La Harpe Genealogy (in Hancock County, IL)

USA (1,380,571) > Illinois (55,732) > Hancock County (933) > La Harpe (60)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to La Harpe are also found through the Hancock County and Illinois pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

La Harpe Birth Records

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LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1890-1900 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1900-1910 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1910 -1920 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers, births, marriages, deaths WorldCat

LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The Laharper [Sic] : Births, Marriages, Deaths, October 1875 Thru December 1889 FamilySearch Library

The Laharper births, marriages, deaths, October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

La Harpe Cemetery Records

Fountain Green Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

La Harpe Cemetery Find a Grave online

LaHarpe Cemetery burial records : city cemetery & adjoining township cemetery ; note, three sections, 1) city cemetery records, page 1-81; index, page 1-7; 2) township cemetry records, page 1-49; index, page 1-6; 3) additions, page 1-13 FamilySearch Library

LaHarpe City Cemetery Billion Graves online

LaHarpe City Cemetery of LaHarpe US Gen Web online

LaHarpe cemetery burial records : city cemetery & adjoining township cemetery WorldCat

McConnell Cemetery Billion Graves online

Riggins Cemetery (LaHarpe Township) Find a Grave online

La Harpe Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, La Harpe Township, Illinois LDS Genealogy online

La Harpe Church Records

A history of Methodism in & near La Harpe, Illinois, ca. 1837-1936 FamilySearch Library

La Harpe Court Records

Minutes, 1859-1871, 1880-1927 FamilySearch Library

La Harpe Death Records

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Funeral home records : Banks & Beals Funeral Home, LeHarpe IL, Hancock County (and surrounding communities) WorldCat

Funeral home records, Banks & Beals Funeral Home : LaHarpe IL, Hancock County (and surrounding communities) FamilySearch Library

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1890-1900 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1900-1910 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1910 -1920 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers, births, marriages, deaths WorldCat

LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The Laharper [Sic] : Births, Marriages, Deaths, October 1875 Thru December 1889 FamilySearch Library

The Laharper births, marriages, deaths, October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

La Harpe Histories and Genealogies

1833-1965, a history of LaHarpe [i.e. La Harpe], Illinois FamilySearch Library

La Harpe Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from La Harpe, Hancock County, Illinois, August 1893 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from La Harpe, Hancock County, Illinois, March 1912 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from La Harpe, Hancock County, Illinois, May 1898 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from La Harpe, Hancock County, Illinois, September 1906 Library of Congress online

La Harpe Marriage Records

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LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1890-1900 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1900-1910 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1910 -1920 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers, births, marriages, deaths WorldCat

LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The Laharper [Sic] : Births, Marriages, Deaths, October 1875 Thru December 1889 FamilySearch Library

The Laharper births, marriages, deaths, October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

La Harpe Military Records

Service record book of men and women of La Harpe, Illinois and community FamilySearch Library

La Harpe Newspapers and Obituaries

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La Harpe Quill, 1898-1932 Newspaper Archive online

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1890-1900 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1900-1910 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers births, marriages, deaths, 1910 -1920 WorldCat

LaHarpe newspapers, births, marriages, deaths FamilySearch Library

LaHarpe newspapers, births, marriages, deaths WorldCat

Quill 1895-1899 online

The LaHarper births, marriages, deaths : October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The Laharper [Sic] : Births, Marriages, Deaths, October 1875 Thru December 1889 FamilySearch Library

The Laharper births, marriages, deaths, October 1875 thru December 1889 WorldCat

The Quill, 1892-1923 Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections online

Offline Newspapers for La Harpe

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Hancock County Quill. (La Harpe, Ill.) 1973-Current

La Harpe Leader. (La Harpe, Hancock County, Ill.) 1874-1875

La Harper. (La Harpe, Hancock County, Ill.) 1875-1943

Quill. (La Harpe, Hancock County, Ill.) 1892-1973

La Harpe School Records

La Harpe High School - Eagle Yearbook (La Harpe, IL), 1952, 1958 E Yearbook online

La Harpe High School yearbook, 1952, 1958, 1969, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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