USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Essex County (7,923) > Haverhill (351)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Haverhill are also found through the Essex County and Massachusetts pages.
Haverhill Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry
Indexes to births and deaths, ca. 1845-1860 (Haverhill, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library
Vital Records to 1849 Jane Devlin
Vital records 1841-1915 (Haverhill, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts : to the end of the year 1849, births LDS Genealogy
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts : to the end of the year 1849, births Internet Archive
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v.2 Genealogy Gophers
Carleton Street Cemetery Interment
Children of Israel Cemetery Find a Grave
Children of Israel Cemetery Billion Graves
East Parish Burying Ground, Plaistow, New Hampshire FamilySearch Library
Elmwood Cemetery Billion Graves
Elmwood Cemetery Cemetery Find
Greenwood Cemetery Find a Grave
Haverhill City Cemetery Find a Grave
Haynes Cemetery Billion Graves
Hilldale Cemetery Find a Grave
Hilldale Cemetery Billion Graves
Hillside Cemetery Find a Grave
Hillside Cemetery Billion Graves
Linwood Cemetery Billion Graves
Linwood Cemetery Interment
Linwood Cemetery Find a Grave
Maplewood Cemetery Find a Grave
Maplewood North Parish Cemetery, Plaistow, NH and Haverhill, MA : gravestone census FamilySearch Library
Pentucket Cemetery Find a Grave
Pentucket Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint James Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint James Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Joseph Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint Josephs Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Patrick Cemetery Billion Graves
Saint Patricks Cemetery Find a Grave
Second West Parish Cemetery Find a Grave
Walnut Cemetery Find a Grave
West Parish Cemetery Find a Grave
Whittier Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Census 1790 US Gen Web
Census 1850 US Gen Web
Haverhill, Mass. First Congregational Church Records (1719-1756) Congregational Library and Archives
Haverhill, Mass. West Parish Congregational Church Records (1734-1900) Congregational Library and Archives
Records (microform) 1765-1860, First Baptist Church (Haverhill, Mass.). Archive Grid
Semi-centennial of Center Congregational Church and Society, Haverhill, Mass., with a Historical discourse LDS Genealogy
Semi-centennial of Center Congregational Church and Society, Haverhill, Mass., with a Historical discourse Internet Archive
Haverhill Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry
Indexes to births and deaths, ca. 1845-1860 (Haverhill, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library
Vital Records to 1849 Jane Devlin
Vital records 1841-1915 (Haverhill, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v.2 Genealogy Gophers
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, marriages and deaths LDS Genealogy
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, marriages and deaths Internet Archive
A New England city : Haverhill, Massachusetts : an illustrated history FamilySearch Library
An historical sketch of Haverhill Ancestry
An historical sketch of Haverhill in the county of Essex and commonwealth of Massachusetts : with biographical notices FamilySearch Library
Brief Biographies of Early Haverhill Residents US Gen Web
Early Settlers of Haverhill (includes some genealogies) US Gen Web
Haverhill (foundation facts concerning its settlement, growth, industries, and societies, etc.) Ancestry
Haverhill, Massachusetts : an industrial and commercial center FamilySearch Library
Haverhill, Massachusetts : an industrial and commercial center. Ancestry
Official pictorial magazine of the Haverhill tercentenary celebration 1640-1940 LDS Genealogy
Official pictorial magazine of the Haverhill tercentenary celebration 1640-1940 Internet Archive
Official pictorial magazine of the Haverhill tercentenary celebration, 1640-1940 Ancestry
Some memories of old Haverhill in Massachusetts Ancestry
Some memories of old Haverhill in Massachusetts LDS Genealogy
Some memories of old Haverhill in Massachusetts Internet Archive
The History of Haverhill [Massachusetts], from Its First Settlement, in 1640, to the Year 1860 (included in My GPC Library subscription)
The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts Ancestry
The Purchase of Pentuckett (includes list of first settlers of Haverhill) US Gen Web
The colonial and revolutionary history of Haverhill Ancestry
The colonial and revolutionary history of Haverhill : a centennial oration / delivered before the city government and the citizens of Haverhill, July 4, 1876 FamilySearch Library
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts : from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860 Ancestry
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts : from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860 FamilySearch Library
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts : from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860 Genealogy Gophers
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860 LDS Genealogy
The history of Haverhill, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1640, to the year 1860 Internet Archive
Epoch-making migration Haverhill to Haverhill FamilySearch Library
List of Land Holders 1650 US Gen Web
Records of town meetings, 1654-1861 FamilySearch Library
Aero view map of Haverhill, Massachusetts 1914. Library of Congress
Atlas of Haverhill and Bradford, Massachusetts, 1892 State Library of Massachusetts
City atlas of Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1881 State Library of Massachusetts
Haverhill, 1881 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry
Haverhill, 1914 Aero View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry
Map of Aero view of Haverhill, Massachusetts 1914 Library of Congress
Map of Haverhill, Massachusetts 1893 Library of Congress
Map of Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1893 Library of Congress
Map of the town of Haverhill, Essex County, Mass , 1851 Library of Congress
Map of the town of Haverhill, Essex County, Mass., 1851 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts, 1893 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts, Apr 1886 Library of Congress
Haverhill Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry
Record of marriages performed by John A. Goss in Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1887-1900; and York, Maine, 1900-1916 FamilySearch Library
Vital Records to 1849 Jane Devlin
Vital records 1841-1915 (Haverhill, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v.2 Genealogy Gophers
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, marriages and deaths LDS Genealogy
Vital records of Haverhill, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, marriages and deaths Internet Archive
Day book for the selectmen of the town of Haverhill, 1840-1869 FamilySearch Library
Haverhill Town Reports (1837-1985 selected years) Massachusetts State Library
List of Householders 1798 US Gen Web
Christian Messenger (1832-1833) Boston Public Library
Daily Evening Bulletin (1881-1895) Boston Public Library
Daily Evening Bulletin 07/11/1871 to 11/14/1894 Genealogy Bank
Essex Banner (1848-1888;1841-1846) Boston Public Library
Essex Banner, and Haverhill Advertiser (1834-1839) Boston Public Library
Essex Gazette (1827-1836) Boston Public Library
Essex Patriot (1817-1823) Boston Public Library
Essex Patriot 05/10/1817 to 01/25/1823 Genealogy Bank
Gazette and Patriot (1824-1825) Boston Public Library
Gazette, the (1978-1984) Boston Public Library
Guardian of Freedom (1793-1795) Boston Public Library
Guardian of Freedom 09/16/1793 to 11/05/1795 Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Bulletin (1895-1898) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Daily Bulletin (1871-1881) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Daily Gazette (1878) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Enterprise (1972-1973) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Evening Gazette (1890-1947;1888-1921) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Federal Gazette (1798-1799) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Federal Gazette 10/26/1798 to 11/27/1799 Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Gazette (1947-1978, 1984-2007) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Gazette 02/01/1823 to 12/25/1841 Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Gazette 04/12/2007 to Current Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Gazette and Essex Patriot (1823-1827) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Independent (1974-1984) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Iris (1831-1833) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Journal (1957-1965) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Morning Gazette (1878-1879;1883-1887) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Museum (1804-1806) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Museum 12/11/1804 to 11/22/1806 Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Museum, 1805-1806 Google News Archive
Haverhill Observer (1803-1804) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Observer 12/05/1800 to 11/27/1804 Genealogy Bank
Haverhill Record (1915) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Record Theatrical Review (1915-1916) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Record and Criterion (1907-1915) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Tri-Weekly Publisher (1871-1878) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Truth (1905,1908) Boston Public Library
Haverhill Weekly Bulletin (1873-1892) Boston Public Library
Le Citoyen (1905-1939) Boston Public Library
Le Journal (1928-1955) Boston Public Library
Merrimack Intelligencer (1808-1817) Boston Public Library
Merrimack Intelligencer 07/02/1808 to 02/08/1817 Genealogy Bank
Merrimack Intelligencer, 1812-1815 Google News Archive
Observer, the (1801-1802) Boston Public Library
Outline, the (1882-1885) Boston Public Library
Saturday Evening Criterion (1900-1907) Boston Public Library
Sunday Record (1902-1919) Boston Public Library
Tri-Weekly Publisher (1859-1870) Boston Public Library
Valley Visitor (1895) Boston Public Library
Offline Newspapers for HaverhillAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Christian Messenger. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1832-1833 Daily Evening Bulletin. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1881-1895 Daily Laborer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1884-1887 Essex Banner, and Haverhill Advertiser. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1834-1840 Essex Banner. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1840-1888 Essex Chronicle, and County Republican. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1830-1831 Essex County Democrat. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1859-1861 Essex Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1827-1836 Essex Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1839-1840 Essex Patriot [Microform]. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1817-1823 Essex Patriot. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1817-1823 Evening Telephone. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1879-1880 Gazette & Patriot. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1824-1825 Guardian of Freedom. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1793-1795 Haverhill Bulletin. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1895-1898 Haverhill Daily Bulletin. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1871-1881 Haverhill Daily Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1877-1878 Haverhill Federal Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1798-1799 Haverhill Gazette & Essex Patriot. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1825-1827 Haverhill Gazette, and Essex Patriot. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1823-1824 Haverhill Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1821-1823 Haverhill Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1840-1895 Haverhill Herald. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1913-1914 Haverhill Iris. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1831-1833 Haverhill Laborer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1884-1885 Haverhill Morning Gazette. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1878-1880 Haverhill Museum [Microform]. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1804-1806 Haverhill Museum. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1804-1806 Haverhill Observer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1803-1804 Haverhill Record Theatrical Review. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1915-1916 Haverhill Record and Criterion. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1907-1915 Haverhill Social Democrat. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1899-1901 Haverhill Tri-Weekly Publisher. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1871-1878 Haverhill Weekly Bulletin. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1872-1898 Laborer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1885-1887 Merrimack Intelligencer [Microform]. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1808-1817 Merrimack Intelligencer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1808-1817 Observer. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1800-1802 Outline. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1882-1885 Saturday Evening Criterion. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1900-1907 Tri-Weekly Publisher. (Haverhill, Mass.) 1859-1870 |
Bradford Academy - Chimes Yearbook (Haverhill, MA), 1903, 1904, 1911 E Yearbook
Bradford Academy yearbook, 1903, 1904, 1911, 1921 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Bradford College - Annals Yearbook (Haverhill, MA), 1921, 1935, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1952, 1953 E Yearbook
Bradford College yearbook, 1921, 1935, 1947, 1952, 1953 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Bradford Junior College yearbook, 1935, 1947 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Haverhill High School Yearbooks 1913-2016 Haverhill Public Library
Haverhill Trade School Yearbooks 1941-1972 Haverhill Public Library
Northern Essex Community College : [yearbook], 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974 Internet Archive
St James High School Yearbooks 1959-1970 Haverhill Public Library
St James High School yearbook, 1959, 1960, 1968 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School - Yearbook (Haverhill, MA), 1976 E Yearbook
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School yearbook, 1976 Internet Archive
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School yearbook, 1976 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Whittier Vo-Tech High School yearbook, 1978 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
Haverhill Tax Valuations 1783 Massachusetts State Library
Haverhill Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library
Haverhill Tax Valuations 1792 Massachusetts State Library
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