We have added 9 more brick wall ancestor series articles:
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #10: Finding the family of an Irish family with common names living in New York City Edmond and Mary were immigrants to the United States from Ireland, their ages listed differently in the records, and no document had been located that named their parents or their specific place of origin in Ireland. Could their families be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #11: Locating a San Francisco man’s parents when a fire destroyed many of the genealogical records Matthew lived in San Francisco for many years and the vital records burned in a fire in 1906. Could his parents be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #12: Finding the parents of a New Jersey man with no vital or census records that listed his parents William didn’t have a birth or death record, and his marriage record didn’t list his parents. He wasn’t with his parents in the census records. Could his parents be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #13: Finding the family of a Pennsylvania woman with no birth record Mary Ann was born in Pennsylvania and her father’s name was known but it was uncertain which family she belonged to. Could her family be located?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #14: Locating a vital records certificate using the index information There was an index for a birth certificate found online. Could the original document be located?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #15: Finding a family’s address in St Louis A Laux family descendant wanted to know where the Laux family lived in St Louis in order go and visit the old family home. Could their address be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #16: Finding a woman’s family who had moved from Ohio to Australia Annie’s marriage record and death record listed her parents as unknown. Could her family be located?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #17: Identifying a Pennsylvania woman’s family without a document that names her parents No document had been located that named Sarah’s parents. Could her family be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #18: Finding the family of a man from South Carolina living in Georgia No documents listed the names of the parents of Jones F Miller. Could his family be identified?