born about 1893
RossGerald born about 1925
RossMarie born about 1892
RossViola born about 1919
RoweAlbert born about 1912
RoweAlice born about 1911
RoweBertha Eborn about 1882
RoweClara born about 1847
RoweHarold born about 1906
RoweJames born about 1867
RoweJames Hborn about 1872
RoweMary Cborn about 1919
RoweMelda Claraborn about 1921
RoweNellie born about 1873
RoweRodney Kborn about 1939
RoweThurley Aborn about 1935
RoweWinfred Mborn about 1913
RowlandsRichard born about 1877
RowleyAmelia born about 1869
RowleyHarlo born about 1937
RowleyLaurentine born about 1908
RowleyLeamon born about 1868
RowleyLillian born about 1917
RowleyRobert born about 1940
RoyAgnes Aborn about 1860
RoyCharles Hborn about 1859
RoyClarence Hborn about 1888
RoyLillie born about 1856
RoyMary Eborn about 1892
RoyMary Jborn about 1864
RoyPearl Bborn about 1902
RoyStillie Aborn about 1881
RuefAlbert born about 1908
RuefEmma born about 1886
RuefMarie born about 1917
RuefOtto born about 1912
RuefUlrich born about 1874
RufErnest Fborn about 1903
RufFrederick Dborn about 1935
RufIrene Iborn about 1906
RufIris Mborn about 1933
RuffHarold born about 1932
RuffVera born about 1913
RuglasHoward Pborn about 1922
RunkeAnna born about 1881
RushRobert born about 1866
RyanBetty Rborn about 1921
RyanCatherine born about 1890
RyanJoseph Jborn about 1889
RydmanEdna Lborn about 1899
RydmanLillie Pborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalatheErnest Gborn about 1935
SalatheFred born about 1901
SalatheHarry Fborn about 1928
SalatheLydia born about 1908
SalatheMary Lborn about 1937
SalatheWalter Eborn about 1932
SargentAlvina born about 1904
SargentCarrol born about 1928
SargentCecil born about 1903
SargentJune born about 1937
SargentMerle born about 1930
SargentNina born about 1934
SargentRobert born about 1926
SauerCaroline Dborn about 1901
SauerDella Fborn about 1884
SauerDonald Lborn about 1936
SauerDorthey Fborn about 1921
SauerEdward Aborn about 1872
SauerFrank Jborn about 1883
SauerIrenus Lborn about 1912
SauerJohn Eborn about 1930
SauerJoseph Pborn about 1908
SauerLawrence born about 1909
SauerLeo Jborn about 1895
SauerMary Iborn about 1921
SauerNellie Eborn about 1906
SauerPatricia Aborn about 1929
SauerRemfrey Eborn about 1928
SauerRichard Aborn about 1925
SauerRobert Wborn about 1918
SauerRose born about 1873
SauerRose Mborn about 1933
SauerWilliam Lborn about 1918
SaundersAnnie born about 1877
SaundersMargaret born about 1872
SaundersMaria born about 1868
SaundersThomas born about 1910
SchadewaltArthur Rborn about 1893
SchadewaltHarold Wborn about 1929
SchadewaltLydia Rborn about 1900
SchadewaltWalter Fborn about 1926
SchearCatherine Zborn about 1918
SchearPaul Nborn about 1917
SchneiterIrene born about 1866
SchockleyHildred born about 1921
SchockleyIrving Hborn about 1877
SchockleyLurella born about 1879
SchrearArthur Fborn about 1891
SchrearJohn Aborn about 1927
SchrearMargaret Hborn about 1890
SchreiterGeneive Wborn about 1872
SchreiterHerman Dborn about 1869
SchreiterKenneth Dborn about 1898
SchreiterSue Dborn about 1896
SchultzCharles Oborn about 1905
SchultzDonald born about 1919
SchultzEewellyn born about 1903
SchultzJohn born about 1896
SchultzJune Dborn about 1932
SchultzMarie Lborn about 1905
SchultzNancy Aborn about 1936
SchultzNorma Eborn about 1891
SchultzWalter born about 1886
SchwartzAlan Jborn about 1926
SchwartzAnn Lborn about 1935
SchwartzCecelia Mborn about 1919
SchwartzClara Mborn about 1911
SchwartzCordelia born about 1884
SchwartzEdward born about 1878
SchwartzGeorge Hborn about 1922
SchwartzHester Eborn about 1893
SchwartzJanet Mborn about 1938
SchwartzJesse Rborn about 1932
SchwartzJohn Aborn about 1893
SchwartzJoseph Lborn about 1903
SchwartzKenneth born about 1925
SchwartzLloyd Hborn about 1930
SchwartzLyle Jborn about 1934
SchwartzMavis Eborn about 1940
SchwartzMurry Mborn about 1921
SchwartzRay Wborn about 1927
SchwartzRobert Eborn about 1924
SchwartzWalter born about 1910
SchwartzWalter Jborn about 1933
SchwartzWilliam born about 1882
SchwartzWilliam Mborn about 1923
ScothamAlice Mborn about 1906
ScothamChristian Aborn about 1896
ScothamJoyce Aborn about 1933
ScothamPhillip Jborn about 1935
SeelyLewis born about 1870
SendlebeckClarence Jborn about 1910
SettleRose Aborn about 1882
SettleSamuel Jborn about 1877
ShaneRobert born about 1857
ShannonGeneieve Eborn about 1920
ShannonTheresa born about 1883
ShannonThomas born about 1883
ShawAda Lborn about 1888
ShawCharles Eborn about 1883
SheaCecelia born about 1879
SheaDaniel born about 1868
SheaElmer born about 1913
SheaTimothy born about 1917
SheldonIrene born about 1868
ShellitoElizabeth born about 1868
SherwinJohon born about 1858
ShockleyArthur Oborn about 1874
ShockleyLloyd Oborn about 1895
ShockleyMinnie born about 1867
ShoopRoman born about 1915
ShortAgnes Eborn about 1882
ShortGlenn Tborn about 1918
ShortJohn Jborn about 1882
ShortLaura born about 1938
ShortLester Sborn about 1915
ShortLorraine Mborn about 1926
ShortMarie Fborn about 1922
ShortMerle Jborn about 1917
ShortPaul Eborn about 1916
ShortRuth Aborn about 1924
ShuettHazel born about 1909
ShuettRobert born about 1930
SiegenthalerEdith Jborn about 1904
SiegenthalerElizabeth Aborn about 1934
SiegenthalerJohn born about 1902
SiegenthalerKeith Jborn about 1930
SiegenthalerOrvin Bborn about 1932
SiegenthalerPauline Rborn about 1933
SiegenthalerRobert Eborn about 1936
SimmonsBetty Janeborn about 1920
SimmonsClaude Wborn about 1905
SimmonsDoris born about 1919
SimmonsEva born about 1908
SimmonsFlorence Iborn about 1897
SimmonsJackie born about 1931
SimmonsNorma Pborn about 1931
SimmonsRussel Jborn about 1903
SimmonsRussel Kborn about 1929
SimmonsThora born about 1872
SimmonsWilliam Bborn about 1938
SisterGenmella born about 1887
SisterKenreda born about 1891
SisterLean Dreborn about 1900
SisterTheobald born about 1893
SisterVillanova born about 1890
SleepCharles Hborn about 1932
SleepHarry Aborn about 1906
SleepJanice Aborn about 1939
SleepMildred Lborn about 1909
SleepPhillipa born about 1873
SmithAdean born about 1901
SmithAgnes born about 1921
SmithAmie Mborn about 1914
SmithAnna Hborn about 1866
SmithBenjamin Lborn about 1917
SmithBridget Lborn about 1879
SmithCora born about 1875
SmithEdward born about 1876
SmithEdward born about 1913
SmithEdward Wborn about 1924
SmithGeorge born about 1866
SmithGerald Fborn about 1936
SmithGladys Iborn about 1914
SmithHomer Jborn about 1911
SmithHorace born about 1900
SmithIrma Fborn about 1919
SmithJames Fborn about 1881
SmithJudith Mborn about 1940
SmithLewis born about 1874
SmithLorena Mborn about 1927
SmithLucy Cborn about 1888
SmithMarcene Mborn about 1936
SmithMargaret born about 1881
SmithMargie Aborn about 1938
SmithMary born about 1915
SmithMary Bborn about 1897
SmithMary Pborn about 1936
SmithMerle born about 1938
SmithMorris born about 1937
SmithOwen Jborn about 1903
SmithPhillis Eborn about 1915
SmithRichard Jborn about 1878
SmithRosy born about 1874
SmithVernon Lborn about 1913
SmithVincent Pborn about 1918
SommersEva Mborn about 1899
SommersEzra born about 1901
SommersMary K Anfantborn about 1940
SowlsLyle Kborn about 1916
SowlsRose Aborn about 1883
SowlsWilfred born about 1915
SowlsWilfred Bborn about 1914
SowlsWilliam Mborn about 1887
SperryDale born about 1911
SperryDonald Lborn about 1936
SperryEugene born about 1938
SperryFlorence Lborn about 1915
SperryGary born about 1940
SperryIrene born about 1914
SperryNorbert born about 1935
SperryWade Lborn about 1906
SpethHerbert born about 1900
SpinhirneCarl Gborn about 1917
SpinhirneGeorge born about 1888
SpinhirneLaura Pborn about 1892
StackElizaeth Mborn about 1889
StackThomas Hborn about 1878
StackWalter Lborn about 1921
StagerErnest born about 1917
StalneckerEllen born about 1905
StalneckerGrover born about 1890
StalneckerMarlyn born about 1925
StalneckerNorbert born about 1926
StauffacherAnna Tborn about 1897
StauffacherIsriah born about 1896
StauffacherMary Lborn about 1921
StauffacherPhillip Jborn about 1924
StauffacherTheresa Hborn about 1931
StaverArthur born about 1875
StaverCharles Aborn about 1916
StaverEdward born about 1877
StaverJohn Eborn about 1912
StaverLinda born about 1884
StaverLydia Bborn about 1922
StaverNorma born about 1911
SteeleEarl born about 1893
StegerElsie born about 1877
StegerPeter born about 1871
SteilGeorge Jborn about 1874
SteilGeorge Kborn about 1925
SteilIrenus Jborn about 1917
SteilLaura born about 1888
StemmlerAgripine born about 1896
StemmlerRobert Wborn about 1921
StemmlerWilliam Jborn about 1896
StennerFred Lborn about 1878
StennerLydia Aborn about 1888
StephensonJohn Tborn about 1878
StephensonLena born about 1864
StephensonPhilip Hborn about 1860
StephensonWalter born about 1883
SterlingBlanche Eborn about 1915
SterlingDorthea Eborn about 1933
SterlingGlenda Fborn about 1935
SterlingJohn Wborn about 1938
SterlingWalter Hborn about 1910
StevensHarold born about 1903
StevensMaris born about 1921
StevensonEva born about 1904
StoddardDanny born about 1889
StoddardGwendolyn born about 1920
StoddardJames Aborn about 1927
StoddardJoseph born about 1931
StoddardMable born about 1904
StoddardMarcellus born about 1894
StoddardMary born about 1900
StoddardMiachael born about 1927
StoddardNelson born about 1881
StoddardRuth Aborn about 1924
StoddardWillie born about 1896
StoneAlden Lborn about 1913
StoneVivian Aborn about 1915
StorcksBeulah Aborn about 1911
StorcksOwen Dborn about 1910
StottDonald Jborn about 1936
StottHolmes born about 1904
StottIrene Mborn about 1905
StottJoseph born about 1876
StoutCarol Jeanborn about 1933
StoutClifford born about 1886
StoutGeorge Cborn about 1861
StoutJennie Aborn about 1863
StoutLawrence Lborn about 1906
StoutLillian Dborn about 1898
StoutMarilyn Fborn about 1930
StoutNorma Eborn about 1909
StricklandArthur Eborn about 1880
StricklandClara Aborn about 1881
StricklandDaniel born about 1876
StuartArthur Aborn about 1882
StuartJosephine Jborn about 1875
SullivanCaroline born about 1873
SullivanClarence born about 1890
SullivanDaniel born about 1865
SullivanFrancis born about 1891
SullivanHenry born about 1860
SullivanJoseph Wborn about 1912
SullivanKenneth born about 1916
SullivanLeone born about 1897
SullivanLois born about 1924
SullivanMatt born about 1869
SwansonHazel born about 1918
SwartzArthur born about 1912
SwartzBernard Eborn about 1935
SwartzBernard Mborn about 1902
SwartzEunice Mborn about 1928
SwartzGerald Sborn about 1927
SwartzMary Cborn about 1907
SwartzMerle Rborn about 1923
SwartzNina Mborn about 1900
SwartzPhyllis Sborn about 1922
SwartzRaymond Gborn about 1896
SweeneyMary Aborn about 1890
SwiftGlenn born about 1891
SwiftJoseph Hborn about 1888
SwiftKatherine born about 1872
SwiftMable born about 1894
SwiftMargaret born about 1862
SwiftMary Mborn about 1891
SwiftPeter born about 1859

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TagatzEunice Eborn about 1936
TagatzFrederick Hborn about 1903
TagatzGlenda Aborn about 1933
TagatzPearl Jborn about 1909
TagatzValda Rborn about 1934
TalbotJohn Fborn about 1872
TalbotMay born about 1881
TalusisFrank born about 1894
TaschekCarl Rborn about 1922
TaschekElsie Aborn about 1925
TaschekHans Wborn about 1920
TaschekIrma born about 1912
TaschekLena born about 1893
TaschekLewis born about 1898
TaschekLewis Rborn about 1933
TaschekRichard born about 1891
TaschekRichard Fborn about 1916
TaschekRichard Jborn about 1934
TaschekWalter Gborn about 1937
TaylorEliza born about 1867
TaylorEllen Rborn about 1873
TaylorFabian born about 1922
TaylorGuy Eborn about 1897
TaylorHarry born about 1890
TaylorIda Mborn about 1864
TaylorJames born about 1865
TaylorKenneth Jborn about 1928
TaylorMarion Rborn about 1926
TaylorRose Aborn about 1896
TaylorSarah born about 1870
TeasdaleAlma Hborn about 1892
TeasdaleBoyd Eborn about 1907
TeasdaleCyril born about 1908
TeasdaleDonald Pborn about 1933
TeasdaleElla Mborn about 1883
TeasdaleFrances born about 1909
TeasdaleGary Eborn about 1938
TeasdaleHildred Mborn about 1910
TeasdaleIsabelle born about 1864
TeasdaleJane Eborn about 1878
TeasdaleJohn Rborn about 1933
TeasdaleLee Paulborn about 1903
TeasdaleMargaret Iborn about 1908
TeasdaleMarjorie born about 1915
TeasdaleNellie born about 1874
TeasdaleRobert born about 1933
TeasdaleRoger born about 1935
TeasdaleThea Janborn about 1936
TesdaleBurdette born about 1889
TesdaleCatherine born about 1922
TesdaleFoster Bborn about 1923
TesdaleGeorge Eborn about 1920
TesdaleMary Cborn about 1891
ThillEtta Aborn about 1905
ThillWilliam Aborn about 1900
ThomasCharles Eborn about 1925
ThomasDonald Mborn about 1917
ThomasDwayne Cborn about 1921
ThomasGayland Wborn about 1923
ThomasGrace Mborn about 1890
ThomasHarold Mborn about 1906
ThomasMargaret born about 1877
ThomasMargaret Eborn about 1915
ThomasMarie Vborn about 1937
ThomasMinnie Bborn about 1884
ThomasWalter Sborn about 1891
ThomasWilliam Jborn about 1873
ThompsonAsthon Iborn about 1868
ThompsonEvelyn Jborn about 1927
ThompsonFredrick born about 1870
ThompsonGeorginana born about 1875
ThompsonIda born about 1876
ThompsonJames Pborn about 1924
ThompsonJoan Cborn about 1933
ThompsonJoe Eborn about 1891
ThompsonJoseph Sborn about 1922
ThompsonMary born about 1859
ThompsonMary Aborn about 1894
ThompsonMary Kborn about 1917
ThompsonPatricia Aborn about 1929
ThompsonRobert born about 1894
ThompsonRobert Jborn about 1923
ThompsonWilliam born about 1868
ThoresonJesse born about 1900
ThrasherLureen born about 1902
ThrasherWard born about 1899
ThuliAnold Jborn about 1889
ThuliAnold Jborn about 1925
ThuliEmma Eborn about 1936
ThuliJoseph Jborn about 1931
ThuliJosephine Mborn about 1901
ThuliJosephine Tborn about 1934
ThuliKathrina Hborn about 1939
ThuliMary Jborn about 1926
TorgersonEdward Dborn about 1885
TorgersonStella Mborn about 1893
TorkelsonHenry born about 1857
TorstensonCarl Eborn about 1892
TorstensonElla Jborn about 1903
TorstensonStanley born about 1939
TorstensonThelma Iborn about 1923
TredinickAida Eborn about 1868
TredinickWilliam Gborn about 1867
TregoningBetty Iborn about 1935
TregoningIrene born about 1913
TregoningJanet Mborn about 1936
TregoningLe Roy Gborn about 1910
TresnerBert born about 1881
TresnerGlenn born about 1911
TresnerHazel born about 1896
TresnerJulia born about 1887
TresnerPeral born about 1882
TresnerRoy Aborn about 1919
TresnerWilliam Hborn about 1868
TrestrailEtta born about 1870
TrestrailRobert born about 1861
TrestrailRosie born about 1860
TrestrailZella born about 1866
TroyAgnes born about 1897
TroyArdiel Mborn about 1931
TroyArthur Jborn about 1906
TroyMayetta Eborn about 1912
TroyNaida Jborn about 1933
TroyRaymond born about 1902
TubbsMccllen born about 1862
TubbsRachael born about 1864
TuescherEmma born about 1913
TuescherErnest born about 1922
TuescherFrancis born about 1933
TuescherJacob born about 1908
TuescherJosephine Jborn about 1932
TuescherMary born about 1886
TuescherRichard Jborn about 1937
TuescherRudolf born about 1883
TullyFrank born about 1889
TullyMattie born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhlmannJohn born about 1899
UliusFrank born about 1875

V Surnames

VanhookDavid Aborn about 1860
VanhookFrank born about 1869
VanmatreAnnice born about 1870
VanmatreClarence born about 1868
VanmatreCorda born about 1864
VanmatreMary born about 1879
VanmatreWalter born about 1865
VanwieAdelbert Hborn about 1901
VanwieHazel Rborn about 1898
VanwieHoward Lborn about 1930
VickersChristopher born about 1870
VingerGeorge Sborn about 1923
VingerGus born about 1889
VingerHelen Eborn about 1915
VingerJames Oborn about 1910
VingerLucile Mborn about 1926
VingerMame Gborn about 1916
VirtueAnnie born about 1878
VirtueArthur born about 1924
VirtueEdith born about 1919
VirtueElmer Bborn about 1913
VirtueJoan Mborn about 1937
VirtueMary Eborn about 1915
VirtueMay born about 1892
VogelGayle Eborn about 1936
VogelPaul born about 1907
VogelRuth born about 1913
VonbergenClara born about 1916
VonbergenJohn born about 1914
VonbergerEmma born about 1895
VonbergerJohn born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerCatherine born about 1883
WagnerCurly born about 1902
WagnerFrank Kborn about 1882
WagnerJennie born about 1896
WagnerRichard born about 1923
WagnerVirginia born about 1925
WalkerElizabeth Fborn about 1890
WalshFrank born about 1874
WaltonJeanette born about 1916
WandCharles born about 1904
WanderscheidDarlene Lborn about 1928
WanderscheidMarjorie Eborn about 1903
WanderscheidMichael born about 1901
WanderscheidRobert Kborn about 1925
WardClara Lborn about 1879
WardCleo Gborn about 1893
WardEarle Rborn about 1910
WardFloyd Aborn about 1904
WardGeorge born about 1866
WardGladys Eborn about 1910
WardGlenda Jborn about 1920
WardIda Mayborn about 1879
WardJanice Mborn about 1936
WardJessie Eborn about 1901
WardJoshua Rborn about 1872
WardJoyce Iborn about 1927
WardKaren Kborn about 1940
WardLaura Jborn about 1912
WardLloyd Aborn about 1904
WardLois Iborn about 1921
WardMax Tborn about 1923
WardOscar born about 1891
WardRex Wborn about 1902
WardRichard Hborn about 1935
WardRobert Wborn about 1925
WardThomas Jborn about 1878
WeaverRoy Eborn about 1913
WebsterAnn Mborn about 1939
WebsterBasil born about 1912
WebsterBernice Cborn about 1917
WebsterEarl born about 1861
WebsterHelen Lborn about 1936
WebsterJames born about 1931
WebsterJohn Hborn about 1934
WebsterJoseph born about 1934
WebsterJoseph Hborn about 1917
WebsterJulius born about 1906
WebsterLena Bborn about 1916
WebsterMary born about 1908
WeibelAnton born about 1907
WeicheltHugo Rev born about 1875
WeicheltJohanna Mborn about 1877
WeigelAndrew Aborn about 1902
WeigelBeverly Jborn about 1938
WeigelCharles Jborn about 1883
WeigelElizabeth born about 1856
WeigelNorma Mborn about 1903
WeilerEdward born about 1912
WeilerIleene born about 1921
WeinschenkEthel Vborn about 1909
WeinschenkMilton Sborn about 1930
WeinschenkVictor born about 1909
WeinschenkWarren born about 1937
WeiseHenry born about 1906
WelschEdward born about 1877
WelshPeter born about 1868
WengerAnna Iborn about 1882
WengerFrederick born about 1879
WenterCharles born about 1883
WenterEthel born about 1889
WernkeEdward born about 1914
WernkeHerbert born about 1920
WestFrank Eborn about 1874
WestMargaret Mborn about 1875
WestWalter Sborn about 1913
WestermanCharles born about 1872
WestermanCharles Eborn about 1935
WestermanFred Gborn about 1917
WestermanGlenn Jborn about 1907
WestermanHannah born about 1884
WestermanLeo Cborn about 1905
WestermanRose Aborn about 1870
WestermanRuth born about 1919
WestonBetty Lborn about 1929
WestonIsabelle born about 1879
WestonJohn Aborn about 1914
WestonLillian Rborn about 1920
WestonLois Lborn about 1905
WestonRebecca born about 1939
WestonWilliam born about 1903
WestonWilliam Jborn about 1931
WhilfordCarrol Jborn about 1922
WhilfordLewis Mborn about 1887
WhilfordMildred Eborn about 1895
WhilfordRussell Cborn about 1921
WhitfordJennie born about 1878
WickerSilas Eborn about 1886
WicklerKathryn Dborn about 1913
WiebielFredrick born about 1928
WiebielJoseph born about 1894
WiebielMildred born about 1905
WiebielParlyne born about 1930
WiebielRosila born about 1926
WiegelAnna Kborn about 1856
WiegelBarbara born about 1928
WiegelBernard born about 1930
WiegelCatherine born about 1915
WiegelEdward Pborn about 1887
WiegelElizabeth born about 1892
WiegelEvelyn born about 1926
WiegelGlenn born about 1917
WiegelJoseph Pborn about 1914
WiegelJune Mborn about 1938
WiegelLaura born about 1920
WiegelLillian born about 1922
WiegelMartha Aborn about 1881
WiegelMary born about 1856
WiegelPhilip Jborn about 1885
WiegelUrban Nborn about 1917
WilkinsonCharlotte Lborn about 1917
WilkinsonKathryn born about 1863
WilkinsonOrville Sborn about 1917
WilkinsonRobert born about 1861
WilkinsonSarah born about 1862
WilkowskiBetty Janeborn about 1922
WilkowskiFrederick born about 1888
WilkowskiTessie born about 1894
WilliamsAletha Mborn about 1906
WilliamsAlfred Jborn about 1898
WilliamsAlvin Sborn about 1927
WilliamsBarbara Aborn about 1935
WilliamsBarbara Lborn about 1933
WilliamsBenjamin born about 1924
WilliamsEthel born about 1906
WilliamsFrank Aborn about 1871
WilliamsGerald Aborn about 1939
WilliamsGus Rborn about 1920
WilliamsHarold Eborn about 1935
WilliamsJulia born about 1903
WilliamsKathryn born about 1877
WilliamsLawrence Rborn about 1932
WilliamsLillian Mborn about 1882
WilliamsLucile Bborn about 1905
WilliamsMary Cborn about 1934
WilliamsMary Kborn about 1918
WilliamsMary Leeborn about 1939
WilliamsMilburn Jborn about 1906
WilliamsMona Pborn about 1936
WilliamsRobert Hborn about 1870
WilliamsRobert Sborn about 1925
WilliamsVirginia Aborn about 1926
WilliamsWanda Eborn about 1925
WilsenHenry born about 1868
WilsenKate born about 1864
WilsonAlexander born about 1857
WilsonAnna Eborn about 1935
WilsonBessie Jborn about 1876
WilsonEdith born about 1865
WilsonGeorge born about 1874
WilsonJill Eborn about 1932
WilsonLloyd Hborn about 1900
WilsonMarie Eborn about 1903
WilsonMillie born about 1871
WilsonNancy Aborn about 1907
WilsonRobert born about 1866
WilsonWilliam Iborn about 1890
WindslowNorman born about 1914
WinnCurtis born about 1912
WinnVirginia born about 1919
WinstonBernard Hborn about 1935
WinstonJames Hborn about 1937
WinstonLeslie Wborn about 1905
WinstonMary Eborn about 1932
WinstonRita Aborn about 1930
WinstonRoy Aborn about 1928
WinstonVerna Jborn about 1938
WinstonZelpha Pborn about 1909
WoodEstelle Jborn about 1875
WoodRobert Lborn about 1870
WoodRuby Lborn about 1907
WoodsAlma born about 1892
WoodsIda born about 1891
WoodwardClay Aborn about 1906
WoodwardMable Jborn about 1894
WoodwardWilliam Tborn about 1886
WoolworthStella Mborn about 1868
WoolworthWalter Wborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeacousMary born about 1866

Z Surnames

ZaloudekFrank Rborn about 1912
ZaloudekGrace Wborn about 1911
ZenzElizabeth Gborn about 1933
ZenzElla Mborn about 1924
ZenzLaura born about 1894
ZenzLaura Hborn about 1922
ZenzRose Vborn about 1929
ZenzSteve born about 1896
ZenzWalter Eborn about 1931
ZerbergJohn born about 1920
ZiehlsdorffElise Aborn about 1908
ZimmermanBenjamin born about 1886
ZimmermanFlorence born about 1901
ZimmermanHelen Jborn about 1929
ZimmermanJohn born about 1886
ZimmermanMinnie born about 1889
ZimmermanMyron born about 1926
ZimmermanRose born about 1892
ZimmermanWalter born about 1902
ZimmermanWalter born about 1932

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