We have added 3 more brick wall ancestor series articles:
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #27: Locating the family of a man who joined The Church of Jesus Christ (Mormons) in Denmark in the 1800s Soren’s wife and children in Denmark were known, but the records about them didn’t list anything that would lead to his parents, and he had a common name. Could his parents be located?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #28: Locating the family of an African American man of unknown origins who lived in St Louis A man named O.C. Richardson lived in St Louis in the 1920s and 1930s, and no documents had been located about him. Could his family be located by using DNA testing and documents?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #29: Identifying the family of a man who lived in Indiana who doesn’t appear listed by name in any U.S. census records Hugh married his wife, had one son, and died a short time later. Could his family be identified?