USA (1,379,301) > Alabama (33,615) > Morgan County (695) > Valhermoso Springs (41)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Valhermoso Springs are also found through the Morgan County and Alabama pages.
Alabama, Birth Records, 1908-present Alabama Department of Public Health
Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 (selections) Ancestry
Chunn Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Currys Chapel CME Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Draper Cemetery #1 Find a Grave
Draper Cemetery #2 Find a Grave
Draper-Chatman Cemetery Find a Grave
Lewis Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Lyle Cemetery #2 Find a Grave
Overstreet Cemetery Find a Grave
Valhermoso Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Valhermoso Springs Cemetery Find a Grave
Valhermoso Springs Holiness Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Wilson Cemetery #2 Find a Grave
1820-1866 Alabama State Census Ancestry
1850 Alabama State Census Ancestry
1866 Alabama State Census MyHeritage
1866 Alabama State Census Ancestry
Federal Census of 1940, Valhermoso Springs, Alabama LDS Genealogy
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage
United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search
1908-1959 Alabama Death Index Ancestry
1908-1974 Alabama Deaths MyHeritage
Alabama Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 (selections) Ancestry
Alabama, Death Records, 1908-present Alabama Department of Public Health
Alabama, Marriages, Deaths, Wills, Court, and Other Records, 1784-1920 Ancestry
Obituaries from the Decatur Daily, Decatur, Alabama and the Hartselle Enquirer, Hartselle, Alabama , 1930-2001 FamilySearch Library
Naturalization records, 1893-1897, 1901-1906 FamilySearch Library
1805-1967 Alabama County Marriages (selections) Ancestry
1816-1957 Alabama Marriages (selections) MyHeritage
Alabama, Marriage Indexes, 1814-1935 Ancestry
Alabama, Marriage Records, 1936-present Alabama Department of Public Health
Alabama, Marriages, Deaths, Wills, Court, and Other Records, 1784-1920 Ancestry
Morgan County Alabama marriage records, 1821-1952 FamilySearch Library
Morgan County, Alabama, tid-bits : births, marriages, deaths and other interesting items from the Alabama Enquirer 1887-1912 FamilySearch Library
Obituaries from the Decatur Daily, Decatur, Alabama and the Hartselle Enquirer, Hartselle, Alabama , 1930-2001 FamilySearch Library
1753-1999 Alabama Wills and Probate Records Ancestry
Alabama, Marriages, Deaths, Wills, Court, and Other Records, 1784-1920 Ancestry
Morgan County, Alabama poll tax list, 1901-1943 FamilySearch Library
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