USA (1,379,301) > Kansas (35,654) > Pottawatomie County (606) > Wheaton (57)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wheaton are also found through the Pottawatomie County and Kansas pages.
Birth Records | Cemetery Records | Census Records | Church Records | Death Records | Immigration Records | Land Records | Marriage Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | Probate Records | School Records |
1885-1911 Kansas Births and Christenings Index Ancestry
Kansas, Birth Records, 1911-present Kansas Office of Vital Statistics
Berg Cemetery Genealogy Trails
Cedar Hill Cemetery Genealogy Trails
Fox Cemetery Find a Grave
Kansas Deaths and Burials Index, 1885-1930 Ancestry
Maple Grove Cemetery Find a Grave
Oak Grove Cemetery Find a Grave
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Genealogy Trails
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Michaels Cemetery Kansas Gravestones
Saint Michaels Cemetery Find a Grave
Wheaton Catholic cemetery, Wheaton, Pottawatomie, Kansas FamilySearch Library
Wheaton Congregational Cemetery Find a Grave
1857 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1859 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1865 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1865 Kansas state census of Pottawatomie County FamilySearch Books
1875 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1885 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1895 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1905 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1915 Kansas State Census Ancestry
1925 Kansas State Census Ancestry
Federal Census of 1940, Wheaton, Kansas LDS Genealogy
Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage
United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search
Kansas Deaths and Burials Index, 1885-1930 Ancestry
Kansas, Death Records, 1911-present Kansas Office of Vital Statistics
Declarations of intention, 1906-1941 FamilySearch Library
First naturalization and aliens declaration records, 1881-1906 FamilySearch Library
Kansas, Federal Naturalization Records, 1865-1984 Ancestry
Naturalization petitions and records, 1866-1928 ; indexes, 1852-1904 FamilySearch Library
Deed records, 1858-1909 ; indexes, 1858-1934 FamilySearch Library
1811-1911 Kansas County Marriages Ancestry
Kansas County Marriages, 1855-1911 Ancestry
Kansas, Compiled Marriage Index from Select Counties, 1854-1873 Ancestry
Kansas, Marriage Records, 1913-present Kansas Office of Vital Statistics
Marriage records, 1858-1928 FamilySearch Library
Pottawatomie County, Kansas marriages, 1856-1886 FamilySearch Library
Collection of Selected Newspaper Clippings from the Riley, Pottawatomie & Wabaunsee County Newspapers 1887 Through 2004 FamilySearch Library
Monitor 1899-1899
Wheaton Courier 1897-1898
Wheaton Tribune 1900-1900
Offline Newspapers for WheatonAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Exponent. (Wheaton, Kan.) 1903-1905 Wheaton Courier. (Wheaton, Kan.) 1897-1898 |
Wheaton High School - Rambler Yearbook (Wheaton, KS), 1925 E Yearbook
Wheaton High School yearbook, 1925 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
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