Preston Genealogy (in New London County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > New London County (3,099) > Preston (112)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Preston are also found through the New London County and Connecticut pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Probate Records Tax Records

Preston Birth Records

Baptisms 1744-1884 in Preston, Connecticut Jane Devlin online

Preston, Connecticut, first book of marriages : containing the birth dates of the children born to the couple FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1672-1933 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Preston 1687-1850, parts I & II WorldCat

The bi-centennial celebration First Congregational church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898. Together with statistics of the church taken from the church records Digital Public Library of America online

Preston Cemetery Records

Avery Cemetery Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS online

Avery Cemetery Find a Grave online

Avery Cemetery Billion Graves online

Avery Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Ayer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bentley-Sholes Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bentley-Sholes and Killam Cemeteries (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Brewster Cemetery (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Brewster's Neck Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brewster's Neck Cemetery Billion Graves online

Brewsters Neck Cemetery Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS online

Brothers of Joseph Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brown and Old Poquetanock Cemeteries (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Cemetery inscriptions from Groton, Preston and Stonington, Connecticut FamilySearch Library

Cemetery inscriptions in the town of Preston FamilySearch Library

Cemetery inscriptions in the town of Preston. WorldCat

Cemetery near Preston City Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS online

Cemetery northeast of Preston City Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS online

Cemetery records of Preston, Connecticut FamilySearch Library

Crary Find a Grave online

Davis Cemetery Find a Grave online

First Hebrew Society Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fobes-Amos Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gates Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gore Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gore Family Burial Ground Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS online

Guiles Cemetery Find a Grave online

Guiles Cemetery Billion Graves online

Guiles Cemetery at Route 165 Find a Grave online

Guiles Safford Cemetery Find a Grave online

Guiles Safford Cemetery Billion Graves online

Haskell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Index, First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : statistics of the church taken from church records. WorldCat

Inscriptions from the Long Society Burying Ground, Preston, Conn. WorldCat

Killam Cemetery Find a Grave online

Long Society Cemetery Billion Graves online

Long Society Cemetery (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Long Society Congregational Burying Ground Find a Grave online

New Poquetanuck Cemetery Find a Grave online

Norwich Hebrew Benevolent Association Cemetery #1 Find a Grave online

Norwich Hebrew Benevolent Association Cemetery #2 Find a Grave online

Norwich Hebrew Benevolent Association Cemetery #3 Find a Grave online

Norwich Hebrew Benevolent Association Cemetery #4 Find a Grave online

Old Poquetanuck Cemetery No. 17 Find a Grave online

Palmer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Palmer Cemetery Billion Graves online

Palmer Cemetery (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Preston City Cemetery Billion Graves online

Preston City Cemetery Find a Grave online

Preston City Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Small Pox & Indian Cemetery Find a Grave online

Various Small Cemeteries (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Various Small Cemeteries (From Hale Collection) US Gen Web online

Woodward Find a Grave online

Woodward Cemetery Billion Graves online

Preston Church Records

Filter By Year:

Baptisms 1698-1744 in Preston, Connecticut Jane Devlin online

Baptisms 1744-1884 in Preston, Connecticut Jane Devlin online

Church records, 1698-1917, First Congregational Church (Preston, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1712-1948, St. James Church at Poquetanuck (Preston, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1757-1938, Long Society of Preston (Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1815-1874, Baptist Church (Preston, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

First Congregational Church Records, 1698-1917 (included in Connecticut Church Record Abstracts) Ancestry online

First Congregational Church of Preston 1698-1898 (history and some Church records) Ancestry online

First Congregational Church of Preston, Conn, 1698-1898, the bicentennial celebraton : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records WorldCat

First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : together with statistics of the church taken from church records. WorldCat

First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records WorldCat

First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records. WorldCat

First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, Membership Records 1698-1898 Jane Devlin online

First Congregational church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records. WorldCat

First book of records, Preston, Connecticut : ca. 1645-1780 FamilySearch Library

Index to The First Church in Preston, Conn FamilySearch Library

Index, First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : statistics of the church taken from church records. WorldCat

Marriages from First Congregational Church of Preston, 1744-1866 Jane Devlin online

Preston, Connecticut baptisms, 1674-1755 FamilySearch Library

Records of the St. James Church at Poquetanuck, Preston (Conn. : Town) St. James Church Archive Grid

The bi-centennial celebration First Congregational church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898. Together with statistics of the church taken from the church records Digital Public Library of America online

The bi-centennial celebration of the First Congregational Church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898 : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records FamilySearch Library

The bi-centennial celebration. First Congregational church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898. Together with statistics of the church taken from the church records. WorldCat

Preston City Directories

Connecticut City Directories (includes Hallville 1923) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Norwich, Preston 1896) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Poquetanuck 1923) Ancestry online

Norwich (Connecticut) city directories FamilySearch Library

Stedman's Directory Norwich And Preston Connecticut CT, 1870 LDS Genealogy online

Stedman's Directory Norwich And Preston Connecticut CT, 1870 Internet Archive online

Preston Court Records

Records of court proceedings, 1748-1852 FamilySearch Library

Preston Death Records

Deaths in Preston, Connecticut, 1789-1897 Jane Devlin online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1672-1933 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Preston 1687-1850, parts I & II WorldCat

Preston Histories and Genealogies

List of Early Settlers of Preston, New London County, Connecticut Jane Devlin online

Preston 1801, & Lisbon (Hanover) 1800, & Lisbon (Newent) 1801. Connecticut State Library online

Preston Land Records

Land records, 1687-1909; general index, 1687-1945 FamilySearch Library

Preston Marriage Records

Filter By Year:

First Congregational Church of Preston, Conn, 1698-1898, the bicentennial celebraton : together with statistics of the church taken from the church records WorldCat

Marriages from First Congregational Church of Preston, 1744-1866 Jane Devlin online

Marriages in Preston 1769-1811 Jane Devlin online

Marriages in Preston 1774-1801 Jane Devlin online

Preston Marriage Records: 1744-1798 Genealogy Trails online

Preston, Connecticut, first book of marriages : containing the birth dates of the children born to the couple FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1672-1933 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. Preston 1687-1850, parts I & II WorldCat

The bi-centennial celebration First Congregational church of Preston, Connecticut, 1698-1898. Together with statistics of the church taken from the church records Digital Public Library of America online

Preston Probate Records

Probate records, 1748-1917 FamilySearch Library

Preston Tax Records

Preston tax list, 1839, Preston (Conn.). Archive Grid

Preston town papers and records, 1743-1858, Preston (Conn.). Archive Grid

Tax List of Preston 1775 Jane Devlin online

Tax List of Preston 1791 Jane Devlin online

Tax records for Connecticut, 1798 Archive Grid

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