1940 U.S. Federal Census of Waterloo in Grant County, Grant, Wisconsin

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wisconsin > Grant County > 1940 Census of Waterloo in Grant County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanElisbeth born about 1885
AckermanLeandar Eborn about 1927
AckermanR Sborn about 1886
AckermanRose Mborn about 1924
AdamsEtta Hborn about 1912
AdamsLeo Gborn about 1904
AdrianMatt Mborn about 1901
AdrianNora Mborn about 1879
AdrianVince born about 1913
AdrianWilliam Aborn about 1878
AlbeeDorothy born about 1919
AlbeeJohn Aborn about 1872
AlbeeRobert Mborn about 1940
AlbeeTrank Mborn about 1914
AllbbeGlenice Iborn about 1916
AllbbeJean Lborn about 1939
AllbbeThomas Lborn about 1911
AltmanAndy born about 1920
ArnstongBrenett Eborn about 1932
ArnstongJ Cborn about 1900
ArnstongLeda born about 1913
AshbyFrank Bborn about 1867
AxtellAmybelle Hborn about 1907
AxtellRaymond Dborn about 1936
AxtellRaymond Lborn about 1909
AxtellWilliam Fborn about 1935

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B Surnames

BalitzMary born about 1884
BalitzNick born about 1882
BartelDonald Mborn about 1922
BartelEugene Gborn about 1932
BartelFannie Fborn about 1892
BartelFred born about 1880
BartelGeorge born about 1876
BelzFrank born about 1864
BerntgenDen Jborn about 1909
BerntgenDougles Lborn about 1939
BerntgenJoe Fborn about 1935
BerntgenMahine Lborn about 1915
BlackbournClare born about 1929
BlackbournEdith Bborn about 1896
BlackbournElla Bborn about 1937
BlackbournErskine born about 1891
BlackbournLaurenec Kborn about 1939
BlackbournLaurine Bborn about 1901
BlackbournLayde born about 1897
BlackbournLoyde Eborn about 1927
BlackbournMary Lborn about 1935
BlackbournMaude Dborn about 1923
BlackbournRussel Eborn about 1927
BlackbournRuth Mborn about 1925
BlackbournWilliam Aborn about 1921
BlackbournWinfred born about 1931
BlinderBena Mborn about 1865
BlinderPeter Jborn about 1857
BlumClifford Wborn about 1928
BlumEdward Dborn about 1892
BlumGevena Jborn about 1924
BlumGlen Vborn about 1917
BlumHazel Pborn about 1894
BlumLocell Mborn about 1919
BlumRalph born about 1915
BlumRalph Cborn about 1937
BlumTed Lborn about 1922
BossertClara Jborn about 1894
BossertHarry Aborn about 1894
BossertHorland Lborn about 1922
BossertJoseph Aborn about 1863
BossertLouis Kborn about 1924
BossertRuth Mborn about 1929
BrandmahlAnnbell born about 1930
BrikmanCurtis Wborn about 1938
BrikmanHazel Iborn about 1919
BrikmanHerman born about 1911
BrikmanLeila Dborn about 1935
BrockertHorald Rborn about 1923
BrockertLinnie Eborn about 1915
BunoresGeorge Mrs born about 1860
BurrowsJesse Fborn about 1899
BurrowsLouis Lborn about 1925
BurrowsWilliam Lborn about 1889
BussBlance Mborn about 1901
BussDorthy Mborn about 1927
BussRoy Sborn about 1900
BussWarren Lborn about 1924

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C Surnames

CaleyAlfred Lborn about 1925
CaleyClifford Cborn about 1933
CaleyDonald Eborn about 1920
CaleyGlen Lborn about 1927
CaleyHelen Rborn about 1929
CaleyLavern Lborn about 1938
CaleyLawrence Jborn about 1923
CaleyMelvin Uborn about 1922
CaleyNellie Dborn about 1900
CaleyOra Lborn about 1899
CardeyBerdie Eborn about 1900
CardeyElward Cborn about 1898
CardeyJean Tborn about 1922
CardeyJerry Aborn about 1936
CardyGeorge Wborn about 1905
CardyJennie Eborn about 1884
CardyMagves Mborn about 1922
CardyWilliam Lborn about 1881
Caxssender born about 1925
ChapmanA Fredborn about 1871
ChapmanEdna Cborn about 1876
ChapmanEva Lborn about 1880
ChapmanFreddie born about 1907
ChapmanGlen Rborn about 1897
ChapmanGloria Lborn about 1928
ChapmanHenry Cborn about 1868
ChapmanMadeline Jborn about 1912
ChapmanMason Dborn about 1930
ChapmanOlda Mborn about 1910
ChapmanSlvia Bborn about 1906
ChapmanSylvin Rborn about 1930
ChapmanSyvla Rborn about 1903
ChapmanWilliam Cborn about 1933
ClarkSilia Mborn about 1924
ConnersFrances Jborn about 1898
ConnersFrances Uborn about 1935
ConnersPearl Mborn about 1902
CornellEtna Lborn about 1891
CornellNoma Jborn about 1920
CornellVina Mborn about 1896
CumninsG Mborn about 1906
CumninsMae Eborn about 1907
CumninsStanley Cborn about 1929

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D Surnames

DagenhardtEugerone Fborn about 1939
DagenhardtFrances born about 1910
DagenhardtKatheryn Mborn about 1917
DagenhardtPatrica Aborn about 1937
DaleyHenry Pborn about 1870
DaleyKatheryn born about 1889
DechenCalvert Tborn about 1930
DechenCharley Mborn about 1890
DechenFred Wborn about 1880
DechenJoan Lborn about 1938
DechenMary Eborn about 1904
DechenRobert Wborn about 1928
DechenWilliam Oborn about 1888
DieterDolores Mborn about 1920
DodgeJune Jborn about 1925
DonaldsonEarl Lborn about 1924
DonaldsonFrances Cborn about 1916
DonaldsonGeorgie Wborn about 1914
DonaldsonHazel Mborn about 1912
DonaldsonHelma Cborn about 1919
DonaldsonJanice Lborn about 1939
DonaldsonKeith Rborn about 1936
DonaldsonLester Rborn about 1884
DonaldsonNancy Lborn about 1929
DonaldsonOrweal born about 1883
DonaldsonPaul Lborn about 1926
DonaldsonReginald Lborn about 1909
DressenBernerd born about 1923
DrustonShirly Aborn about 1938

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E Surnames

EchBernice Fborn about 1911
EchClaton Hborn about 1939
EchRay Rborn about 1905
EchRobert Aborn about 1937
EchRodger Rborn about 1932
EchStanley Gborn about 1930
EchVirgal Wborn about 1933
EchVivian Jborn about 1928
ElwellBlance born about 1885
ElwellLyle Fborn about 1908
ElwellNorman born about 1921
ElwellWill Hborn about 1876
EmlerAlwila Lborn about 1907
EmlerHarland Jborn about 1926
EmlerHorald Hborn about 1900
EsserBernice Mborn about 1930
EsserCharley Fborn about 1932
EsserConard Jborn about 1883
EsserDelora Cborn about 1934
EsserDonald Lborn about 1939
EsserEva born about 1883
EsserFlorence Mborn about 1927
EsserGeraldine Mborn about 1936
EsserJake born about 1880
EsserJoe Oborn about 1913
EsserJoesh Rborn about 1939
EsserMargerage born about 1913
EsserMary born about 1876
EsserNick Cborn about 1901
EsserPeter born about 1867
EsserReiny born about 1909
EsserRneier born about 1872
EsserRose Cborn about 1909

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F Surnames

FishnickAmanda Mborn about 1900
FishnickCasper Fborn about 1898
FleschAvad Lborn about 1939
FleschBynr Lborn about 1940
FleschDonald born about 1925
FleschDores born about 1924
FleschElisbeth Gborn about 1911
FleschJoan born about 1937
FleschJohn born about 1900
FleschJohn born about 1927
FleschLes Cborn about 1912
FleschMabel born about 1900
FleschRodger Lborn about 1936
FlitchAffie Mborn about 1888
FlitchAmelia born about 1885
FlitchArthur Jborn about 1884
FlitchDavid Wborn about 1938
FlitchDelbert Mborn about 1939
FlitchFlorence Lborn about 1904
FlitchIrene Lborn about 1920
FlitchJanaan Mborn about 1937
FlitchRichard Jborn about 1877
FlitchWillard Aborn about 1909
FredlienJohn born about 1887
FulbrightArthur Eborn about 1888
FulbrightClarence born about 1902
FulbrightDonald Aborn about 1931
FulbrightDoras Aborn about 1931
FulbrightLouis born about 1926
FulbrightMarcella Fborn about 1927
FulbrightMartha Mborn about 1897
FulbrightMary Mborn about 1910
FurnerGilbert born about 1891
FurnerJames Wborn about 1922
FurnerJennetta born about 1927
FurnerPearl born about 1895

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G Surnames

GableWalter Gborn about 1914
GassonC Jborn about 1918
Gelback born about 1932
GelbackJumior Pborn about 1922
GelbackPark Rborn about 1883
GelbackRobert Wborn about 1926
GillianFrank born about 1917
GlassmakerAmbrose Wborn about 1925
GlassmakerElisbeth Aborn about 1889
GlassmakerElisbeth Kborn about 1923
GlassmakerJohn born about 1886
GlassmakerS born about 1916
GlassmakerWilbert Jborn about 1918
GlennenCletus Wborn about 1931
GlennenFlorence Tborn about 1904
GlennenJoel Rborn about 1933
GlennenKarl Jborn about 1935
GlennenWalter Gborn about 1902
GrosserArthur Bborn about 1887
GrosserJoe Aborn about 1923
GrosserLouise Bborn about 1892
GrosserLuealla Eborn about 1924
GrosserMary Lborn about 1930
GrosserVern Dborn about 1900

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H Surnames

HaasBerdine Aborn about 1922
HaasClarebleh Eborn about 1913
HaasJames Oborn about 1939
HaasJoseph Cborn about 1937
HaasLawrence Hborn about 1910
HaasLorys Cborn about 1920
HaasMyrtle Jborn about 1916
HaasPatrica Aborn about 1935
HaasSarah Hborn about 1871
HamiltonDonald Jborn about 1939
HamiltonEdward born about 1910
HamiltonHellen Eborn about 1939
HamiltonKenneth Eborn about 1937
HamiltonLouise Hborn about 1917
HanisDale Cborn about 1917
HanisFern Rborn about 1926
HanisHazel Mborn about 1922
HanisMary Hborn about 1925
HanisOrland Fborn about 1919
HanisTom Jborn about 1891
HanisVerna Bborn about 1933
HanisZella Kborn about 1893
HartmanArmo Lborn about 1919
HartmanJacob Tborn about 1882
HartmanRose Mborn about 1885
HassChester Lborn about 1919
HassEdna Mborn about 1896
HassHenry Wborn about 1894
HassMarvin Dborn about 1924
HassPearl Aborn about 1922
HassPetty Jborn about 1930
HassSharen Jborn about 1938
HauckChester Pborn about 1914
HauckDroella Kborn about 1920
HauckElla Eborn about 1892
HauckFrances Pborn about 1915
HauckGeneva Eborn about 1920
HauckLaurence Jborn about 1913
HauckLulu Mborn about 1884
HauckPatrica Aborn about 1938
HauckPhilip born about 1886
HauckWalter Jborn about 1924
HauckWilliam Aborn about 1911
HauckWilliam Jborn about 1872
HaydesClara Eborn about 1885
HchhaterRueben Hborn about 1917
HendricksAllen Mborn about 1929
HendricksC Eborn about 1902
HendricksGordon Rborn about 1927
HendricksLuella Aborn about 1903
HendricksPatsy Lborn about 1933
HenryThema Lborn about 1923
HernonFaith Eborn about 1927
HernonHenry Pborn about 1887
HernonJohn Wborn about 1922
HernonLottie Eborn about 1895
HernonPhyllis Rborn about 1925
HernonVivian Aborn about 1920
HolpinDorothy Eborn about 1925
HolpinMaude Nborn about 1904
HolpinShirly Mborn about 1926
HolpinWillard Hborn about 1928
HonerbaumCora Aborn about 1891
HonerbaumLeroy Aborn about 1915
HonerbaumLucella Gborn about 1925
HonerbaumPete born about 1891
HurstJerime Mborn about 1887
HurstWilliam Fborn about 1888

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J Surnames

JackAnnie Eborn about 1874
JackHerman Oborn about 1902
JackLouis Hborn about 1872
JackTrank Aborn about 1904
JackViola Eborn about 1908
JackeringBarbara Jborn about 1938
JackeringBen born about 1898
JackeringDora born about 1900
JackeringWill born about 1870
JohnsonHenry born about 1882
JohnsonJames Jborn about 1862
JohnsonNed born about 1918
JonesAdeline Eborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KaneDanial Bborn about 1904
KaneDonald Eborn about 1936
KaneElva Mborn about 1903
KaneMary Kborn about 1938
KaneRobert Jborn about 1932
KartmanBarbara born about 1880
KartmanCarter Jborn about 1931
KartmanCimilla Mborn about 1910
KartmanDonald Hborn about 1910
KartmanDonald Rborn about 1938
KartmanDoran born about 1902
KartmanDoran Jr born about 1936
KartmanEunice Mborn about 1921
KartmanGerald Lborn about 1898
KartmanJoe born about 1877
KartmanJohn born about 1880
KartmanLary Hborn about 1937
KartmanLela Fborn about 1899
KartmanLewis Eborn about 1932
KartmanMary Fborn about 1875
KartmanMaudie Dborn about 1910
KartmanObma Jborn about 1926
KartmanRichard Eborn about 1940
KartmanRobert Mborn about 1923
KartmanRoward Eborn about 1929
KartmanWillus born about 1918
KlarmanCharley born about 1903
KlarmanDoglas born about 1935
KlarmanMargary born about 1923
KlarmanReatha born about 1902
KnappCharlotte born about 1919
KochlerDorthy Fborn about 1922
KochlerFlorence Aborn about 1900
KochlerJoe Hborn about 1897
KochlerKenneth Rborn about 1930
KochlerWalter Jborn about 1926
KrogmanA born about 1922

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L Surnames

LangersenCharlie Eborn about 1911
LangersenDorthy Mborn about 1906
LangersenPetrace born about 1938
LangersenRolland Cborn about 1939
LangorsenNeil Gborn about 1891
LangorsenNorma born about 1900
LaugesenDale Dborn about 1926
LaugesenEugene Bborn about 1939
LaugesenGorden Mborn about 1890
LaugesenGrace Mborn about 1900
LaugesenLaurence Aborn about 1931
LaugesenLois Lborn about 1933
LaugesenLorine Kborn about 1921
LaugesenLucile Dborn about 1937
LaugesenWillus Cborn about 1919
LedburyArlenia born about 1893
LedburyDavid Aborn about 1927
LedburyEwart born about 1915
LedburyHerbert Lborn about 1932
LedburyLyle Mborn about 1933
LedburyMaerie Fborn about 1925
LedburyPearl Lborn about 1920
LedburyRuth Eborn about 1922
LeschClarence Nborn about 1870
LeschJohn Pborn about 1931
LeschMary Tborn about 1895
LeschPatrica Mborn about 1934

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M Surnames

MaahsEdward Wborn about 1919
MalkerAnna born about 1888
MalkerChris born about 1919
MalkerElvin born about 1923
MalkerMary born about 1888
MalkerMatt born about 1910
MarstivasBernandine Lborn about 1931
MarstivasBernard Lborn about 1931
MarstivasCathryn Eborn about 1936
MarstivasElla Bborn about 1894
MarstivasJames Fborn about 1932
MarstivasJulia Mayborn about 1934
MarstivasLoe Eborn about 1897
MartinBernard Mborn about 1920
MartinBert born about 1896
MartinBertie Sborn about 1898
MartinBurl Bborn about 1926
MartinLawrence Gborn about 1891
McCartneyDarelene Aborn about 1932
McCartneyDlores Sborn about 1933
McCartneyFredrich Lborn about 1936
McCartneyHelen Aborn about 1930
McCartneyKatheryn Hborn about 1937
McCartneyMargarte born about 1928
McCartneyPauline born about 1902
McCartneyRalph Hborn about 1900
McCartneyVirgil Wborn about 1926
MetcalfGeorge Eborn about 1907
MinkDella born about 1884
MinkRay Lborn about 1882
MorrisCecilia Rborn about 1921
MurphyJohn Cborn about 1871

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N Surnames

NichklesDora Oiborn about 1884
NichklesJohn Bborn about 1883
NickelAlfred Jborn about 1939
NickelAlfred Lborn about 1911
NickelArlene Jborn about 1931
NickelArlie Hborn about 1908
NickelCarl Wborn about 1924
NickelLaven Hborn about 1935
NickelLettie born about 1881
NickelNeoma Eborn about 1919
NickelPhyllis Sborn about 1939
NickelStella Fborn about 1921
NickelSylvia Rborn about 1909

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O Surnames

OakleerkAbedal born about 1871
OakleerkCelia born about 1923
OakleerkClara born about 1927
OakleerkFrank born about 1867
OakleerkFrank Uborn about 1913
OakleerkGoldie born about 1925
OrcuttClay born about 1888
OrcuttLouie born about 1890
OrcuttRoscue Wborn about 1922

P Surnames

PatcleAnna Aborn about 1892
PatcleDoroles Aborn about 1939
PatcleFlorence Lborn about 1919
PatcleFrank Tborn about 1882
PatcleFrank Tborn about 1921
PatcleJohn Lborn about 1913
PatcleLuella Eborn about 1915
PatcleMabel Eborn about 1924
PatcleMary Cborn about 1918
PaterfandAndy Jborn about 1866
PauleyAlma born about 1904
PauleyGlen Vborn about 1895
PauleyJames Aborn about 1933
PauleyMelrose Oborn about 1926
PauleyStanley Lborn about 1929
PierceGenelda Eborn about 1930
PierceHannah Mborn about 1900
PierceLeno Rborn about 1926
PierceLeonard born about 1904
PierceLeonard Jr born about 1932
PierceLouise Aborn about 1934
PierceMarie Wborn about 1928
PierceRobert Fborn about 1924
PlondeEveland Tborn about 1912
PlondeJoyce Iborn about 1940
PlondeLouis Dborn about 1934
PlrishDavid Uborn about 1939
PlrishGlen Bborn about 1917
PlrishLaure Vborn about 1921
PribeMax born about 1872

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R Surnames

ReadingBernard Aborn about 1910
ReadingEra Mborn about 1891
ReadingHenry born about 1889
ReadingJunem Jborn about 1930
ReadyInfant born about 1939
ReadyJoan Mborn about 1936
ReadyPearl Dborn about 1918
RechBernard Eborn about 1894
RechGeraldine Rborn about 1928
RechKathryn Aborn about 1897
RechardsonPerry Zborn about 1882
RechardsonWill Hborn about 1880
RedingFrances Lborn about 1928
RedingFrank Jborn about 1890
RedingJerome Jborn about 1924
RedingM born about 1896
RedmanClara Eborn about 1877
RedmanHenry Hborn about 1880
RedmanHorald Eborn about 1915
RedmanPerry Dborn about 1878
ReedBen born about 1878
ReedDarene Mborn about 1939
ReedEtola Lborn about 1922
ReedFrances born about 1867
ReedFrances Jborn about 1923
ReedFrances Lborn about 1885
ReedHenry Jborn about 1916
ReedJenny Juneborn about 1924
ReedJoe Wborn about 1926
ReedKathryn Eborn about 1909
ReedMarlene Kborn about 1940
ReedRalph Rborn about 1897
ReedRichard Lborn about 1926
ReedRobert Lborn about 1921
ReedS Dona Mborn about 1884
ReedSherly born about 1929
ResbeckMargrete born about 1906
ResbeckMorman Jborn about 1936
ResbeckRaymond Lborn about 1928
ResbeckToy Jborn about 1907
RetallickArthur Lborn about 1886
RetallickSara Eborn about 1888
RiddlAlbert Mborn about 1939
RiddlLeo Nborn about 1906
RiddlMary Cborn about 1938
RiddlSarah Eborn about 1908
RinglandArthur born about 1882
RinglandMinnie born about 1881
RitterBill Iborn about 1872
RitterElmer Lborn about 1934
RitterHamna Mborn about 1880
RitterIna Jborn about 1938
RitterNettie Mborn about 1912
RitterWilliam Dborn about 1911
RoeschDalla Mborn about 1876
RoeschMarcella Cborn about 1925
RoeschRobert Cborn about 1920
Roschi born about 1903
RoschiAdam Gborn about 1872
RoschiDolores Aborn about 1935
RoschiFay Vborn about 1900
RoschiIsabelle born about 1917
RoschiLaurea born about 1875
RoschiLelan Eborn about 1890
RoschiLillie Dborn about 1869
RoschiOpal Mborn about 1896
RoschiPaul Dborn about 1909
RoschiRonald Pborn about 1939

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S Surnames

SalisAbbert Jr Dborn about 1916
SalisAlbert Dborn about 1870
SalisDanson Aborn about 1921
SalisDavid Lborn about 1935
SalisHelen born about 1915
SalisHenry Eborn about 1873
SalisLucey Sborn about 1883
SalisSara Mborn about 1892
SchaalAlice born about 1880
SchaalAmelia born about 1874
SchaalBendette born about 1931
SchaalDouglas born about 1934
SchaalEdward born about 1875
SchaalElizabeth born about 1909
SchaalGeorge born about 1865
SchaalGusteve born about 1877
SchaalLary Rborn about 1930
SchaalLoren Kborn about 1924
SchaalNorman Lborn about 1928
SchaalRaymond Hborn about 1904
SchalenArvie Jborn about 1910
SchalenBertha Rborn about 1883
SchalenCarol Lborn about 1940
SchalenJoe Hborn about 1876
SchalenMary Kborn about 1921
SchalenRuth Aborn about 1938
SchauffAdeline born about 1899
SchauffAnna born about 1891
SchauffBarbara born about 1865
SchauffCarl Jborn about 1914
SchauffConrad born about 1890
SchauffGeraldine Aborn about 1915
SchauffGustave Gborn about 1908
SchauffJoseph born about 1861
SchauffLillian Eborn about 1904
SchauffMalilldia born about 1902
SchauffMorris Pborn about 1939
SchauffNorman born about 1927
SchauffWilliam Tborn about 1901
SeippelFlora born about 1893
SeippelHenry Fborn about 1935
SeippelJohn born about 1931
SeippelLillian born about 1930
SeippelTed born about 1885
SeippelViola born about 1927
ShabenKate born about 1888
ShabenMarcella Mborn about 1918
ShellerKate born about 1924
ShiffmanEthel Eborn about 1890
ShiffmanKenneth Mborn about 1920
ShiffmanPeter Jborn about 1891
SlaughtElvin Fborn about 1897
SlaughtGladse Lborn about 1901
SlaughtLaron Lborn about 1929
SlaughtMaleta Eborn about 1927
SlaughtMerlyn Dborn about 1924
SteffenJohn born about 1866
SteigerCharley born about 1867
SteigerMary Eborn about 1911
SteigerTennie born about 1871
SteigerViola Mborn about 1916
SteigerW Henryborn about 1913
SteugerArthur Cborn about 1903
SteugerMabel Cborn about 1908
SteugerRn Carolborn about 1932
SteugerRoger Aborn about 1940
SteugerRonald Pborn about 1940
SteugerTerance Eborn about 1938
Stol born about 1895
StolLeo Gborn about 1893
StoneyCharley born about 1886
StoneyClarence Tborn about 1923
StoneyDale Hborn about 1923
StoneyDeloris Rborn about 1932
StoneyHarry Lborn about 1892
StoneyIda Mborn about 1892
StoneyMabel Iborn about 1902
StoneyMargerate born about 1866
StoneyOpal Mborn about 1926
StoneyRuby Rborn about 1897
StoneyThompson born about 1866
StoneyVene Tborn about 1914
StoneyWilliam born about 1887
SwearingenBlance Iborn about 1902
SwearingenG Lborn about 1902
SwearingenIrma Lborn about 1932
SwearingenIva Jborn about 1936
SwearingenLeonard Dborn about 1928
SwearingenRalph Dborn about 1926

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T Surnames

TalyorEmma born about 1911
TalyorNaynard Eborn about 1908
TalyorShirley Rborn about 1932
TasnnorAlvin born about 1924
TemnLorene born about 1877
TerllbrightDelbert born about 1900
TerllbrightDelbert Jr born about 1928
TerllbrightJoe Wborn about 1933
TerllbrightKate Fborn about 1902
TheisenAlfavce Jborn about 1906
TheisenMorice Pborn about 1936
TheisenPatricia Aborn about 1932
TheisenVera Mborn about 1910
ThorpeCharlie Lborn about 1902
ThorpeGeorge Tborn about 1878
ThorpeGrace Mborn about 1934
ThorpeLusie Mborn about 1875
ThorpeMarie Lborn about 1904
ThorpePauline Lborn about 1925
ThorpeTedie born about 1935
Tulbright born about 1868
TulbrightHarry born about 1896
TulbrightWill born about 1866
TurmerClarence born about 1888
TurmerEsther Eborn about 1899
TurmerMarcella Aborn about 1923
TurmerShirley Aborn about 1926
Turner born about 1897
TurnerArthur Aborn about 1886
TurnerBena Lborn about 1902
TurnerBeverly Rborn about 1937
TurnerClyde Lborn about 1896
TurnerDonald Gborn about 1924
TurnerDoris Eborn about 1927
TurnerElisbeth born about 1864
TurnerElva Lborn about 1933
TurnerFern Mborn about 1905
TurnerHarlyn Gborn about 1925
TurnerHoward born about 1923
TurnerKeith Eborn about 1935
TurnerMabel Mborn about 1913
TurnerRaby Vborn about 1903
TurtscherAltha Sborn about 1879
TurtscherLaneth Fborn about 1915
TurtscherLois Lborn about 1916
TurtscherLuella Rborn about 1939
TurtscherRudolph Lborn about 1886

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U Surnames

UdeholornAlois Jborn about 1884
UdeholornCharley born about 1914
UppenaHelen Kborn about 1907
UppenaPeter Lborn about 1939
UppenaRobert Lborn about 1915

W Surnames

WalkerAlmina Bborn about 1915
WalkerEarl Rborn about 1904
WalkerKenneth Eborn about 1939
WalkerRaymond Wborn about 1937
WalterCalvin Mborn about 1925
WalterFlorence Aborn about 1909
WalterHarley Rborn about 1923
WalterHomer Aborn about 1898
WalterHoward Hborn about 1922
WalterRichard Hborn about 1934
WaltersE Lborn about 1912
WamsleyCha Jerryborn about 1866
WamsleyCliferd Eborn about 1904
WamsleyEva born about 1878
WamsleyHeldia Eborn about 1905
WamsleyMorris Mborn about 1931
WamsleyRussel Cborn about 1936
WeinsEva born about 1886
WeinsJuslious Cborn about 1898
WeistSylvester born about 1916
WelchGloria born about 1939
WelchLella born about 1920
WelchLeonard born about 1915
WestAvis Lborn about 1927
WestEarl Jborn about 1900
WestEarl Jborn about 1929
WestHarritt Jborn about 1923
WestMarenda Eborn about 1905
WickelEdward Lborn about 1935
WickelJeam Aborn about 1937
WickelLaurence Hborn about 1881
WickelRuth Mborn about 1900
WilhelmMary Cborn about 1866
WilliamsFlorence Eborn about 1882
WilliamsMelvin Gborn about 1881
WinnerRussel born about 1920
WitishAlfred born about 1902
WitishAlvim Aborn about 1928
WitishHazel Gborn about 1908
WitishHonard Aborn about 1934
WitishJoretta Gborn about 1932
WitishMary Jborn about 1936
WitishRichard Dborn about 1939
WitishWalter Eborn about 1931

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Y Surnames

YargerCora Aborn about 1896
YargerLorede born about 1922
YargerOra Jborn about 1890
YargerSyrias Mborn about 1930
YouseCalvan Pborn about 1925
YouseCora Aborn about 1889
YouseElisbeth Mborn about 1916
YouseHorald Fborn about 1911
YouseIvan Dborn about 1928

Z Surnames

ZengAmbrose born about 1906
ZengIrene Mborn about 1916
ZineAnn Jr born about 1939
ZineDick born about 1926
ZineJerry Wborn about 1935
ZineJimie born about 1937
ZineP Ceatha Mborn about 1909
ZineUdelhouer Jborn about 1911

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