1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oakland in Jefferson County, Jefferson, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Oakland in Jefferson County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbendrothWallace born about 1911
AbrahamsonIsaac born about 1875
AllbieWayne Wborn about 1918
AllenIsabella Dborn about 1855
AmbroseRoland Mborn about 1904
AmbroseSibylla Eborn about 1912
AndersonAagot Mborn about 1915
AndersonAlbert Eborn about 1898
AndersonAlbert Jborn about 1897
AndersonAmanda Cborn about 1892
AndersonAstrid Aborn about 1904
AndersonBertha born about 1870
AndersonCharlotte Eborn about 1924
AndersonChester Aborn about 1926
AndersonClara Aborn about 1890
AndersonDelores Mborn about 1931
AndersonEdwin Tborn about 1893
AndersonEmil Jborn about 1939
AndersonEvelyn Asborn about 1928
AndersonEverett Aborn about 1917
AndersonGerald Rborn about 1934
AndersonGladys Mborn about 1937
AndersonHans Aborn about 1906
AndersonHarry Aborn about 1931
AndersonHelen Aborn about 1908
AndersonHenry Nborn about 1881
AndersonJohn Mborn about 1887
AndersonLaura Cborn about 1892
AndersonLaurel born about 1908
AndersonLeonard Lborn about 1889
AndersonMargaret Eborn about 1930
AndersonMarion Jborn about 1929
AndersonMarlyn Hborn about 1924
AndersonMelvin Jborn about 1918
AndersonMons born about 1880
AndersonPhillip Aborn about 1938
AndersonRobert Lborn about 1931
AndersonShirley Aborn about 1929
AndersonTillie born about 1908
ArmstrongAnna Eborn about 1904
ArmstrongCarrie born about 1883
ArmstrongCharles Lborn about 1916
ArmstrongEdgar Jborn about 1904
ArmstrongEleen Gborn about 1936
ArmstrongGene Fborn about 1928
ArmstrongWayne Lborn about 1931
ArndtDelores Eborn about 1928
ArndtEmelie Wborn about 1905
ArndtGustav Aborn about 1890
ArndtPhillip Gborn about 1926
AskeldsonRay born about 1923
AslesonBertha born about 1871
AslesonHarry Gborn about 1910
AslesonKraus Gborn about 1902
AslesonOrren born about 1869
AyeAbel born about 1901
AyeGladys Cborn about 1903
AyeKaren born about 1863

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B Surnames

BabcockWillis born about 1923
BalstadEdward born about 1883
BanksKittie Mborn about 1868
BarfknechtEmily born about 1863
BarfknechtHazel Aborn about 1906
BarfknechtRollin born about 1924
BarfknechtWilliam Kborn about 1903
BeckerAdelbert Eborn about 1892
BeckerBertha Cborn about 1890
BeckerCaroline Aborn about 1891
BeckerCharles born about 1863
BeckerChristine Cborn about 1865
BeckerCorreen Cborn about 1938
BeckerE Gurneyborn about 1940
BeckerEdwin Cborn about 1888
BeckerElaine Mborn about 1923
BeckerElla Maeborn about 1906
BeckerHarry Jborn about 1889
BeckerInga Eborn about 1891
BeckerLoren Cborn about 1939
BeckerLoren Wborn about 1907
BeckerLucille Aborn about 1913
BeckerMartha Jborn about 1890
BeckerOtto Cborn about 1882
BeckerRuth Aborn about 1924
BeckerTena born about 1865
BeckerWalter Gborn about 1894
BeckerWilbur Mborn about 1904
BeckerWilliam Dborn about 1860
BehmAlton Fborn about 1912
BehmAmanda Oborn about 1907
BehmAudrey Aborn about 1936
BehmDavid Lborn about 1939
BehmErnest Hborn about 1867
BehmErnest Hborn about 1906
BehmGerald Aborn about 1939
BehmJames Vborn about 1933
BehmJulia Hborn about 1906
BehmLester Aborn about 1914
BehmLewis Aborn about 1907
BehmMabel Mborn about 1913
BehmMarjorie Lborn about 1928
BehmPauline Mborn about 1870
BehmRobert Cborn about 1930
BehmRudolph Oborn about 1903
BehmShirley Aborn about 1936
BehmVivian Mborn about 1931
BehnkeAlvin Aborn about 1912
BehnkeArlene Rborn about 1923
BehnkeClarence Aborn about 1914
BehnkeDelores Mborn about 1938
BehnkeDorothy Hborn about 1919
BehnkeEmily Gborn about 1885
BehnkeEvelyn Aborn about 1921
BehnkeWilliam Cborn about 1882
BeirowEmil Wborn about 1918
BenninEmma born about 1889
BenninErnest Oborn about 1883
BenninMabel Iborn about 1900
BenninWilliam Eborn about 1893
BensonBernard born about 1907
BensonEmma born about 1907
BensonJohn Oborn about 1886
BensonVernon Hborn about 1928
BergAlvin Gborn about 1938
BergArthur Cborn about 1893
BergClarice Mborn about 1899
BergFrances Iborn about 1923
BergRichard Fborn about 1935
BergholzEdmund Cborn about 1937
BergholzEdmund Fborn about 1895
BergholzJoyce Mborn about 1931
BergholzLuella Aborn about 1898
BerminAugusta Lborn about 1856
BeyerRaymond born about 1919
BlackMary Rborn about 1860
BlasingArthur Lborn about 1923
BlasingBernard born about 1915
BlasingCharles born about 1868
BlasingEthel born about 1915
BlasingFreddie born about 1905
BlasingHarley born about 1928
BlasingViolet Aborn about 1922
BlodgettDavid born about 1920
BohnsackNeil Hborn about 1916
BorchardtFranklin Hborn about 1920
BorchardtHoward Jborn about 1918
BorchardtJohn Aborn about 1924
BorchardtJohn Cborn about 1886
BorchardtLewis Cborn about 1922
BorchardtWilhelmina ???born about 1887
BradyCyril born about 1904
BradyPaul Gborn about 1901
BrandelJohn Rborn about 1886
BrandelMarie Eborn about 1888
BruhnCarl Fborn about 1883
BruhnLydia Eborn about 1881
BurowGeorge Cborn about 1919
BurowMartha Lborn about 1894
BurowPaul Lborn about 1883
BurowRobert Lborn about 1917
BurrowElla Eborn about 1890
BurrowElmer Rborn about 1923
BurrowGladys Jborn about 1920
BurrowHarold Jborn about 1918
BurrowJohn Fborn about 1883

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C Surnames

CalkinsMerle born about 1921
CargenFlorence Vborn about 1900
CargenIsabella Bborn about 1924
CargenJohn Fborn about 1877
CargenJohn Wborn about 1933
CargenWalter Wborn about 1875
CargenWilliam Dborn about 1871
CarlsonEdna Mborn about 1915
CarlsonJohn Aborn about 1904
CarlsonJohn Jrborn about 1937
CarlsonRonald Dborn about 1940
ChapmanAnna born about 1899
ChapmanDavid Mborn about 1932
ChapmanDonald Eborn about 1929
ChapmanMerrill Eborn about 1927
ChapmanRalph Eborn about 1931
ChapmanSamuel Mborn about 1894
ChristArtis Lborn about 1926
ChristBertha Aborn about 1886
ChristCharles Fborn about 1883
ChristEvelyn Aborn about 1933
ChristWilliam born about 1866
ChristensenBernice Jborn about 1906
ChristensenElmer Sborn about 1908
ChristensenJanet Rborn about 1939
ChristiansenEarl Eborn about 1925
ChristiansenHarold Aborn about 1902
ChristiansenHilda Eborn about 1904
ChristiansenPauline Mborn about 1923
ChristiansenRenelva Nborn about 1929
ChristiansonBennie Cborn about 1897
ChristiansonBeulah Eborn about 1911
ChristiansonEdna Pborn about 1916
ChristiansonHans Cborn about 1861
ChristiansonIrene born about 1916
ChristiansonLawrence Jborn about 1914
ChristiansonNancy Lborn about 1935
ChristiansonPetra born about 1898
ChristiansonSanford Lborn about 1905
ChristiansonWilmer Sborn about 1912
ClarkIrving born about 1924
ClemsonHarold born about 1906
ClemsonLois Wborn about 1908
CrossmanArthur Wborn about 1891
CrossmanDwight Aborn about 1931
CrossmanErna Eborn about 1894
CrossmanHarry born about 1895
CrossmanJune Eborn about 1926
CrouseBeryl Oborn about 1903
CrouseGeorge Sborn about 1899
CrouseMadalyn Yborn about 1923

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D Surnames

DahlkeAugust Jborn about 1897
DahlkeMinnie Bborn about 1898
DalbyElsie Pborn about 1917
DalbyGeorge born about 1898
DalbyRaymond Gborn about 1939
DanielsWilliam Jborn about 1869
DavidsonElmer Wborn about 1886
DavidsonSara Aborn about 1891
DavisClara Lborn about 1904
DavisElizabeth born about 1934
DavisEmery born about 1907
DehnertDoris Mborn about 1940
DehnertHarold Eborn about 1910
DehnertMae born about 1920
DehnertWilliam born about 1919
DieckowAlmina born about 1881
DieckowJohn Aborn about 1881
DingledineDorothy Lborn about 1935
DingledineGordon Tborn about 1906
DingledineKathreen Vborn about 1899
DownsFrances Sborn about 1899
DraegerCaroline born about 1898
DraegerDonna Lborn about 1936
DraegerEmil Jborn about 1895
DraegerErnest Fborn about 1901
DraegerGrace Eborn about 1901
DraegerHarold Wborn about 1906
DraegerLucile Kborn about 1912
DraegerNorma Jborn about 1925
DraegerRalph Hborn about 1939
DraegerRoger Wborn about 1937
DraegerWillard Wborn about 1927
DragertBeaha Aborn about 1874
DragertCarl Fborn about 1872
DragertCharles Cborn about 1900
DragertFlorence Lborn about 1918
DragertWalter Fborn about 1902

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E Surnames

EbenAlbert Oborn about 1885
EbenAnna Mborn about 1923
EbenCharley Aborn about 1921
EbenClara Lborn about 1910
EbenElizabeth Jborn about 1893
EbenMatilda Wborn about 1916
EbenWilliam Cborn about 1892
EbenZeransa Mborn about 1882
EbersohlAlvin Cborn about 1888
EbersohlCharles Mborn about 1923
EbersohlHazel Mborn about 1896
EbersohlLena Mborn about 1903
EbersohlMarion Jborn about 1924
EbersohlWalter Mborn about 1891
EckhartBarbara Aborn about 1937
EckhartMargaret born about 1913
EckhartPaul Lborn about 1905
EckhartShirley Mborn about 1938
EdwardsMaudie born about 1908
EhrkeCarroll Dborn about 1939
EhrkeDevina Lborn about 1901
EhrkeDoreen Mborn about 1931
EhrkeFred Wborn about 1888
EhrkeFrederick Lborn about 1923
EhrkeIrene Mborn about 1926
EhrkeJean Cborn about 1928
EhrkeJerome Dborn about 1938
EhrkeWilliam Lborn about 1937
EndlJohn born about 1856
EndlRoy born about 1919
EvansEdna Mborn about 1899
EvansNancy Jborn about 1935
EvansRoy born about 1891
EvensonGerald Nborn about 1922
EvensonJosephine Oborn about 1890
EvensonNordahl born about 1890

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F Surnames

FalkAlvin Cborn about 1930
FalkAugust Cborn about 1871
FalkClaire Aborn about 1938
FalkClarence Aborn about 1909
FalkClarinda Jborn about 1913
FalkElla Lborn about 1918
FalkEmma Mborn about 1894
FalkFrederick Wborn about 1898
FalkLawrence Aborn about 1916
FalkLucinda Aborn about 1940
FalkMary Eborn about 1871
FalkOtto Hborn about 1876
FalkVictor Eborn about 1914
FaultersackArthur Rborn about 1896
FaultersackElla Mborn about 1898
FeldkirchnerCarl Lborn about 1935
FeldkirchnerJohn Gborn about 1903
FeldkirchnerJune Pborn about 1936
FeldkirchnerMartha Bborn about 1909
FeldkirchnerPhillip Dborn about 1939
FerezElizabeth Lborn about 1918
FerezJohn born about 1913
FoxWebb born about 1885
FranciscoPatricia born about 1911
FranciscoPatricia Aborn about 1937
FranciscoWilliam Dborn about 1888
FriedelRoy Oborn about 1886

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G Surnames

GaffneyLucille Mborn about 1914
GafkeArthur Jborn about 1890
GafkeLaura Hborn about 1887
GallmanHildegard Kborn about 1915
GallmanLorrain Fborn about 1914
GehrkeAugusta Jborn about 1873
GehrkeEdward Hborn about 1898
GehrkeTheodore Fborn about 1862
GehrkeViola Fborn about 1900
GerstnerBertha Cborn about 1884
GerstnerEleanor Lborn about 1919
GerstnerEmil Tborn about 1880
GerstnerErdman Aborn about 1918
GilbertAllen Lborn about 1932
GilbertDonald Cborn about 1933
GilbertEvelyn Lborn about 1912
GilbertGerald Rborn about 1930
GilbertLloyd Hborn about 1911
GilbertRichard Dborn about 1934
GilbertRuby Eborn about 1936
GoodrichClarence Eborn about 1885
GoodrichClarence Eborn about 1922
GoodrichFlora Mborn about 1878
GoodrichHarry Cborn about 1874
GoodrichHelen Bborn about 1891
GoodrichRobert Eborn about 1916
GossFrank Mborn about 1892
GossHarold Eborn about 1927
GossJean Eborn about 1931
GossVerla Mborn about 1897
GottschalkEvelyn born about 1939
GottschalkJulius Hborn about 1868
GottschalkKatherine Aborn about 1934
GottschalkLennie Lborn about 1914
GottschalkMary Lborn about 1936
GottschalkRose Aborn about 1872
GottschalkWilfred Jborn about 1909
GraffinChristine Jborn about 1880
GraffinEmil Oborn about 1882
GriffithsMargaret Sborn about 1900
GrosseGerald born about 1918
GrossmanHelmer born about 1917
GruelArthur Eborn about 1888
GruelLa Verne Mborn about 1931
GruelMarie Bborn about 1890
GruelRichard Aborn about 1930
GrunewaldArnold Aborn about 1910
GrunewaldBeatrice Eborn about 1936
GrunewaldEmma born about 1889
GrunewaldHerman Gborn about 1886
GrunewaldRachel Aborn about 1912
GuenterbergIrene Mborn about 1916
GunnelsonEdna Mborn about 1902
GunnelsonGerald Aborn about 1939
GunnelsonLawrence Dborn about 1928
GunnelsonLawrence Oborn about 1897
GunnelsonMyrtle Pborn about 1909
GunnelsonRoger Wborn about 1929
GunnelsonRussell Wborn about 1906

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H Surnames

HagenAnna Mborn about 1919
HagenAnton born about 1885
HagenLouise Lborn about 1889
HansonAllen Hborn about 1892
HansonCaroline Pborn about 1886
HansonDexter born about 1889
HansonOscar Hborn about 1860
HartelGeorge born about 1912
HartelMillie Cborn about 1885
HartelRoy Eborn about 1886
HaubenschildAlma Fborn about 1894
HaubenschildEmanuel Rborn about 1891
HaubenschildIvan Eborn about 1917
HaustadDoris Eborn about 1930
HaustadEdna Jborn about 1938
HaustadIrene Aborn about 1936
HaustadJulian Aborn about 1934
HaustadLaraine Mborn about 1928
HaustadMelvin Rborn about 1932
HaustadMyrtle Eborn about 1908
HaustadPaul Oborn about 1897
HawdonJacqueline Mborn about 1925
HawdonLillian Jborn about 1894
HawdonVirginia Lborn about 1924
HayesGeorge born about 1889
HayesGeorge Wborn about 1910
HayesJohn Pborn about 1861
HayesJosephine born about 1860
HayesMabel Tborn about 1910
HayfordCharles born about 1921
HebbeAlbert Fborn about 1875
HeilegerHazel Aborn about 1914
HeilegerLa Vere Eborn about 1912
HeiseAnna born about 1897
HeiseHerman Aborn about 1898
HeiseMildred Eborn about 1902
HeiseWalter born about 1894
HeitzHulda Wborn about 1895
HeitzKatherine born about 1859
HeitzMona Mborn about 1918
HeitzRalph Wborn about 1916
HeitzWalter Wborn about 1890
HeitzWarner Fborn about 1893
HeitzWilliam Fborn about 1867
HeitzWilliam Jborn about 1919
HenningAlydia Iborn about 1882
HenningEdward born about 1907
HenningInez Eborn about 1912
HerschfeldFrederick born about 1913
HerschfeldHelena Lborn about 1885
HerschfeldWilliam Cborn about 1876
HildebrandRaymond Jborn about 1909
HitchEdward Eborn about 1890
HitchEdward Tborn about 1933
HitchEugene Eborn about 1937
HitchHarvey Eborn about 1931
HitchHoward born about 1922
HitchLizzie born about 1890
HitchLouise Iborn about 1926
HitchRalph Hborn about 1914
HitchThomas born about 1863
HornessJoseph Cborn about 1890
HoweEunice Lborn about 1918
HuckenstadHilda born about 1878
HuckenstadLudwig born about 1862
HukenstadAllan Jborn about 1939
HukenstadClifford Jborn about 1913
HukenstadJane Fborn about 1921
HukenstadMary Eborn about 1935
HukenstadShirley Kborn about 1939
HuntDana Fborn about 1884
HutchensNellie born about 1868

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J Surnames

JautzJohn Sborn about 1871
JelechJoseph born about 1911
JelechRose born about 1890
JensenMarian born about 1919
JensonAlvin Nborn about 1900
JensonJoseph Cborn about 1888
JensonLouise born about 1859
JohnsonAmelia Mborn about 1888
JohnsonAnna Gborn about 1889
JohnsonClara Bborn about 1937
JohnsonCornelia Iborn about 1873
JohnsonEarl Mborn about 1911
JohnsonGudron born about 1905
JohnsonJens Gborn about 1854
JohnsonJessie born about 1893
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1856
JohnsonJohn Mborn about 1887
JohnsonLuman born about 1902
JohnsonMae Bborn about 1927
JohnsonMartha born about 1886
JohnsonMary born about 1861
JohnsonMelvin born about 1901
JohnsonNolan Mborn about 1933
JohnsonOle born about 1883
JohnsonOrval born about 1926
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1900
JohnsonStuart Jborn about 1937
JohnsonVictor Rborn about 1900
JonesCharlotte Bborn about 1872
JonesEdson Rborn about 1870
JonesIvan Lborn about 1906
JonesMary Fborn about 1909
JonesMaynard Aborn about 1902
JulsethInez Aborn about 1915
JulsethNancy ???born about 1937
JulsethOyvind Aborn about 1912

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K Surnames

KakuschkyElsie Pborn about 1898
KakuschkyEvelyn Eborn about 1916
KakuschkyMerle Wborn about 1920
KakuschkyOrma Jeanborn about 1936
KakuschkyWilliam ???born about 1892
KapingHilmer Hborn about 1897
KapingViola Mborn about 1898
KeinerJohn Eborn about 1901
KemstedtEldyn Eborn about 1915
KennedyMary Jborn about 1862
KleinschmidtCarolyn Wborn about 1934
KleinschmidtErnest Aborn about 1905
KleinschmidtOlive Aborn about 1910
KlementAmelia born about 1888
KlementCaroline born about 1885
KlementHazel Mborn about 1924
KlementOtto Cborn about 1886
KlementRussell Gborn about 1920
KlementSamuel born about 1880
KnilansClara Mborn about 1882
KnilansElma born about 1910
KnilansHarold Jrborn about 1936
KnilansHarold Mborn about 1902
KnilansMargot Cborn about 1932
KnilansMarguerite Fborn about 1900
KnilansMiner Rborn about 1881
KnilansRobert Kborn about 1932
KnilansRonald Sborn about 1934
KochCharles born about 1875
KohlesCharles born about 1885
KopferArthur born about 1892
KottwitzEmma Mborn about 1893
KottwitzHarvey Hborn about 1924
KottwitzRobert born about 1930
KottwitzRobert Cborn about 1894
KraftRalph born about 1921
KralCarrie born about 1903
KralDorothy born about 1929
KralEdward Lborn about 1896
KraussWilliam Aborn about 1873
KravickFlorence born about 1882
KravickLovina Aborn about 1911
KravickLudwig born about 1877
KreklowCarl born about 1914
KreklowEmma Eborn about 1915
KreklowHenry born about 1891
KreklowJean Eborn about 1926
KreklowMary Jborn about 1936
KreklowRose born about 1887
KreppnerCarroll Pborn about 1903
KreppnerDonna Jborn about 1939
KreppnerRuth Gborn about 1904
KreppnerStanley Cborn about 1933
KreutzLouise Mborn about 1885
KreutzWilliam born about 1882
KriedemanElmer Cborn about 1903
KriedemanHerman Cborn about 1879
KriedemanHermine Eborn about 1883
KriedemanLoren Mborn about 1913
KrippnerKathleen Pborn about 1925
KrippnerMarjorie Aborn about 1920
KrippnerMinnie Eborn about 1899
KrippnerRobert Lborn about 1924
KrostedtMartha born about 1879
KrostedtRose born about 1877
KrostedtWilliam born about 1889
KruegerAlvin Gborn about 1905
KruegerGenevieve Aborn about 1907
KruegerGerald Eborn about 1929
KruegerLa Verne Lborn about 1928
KruegerMarvin Aborn about 1927
KrullAlma Lborn about 1894
KrullDonald Oborn about 1924
KrullHarvey Rborn about 1930
KrullOtto Fborn about 1889
KublyDaniel Dborn about 1930
KublyGeorge Rborn about 1910
KublyIda Aborn about 1911
KublyMary Lborn about 1936
KumpAlfred Fborn about 1876
KumpBertha born about 1881
KumpChester born about 1913
KumpKermit born about 1906
KumpLettie Sborn about 1884
KunzFrank Hborn about 1884
KunzPearl Eborn about 1882
KuschkeOtto Aborn about 1894
KutzArnold Wborn about 1917
KutzMarion Vborn about 1936
KutzMeta Eborn about 1917
KutzStanley Wborn about 1938
KutzWalter Aborn about 1905

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L Surnames

LaatschBenjamin born about 1899
LangeWilhelmina born about 1854
LangholffClarence Jborn about 1914
LangholffGilbert born about 1885
LangholffJohanna born about 1887
LangholffLe Roy Wborn about 1910
LangholffMurnell Cborn about 1897
LangholffPauline born about 1920
LarsonAlice Cborn about 1935
LarsonAlvin Nborn about 1894
LarsonClara Nborn about 1928
LarsonClarence Hborn about 1887
LarsonDella Vborn about 1909
LarsonDora Cborn about 1893
LarsonDoris Hborn about 1895
LarsonEmmett Hborn about 1890
LarsonInis Nborn about 1925
LarsonIrene Eborn about 1908
LarsonJanic Eaborn about 1932
LarsonJohn Jborn about 1900
LarsonKally Eborn about 1902
LarsonMarguerite Eborn about 1902
LarsonMerrill Lborn about 1929
LarsonMilo Cborn about 1921
LarsonOle Cborn about 1861
LarsonTony Bborn about 1912
LeeEdward Eborn about 1885
LeeGladys Eborn about 1890
LeederArnold Wborn about 1909
LeederJeanne Aborn about 1932
LeederMarie born about 1910
LeederRobert Wborn about 1930
LehmannAlbert Eborn about 1893
LehmannAnna Iborn about 1863
LehmannEleanor Jborn about 1927
LehmannFlorence Hborn about 1907
LehmannJoyce Aborn about 1930
LehmannLizzie Eborn about 1895
LehmannRoger Cborn about 1938
LehmannThomas Hborn about 1899
LeinHarriet born about 1923
LeinHelen born about 1923
LeinRuby born about 1920
LeinSanford born about 1898
LeinViola born about 1900
LeitzingerEdward Aborn about 1876
LeitzingerLillian Aborn about 1884
LemkeRuth Aborn about 1911
LenzCharles Jborn about 1887
LenzCharles Jborn about 1925
LenzDaniel Cborn about 1921
LenzDeloris Mborn about 1929
LenzIrene Hborn about 1919
LenzRose Mborn about 1891
LeonardCharles Fborn about 1896
LeonardEmma Fborn about 1865
LeonardFrederick Tborn about 1857
LeonardFrieda Rborn about 1900
LeonardGeorge Hborn about 1892
LeonardHarlow Fborn about 1922
LeonardMarie Mborn about 1927
LeonardWilliam Rborn about 1891
LudemanClarence Aborn about 1906
LudemanJohn Hborn about 1933
LudemanJoyce Mborn about 1940
LudemanLillian Mborn about 1909
LuederFrank Gborn about 1862
LuederFrank Hborn about 1895
LuederFrank Lborn about 1940
LuederGertrude Lborn about 1902
LuederLav Erne Gborn about 1934
LuederLoren Cborn about 1939
LuederMarvin Mborn about 1932
LutherEdna Lborn about 1897
LutherWilliam Gborn about 1893

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M Surnames

MahonMartin Jborn about 1884
ManfordHarold Gborn about 1919
ManfordJohn Eborn about 1889
ManfordNettie Eborn about 1898
ManfordThelma Lborn about 1923
MarsdenEugene Dborn about 1931
MarsdenFrieda Wborn about 1905
MarsdenGlen Rborn about 1906
MarsdenJackie Rborn about 1935
MarsdenSally Aborn about 1937
MarshallAllan Jborn about 1938
MarshallGladys Lborn about 1902
MarshallJames Mborn about 1939
MarshallMelford Gborn about 1915
MarshallMerlin Jborn about 1915
MarshallOpal Gborn about 1917
MatsonElmer Jborn about 1904
MatsonStella Mborn about 1897
MatsonVincent Eborn about 1934
MayStella Jborn about 1866
McDermottGerald Jborn about 1912
McDermottGladys Mborn about 1915
McDermottJoseph Eborn about 1936
McDermottNancy Eborn about 1939
McDermottSally Aborn about 1939
McLachlanJean Wborn about 1888
MeertLorraine Jborn about 1916
MehltretterFrances Fborn about 1926
MehltretterFred born about 1893
MehltretterMarie Mborn about 1895
MehltretterMaurice Mborn about 1929
MehltretterRobert Vborn about 1921
MelsterArthur Eborn about 1896
MelsterGust Jborn about 1863
MelsterHarvey born about 1901
MelsterHelen Kborn about 1866
MelsterLoretta Kborn about 1901
MelsterMarjorie born about 1927
MichaelesChester Aborn about 1914
MichealesRalph born about 1917
MichelAlton Wborn about 1903
MichelAmelia Aborn about 1879
MichelCharles Eborn about 1885
MichelEdward Cborn about 1871
MichelElizabeth Mborn about 1925
MichelEric Aborn about 1897
MichelEugene Aborn about 1929
MichelHelen born about 1897
MichelLouise Fborn about 1907
MichelMae born about 1885
MichelMargaret born about 1921
MichelMarian born about 1921
MichelRobert Lborn about 1923
MichelWilliam born about 1857
MillerElsbeth Mborn about 1885
MillerElsbeth Vborn about 1909
MillerHarry Hborn about 1921
MillerHerman Fborn about 1876
ModeAda Hborn about 1893
ModeAlbert Aborn about 1892
MullenFrancis Jborn about 1919
MullenJames Fborn about 1916
MullenJean Cborn about 1923
MullenMary born about 1888
MullenTimothy Jborn about 1882
MundtBernic Ejborn about 1922
MundtFred Aborn about 1886
MundtHarvey born about 1913
MundtHelen Mborn about 1919
MundtLeslie Cborn about 1917
MundtMargaret Iborn about 1895
MundtStella Eborn about 1891
MurrayAnnie born about 1890
MurrayJames Jborn about 1886
MurrayJoseph born about 1928
MurrayRobert Jborn about 1922

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N Surnames

NelsonArthur Dborn about 1911
NelsonBastian born about 1880
NelsonElla Mborn about 1877
NelsonEugene Aborn about 1940
NelsonMildred Mborn about 1917
NewmannFrieda Mborn about 1894
NewmannMartin Fborn about 1890
NewmannOtto Mborn about 1927
NortheyEdna Rborn about 1918
NortheyRichard Eborn about 1920
NortheyRuth Aborn about 1890
NortheyWilliam born about 1888

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O Surnames

OckerLeona Fborn about 1917
OlsenHenry Aborn about 1877
OlsenHettie Lborn about 1880
OlsenHollis Hborn about 1915
OlsenLawrence born about 1908
OlsenNathlene born about 1916
OlsonElaine Jborn about 1918
OlsonHerman Aborn about 1886
OlsonLloyd born about 1901
OlsonRosen born about 1894
OlsonRussell Rborn about 1919
OlsonTorval born about 1888
OstranderGuy born about 1877
OstranderLizzie born about 1883
OvlandAugust Nborn about 1887
OvlandCornelia Jborn about 1884
OvlandFritz Nborn about 1890
OvlandWilfred Nborn about 1899

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P Surnames

PackardCharles born about 1909
PackardGeraldine Pborn about 1933
PackardMargaretta Bborn about 1912
PackardRobert born about 1931
PalmFred Hborn about 1882
PantelErwin Hborn about 1903
PantelHattie Aborn about 1908
PantelJohn born about 1871
PantelLouise Hborn about 1874
PantelPearl Mborn about 1912
PantelReinhold born about 1911
ParkerIsabel Rborn about 1878
ParkerOlin Cborn about 1880
PattersonGertrude Iborn about 1892
PattersonMorrell born about 1894
PaulWalter born about 1912
PautschBenjaman Hborn about 1891
PautschEdith Mborn about 1893
PautschHelen Eborn about 1921
PeckAlbert Lborn about 1886
PeckDaisy Iborn about 1889
PelzerBetty Jborn about 1928
PelzerCarl Eborn about 1883
PelzerMabel Lborn about 1895
PerryEvelyn Bborn about 1892
PerryGeorge Mborn about 1918
PerryHazel Bborn about 1894
PerryIna Hborn about 1854
PerryJack Hborn about 1929
PerryJohn Hborn about 1892
PerryMarie Hborn about 1922
PerryOrland Jborn about 1923
PerryOrlando Hborn about 1895
PetersRudolph born about 1884
PetersonChrist Sborn about 1900
PetersonCurtis Vborn about 1927
PetersonEleanor Jborn about 1897
PetersonJean Aborn about 1932
PetersonMarcella Lborn about 1929
PetersonSheldon Lborn about 1935
PetersonThomas Kborn about 1920
PfeifferJohn Cborn about 1849
PhillipsJohn Wborn about 1883
PhillipsMary Tborn about 1884
PingelDoris Aborn about
PingelLorenz born about 1866
PingelWilhelm born about 1918
PorterAnna Eborn about 1881
PorterGrace Eborn about 1889
PorterJohn Wborn about 1861
PorterLawrence Cborn about 1889
PorterNorman Hborn about 1872
PotterEdward Cborn about 1885
PotterGusta Jborn about 1885
PoutschHarlow born about 1920
PreuningerClarence Gborn about 1908
PreuningerElsie Mborn about 1909
PreuningerNorma Jborn about 1939
PreuningerRoy Jborn about 1936
PrueferEarl Oborn about 1917
PrueferEdwin born about 1912
PrueferElaine Aborn about 1922
PrueferJune Eborn about 1917
PrueferLaura Eborn about 1891
PrueferLouise Eborn about 1890
PrueferMyrtle Vborn about 1917
PrueferOtto Mborn about 1890
PrueferPaul Cborn about 1920
PrueferPaul Eborn about 1887
PunselFrances Eborn about 1918
PunselHerman Cborn about 1878
PunselMerle Aborn about 1920
PunselMinnie Eborn about 1877
PunzelElsie born about 1897
PunzelFrederick Rborn about 1923
PunzelGertrude Eborn about 1884
PunzelHerman Cborn about 1934
PunzelLynn Mborn about 1921
PunzelMarie Aborn about 1924
PunzelMaurice Aborn about 1913
PunzelMax born about 1896
PunzelRobert Rborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabenhorstRose Eborn about 1919
RadloffAlfred born about 1912
RadloffCharles born about 1881
RadloffHerman Cborn about 1872
RadloffMartha Nborn about 1916
RadloffMarvin Aborn about 1925
RadloffMary Gborn about 1890
RadloffRoger Sborn about 1937
RaetherCarroll Hborn about 1927
RaetherEarl Mborn about 1922
RaetherHenry Aborn about 1886
RaetherIda Jborn about 1891
RaetherVera Mborn about 1919
RamseyAnita Eborn about 1921
RamseyGlen Cborn about 1885
RamseyLillian Lborn about 1914
RamseyMary Aborn about 1886
RamseyMary Aborn about 1938
RamseyPaul Fborn about 1937
RamseyPaul Hborn about 1913
RauberAlma Aborn about 1880
RauberFrank Jborn about 1879
RegeleinAlbert Cborn about 1882
RegeleinAlma Eborn about 1888
RegeleinArthur Wborn about 1898
RegeleinForrest Jborn about 1916
RegeleinPearl Hborn about 1917
RenzDonald Cborn about 1934
RenzJanet Rborn about 1931
RenzMartina Mborn about 1914
RenzRita Hborn about 1932
RenzRoman Gborn about 1912
RenzSyrella Iborn about 1935
RetzlaffHelen born about 1893
RetzlaffWalter Hborn about 1890
RindenLeroy born about 1919
RinzHerbert born about 1920
RoachClifford born about 1919
RobbinsEarl Cborn about 1896
RobbinsElla Lborn about 1890
RobbinsElla Sborn about 1910
RobbinsReuben Tborn about 1887
RobbinsRoss Cborn about 1932
RodbyJohn born about 1875
RuschFrank born about 1888
RuschJohn Aborn about 1885
RuschJohn Sborn about 1915
RuschJosephine born about 1887
RuschLuela Oborn about 1885
RuschMaxine Mborn about 1923

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S Surnames

SamsburyDorothy Aborn about 1919
SamsburyJosephine Cborn about 1889
SamsburyShirley Mborn about 1923
SamsburyWilliam Eborn about 1921
SamsburyWilliam Gborn about 1889
SandsAmelia Lborn about 1874
SandsEdward Hborn about 1910
SandsElmer born about 1895
SandsHelen Lborn about 1913
SayreDean Eborn about 1916
SayreGenevieve Mborn about 1918
SchaeferHarold Aborn about 1922
SchatzschneiderFrederick born about 1875
ScheelClarence Oborn about 1911
ScheelEvelyn Mborn about 1912
ScheelLa Verne Dborn about 1935
ScheelRuby Jborn about 1930
ScheppertElizabeth Eborn about 1916
ScheppertGlen Fborn about 1908
ScheppertHarlow Wborn about 1905
ScheppertIda Cborn about 1876
ScheppertMildred Rborn about 1916
ScheppertWilliam Hborn about 1863
SchimmingAugust born about 1875
SchimmingCora Mborn about 1896
SchimmingHenry Hborn about 1883
SchimmingLizzie Aborn about 1885
SchimmingRobert Hborn about 1923
SchlesnerBlanche born about 1891
SchlesnerHoward born about 1926
SchlesnerWalter born about 1890
SchmidHerman born about 1904
SchmidMartha born about 1918
SchmidtBetty Jborn about 1928
SchmidtCarl Aborn about 1882
SchmidtDorothy Aborn about 1939
SchmidtEdna Dborn about 1899
SchmidtJuline born about 1887
SchmidtLauraine born about 1924
SchmidtLauretta born about 1924
SchmidtLouise Eborn about 1916
SchmidtMarvin Rborn about 1909
SchmidtPearl born about 1925
SchmidtRobert Mborn about 1923
SchmidtViolet born about 1921
SchneiderDavid born about 1884
SchneiderMary born about 1885
SchultzElla Iborn about 1896
SchultzErnest Fborn about 1890
SchultzFrieda Aborn about 1903
SchultzGordon Hborn about 1923
SchultzHarlow Cborn about 1921
SchultzHelen Lborn about 1923
SchultzHerman Gborn about 1893
SchultzHerman Wborn about 1932
SchultzMarjorie Vborn about 1928
SchulzDelores born about 1933
SchulzLena born about 1906
SchulzPaul Wborn about 1903
SeavertEdwin Aborn about 1912
SeavertRichard Eborn about 1933
SeavertRonald Lborn about 1935
SeavertVerna Eborn about 1914
SebastianMary Aborn about 1880
SebastianMichael born about 1879
SellnoBertha Fborn about 1891
SellnoEmil Fborn about 1888
SellnoThelma Bborn about 1929
SellnoWesley Nlborn about 1931
SernsEsther Wborn about 1901
SernsLoyal Mborn about 1888
SeversonLewis born about 1863
SeversonOscar Hborn about 1898
SeversonOtto born about 1890
SeversonVitrice Gborn about 1918
ShannonFrancis born about 1912
ShawClarence born about 1899
ShawMary Aborn about 1914
ShermanEarl Fborn about 1911
ShermanFrances Hborn about 1907
ShermanJoseph Fborn about 1890
ShermanLydia Lborn about 1894
ShermanRichard Eborn about 1939
ShortCharles born about 1924
ShumacherCarl born about 1891
SievertAugusta born about 1871
SievertClara Eborn about 1899
SievertFred Cborn about 1894
SievertHerman born about 1866
SievertRuth Mborn about 1910
SimdonAlfred Wborn about 1899
SimdonAllene Mborn about 1936
SimdonAnna Sborn about 1913
SimdonBarbara Jborn about 1926
SimdonClaire Eborn about 1937
SimdonDoris Lborn about 1924
SimdonDorothy Mborn about 1898
SimdonEdith Rborn about 1909
SimdonElsie Eborn about 1903
SimdonErnest Pborn about 1897
SimdonFranklin Eborn about 1933
SimdonGordon Aborn about 1924
SimdonHarvey Dborn about 1931
SimdonHelen Iborn about 1938
SimdonHenry Aborn about 1902
SimdonHoward Rborn about 1927
SimdonMarion born about 1923
SimdonMarjorie Aborn about 1935
SimdonMarvin Aborn about 1926
SimdonMary Iborn about 1897
SimdonMerlyn Aborn about 1933
SimdonMinnie Mborn about 1896
SimdonReinhold Rborn about 1899
SimdonRobert Oborn about 1893
SimdonRobert Oborn about 1922
SimdonRonald Mborn about 1932
SimdonVernon Pborn about 1926
SimdonWalter Wborn about 1897
SimdonWilfred Aborn about 1919
SimonsenJohn Eborn about 1865
SimonsenOlive born about 1867
SlaterDean Hborn about 1939
SlaterElizabeth Mborn about 1915
SlaterHubart Nborn about 1915
SmithbackEddie Dborn about 1884
SmithbackEdward Dborn about 1930
SmithbackEleanor born about 1908
SmithbackIda Hborn about 1887
SnellGrace Aborn about 1878
SplittgerberCarl Oborn about 1914
SplittgerberHarold Rborn about 1923
SpriegelAlbert born about 1900
StadlerAnna Mborn about 1922
StadlerEdwin Jborn about 1925
StadlerJohn born about 1890
StadlerMary Aborn about 1898
StairBlanche born about 1886
StairElizabeth Fborn about 1905
StairHenry Cborn about 1876
StairRuth Aborn about 1915
StaudeLynn Fborn about 1926
StaudeMarion Jborn about 1924
StevensEileen born about 1887
StevensHoward born about 1909
StevensHoward Dborn about 1937
StevensLloyd Eborn about 1939
StevensMaynard Bborn about 1884
StevensRichard Gborn about 1926
StevensRobert Bborn about 1929
StewartAmelia Gborn about 1870
StewartHarry Oborn about 1895
StewartRobert Dborn about 1899
StimsonIrena Mborn about 1867
StockfischEvelyn Wborn about 1898
StockfischGerald born about 1922
StockfischGerald Wborn about 1919
StockfischHattie Eborn about 1893
StockfischJulius Wborn about 1891
StockfischRose Mborn about 1934
StockfischStanley Jborn about 1919
StockfischWilliam Cborn about 1886
StoneburnerHelen Eborn about 1925
StradingerAlbert Cborn about 1906
StradingerDonna Rborn about 1939
StradingerPearl Fborn about 1915
StrobuschBertha born about 1876
StrobuschRobert Gborn about 1924
StrobuschRonald Kborn about 1921
StrobuschWilliam Aborn about 1872
StrobuschWilliam Wborn about 1919
StroebelAugusta born about 1882
StroebelGeorge born about 1882
StroebelLeonard born about 1876
StroebelMarian Dborn about 1917
StroebelMary born about 1888
StroebelRobert Gborn about 1921
SwensonAnnie born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TellefsonArlene Hborn about 1937
TellefsonAudrey Jborn about 1934
TellefsonClifford Oborn about 1908
TellefsonEthel Cborn about 1910
TellefsonHazel Lborn about 1919
TellefsonRonald Wborn about 1939
TellefsonWillard Hborn about 1915
ThompsonAlvina Lborn about 1883
ThompsonAugust born about 1891
ThompsonEsther Eborn about 1908
ThompsonJames Aborn about 1920
ThompsonNorman Wborn about 1918
ThormanOra born about 1918
ThorsellCarl Wborn about 1888
ThorsellRuth Aborn about 1896
TippinsAlban Gborn about 1903
TippinsAlban Gborn about 1937
TippinsMildred Iborn about 1910
TippinsThomas Rborn about 1938
TorgersonCarl born about 1884
TorgersonInga born about 1888
TorgersonTheodore born about 1880
TrewynMerril born about 1874
TrieloffCarroll Wborn about 1927
TrieloffChristiana Cborn about 1896
TrieloffClarence Cborn about 1896
TrieloffDoris Wborn about 1923
TrieloffLurline Mborn about 1925
TrieloffMax born about 1898
TrieloffWilliam Fborn about 1874

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U Surnames

UtneBertha Gborn about 1877

V Surnames

VaughnSarah Aborn about 1852
VenassGurrine Iborn about 1871
VerburgDennis Hborn about 1912
VerburgHilda Aborn about 1916
VorpagelHarriet Sborn about 1915
VorpagelNorman Eborn about 1908

W Surnames

WagnerGertrude Fborn about 1881
WagnerJacob Fborn about 1910
WagnerPatsy Aborn about 1927
WagnerRhea Jborn about 1908
WagnerRuth Eborn about 1937
WagnerSophia born about 1897
WagnerThomas Vborn about 1887
WagnerWilliam Eborn about 1873
WahlGeorge Lborn about 1875
WahlGerhardt Hborn about 1916
WahlKatherine Fborn about 1918
WahlKatherine Mborn about 1939
WahlMartin Wborn about 1914
WahlRuth Cborn about 1918
WaldmannArnold Hborn about 1933
WaldmannDorothy Cborn about 1926
WaldmannEsther Eborn about 1907
WaldmannHerbert Wborn about 1895
WaldmannLeroy Vborn about 1928
WaldmannLloyd Eborn about 1930
WaldmannMarvin Eborn about 1939
WalserWilbur born about 1917
WardPearl Vborn about 1892
WardRobert Wborn about 1886
WardTheodore Rborn about 1926
WardTheodore Sborn about 1892
WardWilliam Wborn about 1924
WarrenKenneth born about 1918
WechterEmelie born about 1880
WechterPaul Rborn about 1876
WecklerEleanor Cborn about 1904
WecklerGeorge Cborn about 1902
WecklerGeorgia Jborn about 1939
WecklerJoan Eborn about
WecklerKatherine Mborn about 1932
WecklerLa Verne Wborn about 1935
WenzelPaul Fborn about 1889
WernerElla Hborn about 1888
WernerRobert Aborn about 1882
WeumCharleen Lborn about 1937
WeumDonald Lborn about 1939
WeumGenevieve Eborn about 1913
WeumGloria Aborn about 1934
WeumMarlowe Lborn about 1935
WeumParker Cborn about 1932
WeumPercy Cborn about 1908
WileyCharles Hborn about 1936
WileyIda Eborn about 1903
WileyJoan Gborn about 1932
WileyLloyd Aborn about 1897
WileyPatrick Eborn about 1931
WillerEdward born about 1862
WillerIrwin born about 1896
WilliamJeffry born about 1912
WilsonFred Wborn about 1876
WilsonMadge Lborn about 1878
WingerterBertha born about 1889
WingerterGeorge born about 1877
WolfgangVictor born about 1920

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Z Surnames

ZahnDorothy Kborn about 1919
ZahnEarl Hborn about 1916
ZastrowHarold born about 1922
ZastrowLizzie born about 1878
ZastrowPaul Oborn about 1920
ZastrowWilliam Aborn about 1877
ZingsheimTony born about 1918

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