1940 U.S. Federal Census of Vinland, Winnebago, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Winnebago County > 1940 Census of Vinland

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbholdClarence born about 1914
AbholdDonna born about 1938
AbholdEdna born about 1920
AbholdEdward born about 1927
AbholdGertrude born about 1893
AbholdHarvey born about 1929
AbholdHoward born about 1923
AbholdIrvan born about 1925
AbholdJoesph born about 1883
AbholdLorraine born about 1934
AbholdMabel born about 1922
AbholdMarie born about 1932
AbrahamShirley born about 1937
ActonMattie born about 1874
AeblEarnest Fborn about 1894
AeblFreda born about 1907
AeblMargreth born about 1934
AeblRuth born about 1937
AlbertKrause born about 1872
AllenAlice born about 1887
AllenCarl Jborn about 1887
AllenClara born about 1887
AllenFurman born about 1916
AllenHarry Oborn about 1885
AllenHarry Jr born about 1912
AllenJohn born about 1926
AllenPeter born about 1927
AngellGordon born about 1913
AngellMyna born about 1889
AngellRay Wborn about 1885
ArmstrongBernice born about 1893
ArmstrongJohn Sr born about 1855

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B Surnames

BachmannAnna born about 1889
BahriePaul born about 1888
BahrieWilliam born about 1886
BahrkeGeorge Jr born about 1930
BahrkeHarold born about 1920
BahrkeJune born about 1928
BahrkeLeone born about 1923
BahrkeMilton born about 1925
BartlettElsie born about 1889
BartlettFrank born about 1884
BartlettVera born about 1919
BartlettWallice born about 1913
BeattieAugusta born about 1863
BeattieJoesph born about 1892
BeglingerAudrey born about 1919
BeglingerFred born about 1884
BeglingerGordon born about 1921
BeglingerOlga born about 1891
BessexAnn born about 1884
BessexBert born about 1883
BeyerDolores born about 1936
BeyerGertrude born about 1914
BeyerRichard born about 1908
BlackAmelia born about 1850
BlackBertha born about 1889
BlackMax born about 1893
BlockBenjamin born about 1915
BochinVivian born about 1919
BoettgeHarold born about 1905
BoettgeMary born about 1877
BorchardtGlaydis born about 1919
BorchardtWilmer born about 1918
BorchertAmelia born about 1863
BorchertLillian born about 1889
BossBetrice born about 1916
BossElnore born about 1916
BossGerhard born about 1916
BossMatilda born about 1894
BossUlrich Cborn about 1882
BossUlrich Hborn about 1940
BossUlrich Jr S born about 1914
BrainerdMartha born about 1881
BrainerdRoy Mborn about 1879
BrainerdRussel born about 1915
BrautiganArlene born about 1914
BrautiganArnold born about 1908
BrazeltonCarol Mayborn about 1930
BrazeltonHoward Mborn about 1908
BrazeltonMartha born about 1912
BrazeltonStanley Wborn about 1933
BredendickArthur Hborn about 1895
BredendickEdwin born about 1920
BredendickElla born about 1899
BredendickHelen born about 1918
BredendickOrran born about 1933
BrellIsidore Jborn about 1888
BrellKermit born about 1918
BrellLillian born about 1891
BridgeJudith born about 1939
BridgeVirginia born about 1916
BridgeWayne Kborn about 1909
BrownElmer born about 1908
BrownFred born about 1876

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C Surnames

CalderEarl Aborn about 1902
CalderGerald born about 1931
CalderMargret born about 1901
CaneEdward born about 1898
CaneSadie born about 1895
CaulingDale born about 1925
CaulingDorthy born about 1919
CaulingFlorence born about 1923
CaulingJoyce born about 1932
CaulingLillian born about 1890
CaulingLillian born about 1921
CaulingLouis born about 1888
CaulingLucile born about 1921
CaulingWilliam born about 1930
CausenIrvan born about 1916
CawlingBonita born about 1906
CawlingDavid born about 1895
CawlingDonald Gborn about 1912
CawlingDonald Jr born about 1934
CawlingDoris Bborn about 1913
CawlingDuane born about 1933
CawlingEmma born about 1877
CawlingEmma born about 1886
CawlingGeorge born about 1872
CawlingGeorge Bborn about 1929
CawlingGrover Cborn about 1894
CawlingGrover Jr born about 1930
CawlingHarodl Bborn about 1917
CawlingHenrieta born about 1899
CawlingJanette born about 1928
CawlingJoesph Hborn about 1880
CawlingJoesph Jr H born about 1919
CawlingMyrtle born about 1891
CawlingMyrtle born about 1925
CawlingShirley Maeborn about 1931
CawlingVirginia born about 1922
CawlingWilliam Jborn about 1891
ChaseEarl born about 1895
ChaseEmma born about 1870
ChaseLucy born about 1893
CherivinskiFelix born about 1892
CherivinskiJustine born about 1895
ChilsonRay born about 1894
ChristensenHans born about 1877
ChristianArthur born about 1908
ChristianEd born about 1908
ChristianEmma born about 1872
ChristianGarath born about 1939
ChristianGerald born about 1932
ChristianGrace born about 1908
ChristianHerman born about 1900
ChristianJames born about 1933
ChristianLoyal born about 1934
ChristianMerle born about 1937
ChristianOtto born about 1896
ChristianShirley born about 1936
ChristianWilliam born about 1866
ChurchAdella born about 1875
ChurchAlucian born about 1883
ChurchCharles Sborn about 1877
ChurchErnest Cborn about 1886
CongerAdline born about 1926
CongerDonald born about 1934
CongerEugene born about 1937
CongerEvelyn born about 1930
CongerGerald born about 1932
CongerMary born about 1894
CongerRussel born about 1928
CongerWarren born about 1885
ConkieHenry born about 1916
CowlingDolores born about 1918
CowlingRichard born about 1937
CowlingRobert born about 1936
CowlingRobert Jborn about 1915
CraddockGeorge born about 1884
CraddockHoward born about 1921
CraddockOllie born about 1890
CraddockRichard born about 1919
CraryMary born about 1856

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D Surnames

DeerCarrie Mborn about 1881
DeerDorthy Lborn about 1922
DeerFrank Wborn about 1875
DeerLouis Mborn about 1919
DeerRobin Eborn about 1913
DelfolkeAlbert born about 1933
DelfolkeAlexander born about 1939
DelfolkeAlphonse born about 1900
DelfolkeAlphonse born about 1936
DelfolkeMartha born about 1907
DelfolkeNorman born about 1928
DelfolkeRoland born about 1928
DelfosseRobert born about 1922
DeppeAnna born about 1890
DeppeHerman born about 1893
DeppeMary born about 1864
DevensAlfred Aborn about 1923
DevensJoesphine born about 1921
DevensLamont born about 1882
DevensLillian born about 1886
DevensLouis Bborn about 1879
DevensOrra born about 1891
DobberkaAllen born about 1921
DobberkaEmma born about 1899
DobberkaFrank Cborn about 1897
DobberkaLyle born about 1931
DobberkaMerton born about 1927
DobberkeAlbert born about 1873
DobberkeEarl born about 1908
DobberkeElsie born about 1885
DobberkeEmma born about 1868
DobberkeEyvonne born about 1922
DobberkeGeorge born about 1893
DobberkeGeorge Jr born about 1926
DobberkeGordon born about 1919
DobberkeHoward born about 1912
DobberkeMary born about 1895
DombrowskiMargeret born about 1921
DormanCharlotte born about 1933
DormanElsie born about 1907
DormanHarriet born about 1931
DormanKenneth born about 1938
DormanRalph Gborn about 1897
DormanShirley born about 1936

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E Surnames

EchsteinAbraham born about 1907
EchsteinAbraham Jr born about 1933
EchsteinAlbert Jborn about 1886
EchsteinAllen born about 1934
EchsteinBertha born about 1881
EchsteinBetty Louborn about 1926
EchsteinDoris Maeborn about 1930
EchsteinElsie born about 1906
EchsteinJoyce born about 1930
EchsteinKenneth born about 1918
EchsteinLawarnce born about 1925
EchsteinLeroy born about 1936
EchsteinLous Hborn about 1914
EchsteinMinnie born about 1885
EchsteinNina born about 1921
EchsteinOrpha born about 1910
EchsteinOscar born about 1905
EchsteinVirginia born about 1917
EchsteinWaldo Wborn about 1916
EchsteinWanda Annborn about 1932
EchsteinWarren born about 1929
EggertHarvey born about 1919
ElmerClara born about 1917
ElmerDavid born about 1940
ElmerDoma Maeborn about 1938
ElmerHarry Aborn about 1902
ElmerMarshal born about 1937
ElmerRobert born about 1914
ElmerVelma born about 1918
ErdmanEsther born about 1893
ErdmanHidda born about 1912
ErdmanJanie Ellenborn about 1919
ErdmanJohn born about 1898
ErdmanJohn born about 1921
ErdmanMary born about 1926
ErdmanNorman born about 1893
ErdmanRichard born about 1924
ErdmannAdam born about 1891
ErdmannAdolph born about 1910
ErdmannAlbertena born about 1869
ErdmannAnna born about 1875
ErdmannEsther born about 1893
ErdmannIrvan born about 1895
ErdmannOtto Cborn about 1872
ErdmannPaul born about 1900
EulrichEarl Wborn about 1883
EulrichEdward Aborn about 1913
EulrichWinzetta born about 1916

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F Surnames

FahleyAmie born about 1897
FahleyChris born about 1871
FahleyEarl born about 1924
FahleyGordon born about 1926
FahleyHarold born about 1928
FahleyLawarence born about 1884
FahleyMinnie born about 1875
FahleyRoydon born about 1930
FisherClifford Wborn about 1923
FisherJack born about 1940
FisherMarvin born about 1918
FisherMildred born about 1921
FisherPearl born about 1917
FisherRobert Wborn about 1887
FisherViola born about 1892
FitzpatrickCharles born about 1878
FlaggAnna Kborn about 1877
FlaggEugene Rborn about 1903
FlaggLevi Eborn about 1879
FlaggLouise born about 1902
FlaggLynda born about 1939
FreemanDonald born about 1935
FreemanDorthy born about 1933
FreemanJanette born about 1936
FreemanKathryan born about 1915
FreemanOrval born about 1914
FritscheAnna born about 1888
FritscheJohn Eborn about 1875
FritscheShirley born about 1925
FroehlkeJohn born about 1921
FuhsBetty born about 1935
FuhsElla born about 1909
FuhsMary Janeborn about 1927
FuhsRobert born about 1935
FuhsWarren Rborn about 1903

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G Surnames

GastCorrine born about 1933
GastRomona born about 1930
GastTheodore born about 1905
GastTheodore Jr born about 1935
GervesHenry Wborn about 1872
GervesMary born about 1874
GibsonEsther born about 1892
GibsonJames born about 1861
GibsonJane born about 1922
GibsonJohn born about 1892
GibsonLester born about 1927
GibsonLucy born about 1920
GibsonMartha born about 1923
GibsonMinnie born about 1889
GibsonOra born about 1919
GibsonW Jborn about 1868
GibsonWont Give Nameborn about 1872
GrimmBetrice born about 1924
GrimmFern born about 1896
GrimmMyron born about 1921
GrimmNaomy born about 1897
GrimmRoland born about 1918
GrunskaAlvin born about 1937
GrunskaCharlie born about 1901
GrunskaDorthy born about 1927
GrunskaEarl born about 1914
GrunskaEmma born about 1904
GrunskaGladys born about 1916
GrunskaIda born about 1881
GrunskaKate born about 1880
GrunskaMarvin born about 1939
GrunskaMyrtle born about 1905
GrunskaNorman born about 1918
GrunskaRobert born about 1939
GrunskaRynhold born about 1877
GrunskeHugo born about 1879
GrunskeLouise born about 1878

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H Surnames

HaberAdam born about 1866
HaberCathern born about 1873
HansenClarence born about 1900
HansenJoan born about 1933
HarnessArthur born about 1934
HarnessDonald born about 1935
HarnessEverett Mborn about 1899
HarnessImgyean born about 1903
HarnessJames born about 1932
HarnessRobert Wborn about 1887
HarnessZella born about 1896
HarperBeth born about 1914
HarperCarol Annborn about 1940
HarperEthel born about 1877
HarperGordon born about 1937
HarperHerbert Hborn about 1877
HarperJ Lloydborn about 1904
HarperMarion born about 1908
HaueterAlbert Eborn about 1898
HaueterDonald born about 1937
HaueterMabel born about 1911
HendryBernice born about 1913
HendryDonald born about 1936
HendryPatricia born about 1937
HendryTom born about 1909
HermanDell born about 1888
HilderbrandtAlma born about 1904
HilderbrandtEdward Gborn about 1898
HilderbrandtRichard born about 1929
HoeftLouis born about 1913
HolzMilton born about 1912
HolzVera born about 1913
HolzshukBernard born about 1923
HolzshukLeona born about 1924
HolzshukReomin born about 1897
HolzshukRoseland born about 1928
HolzshukSilvia born about 1909
HombergerAlbert Hborn about 1863
HubliAnn born about 1883
HubliFrank Aborn about 1885
HubliIona born about 1910
HubliJoesph born about 1909
HubliJoesph born about 1939
HubliKatherine born about 1880
HurkmanEmma born about 1888
HurkmanFlorance born about 1923
HurkmanHenry Fborn about 1877
HurkmanRobert born about 1920
HurlbertClaude born about 1898
HurlbertEthel born about 1906

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J Surnames

JensenAdelbert Jborn about 1910
JensenAdelbert Jr born about 1930
JensenDaryl born about 1939
JensenGrace born about 1909
JensenThomas born about 1937
JensenWilliam born about 1932
JohnsonAdrian born about 1905
JohnsonHelmer born about 1900
JohnsonHilda born about 1908
JohnsonLyman born about 1930
JohnsonVivian born about 1928
JonesFrancis born about 1893
JonesHoward Wborn about 1889

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K Surnames

KalbersEdna born about 1911
KalbersHarvey Aborn about 1901
KalbersHarvey Jr born about 1935
KalbersRichard born about 1938
KalbersRobert born about 1939
KarrowAlbert Eborn about 1877
KarrowClarence born about 1914
KarrowDean born about 1934
KarrowEmma born about 1879
KarrowGeorge born about 1910
KarrowMarcella born about 1913
KarrowRonny born about 1938
KazzorCora born about 1904
KelloggGrace born about 1913
KelloggJanet Nancyborn about 1940
KelloggMargeret Amnborn about 1934
KelloggPatricia Janeborn about 1933
KelloggShirley Maeborn about 1936
KelloggWilliam born about 1904
KerstenBernard born about 1883
KieslerOliver born about 1888
KleinElla born about 1852
KonatzThomas born about 1917
KreblienHenry born about 1872
KreblienMae born about 1878
KrennEmam born about 1894
KresseJohn Oborn about 1891
KressePauline born about 1887
KruegerArthur born about 1916
KuehnBenjann Fborn about 1890
KuehnLe Roy born about 1913
KuehnMarilyn born about 1925
KuehnRose born about 1892
KundeClara born about 1902
KundeDonald born about 1936
KundeDorthy born about 1927
KundeEarl Wborn about 1913
KundeElain born about 1938
KundeGlayds born about 1915
KundeHerman born about 1867
KundeWalter born about 1899

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L Surnames

LhelErnest born about 1931
LhelFreida born about 1927
LhelHenry born about 1888
LhelKatherine born about 1888
LhelMolly born about 1925
LoperEmma born about 1860
LuchtEdward born about 1900
LuchtSophie born about 1900
LuedkeEffie born about 1906
LuedkeJohn born about 1936
LuedkeWalter Aborn about 1903
LuedtkeArden born about 1928
LuedtkeCarl born about 1918
LuedtkeElsie born about 1890
LuedtkeOrvin born about 1921
LuedtkeWilliam born about 1887
LuetlyGeorgia born about 1892
LuetlyGerald born about 1938
LuetlyJacob born about 1883
LuetlyMarchall born about 1911
LuetlyMildred born about 1916

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M Surnames

MacdonaldGertrude born about 1912
MacdonaldPatrecia born about 1936
MacdonaldSam Mborn about 1899
MacdonaldSusan born about 1938
MagdicEarl born about 1933
MagdicEdna born about 1901
MagdicHelen born about 1921
MagdicJames born about 1928
MagdicMatt born about 1894
MannElla born about 1893
MansfieldEldon born about 1874
MansfieldEvelyn born about 1872
MarksElma born about 1892
MarksLouis Hborn about 1891
MarksLucile born about 1923
MarksMildred born about 1920
MarksVivian born about 1920
MarksWayme born about 1918
MarohnBertha Eborn about 1895
MarohnHenry Aborn about 1888
MarohnMildred born about 1919
MarshallFanny born about 1873
MarshallRobert born about 1853
MartinCharles Fborn about 1886
MartinElma born about 1887
MartinRaymond born about 1919
MattissonKmaxine born about 1937
MattissonMelvin born about 1940
MattissonRoydon born about 1938
MattissonVernon born about 1913
MaxwellArchie Rborn about 1881
MaxwellEarl born about 1916
MaxwellEdwin born about 1919
MaxwellNellie born about 1881
MaxwellRichard born about 1914
MeltzAlvina born about 1910
MeltzChrist Jr born about 1901
MeltzChrist Sr born about 1859
MeltzDarlene born about 1936
MeltzDorthea born about 1893
MeltzDorthy born about 1919
MeltzGermaine born about 1931
MeltzHarriet born about 1901
MeltzJanet born about 1934
MeltzNeal born about 1920
MeltzRalph born about 1926
MeltzRoy Eborn about 1904
MeltzWalter born about 1890
MerbsAlice born about 1889
MerbsAntoin Jborn about 1879
MerrillClarence born about 1879
MerrillRoy born about 1877
MetzigFred born about 1897
MetzigOrrien born about 1901
MetzigRuth born about 1924
MeyerAlvin born about 1908
MeyerArthur born about 1915
MeyerBessie born about 1890
MeyerLorena born about 1909
MeyerRichard Wborn about 1891
MeyerRobert born about 1927
MiracleElla born about 1895
MiracleMarvel born about 1925
MiracleWarren Rborn about 1895
MoldenhauerBetty born about 1925
MorrowRena born about 1891
MossbergFrank Gborn about 1889
MottlJohn born about 1881
MuellerCharles born about 1936
MuellerEllis born about 1933
MuellerEtyel born about 1905
MuellerJulias born about 1895
MyrrayBernard born about 1934

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N Surnames

NatzkeEdward born about 1918
NelsenAlfred Pborn about 1893
NelsenEmma born about 1892
NelsenLa Verne born about 1924
NelsenLouis born about 1926
NewbergerAlbert born about 1912
NewmannMatthew born about 1924
NielsenViggo born about 1909

O Surnames

OaskerTom born about 1912
OestreichHarold born about 1929
OestreichMimie born about 1887
OlsonCelia born about 1881
OlsonClara Lborn about 1909
OlsonJohn born about 1859
OneillArlice born about 1939
OneillChester born about 1911
OneillClaire born about 1939
OneillLouise born about 1912
OrndAnne born about 1882
OrndCharlie Fborn about 1877
OttoAlice born about 1924
OttoElmer born about 1931
OttoGenevive born about 1922
OttoJake Aborn about 1895
OttoMerlin born about 1925
OttoRaymond born about 1934
OttoThreasa born about 1897

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P Surnames

PagelBetty born about 1931
PagelElizabeth born about 1900
PagelGeorge born about 1892
PagelHarold born about 1922
PagelHarry Oborn about 1902
PagelRichard born about 1934
PagelRobert born about 1920
PahlowAlfred born about 1923
PahlowHenry Cborn about 1880
PahlowHenry Jr born about 1920
PahlowHerbert born about 1918
PahlowLoraine born about 1920
PahlowRonald born about 1939
PahlowRosa born about 1882
PahlowRuth born about 1921
ParksJames Wborn about 1888
ParksJennie Dborn about 1860
ParksSarah Lborn about 1886
PathAlma born about 1910
PathLouis Aborn about 1909
PayneCharles Sborn about 1858
PayneEmilie born about 1908
PayneEmma born about 1868
PayneLindley born about 1902
PetersonElmer Cborn about 1896
PetersonErwin Hborn about 1913
PetersonEva born about 1883
PetersonFrancis Hborn about 1916
PetersonHattie born about 1904
PetersonHazel born about 1917
PetersonHerman Eborn about 1881
PetersonJune born about 1924
PetersonLucile born about 1922
PetersonRobert born about 1938
PikeDuane born about 1934
PikeHarold born about 1937
PikeIla born about 1915
PikeLeslie born about 1914
PilonJohn Lborn about 1909
PilonJohn Jr born about 1936
PilonMargret born about 1911
PitzCarl Jborn about 1912
PitzJohn born about 1903
PitzJudith born about
PitzMarie born about 1917
PitzRalph born about 1940
PitzRegina born about 1914
PitzRonald born about 1937
PollferAlldrich born about 1916
PorathBonnie Byrdneborn about 1937
PorathDela born about 1904
PorathEdwin Aborn about 1896
PorathEldor Aborn about 1903
PorathHarvey born about 1912
PorathHerbert Aborn about 1901
PorathMargrie Mborn about 1902

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Q Surnames

QuintDonald born about 1936
QuintDoris born about 1934
QuintJoan born about 1933
QuintJohn born about 1897
QuintPaulina born about 1913
QuintWilliam born about 1932

R Surnames

RadtkeAnita born about 1919
RadtkeCarl Pborn about 1897
RadtkeDolores born about 1930
RadtkeEarl born about 1926
RadtkeMarie born about 1898
RadtkeRonald born about 1933
RadtkeWalter Pborn about 1913
RaehlElmer born about 1919
RaehlHelmut Gborn about 1876
RaehlLouisa born about 1886
RaehlRobert born about 1924
RasmussenEarl Rborn about 1927
RasmussenElaine Gborn about 1933
RasmussenEvilyn Hborn about 1929
RasmussenFred born about 1884
RasmussenFredrick Cborn about 1922
RasmussenHarold Harleyborn about 1926
RasmussenHarriet born about 1894
RasmussenRuth Hborn about 1925
RawAngus born about 1915
RedingerEmile born about 1906
RedingerEmile born about 1926
RedingerEsther born about 1928
RedingerFred born about 1899
RedingerFred Jr born about 1930
RedingerRaymond born about 1933
ReeseCharles born about 1937
ReeseFrank born about 1896
ReeseGeorgean born about 1939
ReeseJohm born about 1934
ReeseLilian born about 1903
ReeseRobert born about 1931
RehbeinClara born about 1902
ReindersClemens Gborn about 1880
ReindersHarold born about 1908
ReindersHarriet born about 1888
ReindersMary Louiesborn about 1930
ReinertCarrie born about 1890
ReinertPaul Aborn about 1888
ReinhardtEdith born about 1907
ReinhardtFrederick born about 1928
ReinhardtHoward born about 1936
ReinhardtRoy born about 1931
ReinhardtWalter Oborn about 1899
ReinhardtWilliam Hborn about 1869
ReitzAnna born about 1883
ReitzFred Wborn about 1875
RelienFred Mborn about 1910
RelienFrederick born about 1939
RelienMary born about 1913
ReutellerClemens born about 1898
ReutellerLouise born about 1873
ReutellerLouise born about 1901
ReutellerMyrna born about 1909
ReutellerSamual born about 1912
RhynerArline born about 1919
RhynerClarence born about 1896
RhynerRuth born about 1891
RiceAudery born about 1939
RiceEarl born about 1900
RiceIone born about 1916
RobertJohn born about 1924
RobertsOwen born about 1900
RogersEugean born about 1911
RombergElmer born about 1912
RombergEmma born about 1874
RonawArnold born about 1902
RoschFrank Aborn about 1890
RoschFrank Jr born about 1926
RoschJane born about 1922
RoschRose born about 1897
RosenthalAugusta born about 1885
RosenthalIrvan born about 1913
RosenthalRichard born about 1880
RosenthalWilmer born about 1921
RuedingerBarbara born about 1940
RuedingerCelia born about 1918
RuedingerJoseph born about 1937
RuedingerOtto born about 1908
RuedingerRichard born about 1936
RuedingerTomas born about 1939
RussikHenry born about 1917

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S Surnames

SchaeferGlenace Raeborn about 1939
SchaeferJohn Rborn about 1911
SchaeferMildred born about 1914
SchmelingAugust born about 1895
SchmelingEsther born about 1897
SchmidtCatherine born about 1906
SchmidtLouis Wborn about 1900
SchmidtRobert born about 1930
SchmidtThresa born about 1938
SchmitzHenry born about 1874
SchmitzJoesph born about 1883
SchmoherEmile born about 1868
SchmoherLuise born about 1879
SchmoherWalter born about 1915
SchneiderClara born about 1892
SchneiderDonald born about 1926
SchneiderDora born about 1898
SchneiderEdward born about 1892
SchneiderJohn born about 1888
SchneiderJune born about 1921
SchneiderLucile born about 1913
SchnoherGertrude born about 1905
SchnoherGoldene born about 1936
SchnoherJacob Wborn about 1908
SchoenianEdwin Aborn about 1900
SchoenianLuella born about 1909
SchonokerAnna born about 1882
SchonokerEmil born about 1918
SchonokerJake born about 1872
SchrammArthur born about 1920
SchrammEmma born about 1886
SchrammGeraldine born about 1923
SchrammOtto Aborn about 1888
SchulkeEdward Wborn about 1911
SchulkeIrene born about 1915
SchulkeRoger born about 1937
SchultzAlice born about 1915
SchultzEarl Gborn about 1913
SchultzHannah born about 1878
SchultzJane born about 1939
SchultzLorraine born about 1923
SchultzRussel born about 1937
SchultzWilliam born about 1920
SchultzWilliam Gborn about 1874
SchulzAlbertina born about 1883
SchulzAugust born about 1881
SchulzRuth born about 1911
SchulzWalter born about 1910
SchutzEmma born about 1891
SchutzGeorge Wborn about 1888
SchutzMilton born about 1920
SchwanderErwin born about 1906
SchwanderFlorance born about 1912
SchwanderPauline born about 1874
SchwanderRaymond born about 1936
SeelawAdner born about 1920
SeelawLena born about 1899
SeelawLeonard born about 1897
SheppardAdline born about 1919
SheppardCarol Jeanborn about 1939
SheppardJames Lborn about 1918
SidesGuy born about 1881
SkiesLouie born about 1882
SmillieDorthy born about 1902
SmillieGeorge Rborn about 1902
SmithAnna Marianborn about 1922
SmithBeverly born about 1931
SmithClara born about 1893
SmithFlorice born about 1893
SmithGeorge Sborn about 1891
SmithLeslie born about 1924
SmithLyle born about 1919
SmithNette Mrs born about 1898
SmithOriel born about 1923
SmithRaymond born about 1926
SmithSidney Hborn about 1889
SmithWilliam born about 1929
SmoodyPaul born about 1911
SpeigelbergHazel born about 1912
SpeigelbergOscar born about 1905
SpiegelbergDorthy Maeborn about 1930
SpiegelbergSophia born about 1892
SpiegelbergWalter Dborn about 1887
SpiegelbergWalter Jr born about 1916
SpottGracie born about 1883
SteepsViola born about 1910
StevensMarie born about 1876
StevensVern born about 1877
StichryElisor born about 1920
StrasserWillie born about 1923
StreyIrean born about 1918
StreyMavin born about 1913
StruenseeArvilla born about 1927
StruenseeDavid born about 1892
StruenseeNathan born about 1925
StruenseeSilvia born about 1897
StuartGeorge born about 1893
SuelflowJames born about 1933
SuelflowLydia born about 1900
SuelflowRobert born about 1935
SuelflowWilliam born about 1899
SwansonVern born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TellaLee Fborn about 1885
TernesAlvin born about 1895
TernesArthur born about 1892
TernesLeona born about 1899
ThiexBarbara born about 1915
ThiexGordon born about 1913
ThiexJacquline born about 1939
ThiexNancy Annborn about 1938
ThorsonEarl Cborn about 1900
ThorsonJudith born about 1940
ThorsonLorna born about 1906
ThorsonNancy born about 1932
ThorsonThomas born about 1934
ThroneBillie born about 1931
ThroneEsther born about 1908
ThroneGeorge Mborn about 1868
ThroneIvan Aborn about 1898
ThroneJames born about 1929
ThroneSarah born about 1873
TiplerAlma born about 1885
TiplerFrank Lborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandriertEdward born about 1898
VandriertViola born about 1898
VoigtEdward Jborn about 1887
VoigtElla Sborn about 1892
VoigtMarion born about 1929
VolpBernice born about 1920
VolpErenest born about 1897
VolpIda born about 1865
VosbergCarolyn born about 1926
VosbergChester born about 1889
VosbergDean born about 1918
VosbergJanette born about 1923
VosbergMary Janeborn about 1924
VosbergZella born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerFrancis born about 1872
WeberJohn born about 1923
WeberMarcella born about 1920
WeberRaymond born about 1918
WeigtCaroline born about 1882
WeigtFred born about 1912
WeigtFred born about 1940
WeigtGertrude born about 1916
WeigtLouis Fborn about 1886
WellerPaul born about 1873
WendeMarvin born about 1914
WendtlandEunice Roseborn about 1926
WendtlandFrank born about 1902
WendtlandHermina born about 1903
WendtlandNancy Leeborn about 1939
WieseFelix born about 1892
WieseLora born about 1889
WieseVictor born about 1926
WilcoxCorlnelia Nborn about 1924
WilcoxEdward Hborn about 1872
WilcoxGeorge Hborn about 1922
WilcoxRena Kborn about 1885
WilliamBell Mrs born about 1888
WilmerArnold born about 1871
WilmerLouie born about 1902
WinkenwerderArden born about 1922
WinkenwerderEarl born about 1892
WinkenwerderHelen born about 1895
WolffHarold born about 1921
WolffHelen born about 1899
WolffOscar born about 1896
WolffRobert born about 1919
WolffRoland born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YostAndrew Fborn about 1899
YostArline born about 1927
YostCarol born about 1933
YostClara born about 1904
YostDolores born about 1931
YostEvlyn born about 1931
YostRobert born about 1929

Z Surnames

ZeinertAudrey born about 1931
ZeinertBruno Wborn about 1902
ZeinertDonald born about 1937
ZeinertKenneth born about 1933
ZeinertMary born about 1900
ZellerGeraldine born about 1936
ZellerMargarie born about 1925
ZellerMargert born about 1905
ZellerPatricia born about 1931
ZellerShirley born about 1938
ZellerWilliam born about 1903
ZellmerJohn born about 1872
ZickJulias born about 1870
ZwickyGwindolyn born about 1922
ZwickyIrvan Hborn about 1894
ZwickyMargeret born about 1896
ZwickyMarlin born about 1930
ZwickyOrville born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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