1940 U.S. Federal Census of New Haven in Adams County, Adams, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Adams County > 1940 Census of New Haven in Adams County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AllenElizabeth born about 1867
ArmsonAlfred Hborn about 1907
ArmsonBillie Hborn about 1927
ArmsonClarence Hborn about 1903
ArmsonE Blakeborn about 1923
ArmsonGraham Lborn about 1932
ArmsonHarlan Mborn about 1924
ArmsonHenry Aborn about 1863
ArmsonMary Lborn about 1928
ArmsonMerle Eborn about 1893
ArmsonNerta Aborn about 1900
ArmsonOline Jborn about 1907
ArmsonR Paulborn about 1930
ArmsonRalph Wborn about 1936

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B Surnames

BaconBeulah Aborn about 1890
BaconHarold Eborn about 1919
BaconLeslie Fborn about 1891
BaconRoy Jborn about 1921
BahsEdward Wborn about 1931
BahsHarry Dborn about 1920
BahsLana Mborn about 1893
BahsMary Lborn about 1923
BahsNewton Oborn about 1927
BahsRoland Dborn about 1917
BahsRubin Dborn about 1883
BahsRubin Jborn about 1924
BellGeorge born about 1860
BeyersArthur Cborn about 1901
BeyersBernice Lborn about 1902
BeyersElaine Eborn about 1928
BeyersMyron Hborn about 1940
BurkleyLawrence Pborn about 1886
BurkleyLawrence Pborn about 1924
BurkleyMaurice Eborn about 1894
ByersBeulah Nborn about 1910
ByersCharles Gborn about 1891
ByersElmer Aborn about 1902
ByersEunice Sborn about 1914
ByersMarcella Mborn about 1932
ByersMargeret born about 1940
ByersMarie Eborn about 1930
ByersMerl Eborn about 1935
ByersWilliam Jborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CarathesBetty Rborn about 1932
CarathesH Belleborn about 1902
CarathesNorma Bborn about 1929
CarathesRonald Wborn about 1923
CarathesWillard Aborn about 1936
CarathesWilliam Gborn about 1881
CarathesWilliam Jborn about 1925
CassnerHerbert Hborn about 1920
CassnerMarjorie born about 1923
ChapinHarry born about 1876
ChristiensonAmber Hborn about 1936
ChristiensonJulius Mborn about 1896
ChristiensonPearl Mborn about 1898
ClarkTerressa Jborn about 1874
CoonCatherine Bborn about 1938
CoonEdward Jborn about 1934
CoonFay Cborn about 1903
CoonFrancis Hborn about 1929
CoonHarold Wborn about 1901
CoonHazel Dborn about 1909
CoonHoward Bborn about 1912
CoonLucille Mborn about 1926
CoonMarian Lborn about 1878
CoonMarshall Hborn about 1932
CoonMarylouise born about 1936
CoonNellie Eborn about 1903
CoonPatsy Lborn about 1936
CoonVeda Eborn about 1903
CoteyThomas Cborn about 1873
CrothersArchie Rborn about 1887
CrothersErwin Fborn about 1922
CrothersEva Gborn about 1867
CrothersLaura Hborn about 1890
CrothersStanley Wborn about 1905
CrothersWilliam Aborn about 1865

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D Surnames

DanderNora Eborn about 1867
DemenaKatherine Mborn about 1911
DwansbyNelion born about 1907

E Surnames

EbertAlfred Aborn about 1895
EbertAnna Mborn about 1926
EbertAnna Rborn about 1868
EbertElaine Eborn about 1928
EbertOdessa Mborn about 1900
EbertPaul Iborn about 1934
EbertRobert Aborn about 1932
EbertRosemarie Sborn about 1930
EbertWilliam Hborn about 1869
ElliottThomas born about 1890
EvansAlta born about 1902
EvansAmy Jborn about 1896
EvansBelva Jborn about 1925
EvansBetty Jborn about 1932
EvansBlanche Iborn about 1915
EvansCaroline Mborn about 1925
EvansCarrie Aborn about 1891
EvansChester Hborn about 1919
EvansDora Mborn about 1895
EvansHarley Jborn about 1898
EvansHarley Jborn about 1926
EvansJohn Cborn about 1889
EvansLouie Gborn about 1893
EvansMax Eborn about 1927
EvansOrville Eborn about 1921
EvansOrville Lborn about 1918
EvansPatricia Dborn about 1936
EvansThomas Jborn about 1894

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F Surnames

FarrellAgnes Jborn about 1934
FarrellBarbara Kborn about 1939
FarrellIsabelle Aborn about 1909
FarrellJames Eborn about 1930
FarrellJoseph Wborn about 1936
FarrellMary Iborn about 1932
FarrellRose Aborn about 1937
FarrellWalter Jborn about 1899
FederlyRogers Wborn about 1896
FederlyVera Lborn about 1894
FosterIra Jborn about 1878
FosterJulia Iborn about 1879
FosterLee Josborn about 1918
FredeyForest born about 1922
FuhrmanJohn Fborn about 1883
FuhrmanJohn Fborn about 1921
FuhrmanMaxeine Mborn about 1931
FuhrmanMinnie Hborn about 1886
FuhrmanZona Gborn about 1925

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G Surnames

GaffneyDorothy Eborn about 1928
GaffneyFrank Pborn about 1880
GaffneyHarrold Jborn about 1921
GaffneyHelen Fborn about 1917
GaffneyHelen Mborn about 1893
GaffneyKatherine born about 1923
GaffneyMargeret Mborn about 1926
GalbraithHelen Vborn about 1886
GieseCharles Wborn about 1887
GieseCharles Jr born about 1921
GieseLawrence Aborn about 1923
GieseRose Bborn about 1890
GintherElinor Eborn about 1923
GintherFrancis Mborn about 1928
GintherGordon Cborn about 1921
GintherJoseph Tborn about 1925
GintherMarian Aborn about 1919
GintherMary Lborn about 1890
GoebelEsther Lborn about 1890
GoebelHenry Aborn about 1902
GrabarskiAnton Tborn about 1912
GrabarskiEmma born about 1918
GriegerElsie Jborn about 1916
GriegerWilliam Hborn about 1915
GriffinCatherine Hborn about 1932
GriffinDelia Oborn about 1925
GriffinDolores Mborn about 1938
GriffinEster Vborn about 1936
GriffinIrving Jborn about 1889
GriffinJames Eborn about 1930
GriffinJohn Fborn about 1929
GriffinMargaret Eborn about 1927
GriffinMartha born about 1909
GriffinMary Eborn about 1934
GriffinMichael Hborn about 1939
GriffinRobert Iborn about 1922
GrubbaCecelia Mborn about 1915
GrubbaDorothy Mborn about 1940
GrubbaWilliam Jborn about 1903
GustavesonOle Fborn about 1877

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H Surnames

HaleBertha Aborn about 1881
HaleWill born about 1873
HammerlyIrvin Lborn about 1922
HammerlyLeonard born about 1880
HammerlyLouise Aborn about 1909
HansonAlan Lborn about 1934
HansonAndrew born about 1869
HansonArlene Hborn about 1921
HansonBernice Lborn about 1909
HansonDennis Mborn about 1936
HansonDorothy Eborn about 1913
HansonEffie Mborn about 1882
HansonFred born about 1895
HansonGail Rborn about 1906
HansonHarlan Tborn about 1933
HansonMartin Tborn about 1867
HansonMarvin Lborn about 1904
HansonRuby Mborn about 1896
HansonSheldon Gborn about 1939
HayesArthur P Aborn about 1893
HayesHenry Aborn about 1864
HayesHenry Rborn about 1901
HayesNorene Mborn about 1899
HayesPhillip Mborn about 1929
HayesRobert Jborn about 1931
HeberleinMike Fborn about 1896
HeberleinRuth Oborn about 1901
HilliardEdmund Vborn about 1932
HilliardHarold Jborn about 1934
HilliardHelen Eborn about 1898
HilliardHerbert Tborn about 1928
HilliardVern Eborn about 1891
HillmanSylvia Iborn about 1907
HillmanWilliam Hborn about 1906
HirlkeAlbert Hborn about 1937
HirlkeAlbert Wborn about 1904
HirlkeCelia Mayborn about 1912
HirlkeRobert Rborn about 1938
HuberAlbert Jborn about 1891
HuberEthel Cborn about 1918
HuberLouie Cborn about 1893
HuberMayr Jborn about 1924
HuberStanley Aborn about 1918
HuefnerCarl Aborn about 1908
HuefnerIda Aborn about 1873
HuefnerWalter Fborn about 1911
HyattBetty Jeanborn about 1940
HyattFay Vborn about 1907
HyattLulu Eborn about 1882
HyattMax Eborn about 1874
HyattRillabelle born about 1936
HyattRussel Dborn about 1939
HyattSylvia Jborn about 1915

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J Surnames

JanishJohn born about 1883
JankeAugust Fborn about 1888
JankeEdna Eborn about 1893
JappAugusta born about 1898
JappErnst Hborn about 1896
JensenAlma Lborn about 1898
JensenBetty Lborn about 1930
JensenDonald Gborn about 1931
JensenElla Aborn about 1896
JensenGilbert Nborn about 1897
JensenHarvey Sborn about 1899
JensenKenneth Rborn about 1939
JensenMarvin Eborn about 1937
JensenMilda Mborn about 1903
JensenNorman Oborn about 1922
JensenNorman Wborn about 1932
JensenRaymond Cborn about 1900
JensenStella Eborn about 1902
JensenWilliam Fborn about 1899
JowellMark Fborn about 1873
JowellPhoebe Aborn about 1886
JungenbergArthur Wborn about 1910
JungenbergArthur Wborn about 1930
JungenbergBlanche Mborn about 1911
JungenbergDelores Mborn about 1936
JungenbergMerle Lborn about 1934
JungenbergRonald Dborn about 1939

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K Surnames

KeoughMargeret Hborn about 1878
KeoughMatthew Mborn about 1886
KingAlfred Hborn about 1929
KingBarbara Rborn about 1934
KingClarence Jborn about 1924
KingJohn Hborn about 1935
KingJoseph Cborn about 1903
KingJune Jborn about 1926
KingLuella Jborn about 1933
KingMargaret Eborn about 1906
KingPatricia Fborn about 1931
KingRosemary Eborn about 1923
KingWalter Aborn about 1928
KlickoBernard Aborn about 1903
KlickoCharles Hborn about 1871
KlickoEmam Mborn about 1877
KlickoEmert born about 1915
KlickoPaul Jborn about 1896
KlickoSydney born about 1907

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L Surnames

LahniJacob born about 1918
LahniJacob Mborn about 1888
LahniJohn Gborn about 1927
LangeAngela Gborn about 1893
LangeFred Aborn about 1889
LappGlenn Dborn about 1905
LappMarjory born about 1904
LarsonArnold Jborn about 1919
LarsonNina Bborn about 1887
LarsonPeter born about 1877
LarsonStella born about 1883
LentzArthur Jborn about 1917
LentzBeverly Sborn about 1938
LentzDora Nborn about 1924
LentzEdward Fborn about 1940
LentzElizabeth Nborn about 1882
LentzLorena Aborn about 1914
LentzOrval Wborn about 1937
LentzWilliam Fborn about 1914
LindJohn born about 1933
LingenfelterTena Cborn about 1866
LloydBlanche Lborn about 1918
LloydHoward Gborn about 1916
LloydKeith Hborn about 1938
LobotzkiFrances Jborn about 1864
LobotzkiFrank Mborn about 1862
LobotzkiJohn Eborn about 1916
LoppArlene Mborn about 1920
LoppEarl Jborn about 1911
LoppEdwin Cborn about 1915
LoppHarley Cborn about 1902
LoppIvan Cborn about 1913
LoppJohn Eborn about 1872
LoppMalinda Cborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MatthewsEzburan born about 1868
McClymanArnold Rborn about 1939
McClymanDarwin Nborn about 1912
McClymanLily Mborn about 1936
McClymanNina Mborn about 1915
McDonaldOriel born about 1920
MeadieWillard Jborn about 1921
MorrisCharles Mborn about 1870
MorrisSylvia Hborn about 1907
MorrisWendland Bborn about 1904
MorseClara Aborn about 1888
MorseEthelyn born about 1923
MorseHorace Cborn about 1889
MylreaWalter born about 1863

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N Surnames

NelsonBetty Jborn about 1934
NelsonGeorge Wborn about 1901
NelsonHubert Eborn about 1933
NelsonMarian Fborn about 1911
NelsonStanley Pborn about 1939
NielsenEdna Mborn about 1905
NielsenPeter born about 1865
NielsenRichard Pborn about 1939
NielsenRoy Jborn about 1898
NorlingLioera born about 1882
NorlingNels Pborn about 1873

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O Surnames

OkeefeBernard Jborn about 1920
OkeefeCatherine Mborn about 1925
OkeefeFrancis Mborn about 1909
OkeefeHelen Lborn about 1908
OkeefeMargeret born about 1884
OkeefeMaurice born about 1875
OkeefeMaurice Fborn about 1934
OkeefeRonald Cborn about 1940
OkeefeWilliam Jborn about 1937
OneilTim born about 1864

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P Surnames

ParksHarold born about 1916
PaulsonEvelyn Mborn about 1926
PaulsonHelen Tborn about 1933
PaulsonJohn Pborn about 1893
PaulsonMargaret Eborn about 1894
PaulsonMary Cborn about 1925
PaulsonRita Aborn about 1934
PetersonArnold Cborn about 1932
PetersonCharlotte Mborn about 1907
PetersonChristian born about 1905
PetersonClark born about 1937
PetersonEdward Mborn about 1938
PetersonEmily Cborn about 1924
PetersonFay Kborn about 1922
PetersonFlorence Lborn about 1910
PetersonGilbert Hborn about 1934
PetersonHarriet born about 1911
PetersonHarry born about 1898
PetersonMarien Cborn about 1894
PetersonMary Aborn about 1931
PetersonOtto born about 1904
PetersonOtto Cborn about 1933
PetersonSooren Cborn about 1895
PfisterAlbert born about 1875
PfisterAlbert Sborn about 1905
PfisterBetty Jborn about 1934
PfisterCharles Sborn about 1935
PfisterEmma born about 1877
PfisterHazel Mborn about 1908
PfisterJoan Hborn about 1937
PfisterPaul Sborn about 1914
PhillipsAlbert born about 1876
PhillipsAnna born about 1874
PhillipsDuane Eborn about 1925
PhillipsEdna Mborn about 1899
PhillipsElwin Jborn about 1899
PhillipsHenry Jborn about 1918
PhillipsJames born about 1873
PhillipsMariette Eborn about 1882
PhillipsWillard Aborn about 1926
PhillipsWinifred Aborn about 1923
PlutoroskiFrances born about 1868
PlutoroskiJohn born about 1868

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R Surnames

RamseyAlice Aborn about 1891
RamseyEva Mborn about 1918
RamseyHelen Aborn about 1921
RamseyRobert Lborn about 1889
RamseyRuth Iborn about 1928
RasmussenAmanda Hborn about 1893
RasmussenChristian Pborn about 1892
RasmussenDoris Eborn about 1931
RasmussenEvelyn Mborn about 1923
ReidGrace Eborn about 1898
ReidHarold Hborn about 1902
ReidMilton Dborn about 1928
ReidMyron Wborn about 1923
RichterAgnes Bborn about 1895
RichterFrederick born about 1885
RobertsonAlice Mborn about 1914
RobertsonDonald Wborn about 1930
RobertsonVernon Cborn about 1910
RobertsonWalter Vborn about 1934
RosslerArthur Aborn about 1897
RosslerGlenn Aborn about 1930
RosslerLeslie Aborn about 1924
RosslerLyle Jborn about 1930
RosslerRoxy Jborn about 1900

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S Surnames

SandowLola Aborn about 1925
SandowMabel Lborn about 1904
SandowWayne Eborn about 1928
SandowWilliam Fborn about 1899
SchultzElla Mborn about 1936
SchultzEmil Fborn about 1896
SchultzFrieda Aborn about 1896
SchultzGunther Gborn about 1930
SchultzHarvey Eborn about 1934
SchultzNelson Bborn about 1927
ShattuckWillis Aborn about 1882
ShepardJames Eborn about 1910
SmithClifford Wborn about 1915
SmithHilma Fborn about 1920
SmithJohn Tborn about 1918
SpikeFrank born about 1862
StaffordJohn Eborn about 1867
StaffordWilliam Rborn about 1866
StanfordLulu Eborn about 1903
SteinHoward Eborn about 1915
SteinPaul Eborn about 1889
SteinRobert Jborn about 1924
SteinVera Vborn about 1891
SteirnAlbert born about 1918
StowellBenjamin Hborn about 1893
StowellDella Mborn about 1921
StowellDonald Eborn about 1936
StowellDora Mborn about 1898
StowellGrace Aborn about 1892
StowellHarold Bborn about 1918
StowellLloyd Wborn about 1922
StowellNorman Rborn about 1925
StowellPhyllis Eborn about 1930
StowellRussel Aborn about 1933
StowellVerdelle Wborn about 1878
SullivanChester Jborn about 1919
SullivanJohn Rborn about 1877
SullivanLibbie Bborn about 1879

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T Surnames

TangneyAnastasia Cborn about 1919
TangneyDavid Wborn about 1873
TangneyHelen Mborn about 1928
TangneyJermiah born about 1872
TangneyJohn Jborn about 1903
TangneyJolus Mborn about 1865
TangneyJoseph Aborn about 1922
TangneyKatherine born about 1875
TangneyLorretta Mborn about 1928
TangneyMarie Fborn about 1931
TangneyMary born about 1873
TangneyMary Iborn about 1884
TangneyMildred Mborn about 1904
TangneyNellie Iborn about 1891
TangneyRichard Jborn about 1933
TangneyRobert Jborn about 1930
TangneyThomas Rborn about 1916
TangneyWilliam born about 1889
TaylorLeon Eborn about 1887
TaylorMartha Eborn about 1886
TaylorViolet Mborn about 1929
TuckerElenore Fborn about 1934
TuckerJohn Pborn about 1904
TuckerMarita Gborn about 1906
TuckerNita Cborn about 1933
TuckerRichard Cborn about 1929
TummersLilleth Eborn about 1915
TummersRobert Cborn about 1911
TummersRoberta Mborn about 1937
TurnerRose Eborn about 1877

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V Surnames

VanalstineElla Lborn about 1866
VanalstineEmma Jborn about 1871
VanschoyckAubrey Eborn about 1877
VanschoyckDonald Aborn about 1924
VanschoyckEdna Mborn about 1898
VanschoyckEmma Jborn about 1869
VanschoyckGene Sborn about 1922
VanschoyckPaul Lborn about 1897
VanschoyckWayne Hborn about 1919
VanschoyckWillard Lborn about 1920
VanschoyckWilliam Cborn about 1871

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W Surnames

WagnesClara Mborn about 1899
WaiteWallie Rborn about 1895
WalshA Maryborn about 1886
WalshGeorge Mborn about 1884
WalshHoward Wborn about 1913
WalshMelvin Mborn about 1911
WalshWilliam Eborn about 1866
WamplerAbraham Bborn about 1873
WamplerDonna Mborn about 1939
WamplerEdwin Aborn about 1937
WamplerHarlaw Jborn about 1931
WamplerJames Aborn about 1901
WamplerMary Jborn about 1877
WamplerRobert Wborn about 1929
WamplerRuth Eborn about 1903
WeilandEdgar Hborn about 1901
WeilandIrene Eborn about 1901
WeilandNorine Lborn about 1936
WeilandRichard Eborn about 1933
WieteLuke Mborn about 1879
WilsonBasil Iborn about 1904
WilsonCecil Sborn about 1919
WilsonLinda Lborn about 1939

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