We have added 4 more brick wall ancestor series articles:
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #19: Finding a man and his parents when only his initials and last name were known G W Gray appeared in the census with his wife and children, but his full name hadn’t been idenitified yet. Could his family be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #20: Finding a Tennessee woman’s parents without a birth record Prudence was born before birth records were kept in Tennessee and wasn’t listed on any census records with her parents. Could her family be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #21: Finding a New Hampshire man’s parents without a birth record Ezra did not have a birth record, and only his father’s name was known. Could his family be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #22: Finding an Indiana man’s family when he hadn’t been found with them in the census Jesse did not have a birth record, and he hadn’t been found with his family in the census records. Could his family be identified?