We have added many new records this week from several websites including Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org, Fold3.com, Newspapers.com, GenealogyBank.com, and others. We are now up to 944, 313 helpful links. We hope these new records will help you to find your ancestors more easily.
Category: Site updates
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have added many new records this week from various websites. We are now up to 931,145 helpful links. Happy hunting!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have added many new records in the last 2 weeks, including records from Ancestry.com, Golden Nugget library, and several others. We are now up to 915,111 helpful links!
More Brick Wall Ancestor Series articles added
We have added 4 more brick wall ancestor series articles:
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #23: Finding the family of an adopted man’s biological mother The birth and death information for an adopted man’s biological mother had been located. Could her family be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #24: Finding the descendants of one of the daughters in a family A marriage record Nancy had been located, but nothing else had been located. Did she have descendants and could they be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #25: Finding the hometown of a Japanese immigrant to New York Masazo was known to have come from Japan but there hadn’t been a document located that listed his home town. Could a document be located?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #26: Locating the family of a New Jersey man with many men in the area of the same name John was born in New Jersey before birth records were kept, and he wasn’t listed in the 1850 census with his parents. Could his family be located?
More Brick Wall Ancestor Series articles added
We have added 4 more brick wall ancestor series articles:
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #19: Finding a man and his parents when only his initials and last name were known G W Gray appeared in the census with his wife and children, but his full name hadn’t been idenitified yet. Could his family be found?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #20: Finding a Tennessee woman’s parents without a birth record Prudence was born before birth records were kept in Tennessee and wasn’t listed on any census records with her parents. Could her family be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #21: Finding a New Hampshire man’s parents without a birth record Ezra did not have a birth record, and only his father’s name was known. Could his family be identified?
Brick Wall Ancestor Series #22: Finding an Indiana man’s family when he hadn’t been found with them in the census Jesse did not have a birth record, and he hadn’t been found with his family in the census records. Could his family be identified?
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have added many new records this week, primarily from school records. We are now up to 880,998 helpful links!
Genealogy Record Listing and New Article Updates
We have added many new records this month, primarily from cemetery records. We also corrected many links that needed updating. We are now up to 747,020 helpful links!
We have also added the following new genealogy learning articles:
How to Find Your Ancestor’s Burial Location
How to Find an Obituary for Your Ancestor
The FamilySearch Catalog: The Amazing Free Resource Resource You May Be Missing
We hope this new information will be helpful to you in your research.
Genealogy Record Listing Updates
We have added some new features to our site this month. We added new record type categories of court records, tax records, minority records, histories and genealogies, and miscellaneous records. We also added a page that explains all of the record type categories. We also have changed the listings in the directory to indicate which records are online records (rather than offline in archives). Happy searching!
Genealogy Record Listing Updates
Thanks to the help of our volunteers, we were able to add many more records to our site from the FamilySearch online book collections and from some offline archives. We have now passed 600,000 record listings. We are excited to continue growing!
New site feature added
The world’s largest genealogical library, the Family History Library, has many records listed in our extensive records directory because it has thousands of useful records for doing genealogy research. We have now added a feature to go directly to the catalog pages on the FamilySearch website for most items so that you can more quickly and easily find the digital images when available.