Lenox Genealogy (in Berkshire County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Berkshire County (2,686) > Lenox (86)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Lenox are also found through the Berkshire County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records Tax Records

Lenox Birth Records

Lenox Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Parsons collection of vital statistics, Lenox, Massachusetts, 1750-1849 FamilySearch Library

Town and vital records, 1767-1902 [Lenox, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records and some indexes, 1767-1905 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Cemetery Records

Bellefontaine Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Cemetery transcriptions ca.1720-1960 of cemeteries at Lenoxand Washington, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Church On the Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Church on the Hill Cemetery Billion Graves online

Gideon Smith Cemetery Billion Graves online

Lenox and the Berkshire Highlands (includes history and cemetery records) Ancestry online

Mount Pet Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mountain View Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mountainview Cemetery New Horizons Genealogical Services online

New Lenox Cemetery Find a Grave online

New Lenox Cemetery Billion Graves online

New Lenox Cemetery Massachusetts Gravestones online

Saint Ann Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Anns Cemetery Find a Grave online

Vital records copied from grave stones in the cemetery of The Old Church on the Hill, Lenox, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Vital records copied from grave stones in the cemetery of The Old Church on the Hill, Lenox, Massachusetts Internet Archive online

Vital records copied from grave stones in the cemetery of the old church on the hill, Lenox, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Lenox Census Records

Census 1790 US Gen Web online

Federal Census of 1940, Lenox, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Lenox Church Records

History of Trinity Church, Lenox, Massachusetts, 1763-1895. Connecticut State Library online

Town annual report of the town of Lenox, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Town annual report of the town of Lenox, Massachusetts Internet Archive online

Lenox City Directories

Berkshire County (Massachusetts) directories FamilySearch Library

Lee (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Lee/Lenox, MA 1903-1925 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Lenox City Directories 1903-1925 Boston Public Library

Lenox City Directories Containing a House Guide (1926-1966 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Lenox City Directory 1926 MyHeritage online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Lenox 1896, 1907, 1923-5, 1926, 1948, 1952, and 1957) Ancestry online

Lenox Death Records

Lenox Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Parsons collection of vital statistics, Lenox, Massachusetts, 1750-1849 FamilySearch Library

Town and vital records, 1767-1902 [Lenox, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records and some indexes, 1767-1905 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Histories and Genealogies

History of Lenox and Richmond, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Index of names for Lenox Life, volumes 1-4 (1899-1902) FamilySearch Library

Lenox and the Berkshire highlands FamilySearch Library

Lenox, Massachusetts bicentennial, 1767-1967 : historical souvenir and official program Internet Archive online

Remarks upon the fluxus infantilis, or malignant dysentery, that raged in Lenox, chiefly among children, in the summer of 1822 LDS Genealogy online

Remarks upon the fluxus infantilis, or malignant dysentery, that raged in Lenox, chiefly among children, in the summer of 1822 Internet Archive online

Shadow Brook in the Berkshire Hills : Lenox, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Shadow Brook in the Berkshire Hills : Lenox, Massachusetts Internet Archive online

The Berkshire-Litchfield legacy: Litchfield, Ancram, Salisbury, Stockbri dge, Lenox FamilySearch Library

Lenox Map Records

Lenox, Massachusetts 1939 Map American Geographical Society online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Lenox, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, May 1893 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Lenox, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Nov 1898 Library of Congress online

Lenox Marriage Records

Lenox Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Marriages to 1800 US Gen Web online

Parsons collection of vital statistics, Lenox, Massachusetts, 1750-1849 FamilySearch Library

Town and vital records, 1767-1902 [Lenox, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records and some indexes, 1767-1905 FamilySearch Library

Lenox Military Records

Lenox Town Records, Militia Records, and Animal Ownership (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Lenox Miscellaneous Records

Lenox Town Records, Militia Records, and Animal Ownership (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Lenox Town Reports 1959-2010 Massachusetts State Library

Town records, 1759-1900 [Lenox, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Lenox Newspapers and Obituaries

Berkshire Journal (1829-1831) Boston Public Library

Berkshire Journal 09/03/1829 to 08/25/1831 Genealogy Bank online

Berkshire Star and County Republican 01/10/1828 to 12/25/1828 Genealogy Bank online

Massachusetts Eagle (1837-1845) Boston Public Library

Offline Newspapers for Lenox

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Berkshire Journal [Microform]. (Lenox, Mass.) 1829-1831

Berkshire Journal. (Lenox, Mass.) 1829-1831

Berkshire Star and County Republican. (Lenox, Mass.) 1828-1829

Journal & Argus. (Lenox, Mass.) 1831-1834

Massachusetts Eagle. (Lenox, Mass.) 1834-1852

Lenox School Records

Filter By Year:

Berkshire Christian College - Musterion Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1969 E Yearbook online

Berkshire Christian College yearbook, 1969 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Cranwell Preparatory School - Bell Tower Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1941, 1943, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1958, 1959 E Yearbook online

Cranwell Preparatory School yearbooks, 1941, 1943, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1970 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Foxhollow High School - Heron Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1957 E Yearbook online

Foxhollow School yearbooks, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1971 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Immaculate Heart Of Mary Seminary - Counsels Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1972 E Yearbook online

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary yearbook, 1972 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Lenox Memorial High School - Xonel Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1971 E Yearbook online

Lenox Memorial High School yearbooks, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1986 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Lenox School - Martin Yearbook (Lenox, MA), 1960, 1961, 1962 E Yearbook online

Lenox School for Boys yearbooks, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Lenox School yearbook, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1968, 1969, 1971 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Windsor Mountain High School yearbook, 1960 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Lenox Tax Records

Highway tax bill for the South District, Lenox Mass AD 1797 LDS Genealogy online

Highway tax bill for the South District, Lenox Mass AD 1797 Internet Archive online

Lenox Tax Valuations 1783 Massachusetts State Library

Lenox Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Lenox Tax Valuations 1792 Massachusetts State Library

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