Sonoma County CA Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > California (36,137) > Sonoma County (835) > Sonoma County Newspapers and Obituaries (157)

USA (1,380,571) > California (36,137) > California Newspapers and Obituaries (7,237) > Sonoma County Newspapers and Obituaries (157)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Sonoma County are also on the California Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Bodega Bay Cloverdale Cotati Geyserville Guerneville Healdsburg Kenwood Monte Rio Occidental Petaluma Rohnert Park Santa Rosa Sea Ranch Sebastopol Sonoma Windsor

Sonoma County Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Index to the Sonoma searcher : vol. 1, no. 1-vol. 15, no. 4. WorldCat

Index to vital data in local newspapers of Sonoma County, California WorldCat

Index to vital data in local newspapers of Sonoma County, California 1855-1921 FamilySearch Library Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Vital Data in Newspaper Of Sonoma County Volume IV: 1886-1890 US Gen Web online

Vital Data in Newspapers Of Sonoma County Volume III: 1881-1885 US Gen Web online

Vital Data in Newspapers of Sonoma County Volume I: 1855-1875 US Gen Web online

Vital Data in Newspapers of Sonoma County Volume II: 1876-1880 US Gen Web online

Cloverdale Newspapers and Obituaries

Cotati Newspapers and Obituaries

Geyserville Newspapers and Obituaries

Geyserville Gazette (Geyserville, 1899-1918) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Geyserville Press (Geyserville, 1940-1964) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Geyserville Press, 1969-1970 Google News Archive online

Guerneville Newspapers and Obituaries

Paper 1979-1989 online

Healdsburg Newspapers and Obituaries

Healdsburg Enterprise (Healdsburg, 1878-1929) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg, 1919-1937) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar (Healdsburg, 1888-1990) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Russian River Flag (Healdsburg, 1865-1886) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Russian River Flag 11/19/1868 to 06/29/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Sotoyome Scimitar (Healdsburg, 1902-1944) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Occidental Newspapers and Obituaries

Occidental Weekly (Occidental, 1952-2015) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Petaluma Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Argus-Courier 05/08/2005 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Argus-Courier 1978-1978 online

Daily Courier 1893-1893 online

Daily Courier 1893-1893 online

Journal and Argus, 1871-1873 Google News Archive online

Petaluma Argus 1861-1864 online

Petaluma Argus 1903-1903 online

Petaluma Argus Courier (Petaluma, 1950) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Petaluma Argus, 1899, 1900-1909 Google News Archive online

Petaluma Argus-Courier 1899-2019 online

Petaluma Courier 1876-1896 online

Petaluma Daily Courier 1897-1913 online

Petaluma Daily Morning Courier 1891-1928 online

Petaluma Evening Argus 08/19/1872 to 09/11/1872 Genealogy Bank online

Petaluma Evening Argus 1873-1873 online

Petaluma Journal and Argus 1864-1867 online

Petaluma Journal and Argus 1864-1867 online

Petaluma Journal and Argus, 1864-1870 Google News Archive online

Petaluma Morning Argus 1873-1873 online

Petaluma Weekly Argus 01/11/1866 to 08/11/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Petaluma Weekly Argus 1867-1889 online

Petaluma Weekly Argus, 1875-1878 Google News Archive online

Sonoma County Journal 1855-1864 online

Rohnert Park Newspapers and Obituaries

Santa Rosa Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Evening Press and Santa Rosa Republican 1948-1949 online

North Bay Business Journal 04/02/2021 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Oak Leaf (Santa Rosa, 1924-2000) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, 1875-1928) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Press Democrat 01/01/1995 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Press Democrat 1923-1997 online

Press Democrat, 2008-2008 Google News Archive online

Santa Rosa Republican 1904-1948 online

Santa Rosa Times 07/27/1876 to 08/10/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Sonoma Democrat (Santa Rosa, 1857-1897) California Digital Newspaper Collection online

Sebastopol Newspapers and Obituaries

Sonoma Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Sonoma County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Bodega Bay: Bodega Bay & West County Navigator. (Bodega Bay, Calif.) 1996-Current

Bodega Bay: Bodega Bay Navigator. (Bodega Bay, Calif.) 1987-1996

Bodega Bay: Bodega Bay Signal. (Bodega Bay, Calif.) 1985-1992

Bodega Bay: Western Sonoma County Review. (Bodega Bay, Calif.) 1940s-1949

Cloverdale: Cloverdale Bee. (Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1872-1873

Cloverdale: Cloverdale Reveille. (Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1902-Current

Cloverdale: Cloverdale Reveille. (Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1879-1886

Cloverdale: Cloverdale Sentinel. (Cloverdale, Calif.) 1965-1966

Cloverdale: Cloverdale Weekly Reveille. (Cloverdale, Calif.) 1886-1902

Cotati: Central County Clarion. (Cotati, Calif.) 1969-1970

Cotati: Clarion. (Cotati, Calif.) 1970-1972

Cotati: Cotati Call. (Cotati, Ca) 1974-1977

Cotati: Cotatian. (Cotati, Calif.) 1945-1964

Cotati: Rohnert Park Cotati Clarion. (Cotati, Calif.) 1972-1992

Cotati: World. (Cotati, Calif.) 1960s-1969

Geyserville: Geyserville News. (Geyserville, Calif.) 1920-1925

Guerneville: Paper. (Guerneville, Calif.) 1979-1993

Guerneville: River Area Times. (Guerneville, Calif.) 1995-1996

Guerneville: Russian River Monthly. (Guerneville, Ca) 1997-Current

Guerneville: Russian River News. (Guerneville, Calif.) 1970-1995

Guerneville: Russian River Times. (Guerneville, Ca) 1996-Current

Guerneville: West County News. (Guerneville, Calif.) 1984-1986

Healdsburg: Democratic Standard. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1865-1868

Healdsburg: Healdsburg Enterprise. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1876-1937

Healdsburg: Healdsburg Tribune Enterprise & Scimitar. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1947-Current

Healdsburg: Healdsburg Tribune and Enterprise. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1938-1947

Healdsburg: Healdsburg Tribune. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1919-1937

Healdsburg: Russian River Flag. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1868-1887

Healdsburg: Sonoma County Tribune. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1888-1894

Healdsburg: Times. (Healdsburg, Ca) 1980s-1993

Healdsburg: Tribune. (Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1895-1897

Kenwood: Kenwood Press. (Kenwood, Ca) 1980s-Current

Monte Rio: Russian River Stump. (Monte Rio [Calif.]) 1972-1974

Monte Rio: Sonoma County Stump. (Guernewood Park [Monte Rio], Calif.) 1974-1982

Petaluma: Agricultural Weekly. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1928-1929

Petaluma: Argus-Courier. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1966-1989

Petaluma: Daily Courier. (Petaluma, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1891-1895

Petaluma: Daily Morning Imprint. (Petaluma [Calif.) 1880s-1880s

Petaluma: Journal and Argus. (Petaluma, Cal.) 1870-1873

Petaluma: Petaluma Argus-Courier. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1928-1966

Petaluma: Petaluma Argus-Courier. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1989-Current

Petaluma: Petaluma Argus. (Petaluma [Calif.]) 1859-1864

Petaluma: Petaluma Argus. (Petaluma, Cal.) 1899-1928

Petaluma: Petaluma Courier Semiweekly. (Petaluma, Cal.) 1894-1895

Petaluma: Petaluma Courier. (Petaluma, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1876-1894

Petaluma: Petaluma Daily Courier. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1895-1913

Petaluma: Petaluma Daily Crescent. (Petaluma [Calif.]) 1870-1871

Petaluma: Petaluma Daily Morning Courier. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1913-1928

Petaluma: Petaluma Evening Argus. (Petaluma, Cal.) 1872-1873

Petaluma: Petaluma Journal and Argus. (Petaluma, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1864-1870

Petaluma: Petaluma Post. (Petaluma, Ca) 1987-Current

Petaluma: Petaluma Weekly Journal and Sonoma County Advertiser. (Petaluma [Calif.]) 1855-1856

Petaluma: Sonoma County Journal. (Petaluma, Calif.) 1856-1864

Rohnert Park: Community Voice, Rohnert Park Cotati. (Rohnert Park, Calif.) 1993-Current

Rohnert Park: County Bugle. (Rohnert Park, Calif.) 1970-1971

Rohnert Park: Rohnert Park-Cotati Times. (Rohnert Park, Ca) 1977-1982

Santa Rosa: Daily Republican. (Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1880-1899

Santa Rosa: News Herald. (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1991-Current

Santa Rosa: Press Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1901-Current

Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa Daily Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1875-1897

Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa Press Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1897-1900

Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa Republican. (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1899-1948

Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa Times. (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 1875-1879

Santa Rosa: Sonoma County Bugle. (Santa Rosa, Ca) 1971-1973

Santa Rosa: Sonoma County Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., Cal.) 1858-1866

Santa Rosa: Sonoma County Independent. (Santa Rosa, Ca) 1994-2000s

Santa Rosa: Sonoma Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., Cal.) 1866-1897

Santa Rosa: Sonoma Democrat. (Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1857-1858

Sea Ranch: Independent Coast Observer. (The Sea Ranch, Calif.) 1969-Current

Sebastopol: Sebastopol Times & News. (Sebastopol, Calif.) 1986-1995

Sebastopol: Sebastopol Times and Sonoma County News. (Sebastopol, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1915-1917

Sebastopol: Sonoma West Times & News. (Sebastopol, Ca) 1995-Current

Sonoma: Sonoma Index-Tribune. (Sonoma, Sonoma County, Cal.) 1884-Current

Sonoma: Sonoma Index. (Sonoma City, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1879-1880s

Sonoma: Sonoma Valley Moon. (Sonoma, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1925-1927

Sonoma: Sonoma Weekly Index. (Sonoma City, Sonoma County, Calif.) 1880s-1884

Windsor: Wahl Street Journal, Also the Windsor Press. (Windsor, Ca) 1977-1981

Windsor: Wahl Street Journal. (Windsor, Ca) 1970s-1977

Windsor: Windsor Journal. (Windsor, Ca) 1981-Current

Windsor: Windsor Times. (Windsor, Ca) 1993-Current

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