We just completed an update where we added the latest records from FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, Billion Graves, Newspapers.com, and Genealogy Bank. We now have 1,253,244 records sources listed in our directory!
Category: Site updates
Website update
We have corrected broken links throughout the site, as well as updating sidebars, in order to have a better experience for our users.
New Article Update
We have added a new articles to our site:
Cluster Research for Genealogy Tips for using cluster research when an ancestor is difficult to find
New Articles Update
We have added 4 new articles to our site:
Using DNA Testing for Genealogy Basic information about the types of DNA tests that can be used for genealogy
Using Revolutionary War Records Locating and using Revolutionary War records for U.S. genealogy
Using Civil War Records Locating and using Civil War records for U.S. genealogy
Tips for Researching Immigrants to the U.S. Ideas for finding a place of origins and tips for specific immigration countries
Genealogy record listing update
We added records from Archive Grid and Newspaper Archive, as well as adding some suggestions and corrections from our site users. We are now up to 1,235,301 record sources in our directory!
Genealogy record listing update
We just completed a large update to our site with many additions including US Gen Web Archives for 47 states, Genealogy Trails, 39 Gravestone Photo Project websites, 91 library and archive sites, American Geographical Society maps, and more Library of Congress telephone books. We are now up to 1,222,589 record sources from 1,634 different websites! |
New Articles Update
We have added 14 new articles to our site:
5 Free Websites for Learning Genealogy Research Places to learn more about genealogy for all skills levels
10 U.S. Census Tips For Genealogy Research Useful tips for locating your ancestor on the census
Common Genealogy Jargon Definitions of common terms used in genealogy research
How to Use the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries Steps to finding old county boundaries to further your research
Ideas for Finding a Woman’s Maiden Name If you’re having difficulty finding a maiden name in genealogical records, here are 9 possible sources to look for
The Need for Examining Original Documents in Genealogy Why doing a check of the original document images is useful
U.S. Census Basics An overview of the types of census records available and what information they contain
Using and Finding U.S. Church Records Types of church records and how to find them
Using Civil War Pension Files The value of Civil War pension files are and how to locate them
Using Land Deeds and Plats Tips for using land deeds and plats for U.S. genealogy research
Using Old U.S. County History Books About county histories and how to use them
Using Tax Records for U.S. Genealogy Basic information about how tax records can be used to learn more about your ancestors
Using U.S. City Directories Basics of using U.S. city directories in genealogy research
Using World War I and II Draft Registration Cards Draft registration cards and their uses in genealogy research
Website update
We corrected broken links throughout the site. We added a few records that were suggested to us by our site users. We also added a year limit tool on the larger pages so that you can see just the records that include the year that applies to your particular search. We hope these changes will be helpful.
Genealogy Record Listing Update
In our latest update, we corrected broken links throughout the site, added the latest newspapers from Newspapers.com, added pages about recent vital records and where to obtain them, and added a few smaller records from various sites suggested by our users. We’re now up to 1,142,393 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have just completed a small update and added some new items from Genealogy Trails and US Gen Web Archives for Alaska, Alabama, and Arizona. We also added a video about how to use the LDSGenealogy.com website. We are now up to 1,133,862 links in our directory!